Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 313 313.1 Deep Self-Analysis

Chapter 313 313. A Deep Self-Analysis
In the principal's office, Scott's expression was a little stiff.

Because he didn't know what he should say at this moment.

Of course he understood that Dumbledore told him these out of good intentions, but at this time he was unwilling to lie, and he did not have the idea of ​​changing himself because of this.

So he opened his mouth again, but in the end he could only remain silent.

But even so, Dumbledore's attitude was still kind.

"Don't be stressed." He said with a smile, "You can take this as advice from elders, or of course, it can also be regarded as the boring talk of an old man."

Scott pursed his lips and nodded slightly.

"I'll think about it," he whispered.

"Of course," said Dumbledore, "you still have a lot of time to grow up."

After leaving the principal's office, Scott walked in the castle with mixed feelings.

He was wondering if he should not think about anything or participate, and concentrate on his studies.

After a while, he was a little discouraged again.

After receiving the admission letter from Hogwarts at the age of 11, he had plans since entering the wizarding world.

At that time, his plan was to keep a low profile after entering school, to be more ordinary, not to get involved in troublesome things, and to focus on his studies.

He did it in the first three years, just as he planned, and he spent three years at Hogwarts happily and smoothly.

Harry Potter, the "Savior" entered school in the third grade, and he was completely uninvolved in the Sorcerer's Stone incident.

It was only from the fourth grade that Scott began to encounter some troubles that he had to use means to deal with.

Originally, he just wanted to use a small means to obtain proof of the existence of the basilisk, so as to solve the most threatening incident to him this year.

In the end, on Christmas Eve of that year, he had a bet with someone with his life, and his hands were stained with human life.

The death of Jasmine Travers was like flipping some kind of switch, and troubles began to follow one after another.

For Scott himself, this experience allowed him to break through his psychological defenses, more like opening Pandora's box.

After that, he has been able to decisively eliminate people who threaten him without changing his face, and even began to use his foresight to manipulate the development of some things.

In the end, the death of Travers, the three pure-blood families and the Ministry of Magic competed for the inheritance of the Travers family. Perhaps it was the director who promoted the occurrence of these events, which made him a little swollen. When threatened, Scott's most instinctive thought was to release Voldemort, Medea's prey and enemy.

As the headmaster, and the current owner of the magic castle, Dumbledore may not know what Scott has done, but he may be keenly aware of some of Scott's idiosyncrasies, which the old headmaster disagreed with. part.

After thinking and thinking, Scott suddenly discovered that the fuse of all this was actually that boy Jacob.

Thinking of this, Scott shook his head helplessly.

Of course, such thoughts are just ridicule. He is very clear that after all, his character determines his choice.

Unknowingly, Scott walked to the viaducted stone bridge connecting the outside of the castle.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and it was about to fall into the night.

Scott had followed Snape to the headmaster's office after the afternoon potions class, but he couldn't take care of dinner at this time.

Standing in the cold wind whizzing past on the bridge, Scott stretched out his hands to tighten the robe around his body, and wrapped the scarf around his neck one more time.

Although he still had no desire to change himself, Dumbledore's words finally made him examine himself.

Before this conversation with the old principal, Scott had never felt that there was anything wrong with what he was doing.

People who don't do it for themselves will be punished by heaven and earth.

Since others want to hurt him, don't blame him for preempting it.

He has always thought this way, and he doesn't think there is anything wrong with his thinking.


It may be because of Dumbledore's words, or it may be because of something else, at this moment he suddenly remembered himself in his previous life.

So he suddenly realized that he had changed after all.

Although he also held grudges in his previous life, he only held grudges. He never took any action to take revenge on anyone. After all, the person who made him hold grudges was only slightly or severely offended, and would not threaten his life.

Thinking of this, Scott sighed lightly.

He could say that this somewhat chaotic magic world, which was completely different from the peaceful and stable society in his previous life, had changed himself, or he could say that he had changed himself to adapt to the environment, but such reasons could not completely convince himself.

The cold wind howled, like the howling of some kind of monster.

At this moment, Scott didn't feel cold.

His originally somewhat chaotic thoughts gradually became clearer, and his thinking seemed to stand on another absolutely objective angle, and he began to rationally analyze himself.

Perhaps it is the disadvantage of having past life memories.

For Scott, before entering Hogwarts, the so-called wizarding world was just the background of a novel, and he already had a preconceived impression of it.

Based on this impression, his subconscious mind would think that the wizarding world is unsafe and even turbulent, which gave him some invisible pressure and sense of insecurity.

These influences may be intangible, but they are also subtly changing him, making his counterattack against maliciousness extraordinarily fierce.

In short, after some analysis, Scott believes that this is the main reason for his change.

Of course, there are other reasons.

For example, the arrogance after mastering power.

Ask yourself, if he is not a wizard, if he is still living in the Muggle world, when he encounters someone who is malicious to him or even threatens his life, he will still choose to call the police as much as possible.

But after becoming a wizard, he began to tend to do it himself.

Scott suddenly laughed silently.

Dumbledore said he was stubborn and refused to change, but in fact he has changed a lot.

It's just that it's not just a change in a good direction, he thought to himself mockingly.

But he was soon relieved.

In the cold December night, Scott underwent a deep self-analysis and discovered some of his problems.

But he didn't feel any uneasiness because of this, and he still didn't intend to be obedient and correct.

He reached out and rubbed his frozen face, smiled casually, then stomped his feet that had become cold from standing for a long time, turned and walked towards the auditorium.

Everyone knows that truth, goodness and beauty are good, and of course Scott knows that, but that doesn't mean he wants to be true, good and beautiful.

The magic world is not a fairy tale world of truth, goodness and beauty.

On this day, the conversation with Dumbledore finally had some impact on him, and he really figured out some things.

Under the kind reminder of the old principal, Scott really realized himself, and immediately accepted such himself.

(End of this chapter)

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