Chapter 347
When Scott and Eddie walked to the door of the ward, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Because these Gryffindors and Slytherins were still hostile to each other before, there was still fierceness in their eyes.

Under the gaze of these fierce eyes, Eddie, who was walking in front, stopped.

Scott didn't care, and walked directly past Eddie to the inside of the ward.

He glanced casually, and the Slytherins who were staring at him all looked away.

"Hey! Scott, Eddie, are you here to see me?"

Lying on a bed at the back of the ward, Fred held up a bandaged hand.

"Why didn't you bring a gift?" George, who was lying on the hospital bed next to him, raised his head, "This is really disappointing."

Scott smiled and continued walking inside.

He greeted Harry who was lying on the hospital bed by the door, and when he passed by Percy's hospital bed, he gave the chairman of the male student union a surprised look.

Percy's face flushed red, and he immediately covered his head with the quilt.

"Oh, don't look, Percy is going to be very sad." Ron, who was lying on the hospital bed next to him with sores on his face, said, "Because he participated in the fight, he was afraid that his male student union president would be dismissed by Professor McGonagall."

As he spoke, he couldn't help grinning, and accidentally touched the sore on his face, and gasped a few times in pain.

Percy poked his head out from under the quilt, glared at Ron angrily, and cursed loudly, "Who do you think I got involved in the fight because of? If I hadn't saved you, you would have been hit by an inverted knee curse, you This idiot!"

Ron muttered unconvinced, "Who asked you to save me."

"What did you say?" Percy exasperated.

"I..." Ron wanted to say something, but was hit on the head by a flying pillow.

"Shut up, Ron!" came Ginny's voice.

Scott's eyes moved, looking at the five Weasley brothers and sisters lying in a row, he couldn't help being amazed.

"Everyone in your Weasley family is talented." He walked between George and Fred's hospital beds and said with a smile.

"Oh, thank you for the compliment!" Fred and George showed proud expressions at the same time.

"It's so stupid!" Ginny on the side couldn't help covering her face with her hands.

"Haha... hiss..." Ron couldn't help but forced a few more laughs, "What are you talking about? Who rushed up immediately when they saw Harry being hit by the curse?"

Ginny immediately got up from the hospital bed and snatched her pillow from Ron.

"I tell you to shut up! Shut up!"

She had messy red hair, and she raised the pillow and beat Ron's head with red hair rhythmically.

"Oh, well done, Ginny!"

"Hit harder! Hit him harder!"

Fred and George began booing gloatingly.

"Look, this is the upbringing of the Weasley family." Malfoy's mocking voice came from the opposite side, "Like a crazy woman."

Ginny stopped hitting Ron.

"Shut up, Malfoy!" Harry's voice came from the door, "Mind yourself!"

Ginny quickly turned around and lay back on her hospital bed.

Malfoy didn't shut up, "Are you speaking for your girlfriend, Potter? Maybe you can take the bit of property left to you by the Potters and marry the crazy Weasleys, so that their family life will be better.”

His words made the Slytherins roar with laughter.

Harry, who had already sat up, stared angrily at the triumphant Malfoy, too angry to speak.

And Ginny was already crying with anger.

"Looks like you haven't learned enough, Malfoy brat!" Fred yelled.

George also threatened fiercely, "If you talk nonsense again, I will tear out your tongue and cut it off!"

Then the other Gryffindors joined in.

So the two groups of people in the ward began to scold each other fiercely.

Scott and Eddie looked at each other, and simply sat on the stool and watched the excitement.

Not long after, Madam Pomfrey hurried into the ward.

"Shut up! Be quiet!" she yelled angrily, "If you continue to make noise, I will ask your dean to take you away, and each will deduct 100 points!"

Obviously, in the school hospital, Madam Pomfrey is the one and only queen. Wherever she looks, everyone shuts up.

After she turned to leave, Fred whispered to Scott and Eddie: "I will leave the rest to you."

He waved his bandaged right hand again, the surface of his arm now looking like rough old bark.

"We may not be discharged from the hospital until the day after tomorrow. It's boring here." George said, "If you have the latest news, please remember to share it with us in time."

By the way, his skin is blue now, with several scales growing on his face.

"Understood, Mr. Tree Man, Mr. Blue Man." Scott said, "But I don't think you will be bored here."

Eddie couldn't help laughing, "It's very lively here, if it weren't for Madam Pomfrey watching, you would definitely still be fighting."

"Oh no, everyone's wands have been confiscated by Professor McGonagall," Fred said.

George added, "We had to write a 12-inch review to her after discharge to get my wand back."

Scott smiled at Fred and said, "Maybe you can make new branches grow out of your arms to whip 'em?"

"Good idea, what about me?" George asked enthusiastically.

Scott replied, "Just open your mouth and bite, you look like a poisonous snake now."

"No, don't describe me as a snake." George retorted sensitively.

"Then the blue poison dart frog?" Eddie suggested.

George nodded. "Sounds a little better than Viper."

Scott and Eddie didn't stay long before leaving the school infirmary.

"The set of rune circuits haven't been fully figured out yet, I have to continue researching."

He said something to Eddie, and went up to the eighth floor by himself and entered the Response Room.

"Good morning, Scott."

This time, the girl in the painting, Helena, took the initiative to say hello to Scott.

"Good morning." Scott looked at her, "It seems that you are in a good mood today?"

"It's okay." Helena's answer was a little perfunctory.

She walked to the landscape painting in front of Scott with unhurried steps.

"Today is the day Medea destroys the last Horcrux, isn't it?" she asked Scott.

Scott nodded, "She announced it like this, in the newspaper."

The whole painting started to move, and Helena didn't speak again.

Scott did not open the door immediately, but asked her curiously, "Has Dumbledore gone?"

"Why do you ask me?" Helena turned to look at him.

Scott replied, "The portraits in the castle always know a lot, and you are always well informed."

"Dumbledore is not in the castle, not yesterday." Helena said a word and walked out of the landscape painting.

Scott then walked into the inner room and began to sort out the rune circuit under the guidance of Ravenclaw.

"This is not a new rune circuit." In the painting, Ravenclaw said to Scott, "I mean, the main rune circuit already existed in our time."

Scott listened carefully to her story.

"In the past, we also used some alchemy items to record what was happening now." Ravenclaw in the painting continued, "It's just that there were no telescopes at that time, and the rune circuits used were not as perfect as this."

She only briefly mentioned this point, and then began to focus on analyzing the set of rune circuits analyzed from the panoramic telescope.

"The main body of this set of rune circuits is [Record], which is nested with [Cycle], [Speed], and [Control]. In fact, there are four different rune circuits in total."

Ravenclaw began to explain in simple terms.

"First of all, from the simplest [speed], you have already learned this rune circuit..."

It wasn't until noon that he finally got this complete rune circuit.

Next, he asked Ravenclaw how to transfer, store and edit the images recorded by the panoramic telescope.

Ravenclaw has probably never done such a thing, and can only provide him with a few ideas.

After that, Scott left the Room of Requirement, went to the auditorium after lunch, and went to Professor Babling for advice as usual.

Although he had the teaching of Ravenclaw's tutor, Scott never gave up the opportunity to ask Professor Babling once a week.

It wasn't just about not wasting the opportunity Professor Flitwick had bought him.

Instructor Ravenclaw and Professor Babling are different. They live in different ages and have different focuses on the study of ancient runes, and they can all be of great help to Scott's study.

Even the Ravenclaw mentors are supportive of Scott continuing to learn from Professor Babling.

"The times are moving forward, and everyone has a different wisdom." Ravenclaw said so.

After leaving Professor Babling, Scott did not return to the Room of Requirement.

Now that he is getting more and more proficient, he can digest the knowledge he learned in a week faster and faster, and he doesn't have to try his best every weekend.

He came to the "Joke Props Studio" in the secret passage alone, and wanted to use the Weasley twins' tools to test the newly acquired rune circuit, and to test whether the method of transferring storage and editing would work.

It wasn't an easy task, and Scott didn't get something until dinner time.

After dinner, Scott and Eddie headed towards the Forbidden Forest together.

"I didn't expect that today's "Daily Prophet" and "Evening Prophet" didn't publish news about that incident!" Eddie complained as he walked, "Could it be that the Ministry of Magic wants to hide it?"

"Who knows." Scott didn't think too much, "We'll know when our warriors come back."

Eddie is not so optimistic about this matter, "I don't know if our plan will be successful. If those panoramic telescopes are discovered... maybe they have been destroyed."

In this regard, Scott has nothing to do, "This kind of thing can only depend on luck."

"Hopefully we're lucky."

While talking, the two walked to the garden behind the castle.

Scott stopped suddenly, and shouted twice to a bush in the garden, "Good evening, Mr. Tree Man, Mr. Blue Man."

Two figures in black cloaks and hoods sneaked out from behind the bushes.

"good evening."

Fred and George waved to Scott and Eddie.

"Why did you run out?" Eddie looked at the two in surprise.

"After all, our symptoms don't affect our activities." George said while kicking his legs flexibly and twisting his waist.

"It's just my hand that doesn't work." Fred raised the hand that had turned into old bark.

"Aren't you afraid of angering Madam Pomfrey?" Scott walked up to the two and said with a smile, "Be careful that she prepares the worst potion for you."

"No." George laughed, his blue face in the shadows under the hood looking eerie.

"What he means is that Madam Pomfrey's potion is bad enough that it won't get any worse," Fred said.

"Then let's go." Scott did not persuade the two to go back.

"We may have to wait there for a long time." Eddie emphasized to the two, "Those eagles may not come back today, maybe the duel between the witch and the devil is tonight."

"It doesn't matter."

"We just want to be the first to see it."

Fred and George didn't flinch.

"We ran out using the excuse of going to the bathroom."

"Percy and Ron and Ginny don't know."

"I mean," Eddie continued, "if you don't go back for a long time, Madam Pomfrey will definitely tell Professor McGonagall."



Fred and George hesitated.

"No, it's nothing compared to seeing those images for the first time."

"What a coincidence, I thought so too!"

The two quickly convinced themselves.

"What if Professor McGonagall can't find you?" Scott said in a threatening tone. "I guess she'll notify your parents."



Both Fred and George stopped.

Scott and Eddie also stopped and looked at the two of them.

Fred asked George, "Do you think Mum will come straight to Hogwarts? Or just send us a Howler?"

"I think she's used to it," said George. "At most, she'll give us a lesson when we come home from summer vacation."

"You're right, how long is the summer vacation?"

"There are many more months."

"Maybe she will forget about it in these few months. Mom has too many things to worry about."

"You're right, so what are we afraid of?"

"Of course not."



The two quickly comforted each other and continued to move forward.

Scott shrugged his shoulders at Eddie and followed quickly.

After the four of them came outside the Forbidden Forest, as usual, Scott used magic perception to find out if there was anyone in the forest.

"There is no one in my range of perception." Scott took out his wand and stepped forward, "You guys should follow me. In the Forbidden Forest, I will always maintain the largest area of ​​perception, and the fluorescent light is shining!"

With a flick of his wrist, he lighted up his wand.

"Luminescence." Eddie also used the Illumination Charm.

Fred and George, whose wands were confiscated, could only follow behind them.

After walking for a while, Scott suddenly turned off the light on the tip of the wand, "Stop, turn off."

Eddie hurriedly extinguished the lighting spell obediently.

" not a wizard." Scott said, "The speed is very fast, such magic power fluctuations are centaurs, let's bypass them."

Scott began to lead the way again, this time they had no light source, so they walked more carefully.

But no one complained, after all, they didn't want to deal with those nagging horsemen.

"What's going on." After walking for a while, Scott spoke again.

Due to lighting problems, Eddie and the twins may not be clear, but Scott is very clear that he led them around several times, but he still failed to get around the centaurs.

In his perception, there were three centaurs running in the nearby woods. Because they were fast and did not walk in a straight line, the four of Scott failed to bypass them successfully.

Scott told his companions about the situation, "I don't know what they are doing."

"Maybe hunting?" Eddie guessed.

Fred denied his guess, "No, it's on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest."

George said: "There is nothing but trees on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest, and there is no prey that appeals to him."

"In order to stay away from those astrologers, we need to speed up next, and pay attention to our feet." Scott reminded, speeding up his pace.

Before they got far, the speed of the centaur accelerated again.

"damn it."

Scott cursed, he heard the sound of horseshoes and arrows piercing the air.

Turning around and pushing Eddie and the twins away, Scott waved his wand just in time, "Armor protection!"


Three consecutive arrows collided with the invisible magic barrier.

"Luminescence!" Eddie's wand illuminated the surroundings just in time.

"Get bigger fast!"

Scott waved his wand again in time to make a stone around him bigger, blocking an arrow coming from the side.

"Stop it, horsemen!"

"We are Hogwarts students!"

A centaur's voice came from the forest, "Stop, they are little wizards from Hogwarts."

"Who knows!" said another voice, "First subdue them!"

Fred said immediately, "What do you call uniforms, do you just shoot holes in us with bows and arrows?"

"I advise you not to do that!" Eddie shouted, "You can't hurt Hogwarts students!"

A very close voice sounded, "I can see clearly, they do not look like adults, they should be students of Hogwarts."

Of course Scott sensed a centaur approaching, but he didn't stop it.

The centaur wanted to watch them up close and let him watch.

Of course, if it shoots at them, it will usher in Scott's full blow.

The centaur who observed them stepped back while speaking.

"Get out of here, little wizards!" The voice that spoke at the beginning spoke again, "No outsiders are welcome in the Forbidden Forest tonight!"

"What's going on here?" Eddie asked curiously.

Another voice said viciously, "This is none of your business, little wizard! You must get out of here as soon as possible!"

"This..." Eddie looked at Scott.

"Can't promise them," said Fred softly, "if the hawks come back tonight and we're not there . . . "

George added, "Those hawks could be attacked by animals, and the panoramic telescope could be damaged by animals."

"Gentlemen, we need to go to the lake!" exclaimed Scott.

"I said, leave the forest! Go back to your castle!" The unfriendly voice seemed even more irritable.

A gentler voice said: "You shouldn't come here. Hogwarts calls this the Forbidden Forest, which means that you are forbidden to enter."

Scott frowned.

He knew very well that it was impossible to persuade these centaurs with words, they had always been extremely stubborn.

But if you give up, as the twins said, there is no way to guarantee the safety of those panoramic telescopes.

At this point, Fred whispered to Scott, "Hey, Scott, can you teach them a lesson?"

George also said: "Maybe we need to win them before we can go to the lake."

"It's better not to conflict with them, it's too troublesome." Eddie had a different opinion, "Think of another way."

"What can be done?"

"Are we going to give up?"

The twins clearly don't feel like getting out of here.

"Hurry up! Get out of the Forbidden Forest!"

With a warning, whoosh!
An arrow pierced through the air and landed at Scott's feet.

"Something's wrong," Scott said. "They're not usually this tough. Something must have happened."

The twins, who were very familiar with the Forbidden Forest, nodded in agreement, saying that they had entered the Forbidden Forest countless times in the past and had never encountered such a sensitive and tough centaur.

"Let's go."

"Leave them alone!"

Fred and George were going to disrespect the three centaurs.

"They won't hurt us, this is their agreement with Hogwarts."

"We're going straight to the lake."

The two walked a few steps, and there were two swishing sounds, and two more arrows shot over, nailing them in front of their feet.

"We're not kidding anymore!" the centaur shouted angrily, "If you don't leave, I'll shoot your legs with my arrows. Anyway, such injuries can be healed easily!"

"They seem to mean it?"

Fred and George stopped.

The sound of horseshoes sounded again, and three strong centaurs came out from different directions in the woods, surrounding Scott and the four of them.

One of the centaur glared at them, holding a bow and arrow in his hand, "Since you don't want to leave by yourself, we'll tie you up with ropes and throw you back to the castle!"

"Don't be so irritable, Bane." The centaur in front of them spoke.

"Hello, my name is Firenze." It introduced itself.





The four of them said their names one after another.

Firenze looked up at the sky above his head, then looked at the four of them solemnly, "You..."

His face changed, and he raised the bow and arrow in his hand to point at George.

"You're not a little wizard." He stared sharply at George's blue face, "Say, who are you?"

"What is this mixed blood with a wizard?" Bain on the side also noticed George's "face".

"Pfft." Fred couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Of course I'm a little wizard!" George lifted his hood, "I'm just under a spell!"

But the three centaurs still stared at him suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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