Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 427 427. Voldemort's Curse Prophecy Fulfilled

Chapter 427 427. Voldemort's Curse Prophecy Fulfilled
"Gentlemen and ladies, you have come at a good time."

Medea looked at the group accompanying Dumbledore and Fudge.

"If you come a little later, I'm afraid we alone will not be able to stop Voldemort's prison robbery."

There was a look of grief on her face.

"So many of our companions have been killed. Even if their souls are forcibly kept by me, they will not be able to live like normal people. In short, the rest will be left to you."

While she was speaking, the four Medeas who had participated in the battle just now started to retreat at the same time.

Obviously, as she said, she was going to give the battle to Dumbledore and the others.

Everyone knows that Medea is talking nonsense.But she can also be regarded as sending another group of people to the next level.

If Dumbledore wanted to care about it, he might have to confront Medea and Voldemort.It's better to just let go of Medea and the All Witches, and deal with Voldemort and the Death Eaters first.

According to common sense, this is the case.

But Dumbledore didn't seem to want Medea to get away easily. He smiled and asked, "Did Ms. Slytherin just pass by here?"

"That's right." Medea nodded as usual, "We..."

She looked at the group of people behind her.

"Our All-Wizards Association is just a magical association formed because of a common ideal. It is inevitable that it will be difficult to deal with such criminal activities of prison robbery. It is more legitimate to hand over this kind of matter to the Ministry of Magic."

Having said that, she looked at Fudge, as if asking for his opinion.

"What do you say, Minister Fudge?"

"Yes, that's right." Fudge nodded again and again, "Ms. Slytherin is right. In the wizarding world, only the Ministry of Magic can legitimately deal with the criminal activities of wizards."

Fudge had already moved closer to Medea, and of course he would speak to her.

And while he was talking, he glanced at Dumbledore from time to time, as if he meant something.

Obviously, he was connoting that Dumbledore was just a headmaster, but he had to take care of too many things.


As soon as Fudge's words fell, Voldemort threw his head back and laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

He pointed his finger at Dumbledore, and then at Fudge.

"This is the current Minister of Magic? The British Ministry of Magic is getting worse and worse. How does he look like a minister? He looks like a funny clown!"


Fudge's chubby face was flushed, he opened his mouth to say something, but under Voldemort's direct gaze, he shrank his neck and swallowed it back.

Voldemort laughed mockingly again.

He didn't take Fudge seriously, but pointed the finger at Dumbledore.

"You're still so hypocritical, Dumbledore," he said with a sneer, "always claiming to be the protector of Muggles and Mudbloods, and pushing such a fool into the position of Minister of Magic..."

Shaking his head, Voldemort continued: "This is where you are most uncomfortable. Magic is power. The equality between wizards and Muggles is just a joke. Why would a powerful wizard tolerate such a fool riding on his head? ?”

Fudge's lips quivered rapidly, and his face was already turning purple with anger.

Dumbledore's face was always calm, and he was not angry because of Voldemort's words.

He just said calmly: "There are some things you can't understand and have never experienced. This will be your biggest failure and flaw, Tom."

"I don't think I need your teachings long ago, Dumbledore." Voldemort replied indifferently.

With a disgusted expression on his face, he looked at Medea on the other side.

"Are you going to back down now, Medea?" he said aloud, "No, you don't, you hunger for my soul, you just want me and Dumbledore to fight first, and then get in. "

Medea sighed, "Why don't you let me leave first, Tom? Or, you want to see me besieging you with Mr. Principal. In that case, even you won't be able to handle it."

As she spoke, she glanced at Fudge again.

Fudge took a deep breath, and loudly ordered to the Aurors behind him, "Aurors, take down those dark wizards who intend to rob prison immediately!"

But the Aurors didn't move immediately, instead they looked at Ms. Burns, the immediate head of their Law Enforcement Division.

"Be quiet," said Ms. Burns calmly.

The Aurors immediately fell silent and stood where they were.

"Burnes!" Fudge turned his head and glared, "This is an order from the minister!"

Ms. Burns kept staring straight ahead and ignored him.

Fudge began to pant heavily, ""

"Too loud, idiot."

Voldemort frowned, raised his hand, a red light shot out from his wand, and came to Fudge in an instant.

Fudge didn't even have time to take out his wand, his eyes widened in horror.

At the critical moment, Dumbledore extended a helping hand.

With a light flick of the wand in his hand, the red magic spell flew away.

The sweaty Fudge staggered back a few steps, almost sitting on the ground.

"Why protect him? He's just an incompetent Minister of Magic." Voldemort asked puzzled, "Wouldn't it be better to teach him a lesson?"

Dumbledore didn't answer, but Ms. Burns spoke in a blunt tone without fear, "Minister Fudge didn't break the law, if everyone judges that he doesn't resign, people will impeach him and elect a new minister. "

What she said was merciless, but at this moment Fudge was in no mood to reprimand her.

The minister was already frightened, wishing he could shrink his fat body into a ball.

Voldemort also ignored Ms. Burns, but smiled at Dumbledore, "It seems that you are not in a hurry, cunning old fellow. But that's okay, I have to deal with the matter between me and Medea first." thing."

Dumbledore remained silent, as if tacitly acquiescing.

Voldemort seemed to be a bold man with high skills, and he was not afraid of Dumbledore's surprise attack on him. He directly said to Medea with a half-smile: "So let's continue the battle between us, Medea."

After a few seconds of silence, Medea said, "You can't kill me, Tom."

"I know." Voldemort nodded. "Even if I beat you a few more times, it's just a few more broken ceramic dolls. You didn't even come here without your real body."

"It's good that you know." Medea smiled.

"But I'm not giving up just like that."

The expression on Voldemort's face gradually became grim.

"Never, never has anyone treated me like that and got away unscathed. Even if you are my ancestor, you have to pay enough! I am Voldemort!"

His scarlet eyes were wide open, the pupils had shrunk into a thin slit, and there were several clear bulges of blood vessels on his bald head.

"But fortunately, you are my ancestor. Although it is far away, we do have this blood relationship."

Voldemort grinned grimly and cut the main artery in his arm with his nails.

Blood gushed out directly from the wound, but he didn't seem to feel any pain.

"I killed a total of seven people just now, but no one knew it. I used a little special trick!"

Thick black mist spread from his cuffs and the hem of his robe, mixed with the spurted blood, floating behind him, slowly forming the shape of seven skulls.

Although it was made up of black mist, there was a strange bloody red light in the eyes of those skeletons.

"It's useless even if you collect their souls with that necklace!"

Voldemort ran his hand across the wound, and his arm stopped bleeding immediately.

His voice sounded like a demon roaring, "The moment I killed them, their souls have already been branded with my brand!"

The faces of the five Medeas changed drastically at the same time, and the Medea holding the necklace raised his hand and threw the necklace out.

Voldemort laughed loudly, "Do you understand now? But it's too late! The curse has been fulfilled! No matter what you do, you can't stop it!"

While speaking, seven skulls made of black mist exploded behind him at the same time.

At the same time, the necklace thrown by Medea flew up, emitting the same black mist and red light.


Click, click...

The crisp ceramic shattering sounds sounded one after another.

Among those previously "resuscitated" by Medea, black cracks began to appear in the skin of the seven wizards who had died at the hands of Voldemort.


"Lady Slytherin..."

"Save us!"

Black mist diffused from the cracks on their skin, and those cracks began to expand, spreading all over their bodies.

Medea's face was very ugly, but she didn't take any measures.

Perhaps, as Voldemort said, she could no longer be stopped.

There were screams one after another, and the other members of the All Witches Association all around couldn't help but backed away a few steps.

Especially those ceramic men who were also "resuscitated" by Medea, trembling with fear at this moment.

Bang bang bang bang bang!
The bodies of the seven cracked ceramic figures were completely blown into powder.
The necklace floating in the air also exploded.

Immediately afterwards, visible to the naked eye, the appearances of the five Medeas became stiff at the same time. The appearances that looked no different from real people returned to the original color of ceramics, and cracks even appeared on the skin surface.

"I can hold on for a while." Medea said, "Get out of here first!"


Mr. Graves in the crowd throws the fireplace again.

The fireplace grew larger and a green flame was lit. Mr. Graves was the first to jump into the flames and disappear, followed by the others.

The Witchcraft Society began to retreat.

The five Medeas moved, their movements a little stiff, but they still lined up in front of the fireplace.

But Voldemort didn't do it again, but just watched the whole witchcraft retreat like that.


Scott muttered, for him, this is a relatively unfamiliar field.

Generally speaking, curse (Curse) is a type of black magic, and it is also the most evil kind of black magic.

Curses come in many forms and vary in their magical powers, but most cause severe injury or suffering, such as excruciating pain, mind control, or outright death.

Scott didn't know many curses, so he didn't understand Voldemort's operation at all, just like he didn't understand how Voldemort cursed Hogwarts' Defense Against the Dark Arts class at all.

The departure of the All-Wizards went very smoothly, and neither Voldemort nor Dumbledore objected to those people leaving Azkaban through the fireplace.

Only Ms. Burns took out a notebook and a wool pen, and recorded the names of all the members of the All Witches.

Seeing that the entire witchcraft society was about to leave, Fudge, who had been standing beside Dumbledore and Ms. Burns, moved.

"Wait for me! I'm leaving here too!"

He spread his legs and ran towards the fireplace.


Dumbledore yelled, but Fudge ran even faster.

"Avada Kedavra."

At the same time, Voldemort's voice had also sounded.

Just as Dumbledore was about to move, a dazzling green light hit Fudge's back with lightning speed.

"Is he crazy? Or was he just frightened?" Scott clicked his tongue.

He felt that Fudge was courting his own death.

Had Voldemort not attacked him before, did he think he would not be attacked again?
It was only because he was standing next to Dumbledore just now, and Voldemort didn't want to fight Dumbledore so soon.

The reason why the All Witches were able to leave smoothly was because of Medea guarding there.

With a bang, Fudge's fat body fell heavily to the ground.

At the same time, the wizards of the whole witchcraft also stepped into the flames in the fireplace.

The green flame went out and the fireplace began to shrink.

Medea, who was already covered in small cracks, lifted her foot and crushed the shrunken fireplace with her high heels.

"It seems that you can't hold on anymore." Voldemort said to Medea with a smile, "Next, taste the long pain I have brought you, so that you will not forget that I am Voldemort, a great wizard."

As soon as he finished speaking, the four Medeas collapsed one after another, turning into tiles all over the floor.

"Of course I'll remember the pain, Tom."

As the last Medea spoke, tiles began to fall from her face as well.

"Maybe it was your weak image that impressed me when we first met, so I habitually underestimated you. Anyway, this time you won."

"There is no need to make excuses, I am stronger than you." Voldemort said fiercely, "The law of the jungle is the law of the jungle. I will never be your food."

"It's okay, I still have a lot of time."

Medea smiled, then her expression froze, her eyes were dull, her body fell to the ground and shattered.

"The prophecy came true," Scott said.

When the five Medeas fell, the Thestrals that she and the All Witches brought to the island all flew up.

They circled twice in the air, seeming to identify their direction, and then flew away directly.

"Thestrals are flying towards Hogwarts." Scott switched the monitoring screen to look at the direction of thestrals, and made a judgment, "This shows that Medea's control over them has failed."

This shows that Voldemort's curse had a great impact on Medea.

"Voldemort is really good." Scott admired, "I let him come out early."

Next, Medea should enter a period of weakness, which will greatly facilitate Scott's future actions.

"Those black magic stars will eventually return. At the time when the old and the new are changing, the revived witch will encounter a crisis."

Scott repeated the content of the prophecy again.

Now that Medea's strength has declined after being cursed by Voldemort, Fudge is dead, and those dark magic stars (thestrals) are finally returning to Hogwarts.

Scott couldn't help sighing again, "The so-called replacement of old and new is really a new Minister of Magic..."

He remembered what Luna had said before the holiday.

He can be sure that Luna really has a high talent for prophecy.

"Will Dumbledore defeat Voldemort next?" Rimbaud asked.

Scott shook his head, "Probably not..."

After all, Harry is still Voldemort's Horcrux. Even if Dumbledore wins now, he cannot completely destroy the Dark Lord.

With Dumbledore's wisdom, he should find a way to completely solve Voldemort.

Scott looked at the picture in the mirror, waiting with great anticipation for the official confrontation between Dumbledore and Voldemort.

(End of this chapter)

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