Chapter 296
After Scott and Harry finished talking, they were about to return to the Ravenclaw long table when Neville suddenly walked over and handed him a glass jar.

"Scott, here's your yarrow tea," he said.

"Oh, are you done?"

Scott happily took the glass jar, opened it and smelled it.

"Although I haven't tried it, I can feel refreshed just by smelling it." He smiled at Neville, "Thank you, Neville."

Neville smiled a little embarrassedly, "I specifically asked Professor Sprout for advice. The yarrow tea used for divination is a bit complicated to make, so it took so long."

"Thank you so much." Scott patted him on the shoulder, "Come to me anytime you need arithmetic divination. Of course, it's free."

Neville nodded, smiling honestly.

After this morning's class ended, Rimbaud, who hadn't seen Scott for a long time, flew out of the Forbidden Forest.

At that time, Scott was about to go back to the dormitory for a nap when Rimbaud landed on his shoulder from the sky.

Scott took Rimbaud to an empty classroom where there was no one there, and he began to talk to it after soundproofing it with a magic spell.

"Long time no see, my friend." Scott reached out and touched Rimbaud's wings, "Is my oak tree house okay?"

"Long time no see, Scott."

Rimbaud affectionately rubbed Scott's hand with his beak.

"Certainly, Oak Cottage is very well under my care."

"Thank you." Scott smiled.

"Oh, you're welcome." Rimbaud said proudly, "I'm here because one of the crows you summoned yesterday returned to the territory."

Scott raised his eyebrows, "Oh? So, what news did that crow bring?"

Rimbaud said: "The crows followed the owl to London, and the crow told me that the gentleman lit a toy fireplace immediately after receiving your letter."

Toy fireplace, or small fireplace, Medea's local Floo network.

"Really..." Scott sighed, "It seems that William really hasn't given up magic."

"Of course! Who would give up magic!" Rimbaud said in a natural tone.

In the following time, Scott and Rimbaud exchanged their respective information during the period after school started.

Rimbaud told Scott that the three families vying for Travers' inheritance had recently stopped fighting each other more intensely.

Because the three families fought fiercely some time ago, but no one was killed, Rimbaud didn't inform him before.

"The calm before the storm?" Scott smiled.

Because he often monitors the movement of the Slytherin table, he often hears the discussions of some Slytherin students during the meal.

Moreover, Millicent Burst, who missed the school-opening dinner, has been absent until now, probably because the family is facing a war and is afraid that Hogwarts will not be safe enough.

After the exchange of information, Scott said softly, "Let the crows stare at the Three Broomsticks starting today, and you will come with me on Saturday."

"It's okay to go together." Rimbaud said hesitantly, "but are you sure you really want to go? What if Medea suddenly appears?"

He said worriedly: "Didn't you say that she needs you to calculate the Dark Lord's Horcrux with arithmetic and divination."

"Medea won't show up." Scott said in an affirmative tone, "If she shows up, the William card will be useless to me in the future."

"As long as it works this time!" Rimbaud exclaimed.

It pecked Scott's finger a little harder, "Why are you so stupid, Scott!"

Scott also hesitated when he heard this.

"Am I stupid?" he asked back.

"There's something wrong with you," said Rimbaud.

It pecked at his finger again, this time causing Scott pain.

"You said you'd never go on any more adventures, after that summer trip to the Isle of Man," it reminded him.

When Scott heard the words, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he murmured, "There seems to be something really wrong with me."

Too careless indeed, it's very unscotty!

Even now that he has doubts, the idea that "Medea will not appear in this meeting with William" is still deeply rooted in his mind.

Why is that?
It would have been reasonable to have such an idea before that, but Rimbaud had already told him that William also had a small fireplace!

Scott suddenly felt extremely awkward.

What's wrong with me?
He thought and thought.

Then, he decisively pulled out his wand, and pointed the tip of the wand at his temple.

"Stop the curse!"

A golden light flashed, and Scott was keenly aware that some thoughts in his mind had quietly changed immediately.

Then he began to question his previous decisions.

Why do I always subconsciously think that Medea will not appear this time?
He had always thought that if Medea appeared, the William card would be useless to Scott.

But now think about it in reverse, what if the William card is only used here, just to lure Scott away from Hogwarts?
Although Scott can use the Portkey to escape at any time, the Portkey itself is a gift from Medea...

This gift is very useful when facing others, but not necessarily when facing Medea.

Scott's face became more and more ugly.

Why had he made up his mind to meet William since he received that letter, and even subconsciously ignored the potential danger?
Thinking of this, he hastily found the letter from the deformed lizard pouch on his waist and read it again.

But this time he didn't feel anything strange, and he didn't have the urge to go to the appointment.

He picked up the letter paper and smelled it, and smelled a faint herbal fragrance.

At the same time, he finally sensed the extremely subtle magic power remaining on the letter paper.

Although I don't know what the method was, there is no doubt that Scott was tricked when he read the letter the day before!

In the middle of the move!
Scott still couldn't believe it.

He who has magical perception was actually tricked?
There is no reason!
What kind of method actually deceived his magical perception in an instant?
"This is a bit outrageous." Scott murmured.

He had written to William to try his luck, to see if he could catch a fish, but it turned out that someone else was fishing for him?

"Scott! Scott!"

Rimbaud's voice brought Scott back to his senses.

"Are you okay, Scott." Rimbaud asked worriedly, "Your face looks bad."

Scott reached out and held Rimbaud in his arms.

"It's a good thing you reminded me, Rimbaud!" He said with some fear.

Rimbaud became proud again, "It's nothing, you are my best friend!"

Scott walked up and down the classroom.

"No." He frowned and said, "I must find out what method the other party used!"

If you don't figure it out, won't you be tricked next time?

But he soon realized that it was useless for him to think about it here.

"I'm so pissed off..."

Scott murmured.

When encountering this kind of thing, the best choice is of course to ask the Ravenclaw mentor.

(End of this chapter)

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