Chapter 478

In the surveillance video from the night before, a figure in a cloak and a hood appeared on the fort of the castle.

This figure suddenly appeared in Edinburgh Castle, obviously Apparition.

From the figure, Scott could tell it was a lady.

In the picture, the lady wrapped in a black robe did not stay, but disappeared for just a second after appearing.

Scott quickly switched the monitoring perspective of other "eyes".

It took him some time to find that figure again, in the old palace in the upper area of ​​the castle.

The Leidse Hall on the first floor of the palace is the banquet hall, as well as the suites of the former king and queen, which are now mainly used to display the imperial treasures.

The second floor has been transformed into the "Light of Scotland Exhibition Hall", which is a place to collect and display items related to kingship and coronation ceremonies such as the Scottish crown, scepter, sword and stone of fate.

At the entrance, there is a group of portraits of Scottish kings and sculptures that reproduce the scene of the king's coronation.

The ladies who sneaked into the castle stood in front of the portraits of the kings.

Scott zoomed in a bit, watching her carefully.

Arriving here, the lady finally took off the hood that covered half of her face, revealing her true face.

It was a face that Scott was somewhat familiar with, but he couldn't immediately recall the identity of this lady.

"Dear Lady Slytherin."

She gave a respectful wizard salute to the huge portrait of the king.

"Trinity Tyrol requests to speak with you."

Hearing the voice from [Magic Mirror], Scott recalled her identity.

This was Caitlin Rolle's mother and Elijah Caro's aunt, whom Scott had met in the courtroom where Elijah Caro was tried.

No wonder Scott didn't recognize the woman at first sight, she looked so different from the last time he saw her.

When Scott first met her, the woman was a grieving mother after the loss of her daughter, and she didn't seem strong, with her husband as her backbone.

But now, although she is skinny and emaciated, the madness in those eyes is a bit chilling.

At this moment, the huge portrait changed.

The entire row of Scottish kings in the painting moved to the left and right, lined up on both sides, and a new figure appeared in the center of the picture.

Wearing a green robe with wide sleeves, a translucent black veil covering the upper half of her face, and a gleaming silver snake jewelry around her neck.

It was Medea whom I hadn't seen for a long time.

"Why are you here, Trinity."

"Dear lady."

Mrs. Roll took a step forward and approached Medea in the painting.

"How long do I have to wait?" Her voice was hoarse, "I'm going crazy."

Medea was not offended by her almost offensive behavior.

She just said softly, "Soon, Trinity. I promise, I will avenge your husband and all the other dead companions."

"I can take revenge now!" Mrs. Roll said a little crazy, "I can do it anytime, even..."

"Patience, Trinity, patience."

Medea's voice was very soft.

"We need you to continue lurking in the ranks of the Death Eaters, approach Tom, and gain his trust. You are doing a good job now."

"They didn't suspect me, I was just a poor woman who lost her husband and daughter."

Mrs. Roll murmured.

"I told them, because you failed to save my husband, I left the All-Witches."

"The murderer who caused me to lose my daughter, Elijah Caro, and my cousins, the twin brothers and sisters in the Caro family, have all been killed, so I chose to seek refuge with the mysterious man in order to keep Luo Er Home."

"I also said that I would choose one of the remaining young twin sisters in Carlo's family, Flora and Hestia, to inherit the Rolle family."

"They're convinced of it."

Having said that, Mrs. Roll's complexion changed, and she scratched her hair.

"But I can't help it anymore. Every time, I want to take out my wand and kill them! Especially..."

"Calm down, Trinity." Medea said, "Don't think about fighting, you should know how powerless you are in front of Tom, you have no chance."

"Yeah, I know."

Mrs. Roll lowered her head, her messy hair covering her face.

"I can only carefully hide my true thoughts. If this goes on, I don't know how long I can last."

"I believe you, Trinity, you are the best witch I have ever seen, everyone underestimates you, your Occlumency can even fool Tom."

Medea's voice was extremely gentle.

"Remember my promise, soon, soon I will be back."

"Really?" Mrs. Roll raised her head abruptly, "Oh, dear ma'am, I'm not questioning you, it's just..."

"I know."

Medea in the painting is still looking at her tenderly.

"I know you sacrificed a lot, Trinity. Remember what I said?"

"Remember, I remember everything!"

Mrs. Roll quickly knelt on the ground and reached out to touch the corner of Medea's robe in the portrait.

She raised her head, as if she was looking up at her own god.

"You said you could have my husband and daughter back with me."

Her eyes burst with intense hope.

"Yes, I can, as long as I lift the curse, I can free your husband's soul trapped by the curse."

Medea's tone was full of bewitching meaning.

"As long as I kill Tom, I can completely complete the recovery."

"Don't forget, the Resurrection Stone, one of the Deathly Hallows, is in my hand."

"It was a treasure handed down to me by my father, Salazar Slytherin."

"Only the revived me can activate its energy."

"At that time, even if it's your daughter, I can easily bring her back from another world."

She bent slightly and looked at Mrs. Roll.

"Do you trust me, Trinity?"

"I believe, I believe in you!"

Mrs. Roll kept nodding.

It's like a drowning person grasping at a life-saving straw, unwilling to let go even if he dies.

"Then continue to be patient." Medea straightened up, "This is not for me, nor for the Witch Council, but for your husband and daughter."

"I...I see." Mrs. Roll continued to nod.

Medea said softly: "Remember, don't take risks, don't be impulsive, Trinity, you must survive. Don't you want to welcome the return of your husband and daughter with the best posture?"

At this time, Mrs. Roll had completely calmed down.

She stood up.

"I understand, dear lady. I will do as you said, and I will use my best attitude to welcome the return of my husband and daughter."

"Very good." Medea nodded in satisfaction, "Go, Trinity, in order not to be discovered by the Death Eaters and Tom, don't come here easily, it's very dangerous."

"I will obey your wishes, dear Lady Slytherin."

Mrs. Roll bowed again, and left directly with Apparition.

After watching this play full of connotations, Scott felt a little complicated.

It's clear that Medea is deceiving Lady Rohr, since Scott is well aware that the Resurrection Stone cannot resurrect any dead at all.

Mrs. Rolle was obsessed with the resurrection of her husband and daughter, and became Medea's chess piece buried beside Voldemort.

Although I don't know how effective this move will be, Medea obviously has made arrangements.

Scott continued to stare at the mirror.

Because after Mrs. Rolle left, Medea in the portrait did not disappear.

After a while, two figures in green robes appeared again, bowing to her in the portrait.

"Good evening, my dear lady."

"Good evening." Medea smiled slightly, "My friends."

The visitor lifted his hood, revealing his true colors.

One of them was someone Scott knew, Mrs. Zabini, Milton's stepmother.

And the other middle-aged wizard was someone he had never seen before.

"Ma'am," said Madame Zabini, "do you really think Trinity can be trusted?"

Medea said indifferently: "Of course, in order to revive her husband and daughter, she has no choice."

"Oh, I'm not questioning her choice, ma'am." Mrs. Zabini smiled coquettishly, "I just don't trust her abilities."

Medea smiled too.

She wasn't offended by Madame Zabini's questioning.

She just said; "Just wait and see, I'm sure Trinity will surprise us."

"Since you have said so, I can only look forward to her performance." Mrs. Zabini said softly.

"Well, you'd better mind your own business, Zabini."

The middle-aged wizard on the side spoke.

"It's been so long, even a Graves hasn't been fully tamed, which makes me doubt your past record."


Mrs. Zabini named the middle-aged wizard.

"Why, are you sympathizing with poor Trinity?"

Mr. Greenglass said gravely, "No, I just don't think you should question any of Ms. Slytherin's decisions."


Mrs. Zabini covered her mouth with her hand, and bowed to the enchanting Medea in the portrait.

"I'm sorry, dear lady."

"I don't mind." Medea said, "As I said, we are friends, and you don't have to obey me."

Madame Zabini evidently did not dare to take her words seriously.

"Thank you for your tolerance, ma'am."

Although there is a lingering charm and frivolity in her every action, her attitude towards Medea is undoubtedly respectful.

But when she turned to face Mr. Greengrass, her attitude changed dramatically.

"As you say, mind your own business and don't judge mine, Greengrass."

As she spoke, she twisted her plump body forward and approached Mr. Greengrass.

"Unless..." She changed into a teasing tone, "You are very interested in the matter between me and Graves?"

"Go away, Zabini!"

Mr. Greengrass took two steps back, frowning in disgust.

Mrs. Zabini didn't care, instead she smiled triumphantly.

"It's useless." She said contemptuously.

"Okay, the purpose of your coming here is not to quarrel with each other, my friends." Medea said.

"Yes, ma'am."

Mrs. Zabini quickly looked at Medea in the painting.

"So far, Graves hasn't betrayed you, but I think he's clearly stuck with his Muggle wife and half-blood son."

When mentioning Mr. Graves, her tone was also full of contempt.

Especially when it comes to Milton and his mother, she is even more disgusted.

"Thank you for your hard work." Medea said, "I'm sorry, but you can't leave Graves' side for the time being."

Mrs. Zabini smiled indifferently.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, it's just a joke, it's just..."

Her face darkened.

"That old Graves guy keeps things so tight that even his kids don't seem to know."

Hearing this, Scott was refreshed.

Is this why Medea set her sights on the Graves family and did not hesitate to let Mrs. Zabini marry Mr. Graves?

Because Milton's grandfather is hiding something important?

"Don't worry, you still have plenty of time," Medea said.

"I'll try to get that thing, ma'am," said Mrs. Zabini. "I don't believe that old thing can hide in his house all his life."

Medea nodded slightly.

"Dear Madam, with our help, the Ministry of Magic has captured another batch of Death Eaters, but the mysterious man has never appeared." Mr. Greengrass said.

"I can think of it." Medea didn't seem surprised by this, "Tom got the blood of that child, so he must not have studied it thoroughly."

"I really don't understand that the frightening Dark Lord would think so highly of an underage child."

Madame Zabini said in a mocking tone.

"'Savior', 'The Boy Who Lived', Harry Potter, did the great Dark Lord take the flattery that the ignorant people made of the boy seriously?"

Mr Greenglass said, "You-Know-Who has indeed tasted failure with Harry Potter in the past, and there must be a reason for it."

Madame Zabini was unimpressed.

"Normal people would not believe that the failure of the mysterious man was really because of that child, and he was just a baby at that time."

She made her point.

"Potter is also a wizarding family with a long history. Perhaps it was the Potters' dying counterattack that led to the mysterious man's last failure."

Greenglass shook his head disapprovingly.

"That's not enough to justify why Dumbledore valued that boy so much."

"Dumbledore has always felt that the wizarding world needs a flag."

Mrs. Zabini also explained this.

"It used to be him, but he is about to die of old age. It just so happens that Harry Potter, who has a great reputation in the wizarding world, is his chosen heir."

"For whatever reason."

said Medea.

"Tom and Dumbledore's emphasis on that child is a fact. What we want is not speculation, but the real story."

Mrs. Zabini and Mr. Greengrass bowed their heads quickly.

"Dear lady."

"Give us some more time."

"We'll investigate this matter."

 Sorry, today's update is a bit short.

  It will be 8000 tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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