Chapter 426
"Don't forget, your followers are still here!"

Voldemort said it loudly.

Obviously, he didn't believe that Medea just failed and disappeared.

Of course, Scott, who was watching the "live broadcast" in the oak hut from a long distance, didn't believe it either.

But Voldemort's threats didn't make Medea appear.

After waiting for a while, he slowly turned around, his scarlet eyes fixed on the group of Witch Council members who were almost huddled together with fear on their faces.

"Ha ha."

Although clearly enraged, Voldemort did not act immediately.

He just chuckled twice, shaking the wand in his hand, moving his skeleton-like body step by step.

"It's a pity, it seems that Medea has given up on you."

The voluminous black robes were raised, and Voldemort spoke with irony in his tone.

"Is this her awakening? Those beautiful words like 'for the common future of wizards' may just be lip service, just sounds nice?"

As he spoke, he narrowed his eyes again.

"Anyway, since that's the case, I'm not being polite."

With a natural smile on his face, he slowly raised his right hand and gently pinched the wand with only three fingers.

The members of the All Witches Council pointed at by him with his wand had deep fear on their faces, and they backed away involuntarily.


Voldemort laughed wildly and walked in slowly, the wand held between his fingers was still shaking slightly, but remained hidden.

But this undoubtedly put more pressure on those wizards, causing cold sweat to break out on their faces.

Obviously those Death Eaters were far away, and they didn't dare to participate without Voldemort's order. The scene was one person confronting a group of people, but this group of people would only retreat step by step, and they didn't dare to resist at all.

I don't know if it's because Voldemort's aura is too strong, or because his terror has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Watching this scene, Scott suddenly understood the value of the protagonist Harry in the "Original Book". At least, the child in the "Original Book" always retained fearless courage when facing Voldemort.

That's not justified by recklessness.

Even Scott at this moment is just looking at the picture from a distance, and can feel Voldemort's desperate sense of oppression.

Voldemort just walked forward slowly, not in a hurry to strike, even though he was provoked by Medea, but at this moment he seemed to want to play with his prey.

Scott was also curious about whether Medea was still on the island at the moment, so he chose to cut out the surveillance screens from all angles he had arranged to observe one by one.

After looking around, although he didn't see Medea, he made a new discovery.

At this moment, another ship came to the sea in the distance.

Rimbaud looked at the wooden boat slowly approaching Azkaban in the picture, and reminded Scott, "It seems to be the boat of the Ministry of Magic."


A new party is about to enter.

Scott moved his finger to cut out the picture on Voldemort's side, and then clicked on the mirror a few times to make the two pictures play on a split screen at the same time.

At this moment Voldemort stood still again, with black mist surging around him, he was finally about to make a move.

The attitude of the members of the All Witches Association who were on the verge of despair has also undergone some changes.

Perhaps it was the bottoming out after the extreme fear, most people mustered up the courage to raise their wands and aim at Voldemort.

"Oh?" Voldemort laughed again. "Are you going to rebel? Very well, it will be more interesting."

"Do it!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

In an instant, the group of wizards waved their wands one after another, and countless destructive spells attacked Voldemort from all angles like exploding fireworks.

Facing this gorgeous and dangerous attack, Voldemort still had a contemptuous smile on his face.

The light of those curses reflected on his face, dyeing different colors on that pale and terrible face.

At the moment when the curse hit him, Voldemort repeated his old tricks, turning into an invisible black mist again, and leaping into the sky from the narrow gap of the curse.

"Don't stop attacking!" Someone was still directing the All Witches.

The huge fireworks composed of magic spells bloomed again.

But it doesn't seem to work, the invisible black mist
It is easy to break through the blockade of these crossfire "barrage".

He appeared suddenly above the heads of the crowd, and easily killed a wizard with a killing curse, and then turned into a black mist again, and left calmly.

Next, Voldemort started his performance like this, appearing like a ghost, taking away a life from time to time.

It didn't take long for the members of the All Witches to collapse completely, unable to organize effective resistance anymore.

So Voldemort's killing performance suddenly became smoother.

Scott watched this scene in surprise.

He didn't expect that Medea still didn't show up even though Voldemort had already killed so much.

Could it be...

No, Scott still can't believe she's gone.


Scott recalls how Medea behaved when she was defeated.

At that time, she wanted to use the soul of the magical creature again to resist the death curse, but her necklace suddenly failed, which was probably caused by insufficient magic power.

But what kind of situation would make a wizard like Medea underestimate his remaining magic power?
Medea didn't appear now, perhaps because she suffered some serious blow in the defeat just now, and couldn't exert the strength comparable to Voldemort.

Of course, this is just Scott's guesswork.


"help me!"

"Ms. Slytherin!"

There were screams from time to time, and the members of the All Witches were falling down one by one.


Voldemort smiled happily.


The Death Eaters standing far away also laughed, as if they were cheering for their master.

At this moment, Mr. Graves, who had been the focus of Scott's attention, took out a small object from his pocket and threw it directly.

Only the palm-sized object instantly became larger and fell on the ground.


Scott looked at the fireplace that had suddenly appeared.

The green flame ignited, and a graceful figure walked out of the fireplace.

Medea appeared again.

"come yet?"

A cloud of black mist fell from the sky, and Voldemort stood still immediately after landing.

"But you seem to be a little late, Medea." He said with a smile, "I have killed a lot of your subordinates just now."

"Feel sorry."

The Medea who appeared this time did not wear a veil, and her clothes were completely different from the one just now.

"It's me who is too big."

Her face was serious.

"But in the future, I will not let Tom run amok again, and, I promise, those sacrificed companions will not really leave us."

While speaking, several identical figures walked out of the fireplace behind her again.

Rimbaud said in amazement: "One, two, three, four, five... There are five Medeas in total!"

Scott stared at the scene with wide eyes.

"What kind of magic is this?" Voldemort also opened his eyes wide and asked curiously, "It's all true. This is so interesting. As expected of my ancestors, I have seen magic that I have never seen before!"

"It's no big deal," said one Medea.

Another Medea answered, "It's just a trick to manipulate the magic doll."

"Although it's a bit difficult to control."

"For example, I didn't estimate the remaining magic power of that puppet just now..."

Except for Medea who appeared at the beginning, the other four Medea pulled out their wands in unison and walked towards Voldemort together.

"Come on, I am very happy to have such a harvest today." Voldemort said happily.

He didn't stop the Medeas from approaching, but showed an eager attitude.

Fight again.

The four Medeas besiege Voldemort.

But unexpectedly, Medea did not rely on numbers to gain an advantage.

The scene can only be regarded as a stalemate, so that Voldemort can no longer be distracted.

"I see!" Voldemort laughed while fighting, "At the same time, you can only guarantee that one of the magic dolls has the same fighting power as you!"

The four Medeas involved in the battle did not answer, but cooperated with each other, participating in the siege with unprecedented intensity and speed.

At this time, Scott also saw the clues.

As Voldemort said, there is only one Medea with the strongest fighting power at the same time.

But this strongest state can be switched between several magic dolls at will, coupled with the cooperation of other dolls who can maintain a certain level, Medea has become much more flexible and changeable in battle, and can even use magic items The power can resist Voldemort.

"Maybe I underestimated her..." Scott said in a complicated tone, "Although she is not as powerful as Voldemort, she has endless means."

He was even more envious of the information hidden in the secret room belonging to Medea in the underground of Hogwarts.

At this time, the ship suspected of coming from the Ministry of Magic finally docked.

Scott's eyes shifted, watching a group of people step off the boat.

In the lead was Dumbledore, and at his side were Fudge, Minister for Magic, and Ms Burns, Head of the Department of Law Enforcement.

Then came Senior Aurors Moody and Shacklebolt, with Sirius and Mr Weasley at their side.

Then came a large group of Aurors.

After watching the group of people disembark, Scott looked the other way, thinking about how these new arrivals would change the whole event.

Medea, who was still standing in front of the fireplace and not participating in the battle, started to move at this moment.

She opens her arms, palms down, fingers spread.

As she made a grabbing movement, the huge fireplace behind her quickly shrank and flew into the palm of her left hand, and then, a glittering silver necklace flew from a gap in the distant reef and fell into the palm of her right hand.

She ignored the battle ahead and turned directly to her men.

Scott also stopped watching the fight and started focusing on her side.

"Feel sorry."

Medea's face was pained, and she looked down at the row of corpses that had just been placed on the ground by her subordinates.

She clenched the necklace in her hand and waved slowly.

A series of white transparent illusory figures flew out from the necklace.

It was the wizards who had just died.

"I hid this necklace before I was defeated, and it has now collected the souls of those who died in tonight's battle."

She threw the miniature fireplace in her left hand to Mr. Graves, put the necklace in her right hand into her left hand, and held the wand in her right hand.

"Now, we can see these fellows get back on their feet."

She said solemnly, waving her wand.

The soil on the ground surged, covering the entire row of corpses, and then enveloping them all.

Soon, those corpses were all turned into clay figurines.

On the other hand, Voldemort pulled back abruptly, out of the fight.

"I'm curious, what are you doing?"

He watched Medea's movements in the distance.

"You want to resurrect the dead?" For the first time, a moved expression appeared on his face, "It's impossible!"

The four Medeas who participated in the battle didn't pursue him, and didn't seem to care that he was watching, but stood in a row in front of him.

"Resurrection?" one of the Medeas replied. "No, I'm not that powerful. It's not a resurrection."

Voldemort's eyes flickered, watching Medea's movements seriously.

Medea waved her wand again at this point.


A raging fire ignited, including all clay figurines.

The flames became brighter and brighter, making the entire area as bright as day.



The wizards of the whole witch association shouted in surprise.

"Look, they really stood up!"

In the flames, those figures who were lying on the ground stood up one by one.

Their movements are stiff, like marionettes with loose joints.

A gust of wind blew, the flames gradually extinguished, and those figures finally revealed their true colors.




The wizards of the All Witches couldn't help but greeted their dead companions.

But no one answered. Although all the figures that came out of the fire looked almost exactly the same as the dead wizards, they were still different after all.

The skins of these wizards who seem to have been reborn are shining with the warm luster of ceramics, and their movements are still stiff, looking like walking dead.

Medea waved her magic wand and covered the ceramic figurines with robes.

Then she raised the necklace in her hand and muttered something.

Soon, one after another translucent souls flew out of the necklace and plunged into the ceramic figurines.

When those ceramic figurines were infused with soul, their eyes became lively, their stiff movements became natural, and their smooth surfaces became real skin textures.

"I... am I dead?"

"Are we alive again?"

"How is this going?"

Others quickly gathered around and explained everything to them.


"Wonderful operation, really amazing!" Voldemort said while applauding, "It seems to be just a few simple steps, but it contains advanced knowledge of alchemy, charms, black magic, potions, and transfiguration, as well as profound knowledge. Soul research."

"I agree with you, Tom."

Dumbledore came from the outskirts of the island with several officials from the Ministry of Magic and a large group of Aurors.

"An eye-opening feat of magic, Ms. Slytherin."

Mr. Principal also applauded decently.


The moment he saw Dumbledore, Voldemort's face immediately became gloomy.

Medea nodded calmly, "Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Principal."

(End of this chapter)

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