Chapter 314
Scott, who had been blowing the cold wind for a while, walked quickly back to the castle.

At this point dinner time is over.

Scott, who was hungry, went straight to the corridor on the basement floor of the castle, where the Hufflepuff lounge was located.

Under the knowing eyes of several Hufflepuff students, he reached out and scratched a pear in a still life of fruit.

The pear in the painting twists like a tickle and transforms into a metal doorknob.

Scott turned the doorknob, pushed the door open and walked in.

At this time, the kitchen was still brightly lit, and the house-elves at Hogwarts were busily busy.

Some of them are using magic to direct the dirty dishes to jump into the sink one by one, some are directing the broom and rag to clean at the same time, and some are already preparing the ingredients for tomorrow.

Scott, who pushed the door open, immediately attracted all their attention.

All the house-elves stopped their movements, and many big round eyes stared at him for a moment, and in the next second, sharp voices sounded one after another.

"Ah, it's the little wizard!"

"Good evening, sir, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Happy to be of your service, sir!"

Scott glanced around among them, and soon saw a familiar house-elf.

It was the Lulu who was once sent by Professor Flitwick to protect Jacob's family.

"Lulu." Scott called its name directly.

When he spoke, all the house-elves fell silent.

"Yes, Lulu is here."

Lulu quickly squeezed the other house elves away and ran to Scott.

He looked up at Scott, wiped his hands on the tea towel on his body, and asked respectfully, "Is there anything you need, dear sir."

"Give me some food." Scott walked to the long table and sat down. "I didn't have time to eat dinner."

"Okay, of course there is no problem, sir, what do you want to eat?" Lulu asked again.

"Potato patties, steak, sweet baked apple crumble, hot cocoa."

It may be because it was too cold just now, so Scott ordered some high-calorie food.

After Lulu accepted Scott's menu, several house elves helped Scott to eat the food he wanted quickly.

Just as he was feasting, the kitchen door was pushed open again.

Scott turned his head and saw Luna and Savannah walking in together.

As he was chewing food, Scott just nodded at the two girls.

Luna ran to the house elf and said a few words, then took Savanna's hand and walked to sit next to Scott.

"Good evening, Scott."

"Didn't you have dinner?" she asked.

Scott nodded again.

"Good evening." Savanna greeted softly at this moment.

Scott swallowed the food in his mouth and asked the two girls, "Why are you here?"

"Oh we've had it," Luna said with a smile. "We're here for some meat."

Scott understood, "Go feed that little Thestral?"

Luna nodded.

"Didn't Hagrid feed him?" Scott asked.

"All I brought was snacks," Luna said. "It was so lonely and needed a lot of company."


Scott nodded in understanding, and resumed his meal.

"Oh, you..." Luna turned her head suddenly, staring at Scott carefully with her big slightly protruding eyes.

Scott gave her a questioning look.

"I can't tell..." Luna's tone was erratic, "Maybe an unknown magical animal has visited your brain, of course, it's not a harassing horsefly."

Scott raised his eyebrows, "Have you visited? So they have already left, how do you know?"

"There are some traces." Luna still observed him carefully, "I don't know..."

She suddenly took out a pair of odd-shaped glasses from her wool satchel and put them on her face.


She sighed again, and took off her glasses in frustration.

"It seems that I still don't understand a lot." She turned to look at Savanna, "You know, Savannah?"


Savannah, who had been lowering her head just now, looked up at her in surprise, and then at Scott.

"I... I don't know either." She said a little confused.

"But worth remembering!"

Luna was happy again, and took out a palm-sized notebook and a colorful quill pen from her satchel and began to record.

"Sure enough, there are many magical animals that haven't been discovered by people in this world. This proves that both the harassing horsefly and the curved-horned snoring beast are real." She said enthusiastically, "Another one was discovered today, but it's a pity that I didn't see them. .”

She wrote a few lines quickly, then looked up at Scott and asked, "What do you feel, Scott, I mean, what did they bring to you?"

Scott turned his head to look at her again, and swallowed the food in his mouth helplessly.

After taking a sip of hot cocoa, he said to Luna: "This afternoon, my brain was invaded by some harassment flies, and my mind was a little messed up at the time."

"Oh, unfortunately!" Luna lowered her head and wrote a few strokes, "And then?"

"Then?" Scott smiled, "Then, a new kind of magical animal appeared, they may be the natural enemies of the harassing gadfly, in short, their arrival drove away the harassing gadfly, and made my thinking much clearer , and finally I figured out some problems."

While saying this, Scott noticed Savannah looked at him several times in surprise.

"Oh! Amazing!"

Luna didn't pay attention that much, her eyes were bright, and she wrote quickly.

After finishing writing, she closed the notebook and said to Scott excitedly, "Congratulations, Scott!"

Scott gave her a questioning look.

Luna went on to say: "This may be a major discovery. Of course, as the first person to discover them, maybe you can give them a suitable name."

"Name?" Scott thought for a while, then shook his head, "I'm not good at naming names, so I'd better ask you to do it for me."

Luna laughed several times immediately, "Oh, is that so, then I have to think about it."

After speaking, she fell into deep thought.

Scott took the opportunity to start speeding up his food.

However, after he finished eating, Luna still maintained a pensive expression.

Scott waited for a while, she was still thinking.

Savannah also sat with her, showing no sign of impatience at all.

After a while, Scott didn't want to wait any longer, so he uttered a name to Luna, "Why don't you call Wake-Up Gadfly?"

Luna suddenly raised her head and glanced at him, then lowered her head and opened the notebook, and wrote [Wake-up Gadfly] on that page.

"Fine, I like the name," she said.

Now, instead, Scott who said the name felt embarrassed and his scalp tingled.

"Let's go." Scott stood up, "You are not going to the Forbidden Forest."


Luna quickly put away the notebook and quill.

At this time, the house elf who had prepared the raw meat saw that they were about to leave, so he hurriedly delivered the raw beef.

"Are you going to see it?" Luna invited Scott.

"That's fine." Scott wasn't too worried about the two girls going to the Forbidden Forest at night, so he decided to accompany them.

(End of this chapter)

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