Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 479 479. Dumbledore's investigation

Chapter 479 479. Dumbledore's investigation

When Mrs. Zabini and Mr. Greengrass also apparated away, Medea in the painting gradually became transparent until she disappeared.

The portraits of the kings also returned to their original positions.

After watching this paragraph, Scott played back the surveillance video from other places again, but found no other clues.

He turned off the video recording and clicked on the real-time monitoring.

At this time, the old palace was very lively, and a group of Muggle tourists were visiting.

Scott stared at the king's portrait for a while, but couldn't see anything.

He originally thought that there were members of the All Witches haunting Edinburgh because Medea had woken up.

He thought, maybe he could judge where Medea was hiding based on the actions of these people.

But Medea only appeared in the painting.

Scott has no way of judging whether she separated a piece of consciousness before she fell asleep and hid it in the painting, or the main body has awakened.

Of course, I am afraid that Medea's real location cannot be found through monitoring.

Scott tapped his fingers, intercepted and edited the segment from the surveillance video, and then sent it to Dumbledore's [magic phone].

After that, he opened the video of the Triwizard Tournament, opened the sketchbook, picked up a pencil, and began to design the cartoon images of the three warriors, including himself.

After drawing a few random heads, he decided to stick with the Disney style that Eddie mentioned.

After drawing the sketch of the avatar, he intercepted a few highlights from the game video, and prepared to draw some busts and full-length portraits as a reference.

Of course, he didn't intend to draw exactly as in the video, but deliberately exaggerated the movements and expressions of the characters.

After all the sketches were drawn, he imported the drawings into [Magic Mirror] and sent them to Eddie.

Eddie's reply was quick.

[Good job, Scott. ]
[Our products will definitely sell well. ]
[I hope you can draw more, and it is best to make up the volume of a picture album. ]
[Of course, remember to finish them well and color them beautifully. ]
He sent several messages in a very short time, as if he couldn't wait any longer.

[receive. ]
Scott simply replied.

Just then, Dumbledore's communication came.

"Good afternoon, Professor."

Scott erected the [Magic Mirror] and leaned it against the bookshelf.

"Good afternoon, Scott, are you in the bedroom?" Dumbledore asked.

Scott nodded, "Yeah, but that's okay, my roommates are all out on dates."

Dumbledore said with a smile: "Oh, Scott, you should also spend more time enjoying your youth like them."

"Professor," Scott said, "you know what I have to face in the future."

Dumbledore said, "I know, but I don't think you should be burdened. Listen, boy, your sixteenth year is coming to an end, and it won't be coming back."

"Let's talk about what happened in Edinburgh last night, Professor." Scott changed the subject.

"Oh..." Dumbledore smiled helplessly, "Okay."

Scott asked, "Do you think Medea is really hiding in Edinburgh? Maybe she just left a magical portrait there that she could communicate with."

"I don't know, it's a problem," said Dumbledore, "unless I go there myself, oh, I will."

"Professor?" Scott was a little surprised.

At the same time, he was also worried about whether Dumbledore would startle the snake in the past.

If Medea escaped again and hid elsewhere, it would be difficult for them to find her again.

Dumbledore seemed to know what he was thinking, and directly stated his plan, "Don't worry, I will take Polyjuice Potion when the time comes, and then mix with the Muggle sightseeing group during the day."

"This is definitely a good idea!" Scott's eyes lit up.

Edinburgh Castle is a relatively popular tourist attraction, and there are people coming and going during the day. Although it can serve as a cover for Medea's hiding, it is also the same for Dumbledore's exploration.

If Medea didn't want to attract attention, she would definitely not reveal her magical means during the day, causing rumors of supernatural events to appear there.

But what he didn't expect was that Dumbledore would go to investigate in person.

"Thank you, Professor." He thanked solemnly.

Dumbledore said: "You're welcome, it's not just because of you. For the British wizarding world, Ms. Slytherin is also an unstable factor."

Scott nodded, and then said with some hesitation: "About Mrs. Zabini's goal... I'm not sure whether to tell Milton and his father."

"Don't ask me for advice, Scott, follow your heart."

Dumbledore said softly.

"But I can tell you that Mr. Graves has been in touch with me before."

Scott quickly asked, "In other words, what he said to Milton is true? Does he really want to leave the All Witches?"

Dumbledore nodded slightly.

"Yes, if you trust my judgment."

"That's good."

Scott couldn't help but feel happy for Milton.

"Now that you have established contact with Mr. Graves, I shall not attempt to contact him any further."

Too much contact is not a good thing, but it will increase the risk of exposure.

After finishing the call with Dumbledore, Scott contacted Rimbaud again.

"The crows just followed him for a day and didn't find anything unusual," Rimbaud said.

It refers to the mission to detect Mr. Graves.

"Mission cancelled, I've got an answer," Scott said.

"What's going on?" Rimbaud asked in surprise.

Scott briefly explained the reason, and he believed in Dumbledore's judgment.

"So it is."

Rimbaud was still a little disappointed, like a child losing a beloved toy.

"Is there anything else I need to do?" it asked. "I'm so bored."

"Yes." Scott said.

Rimbaud immediately flapped his wings excitedly, "Say it!"

"It's still a reconnaissance mission," Scott said, "trying to get the crows to look for Death Eaters and Voldemort."

This was what he had promised Dumbledore to help.

Dumbledore has taken the initiative to search Edinburgh Castle, and he can't do nothing.

"Guaranteed to complete the task." Rimbaud said excitedly.

"Be careful." Scott warned, "Let those crows scatter to find them, you don't have to go to dangerous places."

Rimbaud agreed.

Although it is the "crow king", it will not feel distressed about the possible sacrifices of the crows.

After all, it thinks it is a magical raven, which is different from those crow species.

"Report to me immediately if you find something suspicious." Scott said again.

"I see."

After the call, Scott continued drawing cartoons of the Warriors.

In the next few days, there was no new progress, whether it was the surveillance at Edinburgh Castle or the search for Death Eaters.

But Scott was not in a hurry, and finally completed a series of drawing of cartoon characters.

After these paintings were completed, they were imported into [Magic Mirror] and sent to Eddie.

[Great, George and I will speed up!] ]
[By the way, don't forget the post-production of the video! ]
After two messages from Eddie, he didn't hear from him again, obviously busy making money.

Scott didn't care, and used his spare time to sort out the videos of the first two rounds.

Two days later, Dumbledore called Scott into his room.

Dumbledore told him that he had visited Edinburgh once.

Scott was very calm when he heard the news.

Although he didn't know when Dumbledore went there, and he didn't recognize it in the surveillance video.

He didn't speak, just sat and waited for the next sentence.

Dumbledore said: "After investigation, I judge that Ms. Slytherin is indeed hiding in that castle."

Then he patiently explained his reasons.

He focused on exploring the portraits of the Scottish kings, and finally believed that Medea hidden in the paintings was not an ordinary magical portrait, but a ray of consciousness connected to the body.

That being the case, Medea's body must not be far away.

"Can she be found?" Scott asked.

"Difficult," said Dumbledore. "Since the last time the castle was occupied, the magic power hidden in it has disappeared on the surface. Since I haven't been able to investigate further, I haven't been able to find any clues for the time being."

"In this case……"

If you want to find Medea, there is only one way——

Inch by inch, search carefully with magic.

But there are many Muggles there during the day, and they are easy to be found at night, so it is not convenient to use this method to find them.

"That's fine." Scott said calmly, "At least, now we can grasp her movements."

Dumbledore said: "I'm glad you are so calm, of course, I will think of a way."

"Then please."

At the same time, Scott also told Dumbledore that he was trying to find a way to search for traces of Voldemort and the Death Eaters, but he hadn't found anything yet.

Dumbledore was in no hurry about this.

He said: "You should know the current situation in the British wizarding world."

Scott nodded.

"There is a shortage of personnel. There are not many Aurors who can fight the dark wizards. They need to maintain the peace of the magic world. Coupled with the burden of Azkaban, I am afraid that there is not much spare power to fight those Death Eaters."

"You can see clearly." Dumbledore sighed. "Although I am helpless, I have to say that now is not a good time to fight Voldemort."

Scott said: "But the replenishment of combatants is a very difficult matter, and it cannot be solved in a short time."

Dumbledore said: "After Ms. Burns succeeds in reforming Azkaban, some people will be freed."

When it comes to the transformation of Azkaban, Scott is a little unconcerned.

Maybe his expression showed traces, Dumbledore could see it.

"Have you heard about Ms. Burns' transformation plan?" Dumbledore smiled slightly, "It seems that you have a different opinion."

Scott said truthfully, "Everyone should be very clear that unless you guard Azkaban yourself, Professor, no matter how you arrange it, you can't stop Voldemort from attacking."

"You're not right," said Dumbledore. "Even I am not 100% sure that I can stop him."

Scott was a little taken aback.

Dumbledore laughed again, "Are you surprised? Although I have been endowed with great popularity, I am only a mortal, and besides, I am already very old."

Scott smiled awkwardly.

He didn't think that Dumbledore's combat effectiveness would decline due to age.

Although physical strength may not be as good as when he was young, but for a wizard of Dumbledore's level, his magic power will not decline due to age.

On the contrary, he has more experience than when he was young, and his control over magic is even more perfect.

And with the Elder Wand in hand...

Decline in combat effectiveness?

Dumbledore's death in the "Original Book" can only be said to be a coincidence.

He was bewitched by the resurrection stone ring and cursed by Voldemort, so he carefully designed his own death when he was dying.

Dumbledore asked him with great interest, "If you were the Minister of Magic, Scott, what would you do?"

"Me?" Scott asked in surprise.

Dumbledore nodded, looking at him expectantly.

"If it were me, I would not give those Death Eaters imprisoned in Azkaban a chance to recover their fighting power."

Scott told the truth.

"Since we can't resist Voldemort's prison robbery, let the people he wants to save completely lose the value of being saved."

"You mean..." Dumbledore's expression remained unchanged, "Death penalty?"

Scott said: "It's not that the wizarding world has never had the death penalty. Didn't wizards be sentenced to the kiss of the dementor before?"

He really didn't understand how the Ministry of Magic sentenced those criminals.

Many people are not wronged even if they are killed a hundred times, but they can still linger in Azkaban.

Dumbledore said: "Take another's life with caution."

Scott had no intention of arguing the subject with him.

He just said: "It's not that the death penalty is imposed on all criminals, but to find a way to make them completely incapacitated."

"Deprivation of magic?" said Dumbledore. "The Ministry of Magic does it all the time."

Scott said: "What's the use of just breaking the wand, as long as those guys get out of prison, they always have all kinds of ways to get the wand."

Dumbledore added: "If it is to take away the wizard's magic completely, it is no less than taking a person's life."

"They don't need magic."

Scott said of course.

"Especially those guys who have been sentenced to life imprisonment, according to normal circumstances, they would have no chance to use magic again."

"You should have figured it out, such a policy will inevitably cause huge disturbances." Dumbledore shook his head lightly, "Most wizards will oppose it."

Scott shrugged. "I know, so I won't get involved in politics because I don't like compromise."

Dumbledore laughed again.

"I think so, fortunately your ambitions do not include politics."

Scott was a little helpless.

When the topic came to this point, he couldn't help but say something more.

"Those people, I mean some Death Eaters, they have killed countless Muggles and righteous wizards in the past, and even tortured them cruelly."

"They are all evil executioners with blood on their hands. I can't think of a reason not to execute them."

 Sorry, I broke my promise today.

  There must be more tomorrow.

  Feel sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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