Chapter 425
As Medea stepped out from behind the reef and stood still, the members of the All Witches who were flying in the sky also landed one after another, dismounting from thestrals and broomsticks.

Scott sees a lot of familiar faces in it.

Including Milton's father, Mr. Graves, Caitlin Roll's father, and William Brown, whom we haven't seen for a long time.

In front of the crowd, although Medea showed her wand made of her own bones, she maintained a relaxed posture.

On the other side, Voldemort was not in a hurry to attack.

He held a wand in one hand, and the five slender fingers of the other hand kept flicking in the air.

The silver shield that was floating in front of him moved behind him.

"Medea Slytherin." With the name in his mouth, Voldemort suddenly laughed, "I never expected that I would still see you. You are indeed my ancestors who flew over death just like me."

Medea raised her chin when she heard the words, with a haughty expression.

"The last time we met, you didn't have such an attitude, Tom." She said playfully.

When Voldemort heard this, the expression on his face remained unchanged, "Yes, I suffered unprecedented failures in the past few years, and I could only wander around like a lonely ghost, and was even chased and killed by you, so I could only run away powerlessly. "

He doesn't seem to shy away from his down and out time, and he also shows a very magnanimous look.

Medea was a little surprised by this performance.

"But it's nothing." Voldemort kept squinting his eyes, stroking his wand gently with his fingers, "I never doubt whether I can make a comeback, nor doubt my own strength."

He pointed at Medea with the tip of his wand.

"I know why you came to me, Medea."

He opened his scarlet eyes.

"So I will kill you here. Although you are the daughter of Slytherin and my ancestor, one wizard who can surpass death and stand at the top of the wizarding world is enough."

"Very good, Tom, you impress me." Medea smiled lightly, "Before that, I thought you would shout and rush straight to me for revenge."

Voldemort shook his head, "No, I have stopped being obsessed with hatred a long time ago. It is meaningless. All I want to do is stand at the top of the wizarding world and promote my ideas."

The soft black robe he was wearing flapped in the wind.

"If I killed anyone in the process, it was simply because they were unlucky enough to get in my way."

Listening to Voldemort's words, Scott looked at the scene in the mirror and raised his eyebrows.

Voldemort seemed to be different from what he had imagined. He was not crazy enough, but his rationality was beyond expectations.


I don't know whether his words came from the heart or from a disguise.

"I actually started to appreciate you a little bit, Tom, if it wasn't for disagreement, if it wasn't..." Medea licked her red lips, and concealed the second half of the sentence.

"I will kill you." Voldemort said flatly, "It has nothing to do with your attitude towards me, nor does it have anything to do with the blood relationship between you and me."

Medea nodded, raised a hand and waved to the people behind her.

"Stay far away, so as not to be affected by the battle between Tom and me later."

Voldemort waved his hand too.

So the All Witches and the Death Eaters took action, each found the wounded and dead bodies of their own before, and then retreated silently, leaving the field to their respective leaders.

"Does Medea have anything to rely on?" Rimbaud asked Scott, "I remember you said that her strength is weaker than Voldemort's."

Scott stared at the picture in the mirror seriously, while shaking his head slightly, "I don't know, but her strength is indeed inferior to Voldemort's, I'm sure of that."

Even though he is not on the scene at the moment and is still separated by [Magic Mirror], Scott can vaguely feel the sense of crisis brought to him by Medea and Voldemort through the screen.

If the competition is hard power, Medea is undoubtedly inferior.

It's just that no one can underestimate her, not even Voldemort, because at this moment, he is probably the same as Scott, who doesn't know what kind of hole cards Medea is hiding, and can only wait for her to reveal it in the battle.

Scott looked at the picture in the mirror expectantly, and waited excitedly for the battle between the two to break out.

At this time, the All Witches and the Death Eaters had retreated far enough away, but Medea and Voldemort still stood there without moving.

They also stopped talking, as if they were waiting for something, and seemed to be engaged in an invisible contest in secret.

In the end it was Voldemort who struck first.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The green light came on again, and Voldemort started with the Killing Curse.

Facing the death curse, Medea did not fight with the curse, but raised her hand and threw a sparkling gem.

When the gem touched the light of the Death Curse, it turned into powder and formed an invisible shield, blocking the Death Curse.

At the same time, Medea also used the Killing Curse to retaliate against Voldemort.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The green light shone on Voldemort's smooth face, and his whole body suddenly turned into a cloud of black mist, rolling and moving, avoiding the spell.

Black mist drifted from the ground into the air, and Voldemort reappeared, waving his wand condescendingly.

A large area of ​​scorching flames rose up, and these flames were evil red, turning into a giant python and swooping down.

Voldemort, whose body fell, once again turned into black mist and drifted away.

The flame python opened its mouth wide and roared, as if it wanted to swallow Medea in one gulp.

Medea backed away quickly.

Obviously the ground was not flat, and she was still wearing high heels under her skirt, but she seemed to be gliding on the ice, slipping out of the python's attack range in a blink of an eye.

The flame python collided violently with the ground, almost turning into a sea of ​​flames.

These red flames burned the rocks on the ground red, and for a while, this scene seemed like the hell in people's impressions.

Just as Medea stood still, Voldemort, who had turned into a black mist, suddenly landed behind her.


Someone from the All-Witches Council reminded me loudly.

But Voldemort was already waving his wand again and again.

While the green light of the killing curse hit Medea's back, the sea of ​​fire in front of her surged again, turning into several fire snakes, twisting their bodies and crawling at a very fast speed.

In a crisis, Medea raised her hand and tore off the necklace hanging around her neck.

White light emanated from between her fingers, turning into a translucent ball to wrap her tightly.

Almost at the same time, the red fire snake and the green killing curse collided with the translucent ball.


A miserable howl sounded.

The translucent ball quickly deformed, turning into the soul of a giant monster with a face full of pain, and dissipated together with the green light.

Medea turned around and quickly slid on the ground again. While avoiding the pursuit of the fire snake, she waved her hand to fight back against Voldemort.

Scott stared at the battle scene in the mirror without moving.

Maybe it's because they haven't gone all out yet, the pace of action between Medea and Voldemort is not fast, and the scene looks evenly matched.

Although Medea's hard power is a bit weaker, she offsets this gap in strength with endless magic items.

At least for now.

Especially the necklace she held in her hand seemed to imprison the souls of many magical creatures. Medea could turn these poor souls into defensive power.

It can even sacrifice a soul to defend against the extremely dangerous death curse.

Of course, Medea is worse than Voldemort in terms of offense.

Since the silver shield summoned by Voldemort can resist most of the spell attacks, Medea simply chose to attack only with the Killing Curse after trying some tricks.

Under her threat, Voldemort gradually gave up other means.

In other words, as time went by, their fighting methods became more and more monotonous.

From time to time, Voldemort turned into a black mist and jumped up and down, while Medea slid around as if she was wearing roller skates. Besides, both of them were using the death curse constantly, trying to kill them with one blow.

Rimbaud couldn't help complaining about such a battle, "Now it's two people throwing green lights at each other."

Scott didn't expect the battle between the two to turn out like this.

"It seems that no one can do anything to anyone for the time being."

Having said that, Scott is very clear that although the battle scene between the two is not visually huge, and even a little monotonous, it is extremely thrilling.

These two people are like dancing on the tip of a knife, they may die suddenly at any time.

Moreover, repeated use of the Killing Curse consumes a lot of mana, physical strength, and mental strength. Scott doesn't think the two can last for a long time.

Scott had been staring seriously at the mirror, but after a while he wasn't looking so hard either.

He even stood up and moved his body, took out his pocket watch and checked the time.

An hour has passed, and the battle between Voldemort and Medea is still not over.

Scott sat back in his chair.

Rimbaud said: "Medea and Voldemort's men can't wait any longer, they are all ready to move."

Suddenly, his eyes froze.

Medea's hand holding the wand suddenly emitted a dazzling red light.

"This..." He suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "It's a one-time Sorcerer's Stone!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

The Killing Curse shot by Medea's wand this time had a qualitative leap. The green lightning was thicker and faster than ever before, reaching Voldemort's eyes with lightning speed.

Voldemort blocked it with his silver shield for a moment, and then turned into a black mist to avoid it again.

The silver shield instantly shattered into pieces, but the green lightning abruptly began to extend and turn, chasing after the black mist of Voldemort's incarnation.

The black mist accelerated with all its strength, flying up and down in the air at extreme speed.

But the green lightning seemed to have no end. It was closely behind him, pulling out a complex circuit with twists and turns, and soon occupied a large space.

Faced with such a situation, the black mist flew directly towards the place where the members of the All Witches Association were located without hesitation.


"Get out of the way!"

"Get out of the way!"

The members of the All Witches' Association were terrified and scattered to avoid it.

But the black mist of Voldemort's incarnation was too fast, and it was close to the crowd in a blink of an eye.

The green lightning chased after him. At this time, under the urging of the power of the Philosopher's Stone, the killing spell was far beyond the attack range of normal spells.

Scott took advantage of the opportunity to change the monitoring angle.

He could clearly see the man closest to Voldemort raising his wand to fight back, trying to force him away.

Scott blinked and saw that the man was Caitlin Roll's father.

The wand waved, and Fiendfire ignited in front of Mr. Roll.

Facing Fiendfire in front of him, and the Death Curse on his back, Voldemort appeared instantly, shaking his wand before the green lightning hit his back, and at the same time took a step forward.

In the next second, Mr. Roll's fat body flew up involuntarily, landed behind Voldemort, and collided with the green lightning.

he died.

"What kind of luck is this for the Rolle family?" Rimbaud said, "The old wizard who was killed by Voldemort at the beginning was also Rolle, I heard Voldemort call him that."

Scott nodded, "Azkaban was originally transformed into a prison by a Minister of Magic named Rolle."

At this time, a sudden change occurred in the real-time picture presented in the mirror.

What everyone, including Voldemort, did not expect was that the green lightning did not dissipate after killing Mr. Rolle, but continued to chase Voldemort persistently.

Voldemort turned into black mist again, targeting other members of the All-Wizards as scapegoats.

In the face of Voldemort, these wizards have almost no resistance.

At the cost of the lives of three members of the All-Wizards, Voldemort, who briefly blocked the green lightning, extended his claws on Mr. Graves.

Mr. Grevy, who was easily suppressed by Voldemort, was as dead ashes under the green light.

But the green lightning dissipated abruptly before it touched his body.

Switching the viewing angle, Scott happened to see that the red light in Medea's hand had gone out, and she spilled some sparkling powder.

It seems that this lady didn't have the heart to kill Mr. Graves, but that the power of the one-time magic stone has been exhausted.

Scott switches perspective again.

Mr. Graves seemed to have been frightened stupid just now, and it was only then that he showed a happy expression for the rest of his life.

But he seemed to have forgotten that Voldemort was still by his side.

In other words, the gentleman's life is still hanging by a thread.

Fortunately, Voldemort didn't have time to care about these little minions. He turned into a black mist dragon again, almost merging with the night.

"Avada Kedavra!"

He quickly returned it.

Above Medea's head, a green light descended from the sky.

She didn't hide, and the hand holding the necklace glowed white again.

But the light was like a badly connected light bulb, flickering and extinguished. Medea failed to defend successfully, and her body was bathed in green light.


Scott's eyes widened in disbelief.

He slides the mirror with his finger to magnify the picture in the mirror.

Medea, bathed in green light, has gradually become stiff.

Scott took a closer look and saw that her skin was gleaming, just like her hard and smooth ceramic body when he first saw her.

The green light went out, and Medea's body fell on the rocks on the ground, making a crisp crashing sound.

Then, her body shattered like a piece of ordinary fragile porcelain.

A gust of wind blows away the empty dress, leaving tiles all over the floor.

Voldemort landed on the ground, glanced at the tiles, and looked ugly.

"Are you hiding again, Medea? Or have you fled?" he exclaimed. "Don't forget, your followers are still here!"

(End of this chapter)

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