Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 34 034. Find the clue to the absurd Roger

Chapter 34 034. Find the clue to the absurd Roger

"A well-placed cutting spell."

Professor Flitwick crouched on the ground and reached out to touch the break in the lock of the wooden box.

"Although the one that destroyed the broom was a magic item that was difficult to trace." He withdrew his hand, "but fortunately, there are obvious clues left here."

He turned his head and asked Roger, "You cast the Anti-Araho Hole Charm on the box?"

Roger nodded, "Yes, I added it when I was practicing this spell."

Captain Bruce, who was taller than Roger, was standing beside him and bent over to look at the box. Hearing this, he couldn't help but say, "You're much more protective of brooms than I do, Roger."

"But obviously it's useless. Although I didn't use this spell on purpose." Roger looked helpless.

"I just want to know how you got caught, Roger." Bruce looked at the broken lock on the box again, "Didn't you find that your box was damaged when you took out the equipment?"

"No, I was probably in a hurry." Roger said angrily, "I opened the box with a spell while I was putting the book, and summoned my broom and equipment with the Flying Charm."

Bruce said to Roger dissatisfied, "So such a lame crime can succeed because of your carelessness."

"You didn't use this spell on the bedroom door." At this time, Professor Flitwick glanced back at the intact bedroom door.

"Oh yes, we think the dorms are safe," Eddie couldn't help replying. "You know, this is Ravenclaw house..."

Milton reached out and nudged Eddie to stop him.

Professor Flitwick's face became a little ugly, "That's right, this place has always been safe and has never been invaded by outsiders."

He said a little sadly: "I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen now. What do professors and students in other colleges think of us?"

Seeing Professor Flitwick's sad look, Eddie immediately panicked and began to apologize: "I'm sorry, Professor, I...I mean..."

"No, you didn't say anything wrong, Mr. Camitchell." Professor Flitwick shook his head.

He looked up at Scott.

"Scott, come take a look," he said. "There's still some magic left here, from that cutting spell."

He stood up and tidied up his robes. "These magic powers are too weak. If it was me, it would take some troublesome steps to confirm who left the spell, and maybe all the students would need to be gathered for a test."

Having said this, he shook his head and did not approve of this method.

"We cannot treat all students as suspects."

He said to Scott, "If it's you, Scott, I'm sure you can tell who it really is from this residual magic."

Scott nodded silently, he could really judge, or he already knew the answer.

But he still crouched down and started to perceive at close range.

At this time, Bruce asked in shock: "Professor! Do you mean that Scott's perception of magic is stronger than yours?"

All three of Scott's roommates were surprised.

Of course they knew that Scott had the ability to perceive magic, but never knew that his ability would surpass Professor Flitwick.

You know, there are rumors in the outside world that Professor Flitwick has a little goblin blood, but Ravenclaw students know this is true.

Because Professor Flitwick never shied away from this, he even took the initiative to tell the students about it.

You know, goblins are magical creatures that are very sensitive to magic, which is why they are particularly good at making magical items.

And Professor Flitwick not only has the blood of the goblin, but is also a powerful master of magic spells.

One can imagine how incredible it is that Scott's perception of magic surpasses that of Professor Flitwick.

"Yes, Scott can do it! Although I didn't go into that detail with the students when Scott gave me the painting."

Professor Flitwick has never been shy about complimenting his students.

"I'm just saying that Scott has done something that most adult wizards can't. I don't want the students to lose faith in that."

"Then you are not afraid that we will lose confidence now?" Eddie couldn't help muttering again.

"I know you won't, I understand you." Professor Flitwick finally smiled, "You are all good friends of Scott, aren't you, I think you will be happy for him."

Just then, Scott stood up and turned around.

"Oh, yes! Of course we're good friends and we can only be proud of him!" Eddie said quickly.

Several others laughed.

Although he already knew the answer, Scott checked it for a while.

He said to Professor Flitwick, "Professor, I think I've confirmed who it is."

After speaking, he couldn't help but glance at Roger with a strange look.

Roger was taken aback by this look, and he asked nervously, "Who is it?"

"Who?" Bruce asked.

He was very concerned about the incident that nearly hurt his own player.

Scott didn't make a sound, but went to the bookshelf beside Roger's bed and took out a transparent divination crystal ball.

"I remember, this crystal ball was given to you by Miss Du Ping." He played with the divination crystal ball and smiled teasingly.

When Roger heard this, his face immediately became very exciting.

"It's Lisa Dupin from the second grade." Eddie whispered to the unknown Professor Flitwick, he seemed to be holding back a smile, "Roger's ex, ex, ex-girlfriend."

At this time, Bruce on the side couldn't help but start to snicker, and Roger even covered his face.

"Mr. Davis!" Professor Flitwick screamed at Roger immediately, "I remember that Miss Du Ping entered last year, and she is only 12 years old this year!"

"Oh, when they dated last year, Miss Du Ping was only 11 years old." Eddie said bluntly.

"This is absurd!" Professor Flitwick was clearly angrier.

"No, Professor, I didn't do anything." Roger hurriedly explained, "She's still a little girl, I'm just playing a love game with her."

Professor Flitwick asked angrily, "What else do you want to do!"

"No, I didn't think so." Roger shook his head desperately.

Scott and several others looked at him with contempt.

"No! You all know that!" Roger looked at them quickly. "Scott! Milton! Eddie! You know the truth! I'm not that kind of person!"

Scott and the three of them couldn't help laughing for a while.

"What the hell is going on?" Professor Flitwick was still staring at Roger.

"I explain! I can explain!" Roger exclaimed.

"Very well, I'll finish your explanation here, Mr. Davis." Professor Flitwick stepped on Roger's suitcase and turned to sit on his bed and look at him.

Although Scott and the others knew the whole story, they didn't help him explain.

The three of them, plus Bruce, also sat on the other beds, waiting for Roger's explanation.

Scott also heard Bruce mutter, "Anyway, at least a good story to hear."

Roger swallowed and began to talk about his "fall in love" with an 11-year-old girl last year.


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 This book will be tested in the water tomorrow afternoon. I hope readers who can read this book will keep reading, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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