Chapter 348
"He's my brother, we're twins." Fred also reached out and lifted his hood, "He's just under a curse."

"You are again..."

Obviously, Bane had his eyes on Fred's wooden right hand again.


Firenze stared at Fred and George several times before putting down the bow and arrow in his hand.

"Look carefully, you really look exactly alike. I heard from Hagrid that Hogwarts has a pair of very mischievous twins."

"It's us!"

Fred and George immediately raised their hands together.

"We're the only twins in this school!"

"And you can't find more mischievous people than us!"

The two proudly proclaimed their kingship when it came to mischief, as if they were award acceptance speeches.

Firenze motioned for the other two centaur to put down their bows and arrows, and then said to the four young wizards, "Go, leave the Forbidden Forest, you are not safe in the Forbidden Forest tonight."

Eddie blurted out, "Is there a dark wizard sneaking in?"

"Don't talk so much nonsense with them." Bain said to Firenze, "Since they are not obedient, let them do it. If something happens to them, it is not our responsibility."

Another centaur who did not disclose his name also said: "Bain is right, Firenze, although we can't hurt them, we have no obligation to protect their safety."

Firenze frowned upon hearing this, "They are not yet of age."

"This has nothing to do with us!" Bain said unhappily, "We have already advised them!"

Scott felt that things were getting weirder.

Could something big happen in the Forbidden Forest tonight?
"You really don't want to leave?" Firenze looked at Scott and the others again.

Scott looked around and saw that Eddie and the twins were watching him, obviously waiting for his idea.

"Let's go." Scott changed his mind.

He's not the type to get involved in trouble when he knows it's troublesome.

"Then go." Firenze said, "I will escort you out of the Forbidden Forest."

Scott nodded, and raised the wand in his hand, "The birds are flocking."


Accompanied by a rough cry, a group of black crows emerged from the tip of his wand, scattered and circled around, and dropped black feathers one by one.

"Then trouble you, Mr. Firenze." Scott said, "These crows will be in charge."

As soon as his words fell, the crows dispersed again and merged into the night. Only one crow remained beside Scott.

Scott and the others also followed the guidance of the centaur and walked in the direction outside the Forbidden Forest.

Scott raised his hand and let the crow that was staying beside him perch on his arm.

He tore a leaf casually, tapped it with his magic wand, and left a sentence on the leaf.

He had no choice but to wait for the 7 eagles to come back and hand over the task of recovering the panoramic telescope to Rimbaud.

"Give it to Rimbaud."

He said something softly, and the crow flew away with the leaf in its mouth.

Although the crows could not understand his words, they could understand Rimbaud's name.

From then until they walked out of the Forbidden Forest, Scott and the others did not encounter any abnormalities.

The centaurs sent them to the edge of the Forbidden Forest and turned back in a hurry.

Scott and the four of them stood on the edge of the Forbidden Forest looking at the dark interior of the forest under the night.

"What should we do?" Eddie asked distressedly, "Have we been preparing for so long for nothing?"

"Not necessarily," said George.

Eddie turned to look at him.

Fred said: "What he means is that those panoramic telescopes may not necessarily be brought back, and even if they are brought back, they may not be damaged."

"Don't worry, I've made arrangements."

Scott waved his wand again.

clap la la...

The sound of flapping wings sounded, and a group of black crows flew out of the woods, then turned around and flew deep into the forbidden forest.

"If those hawks come back, they'll help hold it," he said.

"I hope so." Eddie looked up and watched the crows fly away.

Obviously, he didn't really believe in the fighting power of the crows.

"Let's go."

Scott was the first to turn around and walk towards the castle.

"Aren't you curious about what will happen in the Forbidden Forest tonight?" Fred asked excitedly.

When this topic was brought up, Eddie immediately became energetic. He guessed enthusiastically, "There must be dark wizards sneaking into the Forbidden Forest. The horsemen found them and were ready to fight them."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." George didn't agree with his guess. "The horsemen I met tonight seem to be a little impatient."

"Want to know what's going to happen?" Scott asked.

He stopped, and took out a panoramic telescope from the shape-changing lizard leather bag on his waist.

"Don't forget, we can use this."

"Try it." George said happily, "I'm very interested in this matter."

Both Fred and Eddie nodded.

"Then try."

Scott produced another block of ebony, and with a flick of his wand transformed the block into an owl.

Then he turned on the switch of the panoramic telescope and handed it to the owl.

The owl cooed a few times, grabbed the panoramic binoculars and flew towards the Forbidden Forest.

"It will patrol over the Forbidden Forest." Scott said, "When it hears something, it will fly nearby and let the panoramic telescope record the picture."

Back at the castle, Scott and Eddie separated from the Weasley twins and walked towards Ravenclaw Tower.

"I thought Fred and George wanted to stay in the Forbidden Forest and watch the action," Eddie said. "They always have a surplus of curiosity."

"They're not stupid." Scott dismissed his statement.

Fred and George were very clever.

Eddie smiled and said, "Then let's hope they don't get caught by Madam Pomfrey."

The two returned to the Ravenclaw common room, where Eddie joined a few members of the Quidditch team's tactical advisory group.

Scott stretched and decided to take a bath in the prefect's bathroom.

When he returned to the Ravenclaw common room refreshed after taking a shower, it was almost curfew time, and there were not many people in the lounge.


Luna, who was sitting on the sofa by the fireplace, called out to him.

"What's wrong."

Scott walked over, put the bath basket on the floor, and sat down on the sofa opposite Luna.

"Something happened." Luna's eyes widened and her voice was erratic.

She was still squatting, with half of her bare feet protruding from under her nightdress.

"What?" Scott didn't understand what she meant.

"In the Forbidden Forest." Luna turned her head to look at the window, "I just saw that there was a battle in the Forbidden Forest."

"You can see it so far away?" Scott asked in surprise.

"Of course, I didn't see much." Luna didn't seem to have any idea of ​​her abilities, "I only know that there was a battle there."

She jumped off the sofa, stepped on the carpet with bare feet, and walked to the window.

When she stepped out of the carpet area and touched the floor tiles, she jumped again, ran back to the sofa and put on her slippers.

Scott got up and stood with her at the window.

"It's there, but it's over now." Luna pointed to a certain area in the Forbidden Forest.

Scott stared at the dark Forbidden Forest for a while, and roughly judged the direction Luna was pointing at.

There... probably where they met the three centaurs before.

He asked softly, "Do you know who is involved in the battle?"

Luna shook her head.

"I don't know," she said, "I don't see who's fighting who."

"How did you judge that there was a battle there?" Scott asked curiously.

"I saw it." Luna looked up at Scott, "I saw the battle."

Scott also froze for a few seconds before reacting.

"So, what you see is not who is fighting with whom, nor magic and magic power, but the concept of [battle]?" He said while expressing himself with gestures and gestures.

Luna also thought for a while before she understood what he meant.

She nodded, "The Wakeflies lodged in my eyes have matured, and I can see more things now."

Scott looked down into her silver-gray eyes, still in wonder.

Is this a special magic belonging to Luna, or...there is a magic eye?

"Should I tell Professor Flitwick about this?" Luna asked.

Scott smiled. "I think Professor Flitwick would love to hear from you."

Luna nodded, then suddenly turned and ran towards the door.

"I'm going right now."

The slippers under her feet crackled, and she quickly went out the door.

After watching her leave, Scott turned his head to look out the window at the Forbidden Forest again.

In the end what happened……

He sat back on the sofa by the fireplace and waited quietly.

Not long after, there was a knocking sound outside the glass window.

Scott got up again, opened the window, and let the owl holding the panoramic telescope fly in.

He took out his wand and turned the owl back into a block, and took the panoramic telescope in front of his eyes and began to operate.

As he moved the circular turntable with his fingers, he saw from the lens that the picture began to recede rapidly, from the picture of the public room back into the Forbidden Forest.

His fingers kept moving, and the screen kept moving backwards.

Due to the poor light in the Forbidden Forest at night, he had to be very careful to identify the things in the picture.

Suddenly, the movement of his fingers stopped.

At this time, the picture he saw was very bright, it was a beam of enchanted red light.

The fingers of Scott's other hand also started to move, changing the scene to slow motion.

As he adjusted repeatedly, the wizard who was fighting the centaur finally appeared on the screen.

It's just because the owl is flying in the sky, the panoramic telescope is looking down at the camera, and the wizard who fought the centaur is wearing a hood, so Scott can't see his identity.

In the following time, Scott watched the scene of this battle over and over again several times.

There was only one wizard in the Forbidden Forest, and the battle between him and the centaur was not so fierce.

The fighting time between the two sides was short, and there was no victory or defeat, and neither side suffered casualties.

The wizard quickly Apparated away.

From these pictures, it is also difficult for Scott to judge the purpose of the other party's trip.

After another period of time, Scott looked at the picture recorded by the panoramic telescope from beginning to end twice.

At this time, Luna ran back with her slippers on.

"I've told Professor Flitwick," she said, panting slightly.

Scott asked him, "Does the professor believe what you say?"

"Oh, of course he does." Luna nodded solemnly, "He said he would discuss it with Professor McGonagall, and then check it out."

After she finished saying this, she said good night to Scott and went back to the dormitory.

At breakfast time on Monday morning, the messenger owls flew into the auditorium in anticipation.

"Oh, I've never looked forward to the Daily Prophet like I did today!" Eddie said loudly, looking up at the owls flying by.

Scott put his hand over the milk jug to keep the owl's feathers from falling in.


"It's the Daily Prophet."

Several newspapers were thrown on the table by owls, and Eddie and Roger couldn't wait to pick up the newspapers and read them.

At the same time, Scott also received his copy of the newspaper.

"How is it possible! There is nothing!"

Eddie complained loudly while flipping through the newspaper.

"Didn't anything happen yesterday?" Roger also said in surprise.

"Maybe that's a good thing?" Milton said.

Scott also looked through the newspapers in his hand, but found no valuable news reports.

"Noon," he said to Eddie, "we'll go to the Forbidden Forest again at noon."

"Okay." Eddie nodded repeatedly.

Almost all the students in the auditorium were very dissatisfied with the newspaper.

What they want to see is the resurrected witch from the Dark Lord's battle, who wants to see the construction progress of the Quidditch World Cup venue!
Even the Slytherins who weren't in the hospital weren't satisfied.

"Nothing happened. This is enough to prove that the interview was directed and acted by Rita Skeeter. That nasty woman should publish an apology in the newspaper!"

"It's insulting, she's insulting Slytherin's daughter, she's insulting us, Slytherin House."

Those Gryffindors who weren't hospitalized didn't think the interview was fake.

They quarreled with Slytherin in the distance.

"Not being in the newspaper doesn't mean nothing happened!"

"Just wait, today's "Evening Prophet" will definitely report this matter!"

"Yeah, always give the reporter some time to write!"

Caught on the long Ravenclaw table between the two houses, all the Ravenclaws watched quietly as the Gryffindors and Slytherins scolded each other.

The already unfriendly relationship between the two colleges became even more hostile with the big brawl that took place on Saturday.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting more and more tense, Professor McGonagall walked in from the door of the auditorium.

Her appearance was like pouring a basin of cold water on the heads of those hot-headed students, and the flag died down in an instant.

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips sternly, scanned the crowd, and paid special attention to Gryffindor and Slytherin.

In an instant, the auditorium became completely silent.

"You are all students." Professor McGonagall raised his voice and said, "What you should do is to go to class, and the rest has nothing to do with you now."

Seeing that everyone had calmed down, Professor McGonagall nodded in satisfaction and turned to leave.

When she reached the door, she turned around again, "I want to remind the students of Gryffindor House and Slytherin House that because of your unruly behavior, your house points will almost be deducted."

(End of this chapter)

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