Chapter 349
After this morning's lessons, Scott and Eddie met up and walked through the back garden of the castle to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

They didn't swagger this time, but took a detour to a place where it was not easy to be seen.

"The guy who fought with the centaur last night, I don't know if the professor found anything." Eddie said while staring curiously at the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

After Scott returned to the dormitory last night, Eddie also took a long look with the panoramic telescope that "photographed" the battle scene, but they still didn't recognize the identity of the wizard who attacked the centaur.

"The two things may be related." Scott walked towards the Forbidden Forest, "It's just that we can't know now."

Eddie asked, "You mean last night's fighting in the Forbidden Forest and what happened in Little Hangleton?"

"Yes." Scott said, "Of course, it could just be a coincidence."

"I don't think there are so many coincidences. Although this is the Forbidden Forest, it also belongs to Hogwarts." Eddie said.

Scott understood what he meant, this place belonged to Hogwarts, if not for special circumstances, generally no other wizards would dare to come here.

"It's right here." Scott stopped before walking far.

He has no idea of ​​going deep into the Forbidden Forest.

After all, there was a battle in the Forbidden Forest last night, and those horsemen might still be under martial law.

He reached out and took out his wand and waved it, "The birds are flocking."

A few crows emerged from the tip of the wand in his hand, flapped their wings and croaked a few times.

"Just wait here," Scott said to Eddie.

Not long after, there was the sound of wings flapping densely, and a group of black crows flew over from all directions in the forest.

Eddie looked at this scene with some surprise, "Oh, I never knew there were so many crows living in the Forbidden Forest, how did you do it?"


With an exceptionally loud cry, Rimbaud fell from the sky and landed on Scott's shoulder.

Scott reached out and touched Rimbaud's wings, and said to Eddie with a smile: "If you can become friends with the Raven King, you can do it too."

Eddie stared at Rimbaud for a while, "It seems that you have hidden a lot of secrets."

Scott just smiled and didn't explain.

As a qualified Ravenclaw, Eddie was also very measured and did not delve into it.

"Where's our panoramic telescope?" He looked around, "Have those eagles not returned yet?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Rimbaud, who was standing on Scott's shoulder, called out again.

Soon, a few crows holding the panoramic binoculars with their claws flew out from the crowd, and put the panoramic binoculars on the ground in front of Scott and Eddie.

"Where's the eagle?"

Although Eddie asked, he didn't actually care about the whereabouts of the hawks. He couldn't wait to pick up a panoramic telescope and look at it.

"Oh, this is this morning, this morning..." The fingers of both hands kept turning the dial rapidly.

Scott squatted down and put all the panoramic binoculars back into the deformed lizard skin bag.

"Let's go." He stood up and patted Eddie on the shoulder, "We'd better not stay here any longer."

"Well, I haven't found the picture we want to see yet." Eddie shrugged.

He handed the panoramic telescope in his hand to Scott, and Scott put it away.

"Let's go to Fred and George's studio first and see if we can find what we want before class in the afternoon."

Scott turned and walked out of the Forbidden Forest.

"If it doesn't work...I need to join the Transfiguration Club at night, and I need you to find all the images we need and sort out the information."

"No problem." Eddie was very excited.

Scott nodded, "This is troublesome..."

"I don't think it's a problem." Eddie interrupted him. "I can't wait to see what's going on."

The two walked quickly through the garden into the castle and came to the corridor on the third floor.

"Left and right separation."

Eddie tapped the statue of the one-eyed, hunchbacked witch with his wand.

"They're all having lunch now," he said. "We can go to the studio and look for stock."

The statue split open and Eddie ducked in, followed by Scott.

The two sat on the slide and slid down quickly.

"Except for the wizards who experienced it last night, we may be the first to know about that!" Eddie's voice was still very excited.

At the end of the slide, he couldn't wait to stand up, lit the lighting spell and rushed into the studio.

By the time Scott entered the studio, he had lit all the candles and dug out a few packets of cookies from an old desk.

"Are you sure these biscuits are edible?" Scott raised his eyebrows. "This is Fred and George's. Who knows what they added to it."

"You're right." Eddie's hand holding the biscuit was a little stiff.

He rubbed his stomach, but in the end he didn't dare to try.

Scott sat down, took off the deformed lizard skin bag from his waist, and took out all the panoramic binoculars.

"Don't worry." He said to Eddie who hurriedly picked up the panoramic binoculars, "I still have some food here."

Emilia had packed him a big bag of treats during the Christmas holidays, which he stuffed into a shapeshifter pouch when he left, and then forgot.

He dug a few times out of the shape-shifting lizard leather bag, and a bunch of colorful snacks appeared on the table.

"Oh!" Eddie's eyes lit up, he picked up a bag of potato chips, opened the bag, grabbed the potato chips and stuffed them into his mouth.

"It feels like I haven't eaten these things for a long time, I really miss them." He said vaguely.

Scott handed him another can of Coke, and Eddie was even happier.

"I love Coke! I love chips!" Eddie cheered.

Scott picked up a panoramic telescope and put it in front of his eyes, turning the dial with one hand.

The picture he saw quickly receded rapidly, receding from day to night.

Only then did Scott discover that the hawks returned to the Forbidden Forest before dawn in the morning.

At the same time, he also discovered a flaw in the setting.

Those eagles lost their mobility after completing the set tasks.

They threw the panoramic binoculars on the ground where they first grabbed them, even though the binoculars were taken away by the crows led by Rimbaud, they remained indifferent.

Fortunately, Scott let Rimbaud and the crows guard the lake, otherwise he might not be able to get back these telescopes.

Scott silently noted the error.

As he continued to flick his fingers, the picture in front of him continued to recede rapidly until he saw the familiar village of Little Hangleton.

This is a perspective fixed on the side of Gaunt's old house, overlooking the dilapidated yard of the old house.

Scott's fingers continued to move faster, and a figure appeared in the picture, but his movement did not stop, and he kept turning the picture to the scene where the eagle with the panoramic telescope put the telescope on the tree.

After that, Scott changed the operation so that the picture would not return, but play forward, and at the same time speed up the playback.

It wasn't until the first figure appeared in the screen that he slowed down the screen again.

"Appeared! The man in the green robe! And the witch! Oh! This is..."

At the same time, he heard Eddie's exclamation.

Scott looked at the figure that suddenly appeared on the screen in front of him.

Although the light in the picture is dim, the green robe on the figure can still be vaguely discerned.

The man in green robe came to the courtyard of Gaunt's old house through apparition. He circled around the three dilapidated houses and walked into the house again, as if he was checking something.

Not long after, he reappeared in the yard and waved towards the sky.

Soon, more people in green robes appeared.

They rode Thestrals, guarding a gorgeous carriage pulled by four Thestrals, which fell from the sky and stopped inside and outside the small courtyard.

Two magic lamps hung on the carriage illuminated the courtyard.

The green-robed man who appeared first trotted to the side of the carriage, bowing and inviting.

The door of the carriage opened, and a hand wrapped in a black lace glove stretched out.

The bowed man in green robe quickly stretched out his arm, letting that hand borrow his strength.

Medea stepped out of the carriage step by step.

She was wearing a robe with a dark green base and silver thread decoration, a black top hat decorated with black tulips and black lace, and a hazy black gauze covering her face, revealing her straight nose and sharp chin.

The blood-colored red lips on the lower half of her snow-white face were the only bright colors on her whole body.

The red lips parted slightly, she seemed to say something, but unfortunately the panoramic telescope could not record the sound.

Scott flicked his fingers to speed up the screen playback.

Medea quickly walked into the house followed by several men in green robes, and disappeared from the screen.

And the other men in green robes settled all the thestrals, spread them out and guarded inside and outside the old house.

Under Scott's operation, the screen fast forwards again.

Not long after, a piece of blood-red light shines on the surrounding ground through the cracks in the doors and windows of the dilapidated house.

Scott slows down the footage again.

The red light was big at first, and then it seemed to follow a certain frequency and flicker, like blood splashed on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Scott frowned.

Medea seems to have started the ritual of sacrifice inside the house.

It's just that this old house can't have enough mana to supply her to complete the sacrificial ceremony...

Unless she still has a disposable Philosopher's Stone in her hand.

But Scott soon had no time to think about it, as the fight began.

The light of the curse surged from all directions, and a group of Aurors from the Ministry of Magic suddenly appeared and fought with the green-robed men guarding the courtyard.

Although the number of green-robed men had an advantage, they were not as good as those elite Aurors in battle, and several of them fell quickly.

Seeing that the Aurors were about to rush into the courtyard, three men in green robes came out of the house.

The three men in green robes fought directly, showing extraordinary magical attainments, pushing the Aurors back, and even injured several Aurors.

The two sides have entered a deadlock.

The Aurors couldn't break into the old house, and the green-robed man couldn't completely repel those Aurors.

During this process, Medea never appeared, and the bloody light shining from the house was still shining.

At this moment, Scott heard Eddie's exclamation again.

"Oh, it's fighting! How could it be an Auror? Where's the Demon King? Oh, it's dangerous!" He began to babble, "Excellent! I'm about to take it down, oh! A more powerful green-robed man has appeared, it's too dangerous..."

However, the picture in front of Scott has undergone new changes.

With a flash of apparition light, a group of men in black robes appeared on the other side of the courtyard.

As soon as they appeared on the stage, they showed that they belonged to the battle of the black wizards. Green lights flew around, and death curses flew out of their wands, attacking the green robed man and the Auror respectively.

"Death Eaters have appeared!" Eddie seemed to have seen this scene from another angle.

At this moment, the dilapidated wall of the yard suddenly moved.

The incomplete wall twisted and became one, and finally turned into an extremely terrifying giant python.

While crawling meanderingly, the giant python blocked all the death curses with its body.

Dumbledore stepped out of the darkness, wand in hand.

The moment he appeared, those Aurors immediately smiled, and all the green-robed men and Death Eaters couldn't help taking a step back.

This is the deterrent power of the greatest wizard of this century.

Scott looked at this scene and sighed inwardly.

Although the green-robed man and the Death Eaters showed fear of Dumbledore, none of them fled immediately.

Dumbledore flicked his wand in his hand and moved his hand again.

The body of the giant python transformed into by the death curse quickly recovered and started to move again.

The snake's head moved in the direction of the Death Eaters, and its tail drew towards the crumbling house that was always emitting a red light.

The Aurors also started to attack again, casting spells on the Death Eaters and the green-robed man respectively.

Under the attack led by Dumbledore, several Death Eaters and men in black robes fell quickly.

The remaining green-robed men began to defend the house with defensive spells, while the remaining Death Eaters began to retreat while fighting.

Dumbledore's long silver beard fluttered, and one after another overwhelming spells spit out from the wand in his hand.

The spells were so powerful that it was almost impossible to make out what spell he was using.

On this battlefield, he is like a cheat user who can change an ordinary single attack into a powerful group attack, suppressing everyone so that they can't hold their heads up.

More and more Death Eaters and green robes fell.

If it weren't for Dumbledore's unwillingness to kill people, these people would not just fall down.

At this moment, the bloody light in the room completely disappeared, and Medea also came out of the room and opened her mouth to say something.

Dumbledore stopped what he was doing.

Outside the courtyard, the remaining Death Eaters were clearly in a panic, and quickly took advantage of this opportunity to cast the Apparition spell and run away.

Dumbledore ignored them and walked into the courtyard alone.

The Aurors also acted, grabbed those green-robed men and Death Eaters who were lying on the ground, and confiscated their wands.

And Dumbledore and Medea started talking.

Because there was no sound, Scott couldn't tell what they said.

But it didn't take long for them to talk, and then they started fighting.

Dumbledore once again showed overwhelming strength, and even Medea was only able to support it with the help of a few green-robed men.

At this moment, Dumbledore suddenly changed his target, and a curse shattered a wall of the house, revealing a figure inside the house.

(End of this chapter)

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