Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 316 316. She is just teasing you

Chapter 316 316. She is just teasing you

When Graplan turned around and reached out to take off the pipe in his mouth, a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Good evening, students!"

She smiled at Scott and the three of them.

"Very well, three Ravenclaw students ran into the Forbidden Forest at night. You know, even though I am only a teaching assistant, points can still be deducted."

While speaking, she stepped forward and patted Luna on the shoulder, and asked softly, "You guys say, in this situation, how many points should I deduct from Ravenclaw House?"

At this moment, Savannah on the side took a step back in fear, while Luna just looked up at Graplan and didn't speak.

Scott raised the wand holding the Illumination Charm in his hand and took a special look, and found that Luna's eyes were dull and her expression was blank at this time, obviously her thoughts had flown away.

"You'd better look at the buckle." He smiled and said to Graplan, "Of course, it would be better if you can show mercy."

Upon hearing this, Graplan asked Scott amusedly, "Do you think I'll be merciful, Mr. Trollope."

"Of course." Scott didn't hesitate to say a few nice words, "After all, Miss Graplan is kind and kind."

At this moment, Graplan just raised his pipe and took a sip, when he heard the words, he immediately choked.

She coughed several times and laughed loudly.

She put her hands on her hips and laughed boldly, which took a while to stop.

Scott also kept a smile on his face throughout the process.

"You can really talk, Mr. Trollope." Graplan said cheerfully and gave a thumbs up at the same time, "No wonder you can date two lovely girls at the same time."

In Scott's perception, Savannah, who was hiding behind him, took a few steps back quietly.

"You really know how to joke." He looked at the teaching assistant helplessly.

Graplan walked up to Scott again and put his hand on his shoulder, "I'm not joking."

She seemed to be getting closer on purpose, and Scott could already clearly smell the sage on her body.

The teaching assistant looked at Scott with a half-smile, "If I was still in school, I would be very willing to date a boy like you!"

Scott also smiled, and then responded calmly, "Thank you for your compliment."

"It's really boring."

Seeing Scott's flat expression, Graplan rolled his eyes bored.

"I thought boys your age were more shy at times like this."

She turned around again and walked to the side of the little Thestral, reaching out her hand to stroke its head affectionately.

The little guy also rubbed against her affectionately, making a coquettish sound.

"You are here to see this little guy." Graplan looked at the little Thestral lovingly, "Don't worry, Professor Hagrid and I will take turns taking care of it."

At this point, Luna seemed to have finally ended her fugue.

"Oh! Yes, let's see the little one!"

She ran forward, also reached out and touched the head of the little Thestral, and took out the beef wrapped in parchment from her backpack and fed it.

Little Thestral should have gotten to know her already, and he rubbed her hand affectionately before he started eating.

"The little guy is growing fast," Graplan told Luna, "he's much stronger than before."

Luna nodded in agreement.

Scott looked at the bony body of the Thestral, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He didn't know how they could tell that this little guy was strong.

Not long after, Savannah joined in, and three women, one big, two young, and the Thestrals started playing.

And Scott just stood aside and watched, and didn't intend to participate in it.

He heard Luna suddenly ask, "Miss Graplan, did you graduate from Ravenclaw?"

Graplan didn't answer her question, but instead asked her curiously, "Why do you say that?"

"I think so," Luna said.

"It's a pity that you guessed wrong, lovely girl." Graplan said with a smile, reaching out to pinch Luna's face, "I graduated from Gryffindor College!"

Luna covered her pinched face with her hands, and looked at the teaching assistant in astonishment.

"I think so," she murmured.

"Unfortunately, no." Graplan shrugged, "Wilmina Graplan, graduated from Gryffindor College in 1986."

Scott, who was standing aside, looked at this scene and narrowed his eyes slightly.

When the three of Scott left the Thestral habitat, Graplan stayed put. .

"It needs protection." The teaching assistant touched the little Thestral's head, "I'm worried that other creatures will hurt it."

After saying goodbye to her, the three of Scott walked out of the Forbidden Forest along the same road.

Along the way, Luna seemed a little out of shape and almost tripped over a tree root. Scott reached out and took her arm.

"Can't figure it out?" he asked.

Luna said in a faltering voice, "She's Ravenclaw."

"Don't think about it, maybe she's just teasing you, she's a Ravenclaw." Scott let go.

Luna nodded in a sudden realization, and then began to concentrate on walking.

But Scott turned his head and glanced at the dim light in the depths of the Forbidden Forest, always feeling that this matter might not be that simple.

He is inclined to believe Luna.

However, the crows have been monitoring the teaching assistant for a long time, but they have not found any abnormalities, so he can't easily draw conclusions.

After walking out of the Forbidden Forest, the three of them returned to the Ravenclaw common room with chills all over them, and they all chose to sit by the fireplace to warm up.

"Good evening, Scott, Luna, and Savannah." Jacob, who was sitting next to him doing his homework, raised his head and greeted.

"Good evening." Scott glanced at the paper he was writing. "History of Magic?"

"Yes, I often wonder if Professor Binns will remember to read our homework."

Jacob said something funny.

"Maybe it's just collected and put there. After all, ghosts can't touch the real thing. Our Professor Binns has no way to separate a stack of homework."

The kid is much livelier now, Scott thought.

In his perception, Jacob's magical "color" has undergone significant changes.

No wonder Dumbledore mentioned him too.

"Maybe he can get the house-elves to help," Scott said with a laugh.

"If that's the case, Professor Binns is too dedicated!" Jacob shrugged.

"By the way, have you finished your papers yet?"

He started discussing their homework with Luna and Savannah in the same year.

When his body was warmer, Scott returned to the bedroom.

"Scott, you're back!"

At this time, only Milton was alone in the dormitory.

Seeing Scott enter the door, he stood up and handed Scott a letter.

"Here's your letter," he said. "An owl just delivered it."

(End of this chapter)

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