Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 315 315. Trelawney's Prophecy

Chapter 315 315. Trelawney's Prophecy
After Scott, Luna, and Savannah left the kitchen, they walked around the atrium, passed through the garden behind the castle, and came to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

"Fluorescent flashes."

It was getting late, and the deep Forbidden Forest was even darker.

So the three of them drew out their wands and used the Illuminating Charm, then walked into the forest, with Scott walking at the forefront.

"About those stolen Thestrals, I visited Professor Trelawney." Luna suddenly said softly.


Scott remembered that he and Luna once suggested to ask Professor Trelawney to divination the whereabouts of those thestrals.

It was only later that they quickly learned about the whereabouts of the Thestrals through the newspapers, and the matter was left alone.

He didn't expect Luna to go to Professor Trelawney anyway.

"What did you ask?" he asked Luna.

"Thestrals disappeared with those people. I wonder how they are doing now," Luna said. "Professor Trelawney said..."

Speaking of this, she began to imitate Professor Trelawney's strange tone, "I third eye told me the answer...the black magic stars will return eventually, and at the time when the old and the new alternate, the revived witch will In crisis!"

Her voice was particularly eerie in this dark and deep Forbidden Forest.

Scott remembered the description in the "Original Book" that if Professor Trelawney entered a true prophetic state, her performance and voice would change.

It's just that Luna's voice is completely different from Professor Trelawney's, and Scott doesn't know if she is imitating Professor Trelawney's usual voice.

So he asked, "Is there any difference when Professor Trelawney uttered this prophecy?"

"Different?" Luna thought for a while, "It's a little different. At that time, she had already opened her Celestial Eye."

Her tone was very certain.

Scott gave her a surprised look.

Luna said again: "You are right, Scott, Professor Trelawney is not a real liar."

"Can you see her open her Celestial Eye?" Scott asked curiously.

If Professor Trelawney really enters the state of prophecy, most people will definitely notice the changes in her expression and voice, but Luna is different. She has been observing the world and everything around her through a unique perspective.

"Of course, I saw it." Luna said naturally, "Her third eye is not under her control, so she is still a liar most of the time."

Scott couldn't help but turned his head again and gave her a surprised look, a little in disbelief that Luna could really see it.

Although he knew very well that Luna would not tell lies.

Maybe what Luna could see wasn't the emotion he'd guessed?
Thinking of this, he spread his magic perception to the maximum range, and asked her, "So... can you see the range of my magic perception now?"

"It's far away." Luna's voice hesitated, "I can't see the border in the forest..."

It took Scott a while to calm down, and he said softly, "Maybe there is something in your eyes, Luna, or is it also an unknown magical animal?"

Yes, he couldn't help but began to wonder if Luna had a pair of unusual magical eyes.

"Eyes? Oh, I haven't noticed..." Luna was obviously very interested after hearing this statement, "Do you think this is the reason for my protruding eyes?"

"I don't know if they affect the shape of your eyes ... but I think they change what you can see, you see more in some ways than others, and in others," Scott laughs. Some aspects are less than the average person sees."

"Is that so? I think I need to write to my dad about this." Luna said excitedly.

At this moment, Savannah, who had been silent all this time, finally seemed to be unable to bear it any longer. She said softly, "Nothing can get into the eyes, not even magical animals. If that happens, the eyes will be broken."

Hearing her words, Scott and Luna turned to look at her at the same time.

"I..." Savannah looked a little embarrassed, "Am I wrong?"

She was as terrified as the child who took off the emperor's new clothes.

"Generally true, but maybe it's some kind of invisible, disembodied magical animal," Scott said.

At this moment, even he himself felt that he was making unreasonable words, but Luna nodded in agreement.

"Also... maybe." Savannah was even more embarrassed by the naked eye.

So Scott immediately changed the subject.

"Let's go back to Professor Trelawney's prophecy," he said, "'The dark stars will return at last, and at the transition from the old to the new, the resurrected witch will be in danger!' What do you think this means?"

"The alternation of the old and the new may refer to the arrival of the new year." Savannah seemed to want to forget the embarrassment just now as soon as possible, so she began to speak positively.

Scott said: "So what the prophecy means is that Medea is going to have a crisis in the new year that will cause the Thestrals to return to Hogwarts?"

"I... I think so," Savannah said.

Scott asked Luna, "Luna, what about you?"

"New and old." Luna almost blurted out, "Maybe it means that the Ministry of Magic will change to a new Minister of Magic."

"Is this your intuition?" Scott asked again.

"It can be said that my father said that Fudge won't last long." Luna's tone became erratic again.

When it came to Luna's father, the editor-in-chief of "The Quibbler", Scott couldn't believe it.

From the style of the magazine, it can be seen that this Mr. Lovegood is a bit too imaginative, and he is really a bit out of tune.

"But... Luna, why do you think of changing the Minister of Magic?" Savannah asked Luna very puzzled, "Obviously most people think of the New Year."

"Really?" Luna was more puzzled than she was.

She doesn't seem to understand why most people think this way?
"In short, this prophecy tells us that the Thestrals will return." Scott quickly concluded, "You don't have to worry too much about that little guy."


"I hope they come back sooner."

Hearing what Scott said, both girls cheered up.

But Scott was thinking about the so-called "recovered witch will encounter crisis".

He was thinking, would it be Dumbledore or Voldemort that brought Medea into crisis?

At this moment, they had arrived at their destination, the territory where the Thestrals lived in the Forbidden Forest.

It's just that at this time, someone here is already caring for that little guy.

It's Miss Graplan.

She was standing in front of the shed Hagrid had built, and was putting a thick blanket over the little thestral standing in the shed.

"Good evening, Miss Graplan." Scott took the initiative to say hello.


Graplan turned her head, she still had a pipe in her mouth, and her speech was a little slurred.

The rising white smoke obscured her face, and she didn't look as approachable as usual in the light of the magic lamp hanging above her head.

(End of this chapter)

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