Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 424 424. Voldemort is resurrected

Chapter 424 424. Voldemort is resurrected
After reading Harry's letter, Scott was finally fine for the time being.

So he immediately lay down and fell asleep, without even taking a shower, and without having time to eat dinner.

This sleep went straight to the next day.

After waking up, Scott stretched his body after getting up and felt that his fatigue was gone, as if he had been reborn.

It's just my stomach growling with hunger.

Made a simple meal with the ingredients Rimbaud bought from Hogsmeade the day before, and Scott checked the surveillance "video" stored in [Magic Mirror] while eating.

Rimbaud flew into the cabin through the window and stopped on the small dining table to watch with him.

They watched it for a short while, and suddenly they became motionless at the same time.

"Malfoy Manor seemed very lively last night." Rimbaud said, "All the Death Eaters showed up."


Scott responded, he no longer cared about the meal, and just stared at the familiar or unfamiliar faces in the mirror.

What made him feel relieved was that his monitor, the little lizard, had been hiding well and hadn't been discovered.

He stretched out his finger and tapped the mirror, and the accelerated playback returned to normal speed.

At this time, what is shown in the picture is the scene of all the Death Eaters gathered in the garden.

The area where they gathered was the place where Malfoy Jr. and Barty Crouch Jr. had a conversation two days ago.

Snape and Old Malfoy stood at the forefront of the crowd, and everyone lowered their heads, as if waiting for something.

Watching this scene, Scott couldn't help holding his breath.

"Is Voldemort about to appear?" Rimbaud couldn't help but ask.

Scott didn't answer, just stared at the mirror, squinting his eyes.

Under their gaze, the picture in the mirror changed quickly.

The meadow facing the Death Eaters was originally empty, but suddenly an extremely thick black mist appeared out of thin air.

The black mist rolled and spread continuously, and finally formed a door between illusion and reality.

Two figures slowly walked out of the black mist, slowly revealing their true faces.

The first thing Scott saw clearly was a pair of narrow eyes.

Those eyes were obviously hot red, like warm blood, but for no reason it gave people a biting cold feeling.

That feeling is colder than a cold poisonous snake, and more brutal than a brutal hungry wolf.

Even through the mirror, it still gives Scott a great sense of oppression.

There is no doubt that this is the Dark Lord, the nightmare of wizards, the man who cannot even be named-Voldemort.

Voldemort's appearance was very similar to the movies Scott had seen in his previous life, with pale skin without blood, no hair, no nose, and a skinny body, wearing a robe that seemed to be condensed from black mist.

But looking at Voldemort in the mirror, Scott at this moment couldn't laugh at his appearance like watching a movie in his previous life.

Because it's not funny at all.

Unlike Dumbledore who would restrain himself and Medea who would pretend, Voldemort exudes his powerful aura unscrupulously.

It was an aura of a naked predator that surpassed ordinary wizards, as if they were not of the same species as the vast majority of wizards.


All the Death Eaters knelt on the ground, bowing their heads respectfully.

Now Barty Crouch Jr. behind Voldemort also came out and knelt down on his knees with a frenzied face.

"Hello, Death Eaters."

Voldemort opened his arms, and his ten slender fingers moved in the air like a spider's feet.

"We finally met officially again."

He spoke slowly, his red eyes widened, but his slender pupils shrank like a cat's eyes.

"Very happy, I saw a lot of old friends... Let me see, very good, most of the Death Eaters are here, of course, except for those poor people who accidentally lost their lives, but I can't see everyone here Are you still loyal?"

He seemed to be doing it on purpose, with some playfulness in his tone.

The Death Eaters all lowered their heads tightly, and no one dared to make a sound.

"What do you say, Lucius, my cunning, sanctimonious old friend?" Voldemort lowered his head, staring at the old Malfoy, "would you be offended by the fact that I occupy your manor and gather Death Eaters here?" dissatisfied?"


Old Malfoy hurried forward on his knees.

"Please believe me, Master." He said extremely respectfully, "Of course I am extremely loyal to you, and I have always been..."

"Then why..." Voldemort narrowed his eyes, "When did you become careless when you are always shrewd? You can't even detect the bugs sneaking into the manor?"

Scott sighed, "He found out..."

At this time, black mist filled the mirror, quickly occupying the entire screen.

[Magic Mirror] The connection with the lizard was cut off.

Rimbaud turned his head to look at Scott in a panic, "This...this is too bad...he...will he find you?"

Scott was rather calm.

"Don't worry, he hasn't seen me before, and he can't tell my magic power." He said, "And the Oak Lodge has been hidden by the Fidelity Curse, and the secret is myself. No one can find it here."

"I hope so." Rimbaud was still a little worried.

Scott added: "Don't forget that Snape is there too, I think Dumbledore will get the news of Voldemort's resurrection soon."

He pointed his finger at the mirror.

"I'm afraid the things I arranged around Azkaban yesterday will come in handy soon."

Following his operation, several images of monitoring Azkaban from different angles were neatly arranged in [Magic Mirror].

"This time, what I left behind was not a transfiguration animal, but a dead thing that merged with the reef. The fluctuation of magic power is weaker, and it is not so easy to be found."

"It seems that the magic world is going to be completely lively." As a raven, Rimbaud can already understand the status quo of the magic world.

"Yeah, maybe it will be too lively." Scott's tone was a little helpless, "especially now when the Quidditch World Cup is being held."

The upheaval in the British magic world will shock the whole world if you are not careful.

After thinking for a while about the possible turn of events, Scott began to think about himself again.

With his current strength, if he is not deliberately targeted by the top wizards, it is still no problem to protect himself.

But the fact is just the opposite. His existence is related to Salazar Slytherin's Millennium Plan, and Medea will not let him go easily.

The reason why Medea doesn't do anything to him today is because his existence will change the established destiny, and the second is because she has not fully recovered.

Scott had figured it out very early on that it was impossible for him not to change his established destiny, and it was impossible not to change it.

And if he wants to break the situation, he must first weaken Medea's strength.

It's just that Scott himself doesn't have much chance of winning against Medea, let alone that lady has an organization called the All Witches under her command.

For this reason, Scott did not hesitate to release Barty Crouch Jr. to revive Voldemort in advance, hoping that Voldemort could deal a blow to Medea.

Now that Voldemort has regained his strength, with his domineering personality, he will definitely not let go of Medea, who turned him into a homeless dog when he was weak and devoured most of his Horcruxes.

From Medea's point of view, if she wants to improve her strength through full recovery, she must sacrifice Voldemort's soul, and she will definitely deal with Voldemort deliberately.

In short, in Scott's view, the current situation can be described as imminent.

He guessed that the first contact was most likely in Azkaban.

Even Dumbledore would get into it.

For the next time, he was not in the mood to do anything, staring at the [Magic Mirror] from time to time, trying to verify his conjecture.

Fortunately, Voldemort seemed to be impatient and didn't keep Scott waiting long.

After dinner, a ship appeared on the sea level in a surveillance screen arranged in [Magic Mirror].

Scott quickly enlarged the picture facing the sea.

"They did go!" he said to Rimbaud.

"Oh..." Rimbaud hurriedly flew over his shoulder and poked his head to look, "Are you sure there are Voldemort and Death Eaters on board?"

"I think so," Scott said.

Apparition and Apparition are forbidden in Azkaban, no matter who is going there, they can only go on their way honestly.

The tall wooden boat with black sails gradually approached the island where Azkaban was located like a giant beast.

The whole ship was dark, without any lights on board, like a ghost ship in Muggle legend.

Scott moved his fingers to switch to another angle.

At this time, a light appeared on the pier near the sea of ​​the island.

An old wizard with a stooped back and a face full of wrinkles like nicks walked onto the pier carrying a magic lamp, followed by two young wizards with numb faces.


The old wizard coughed a few times and looked up at the quiet big ship.

He didn't speak, just stared motionlessly.

And behind him two young wizards had drawn their wands.

A wooden ladder extended from the edge of the deck of the big ship and was built on the pier.

Voldemort led a group of Death Eaters out of the darkness and down the stairs step by step.

He stood still on the stairs, looked down at the old wizard, "It's you, old Luo Er, how many years have you been guarding the door in this damned place?"

The old wizard's expression was a little stiff, and his voice was also stiff, "It's been more than 50 years."

"How time flies." Voldemort sighed, whether true or false, "Although we are the same age, you already look like an old fellow."

The old wizard laughed when he heard this.

I don't know if it's because of fear or because he hasn't smiled for a long time, but his smiling face looks very awkward.

"I am indeed old. I have been in this ghost place for a long time, and I don't have a good life for a few years."

At this moment, he seemed to have no fear and discomfort facing Voldemort.

"Do you want to break through this prison... cough cough."

The old wizard coughed again.

"Anyway, I know we can't stop you, I just want to say, please spare these two children."

By "children" he meant the two young wizards who followed him.

At this moment, both of them were trembling.

"Of course, not only them, but also you, as long as you don't get in the way."

Voldemort looked very good at talking.

After descending the stairs, he passed the three guardian wizards and walked towards the center of the island.

When Voldemort and all the Death Eaters walked past them, the two young wizards seemed to be greatly relieved, and they couldn't help showing a little joy.


The old wizard coughed again.

"Cough cough..."

This time he coughed for a particularly long time, as if he was going to cough out his lungs.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A blinding green light illuminated the dark night.

The old wizard who was turning around fell down in response.

"It's too ugly, old Rolle."

Voldemort played with the wand in his hand, his voice was filled with high pity.

"I even remember your high-spirited look when you were young. But now, hmph, with a meaningless life, an unchanging job, and a dying body, every day you live is suffering. It's better for me to help you out."

The two young guardian wizards stared wide-eyed, staring blankly at the fallen old wizard and the magic lamp that was thrown to the ground.

Both of them made a sound like a rapid hiccup in their throats, and they were too frightened to speak.

But Voldemort didn't give the two any look, but turned and walked away.

Looking at Voldemort's back, the two young wizards stretched out their hands to cover their necks, panting heavily, like someone rescued from drowning.

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

The green light came on again, this time with the moving hands of two Death Eaters.

The expressions on the faces of the two young wizards froze, and they fell down beside the old wizard in horror.

Scott looked at the three bodies lying on the pier in the mirror, sighed, and switched the monitoring screen again.

Voldemort and the Death Eaters have come a long way.

At this time, it seemed that all the dementors had come out, and surrounded them in a dense crowd.

The Death Eaters all drew their wands, but made no attack.

Voldemort, who stood at the front, said something, and thick black mist rolled around him, almost merging with the black mist on the dementor's cloak.

After a while like this, the group of dementors seemed to have reached a consensus with Voldemort.

Not only did they stop intercepting him and the Death Eaters, they even began to actively guide them into Azkaban Castle.

At this moment, countless spells of different colors descended from the sky, dragging long arcs in the night sky, like blooming fireworks, and smashed onto the heads of the group of Death Eaters on the ground.


"Enemy attack!"

The Death Eaters panicked for a moment, and with the screams, it seemed that several people were injured immediately.

But Voldemort struck.

A huge silver shield appeared out of nowhere, immediately blocking most of the attacks.

The Death Eaters quickly calmed down and began to fight back.

Scott, who has been watching the "live broadcast", found another monitoring angle and saw the guys flying in the sky.

It's Medea and her All-Wizards.

Medea still sat in a carriage pulled by thestrals, and the other members of the All-Wizards also rode thestrals or broomsticks.

At this time, they were constantly circling in the air, casting ferocious spells on the Death Eaters and Voldemort below from all angles.

Soon another Death Eater was wounded.

Voldemort paid no heed to this.

He just looked up at the carriage in the sky, and the silver shield protected him firmly.

He raised his hand, swung his wand up, and a red magic spell accurately struck the carriage flying in the sky like a huge whip, making a loud noise.

But Dia's carriage seemed to have been transformed by magic, and the whole body glowed with white light, and it was not damaged by Voldemort's attack.

However, quite a few members of the All-Wizards Association, together with the Thestrals they were riding, were shot down by Voldemort's vicious spell, and they smashed heavily on the rocks on the ground.

Voldemort didn't stop attacking, he kept waving his wand, Medea's carriage didn't last long before it was blown to pieces.

But Medea did not appear.

Voldemort smiled contemptuously, "Aren't you coming out? But it doesn't matter, if you don't come out, I will kill all your people."

As he spoke, he raised his hand, a green light flashed, and another member of the All Witches fell to the ground.

"Good evening, Tom."

Medea came out from behind a huge rock on the other side.

The black veil was still covering the face, and the red lips were slightly raised.

"I am here."

While speaking, a white bone wand came out of her palm and was held by her.

All the Death Eaters and members of the All-Wizards Council stopped in tacit agreement at this moment, and went back behind their respective masters.

The two sides temporarily confronted each other.

(End of this chapter)

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