Chapter 422
In the morning, Scott woke up from the bed, went to the small desk and opened the window, then sat back on the bed and clicked [Magic Mirror].

The Malfoy Manor in the surveillance screen still looks peaceful.

Scott began to speed up the replay of the surveillance "video" he had stored during his sleep. Holding the [Magic Mirror] in his hand, he walked to the simple kitchen on the other side of the cabin, poured himself a glass of milk, and drank while watching.

At this time, Rimbaud flew into the room from the window.

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

Scott looked up at it, then lowered his head and continued to watch the "video".

"By the way, today is July 7."

He thought back.

"Tomorrow is Harry's birthday, and I need you to send me a present at the owl post office in Hogsmeade later."

"no problem."

Scott kept looking at the mirror in his hand while frowning slightly.

He found it strange that Voldemort had never reacted to the deaths of the Carrows.

He thought about it and felt that there were only two possibilities.

One is that Voldemort doesn't care about the life and death of his subordinates at all.

But this one may have been quickly overruled by Scott.

The situation facing Voldemort today is very different from that in the "original book".

His enemies include Medea and the All-Wizards, who want to devour him, and Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix, who have been fighting against him.

Under such circumstances, Voldemort could not allow his Death Eaters to be killed for no reason.

Then only the second possibility remains.

At this time, Voldemort probably won't have time to do anything.

So what is Voldemort doing hiding in Malfoy Manor? Has he not fully recovered his strength?

Scott was a little curious.

At this moment, he even thought about disclosing Voldemort's news to Medea and letting her try it out.

But he suppressed the thought.

After all, Scott knows very well that his biggest enemy is Medea and his daughter, not Voldemort.

Scott is not happy to see Medea successfully defeating Voldemort, devouring the opponent's soul and further recovering to gain more powerful power.

"What are you thinking?"

Perhaps out of curiosity, Rimbaud asked aloud.

Scott would not hide anything from Rimbaud, so he told his thoughts.

Rimbaud asked again, "Are you sure? If Voldemort regains his strength, he can defeat Medea?"

"I haven't seen Medea for a long time."

Scott said.

"All I know is that the strength of her just recovered is completely inferior to that of Dumbledore. If she hadn't presided over the oath and used the huge magic power and special door keys contained in Hogwarts Castle, she would have been impossible to escape that time."

He stretched out his finger and clicked the [Magic Mirror], calling up the "video" of the battle in Little Hangleton Village.

"Later, she sacrificed several Horcruxes, and her strength seemed to have increased somewhat, but she still couldn't compare with Dumbledore."

But Voldemort can.

In Scott's impression, if Voldemort recovers, his strength will not be any worse than Dumbledore.

In short, it will be stronger than Medea.

Scott drank the milk in the glass in one gulp, put down the glass, and took out a piece of leftover bread from the previous day to eat.

"It seems... what I have to do now is to wait." He said vaguely, "Waiting for the day when Voldemort recovers his strength and then goes to Azkaban to rob prison."

He guessed that it would be a very lively day.

Because both Medea and Dumbledore seemed to be staring at the isolated island that was used as a prison.

"But before that..."

He swallowed the food in his mouth, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I want to figure out the mystery about Mr. Bird first."

After sloppily eating breakfast, Scott rummaged through himself, and finally decided on a birthday present for Harry, a piece of white bone with a rune circuit engraved on it.

"That's it, this is what I got after analyzing [the truncated arm bone] last semester." Scott said, "The making of the keel allows Harry, who has to live in London during the summer vacation, to use magic freely... a half Hours, don't worry about being recorded by the Ministry of Magic."

Saying that, he shrugged his shoulders.

"Of course, due to the limited level of alchemy, this is only a one-off. Well... I think our savior should be able to grasp this rare opportunity."

After taking out a pen to write a letter, Scott put the letter together with the thin piece of bone in a strong kraft paper envelope, and handed it to Rimbaud together with the small bag containing the coins.

Rimbaud grabbed the envelope and purse and flew out.

Half an hour later Rimbaud returned to Oak Lodge with some food.

"Thank you."

By this time Scott was fully dressed.

"I want to go to Azkaban myself," he said.

Rambo, who put down the food, flew up again in surprise.

"What did you say?" It was very surprised.

Scott repeated, "I'm going to Azkaban."

"Are you crazy?" said Rimbaud. "It's not like you at all. You never put yourself in danger."

"But this time there's no danger," Scott said.

He was still curious why Mr. Bode wanted to focus on him, and why he knew so many things that others ignored.

"But..." Rimbaud still seemed to think his decision was a little crazy.

"I didn't come up on a whim." Scott put on his hood and smiled softly, "It just so happens that some professors seem to have forgotten... Anyway, no one reminded me that I should go to the Ministry of Magic to register my Animagus .”

He certainly didn't really think that the professors would forget about such things.

He thought that the professors might just no longer trust the current chaotic Ministry of Magic, so they tacitly turned a blind eye.


Without giving Rimbaud any more chances to refute, Scott transformed into a peregrine falcon and flew out from the open window of the cabin.

"Wait for me!"

Rimbaud could only fly out behind him.

Scott opened his mouth and tweeted, indicating to Rimbaud to lead the way ahead, and Rimbaud obediently accelerated his flight speed.

The raven and the peregrine rushed out of the forest one after the other, turned their heads and flew towards the north.

They flew all the way through the forest, the field, the sea, and finally arrived at the black island in the cold northern sea.

Scott spread his wings and shuttled through the gray clouds, his sharp eyes looked at the small island below.

The island looked as cold and heavy as the one he had seen in Rimbaud's memory.

A dilapidated black fortress stood on the island, and countless black mist-like dementors dragged their long cloaks and swam in the air around the fortress.

"Let me go down first." Rimbaud said, "I will let you know when I find the target."

Scott nodded.

Rimbaud retracted his wings and swooped down in a straight line.

Scott watched it fall as fast as it could, passing between the dementors and into the huge triangular gap at the top of the black fortress.

After seeing Rimbaud successfully entered the prison, in order to recover some physical strength, Scott stretched his wings all the time, riding the wind to hover and glide in the sky.

He waited for about half an hour, and Rimbaud flew up from below again.

"I found the target location." It said to Scott, "You... do you really want to go down?"

Scott yelled affirmatively.

Rimbaud hovered in the wind with him, "But... how do you know that the Ministry of Magic didn't take aim at the loophole of Animagus, and rearranged something in the prison?"

Scott certainly thought about that.

But as far as he knew, the Ministry of Magic hadn't.

In this world, Sirius didn't escape from prison, and those in the Ministry of Magic probably haven't thought of this loophole yet.

Moreover, the wizards have no other means to target Animagus other than their own hands.

He couldn't answer Rimbaud's question, so he flew directly down.

Rimbaud could only follow behind him.

Scott imitated Rimbaud just now, retracted his wings, and fell vertically with his head down.

He passed through layers of thick or thin gray clouds, and quickly approached the towering black fortress below.

As his body weaved through the wandering dementors, it was like wading through icy water.

Finally, when he entered the interior of the fortress and hovered with his wings again, his body slowly regained its warmth.

At this time, Rimbaud also came to his side, it made a squawk, and flew towards one of the countless corridors below with a clear goal.

Scott followed behind it.

They shuttled through the winding and dark corridors, passed one prison after another with closed iron doors, and listened to the mad whispers of the prisoners, and came to the end of the corridor.


Rimbaud motioned for a position, and stopped on the stone window above the wall at the end of the corridor.

Scott stopped in the small window above the iron door of the prison, looking into the dark interior.

Although the eyes of the peregrine falcon are sharper than those of humans, they do not have night vision. He can only see the outline of a human.


The man in the prison was neither mad nor weak like the other prisoners. He was sitting on the stone wall, looking up at the small window that was shining with light.

"I didn't expect there would be guests coming here." Mr. Bird said.

He looked at Scott in the small window, with a slight smile in his voice, "It's still a special guest."

Scott tilted his head, not responding to his words.

"Well, who are you?" Mr. Bird asked.

Scott still didn't respond.

Mr. Bode seemed to lose interest in him immediately, and stopped speaking, but turned his head to look at the small window on the outside of the fort.

Scott stared at him like this for a while, and the gentleman remained as motionless as a statue.

In this way, after a while, Scott withdrew from the small window, flew to the window where Rimbaud was, and looked around.

After discovering that the dementors were not approaching this side, Scott fell on the stone slab in the corridor and silently changed back to human form.

He took out the [truncated arm bone] from the deformed lizard skin pouch on his waist to activate it, and then threw it diagonally upwards.

Rimbaud flew up tacitly, and grabbed the bone with one paw.

Scott smiled at it, took out another glass test tube, and decisively threw it into the prison through the small window above the iron door.


There was the sound of glass shattering in the prison, followed by Mr. Bird's coughing.

Soon, white smoke filled the gap under the iron door.

Scott immediately turned into a peregrine falcon again, flew out through the stone window where Rimbaud was standing, and came to the outside of the fortress.

Of course, those dementors who seemed to be wandering unconsciously still did not notice him.

Scott and Rimbaud endured the icy atmosphere around the dementor, and flew around the outer wall of the fort together.

As he flew, he peered below the fort with piercing eyes.

After a circle, Scott estimated that the smoke in the prison had dissipated, so he flew into the corridor through the stone window again.

He stopped in the small window on the iron door again, and looked into the prison with his head.

At this time, Mr. Bode was still sitting against the wall, his lowered head seemed to show that he had fallen into a coma.

But Scott is not taking it lightly.

He flew down to the ground again, changed back into human form, and pulled out the block and wand.

Silently turning the block of wood into a peregrine falcon in the same image as his own Animagus, Scott witnessed the peregrine falcon fly up and sneak into the prison through the small window.

Leaning his back against the rough stone wall, he gently took out the [Magic Mirror], turned off its sound, and looked at the real-time image on the mirror through the peregrine falcon.

The peregrine falcon created by Scott through the transfiguration flew a few times in the dark prison, and then landed directly on the shoulder of Mr. Bird with his head drooping.

Mr Bird still didn't move.

The peregrine falcon stretched out a sharp claw and grabbed Mr. Bird's eye.

"You win, little one."

Mr. Bird suddenly stretched out his hands and caught the peregrine falcon, while speaking in a helpless tone.

He was really faking a coma.

Scott squinted his eyes, he was a little puzzled, how could the potion that was enough to make a full-grown Qi faint and fall to the ground fail.

The caught peregrine struggled.

It attacked Mr. Bird desperately with its sharp beak and claws.

But Mr. Bode didn't seem like a wizard who was tortured by dementors in Azkaban. His movements were flexible and powerful, grabbing the peregrine's feet with one hand and choking its neck with the other.

"Still not changing back to human form?" He chuckled, "If it doesn't change, I'll cut your neck off."

Of course that peregrine falcon couldn't transform into a human form, it could only struggle harder.

Seeing this, Scott put the [magic mirror] back into the deformed lizard skin bag, and then turned around.

The black cloak lifted like huge wings, slowly floating upwards with his body.

At the same time, he drew out his wand and silently cast a disillusionment spell on himself.

"Since you don't want to see me with my true colors, don't blame me." Mr. Bird's voice sounded again.

Scott, who rose to the window position, looked directly into the prison through the small window.

He levitated sideways on purpose so as not to block the light from the small window.

At this time, Mr. Bode was obviously not joking, he had already started directly.


It was the sound of the peregrine falcon's neck breaking.

At the same time, Scott held out his hand.

A spell hit Mr. Bird firmly while he was stunned.

Since there was still so much to ask the gentleman, Scott refrained from using those lethal spells.

And, in order to prevent Mr. Bird from disguising again, Scott did not choose the Stunning Spell, but used the Petrification Spell, which can accurately judge whether he is cursed or not, regardless of appearance observation and magic power perception.

After learning from the Ravenclaw tutor and Professor Flitwick, Scott's petrification spell has gone a step further than the original "body binding spell".

Although it is not as good as the stare of the basilisk, Amycus Caro, who was shattered before, has proved how easy this spell is to use.

Mr. Bird's body became completely stiff, and then, the peregrine falcon whose neck was pinched in his hand turned into broken pieces of wood and fell to the stone slab on the ground.

However, even at this point, Scott still didn't intend to go directly into the prison.

He took out his treasured veritaserum, and once again used transfiguration to make a peregrine falcon, let it grab the opened veritaserum into the prison, and poured the veritaserum into Mr. Bird's stiff mouth with difficulty.

At this point, Scott was finally relieved.

No one, he believed, could resist the effects of Veritaserum.

(End of this chapter)

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