Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 481. Death and Immortality

Chapter 481. Death and Immortality

Dumbledore paused for a moment.

"We cannot allow Voldemort's power to continue to grow."

He stood up, looked at the picture projected on the wall, and frowned slightly.

"Even if it's just a weakening, it's necessary."

"But their power is now dispersed."

Scott spoke out what Rimbaud had told him.

"The crow told me that the Death Eaters usually leave the castle very quickly."

"There are also crows that have seen them in other places, but they tend not to stay in one place either."

Dumbledore nodded when he heard that.

"Maybe as Ms. Slytherin guessed, Voldemort is still trying to figure out a way to study Harry's blood."

He said in a gentle tone.

"Until he succeeds, he will continue to hide."

"He was probably affected by that failure more than ten years ago."

Scott guessed.

"After confirming the reason, in order to avoid another failure, he will not act again until he is fully prepared."

Dumbledore laughed, "You are right. Although Voldemort is extremely powerful, he is more afraid of death than anyone else."

"I think anyone would be afraid of death," Scott said, "but he was kind of crazy."

Calling himself the inexplicable Voldemort, splitting the soul to make Horcruxes, and hurriedly trying to kill a baby after hearing half a prophecy.

Such behavior is indeed somewhat abnormal.

Dumbledore sat comfortably on the sofa again, talking with Scott about death and immortality with great interest.

"...death is just another great adventure."

After speaking, he looked at Scott.

"You're right." Scott laughed.

Another great adventure.

This statement coincides with his experience of traveling through the world and being reborn with memories.

Dumbledore asked with interest, "Oh, have you never thought about immortality?"

"Think about it." Scott said bluntly, "but if the price of avoiding death is to become like Voldemort, I think it's better to grow old naturally."

At least it's still human.

Dumbledore said: "From ancient times to the present, there are only a few kinds of longevity secrets for wizards. Except that some wizards have the blood of other magical creatures, and their lifespan will naturally be longer. Only Horcruxes and Philosopher's Stones can make people gain longevity."

"But both methods require a corresponding price." Scott said, "I guess the same is true for the Philosopher's Stone, otherwise Nicolas May would not choose to take the initiative to die."

Dumbledore laughed again, "You are really smart, Scott, the elixir made by the Philosopher's Stone can make people live forever, but it can't prevent the body from decaying under the erosion of time."

"So..." Scott shrugged.

He didn't want to drag his old and decayed body to live for so many years, that would be too much suffering.

Sometimes he would have a whim, why can't magic increase lifespan like the legendary cultivating immortals?
Of course this is just fantasy.

In the final analysis, cultivating immortals is just people's delusion and fabrication, without any actual basis.

At least in this world.

For this reason, Scott also deliberately searched for information about the Eastern magic world, but the result disappointed him.

Although the spell inheritance and spellcasting modes are quite different, the essence of the power of Eastern wizards and Western wizards is actually the same thing.

There is no such thing as cultivating immortals.

So Scott's answer is sincere.

His attitude towards immortality is to have certain illusions, but he doesn't have much obsession.

Of course Dumbledore could see it too.

He said appreciatively: "It's rare that you can have such an open-minded attitude towards such a problem at such an age."

Scott smiled and said: "I can't say that, if I can find a better way, I don't mind living a few more years."

Dumbledore laughed too.

"If life is happy and happy, it is certainly a good thing to live for a few more years, but you don't need to worry about it right now."

"And you?" Scott asked him instead.

Dumbledore replied in a relaxed tone, "To me, death is actually like going to bed after a long day."

Scott thinks he is the real open-mindedness.

"Oh, something happened."

Dumbledore looked at the projection on the wall again.

Scott quickly turned his head to look over.

In the projection screen, the gate of the castle was opened again, and the four Death Eaters who had just entered the castle came out again.

After the gate closed, they walked forward for some distance.

About as soon as they left the range of the anti-apparition spell, they immediately disapparated and disappeared.

"It seems that they really won't stay there." Scott felt a little regretful.

In order to weaken Voldemort's power, of course, he must first gather all the forces under his command to carry out the most convenient attack.

Dumbledore withdrew his gaze from the projection screen and remained silent for a long time, as if weighing the pros and cons.

Scott knew that Voldemort's incorporation of Harry's blood into himself was absolutely what Dumbledore wanted.

Because that would mean an unusually strong bond between Harry and Voldemort.

Because of Lily Potter's magic, it's impossible for Harry to die as long as Voldemort is alive.

"For the time being, we can only stand still." Dumbledore raised his head.

Scott nodded, of course he was fine.

And every method of breaking down doesn't work either.

Britain is so big, and the crows may encounter a Death Eater by chance, but when the crows go back to report to Rimbaud, Rimbaud will tell Scott, Scott will tell Dumbledore, and Dumbledore will tell him again. Notify the Ministry of Magic, then it will be too late.

Dumbledore added: "We will investigate the community of dark creatures, and we will definitely gain something."

"That's all there is to it," Scott said.

After saying goodbye to Dumbledore, he walked down the spire and returned to the common room.

When the others saw him appear, they couldn't help asking, "Scott, is Dumbledore training you as a warrior?"

"You have been in and out of the top floor a lot recently."

"What kind of special training?"

Speaking out is afraid of scaring you to death.

Scott thought.

It was special training for Voldemort.

But on the face he still nodded and admitted.

Fred couldn't wait to ask, "So, what's the content of the third round?"

Scott shook his head, "Of course I don't know."

"Even Dumbledore doesn't know?" Roger asked.

Scott nodded again.

"I'm afraid only the wizards of the Triwizard Tournament Organizing Committee know the content of the competition."

"So what are you guys training for?"

"All kinds." Scott said ambiguously, "It can strengthen the strength."

 There are relatively few updates today, so it's considered a leave of absence. _

(End of this chapter)

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