Chapter 423 432. Conversation with Mr. Bird
After pouring a small bottle of Veritaserum into Mr. Bird, Scott finally felt relieved, turned into a peregrine falcon again, and sneaked into the prison through the small window.

Rimbaud is responsible for giving him a briefing outside the prison.

When Scott landed, he regained his human form, walked up to Mr. Bird, and looked down at him.

"Your name is?"

"Broderick Bird."

"Why notice Scott Trollope?"

"I'm looking for real talent."

"For this reason, I secretly collected the opinions of some Hogwarts professors and students, and asked Stephanie Graplan to go to Hogwarts to observe closely. Finally, I judged that Scott Trollope That’s what I’m aiming for.”

Listening to Mr. Bird's words, Scott raised his eyebrows.

Is this the enemy's affirmation of himself?
He asked again, "Why do you want to find a real genius?"

"I'm conducting a study about life and death, about the world behind the curtain of death."

Mr. Bird began to speak unconsciously.

"But a few years ago, my research hit a bottleneck."

"In the past two years, even the credits in the [Knowledge Bank] have been spent by me."

"But I failed to redeem the most critical document, and its asking price is too expensive."

"What literature?" Scott asked curiously.

Mr. Bode replied, "The Record of Haierbo's Death Experiment, that is the most precious piece of ancient documents collected by [Knowledge Bank]."

Upon hearing this, Scott immediately took out the Scholar's Union identity card, and quickly found the document Mr. Bird mentioned in [Book of Prometheus]——

"Hairbo Death Experiment Records (Partial Incomplete)", the exchange requires 99999999 credits.

Scott closes [The Book of Prometheus].

Such a price is a bit outrageous, and he feels that the Scholars Union does not want anyone to exchange this document at all.


"What does this have to do with your finding real talent?" Scott asked.

Mr. Bird spoke again in a daze.

"Research is not progressing and I am not earning new credits.

"Everything seems to be in a vicious circle."

"I need a real genius, preferably a genius like Dumbledore. Such a genius always has a lot of inspiration. As long as I control the genius, I can get more credits."

"So after hearing about Scott's reputation, I conducted a detailed investigation on him and found some unknown clues."

"Many things seem to have nothing to do with him on the surface, but they can all involve him. I don't think it's all a coincidence. One thing may be a coincidence, but if there are too many coincidences, it must not be a coincidence."

"He must have done a lot of unknown things in secret, and I caught him."

"You want to control him? That's why you threatened him?" Scott said helplessly, "I think even if Scott worked hard to death, it would be difficult to earn so many credits."

He began to wonder if this Mr. Bird had been so bored because he had been doing research in the Department of Mysteries.

Because if he wanted to control him, Mr. Bird's threats were too innocuous.

For Scott, he has no substantive evidence, just some doubts, what is it?

After spending so much energy, this is the result?
And, 99999999 credits...

In short, Scott felt that Mr. Bird thought too highly of him.

"Of course, Scott is just the first one." Mr. Bird replied, "When I control more and more people, one day, I will collect enough credits to redeem that document."

But you were the first to overturn.

Scott is tempted to say so.

But it's not kidding time, he still has some questions to figure out.

"What is your relationship with Stephanie Graplan?"

"I once saved her life and led her to join the Scholars Union. She respects me very much."

"As a Reticent, why would you cooperate with Death Eaters?"

"Everything I do is for research." Mr. Bode said, "Voldemort is afraid of death, and he was very close to death. I want to get close to him, observe him, and preferably study him."


Scott looked at him in surprise, this ambition is really not small.

But he was still a little curious, "Medea Slytherin's experience is similar, why did he choose Voldemort's side?"

"Of course, yes, Ms. Slytherin is also worth studying." Mr. Bird said, "So I first joined the All-Wizards Council, and then pretended to be close to the Death Eaters to provide them with some advice and help."


Scott really didn't expect that this person was so ambitious that he wanted to take it both ways.

Not afraid of being choked to death.

After a pause, he asked again, "Aren't you afraid that he will be killed by the Carlo brothers and sisters if you help them ambush Scott in the Forbidden Forest?"

"The real genius will not be killed by those two mediocrities."

Mr. Bird said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"If Scott loses, it means he's not a real genius."

"I'll save his life and make him appreciate me. Of course, if that's the case, I won't value him anymore."

"If it's a real genius, I can even get him to participate in my research. If not, he just needs to earn credits for me, just like Stephanie."

Scott listened to his words and felt a little ridiculous.

He was sure he would never have been grateful to Mr. Bird if he had turned up and saved them.

In this way, he communicated with Mr. Bird for a long time, and finally figured it out——

Although this Mr. Bird is cunning and cruel by nature, it may be because he has been the silent man for too long...

He has successfully joined the Department of Mysteries after graduating from Hogwarts, and it has been more than 30 years.

Being a silent person for a long time made him lack of communication with others, and being too obsessed with research made him paranoid.

In short, although he is a middle-aged man, this Mr. Bird is somewhat unreasonable and unreasonably naive.

For example, the reason why he manipulates the memories of other mute people is not for anything else, but to make those mute people a tool to help him research and earn credits.

"They are all wizards with wisdom, and I need to gather their wisdom to help." Mr. Bird said.

There has been no progress in the research, which made Mr. Bode a little impatient, so he made a big move. That's how he was caught by Mr. Weasley who was staring at him.

In the dark prison, Scott looked at Mr. Bode squatting in the corner, and didn't know what to say for a while.


At this moment, Rimbaud's cry came from outside the prison.

It seemed necessary to leave.

Scott raised his wand to Mr. Bird's head.


He cast a superlative and oversimplified Oblivion Charm, destroying all the memories in Mr. Bird's mind.

Then, he used the fastest speed to clear all the traces he brought, transformed into a peregrine falcon again and got out from the window on the outside of the fort.

Rimbaud caught him by the [truncated arm bone].

They passed through the crowd of dementors again and flew high into the air.

About half an hour later, they landed on a reef island not too far from Azkaban.

Scott regained his human form and sat down to recover his strength.

Rimbaud told Scott, "A wizard entered that corridor just now. It was an old wizard who was responsible for delivering food to the prisoners."

Scott nodded, "It's okay, I've answered everything I wanted to ask."

"Did you kill him?" asked Rimbaud.

Scott shook his head, "I can't kill any more, otherwise every wizard who opposes me will die strangely after entering Azkaban, which will make people naturally suspect me."

Moreover, this is not like the last time Elijah Caro was killed. That time Scott did not do it himself, there was an alibi, and the Rohr family was responsible.

Rimbaud was a little surprised, "Did you let him go?"

"How is it possible." Scott smiled, "I erased all his memories, made his head empty, and completely turned into an idiot."

In Azkaban, it's normal for prisoners to become idiots after being severely persecuted by dementors... I guess.

Rimbaud nodded, "It's quite appropriate, so that he won't be able to use his brain any more."

"I have to go to Azkaban again, and I want to arrange some things in advance." Scott said with a smile.

He found a bag of compressed biscuits from the shapeshifting lizard skin bag to satisfy his hunger, and rested for another hour.

He knew that the wizard in charge of guarding the prisoners would not stay long in a prison full of dementors, and he would go there again without worrying about being discovered.

Even knowing that Medea and Dumbledore might both be staring at Azkaban, Scott wasn't worried about being discovered—

He's not going to rob a prison, and he won't make any big noises.

And this time Scott didn't enter the fort again, but just arranged something around the fort in the black rocks on the island.

After that, he and Rimbaud returned to the forest in the Scottish Highlands through the Portkey.

After returning to Oak Lodge, Scott, who was tired all day, lay on the bed and didn't want to move.

"Are you all right?" Rimbaud asked.

"I don't think I'm used to flying yet," he told Rimbaud. "I can't lift my arms anymore."

"Quack quack..." Rimbaud laughed strangely, "It seems that you still need to practice more."

Just then, the hooting of an owl came from outside the window.

Scott looked up and saw a snowy owl hovering outside the cabin through the window.

"It's Harry's Hedwig," he said. "It can't find the magically hidden room."

He stood up and opened the door of the wooden house, riding a broomstick with some reluctance to fly out of the range hidden by the Loyalty Curse.


Hedwig screamed excitedly, put the letter on his head, and flew away impatiently.

Scott raised his hand to pick up the letter, and opened it to read when he returned to the cabin.

"It seems that Harry won't need the birthday present I gave him for the time being. He's living with Sirius now."

In the letter, Harry said that now he only needs to spend "a difficult two weeks" in Privet Drive, and he can spend the rest of the summer with his godfather.

Judging from the somewhat scribbled handwriting, he was obviously very happy about it.

(End of this chapter)

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