Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 33 033. Cheeky Ms. Lockhart Gray

Chapter 33 033. Cheeky Ms. Lockhart Gray
Under the leadership of Professor Flitwick, Scott and his party returned to Ravenclaw Tower.

Only, when they climbed the spiral staircase, they found Lockhart standing outside the door of the common room, neatly dressed.

"Oh! Shit!" Roger cursed in a low voice at once.

"You are back, Filius!"

Lockhart's eyes lit up when he saw them, and he smiled brightly at Professor Flitwick.

"I feel the call of duty, and I'm needed here, a Defence Against the Dark Arts expert. You know, no one's better at this kind of stuff than me! So I'm waiting here ahead of time!"

He raised his chin proudly, as if waiting for Professor Flitwick's help.

Professor Flitwick's expression was like stepping on a hot pile of shit.

Probably because of the accidental accidents of Ravenclaw students in the past two days, the professor was in an extremely bad mood.He has no way to maintain his self-cultivation in the face of Lockhart, the nasty bastard.

"This is an internal Ravenclaw matter, Professor Lockhart." Professor Flitwick said to Lockhart with a cold face, "I think I'm the dean of this house, and Dumbledore also took this into account. Leave it to me!"

"Don't say that, Filius." Lockhart's expression instantly stiffened, and he grinned reluctantly. "Could it be that you have forgotten? I am also a graduate of Ravenclaw College."

"Yes, you used to be." Professor Flitwick looked up at him coldly, "but now you are no longer."

Without waiting for Lockhart to say anything, he continued: "Your help is not needed here, Lockhart. Ravenclaw House's common room has never been used by students or anyone other than the Dean of the House!"

Even though they were two wizards with very different heights, the tall Lockhart was stunned by the aura of the short Professor Flitwick.

He changed his mind almost immediately.

"Okay. You're right, Filius. We can't break Ravenclaw traditions."

In the crowd, Eddie murmured gloatingly, "Mrs. Pomfrey went in yesterday."

Nearby students who heard him muttering raised their lips.

Lockhart is still forcing himself to save face.

"Of course, be sure to let me know if you need help! Remember, a recipient of the Order of Merlin III, honorary member of the Alliance Against the Dark Arts, is ready to serve you!"

He made a pretentious salute before leaving under Professor Flitwick's increasingly annoyed gaze.

It's just that when passing by Scott, he deliberately stopped and said something quickly.

"Oh Trollope, you did a great job today, didn't you? Showing off in front of everyone. But I think you have some room for improvement, and maybe you'll need the guidance of a veteran."


Scott glanced at him in surprise, Lockhart's pretentious expression changed, and he finally turned around and left completely.

Scott looked indifferently at the back of his departure, and couldn't help but marvel at his thick skin.

"How dare he!" Roger said fiercely, "He actually said he was an expert in front of Professor Flitwick!"

"It's nothing, you must know that he did a lot of grandstanding and stupid things when he was a student." Eddie was showing off the news he inquired.

It's a pity that everyone is not interested in Lockhart's old news at this time.

Scott pushed his shoulder. "Come on, the lounge door is open."

"Okay, we'll discuss this later." Eddie shrugged regretfully.

After entering the common room, Professor Flitwick first found the ghost lady wandering in the lounge library.

"Ms. Grey!" he greeted her politely.

"Felius?" Ms. Gray, who was facing the bookshelf, turned around and looked at Professor Flitwick and the gathered students.

Her expression was indifferent, but there was a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"What happened?" she asked indifferently.

"Oh yes." Professor Flitwick recounted what happened on the court.

"I know what you're asking." Ms. Gray shook her head. "I can tell you, no. No one outside the academy has ever entered here."

Roger asked anxiously: "Then have you seen, I mean, who entered our dormitory?"

"I don't pay attention to the male student's dormitory." Ms. Gray looked at him coldly.

"Okay... okay." Roger said weakly, "Thank you for your answer."

"I'm going to continue reading."

Ms. Grey turned and stared at the bookshelf again, as if she didn't want to pay any attention to them.

"Okay, don't bother Ms. Grey anymore."

Professor Flitwick said he waved to the other Ravenclaw students who had been following the crowd.

"Let the others go away."

But the students all stood still.

"Okay, okay, you can wait for the result here, but don't all go to Davis's dormitory." Professor Flitwick said helplessly.

"Davis, take me to your dorm." He waved to Roger.

"Please come with me, Professor."

Roger took the lead up the stairs leading to the boys' dormitory, with Professor Flitwick following him.

Scott and his roommates also followed.As for the members of the Quidditch team, Captain Bruce stopped the others and followed.

Scott walked last. He turned his head as he stepped up the stairs, and looked precisely at Jacob in the crowd in the common room.

At this moment, Jacob, who was standing alone in the corner, also happened to be looking at him.

Their eyes met, and Jacob quickly looked away.

Scott pursed his lips, turned his head and walked up the stairs.

"Actually, I went back to the dormitory before going to the Quidditch pitch," he told the others, "but I just put down my textbook and left in a hurry, and I didn't notice anything unusual."

"Actually, everyone can think of it." Eddie murmured strangely, "The only students who can enter our dormitory should be Ravenclaw students."

"Oh no, you can't say that, Eddie."

Milton's expression was a little dazed, and he didn't seem to accept such a conjecture at all.

"Also... maybe someone else slipped in and did it without Ms. Grey noticing. After all, the eagle knocker question... isn't really that hard," he said. When he spoke, his face was wrinkled into a ball, and he was obviously uncomfortable with this conjecture.

"Accept the reality, Milton." Eddie sighed feignedly.

Several people walked into the bedroom, and Professor Flitwick, under the guidance of Roger, began to check the rectangular wooden box in which he kept Quidditch supplies.

"It's here, Professor," said Roger. "My Quidditch uniform, gauntlets and boots, and broomsticks, are always in this box."

Scott also came a little closer.

He didn't pay attention when he came back to put the textbook before, but at this moment, he noticed the abnormality immediately after careful perception.

(End of this chapter)

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