Chapter 295. 295. Looking for a Breakthrough
After the communication between Hermione and Luna, Scott and Harry finally figured out these two things.

Scott wasn't bothered about another thing.

Old Malfoy was extremely dissatisfied with the previous decisions of Principal Dumbledore and the school board, so he directly took the path of litigation.

Apparently, he wanted to use his Ministry connections to influence the outcome of the Wizengamot's trial, with the aim of punishing Hagrid and the hippogriff for hurting Malfoy.

Scott thinks this is nothing, as long as Dumbledore is willing, he can still help Hagrid keep his professorship.

As for the Hippogriff, will it be sentenced to death like in the "original book"?

That's not what Scott cares about.

Anyway... If Harry and the others want to save the Hippogriff, they only need to use the Time-Turner held by Hermione as in the "Original Book".

What Scott really cared about was Medea's actions.

He couldn't get more information about this, but he only confirmed one thing from Hagrid - the Thestrals at Hogwarts were indeed stolen by Medea's people.

Nor can Scott send Rimbaud and the crows to Edinburgh to find out about Medea.

After all, Rimbaud was caught by Medea when she was spying on Katie Shafik, and she even gave Rimbaud a confusion spell to fly back to Hogwarts by herself.

In the hut, Harry and Ron gave Hagrid a bunch of unreliable ideas, which Hermione refuted one by one.

Neither Scott nor Luna spoke, just watched the three Gryffindors having a lively quarrel, as if they were watching some interesting show.

Hagrid was wiping away tears all the time, his mind was completely occupied by those Thestrals who seemed to him to be suffering, and he didn't listen to what Harry and the others were saying at all.

The noon break passed like this, and the three little Gryffindor wizards didn't discuss anything useful.

On the way back, Hermione said to Harry and Ron: "I decided to check the information, maybe I can find some previous cases in the library as a reference, you should go too!"

Harry and Ron immediately grimaced.

"Look at your expressions, oh, don't you want to?" Hermione said angrily, "We can't help with the Thestrals, and Hagrid doesn't have time to deal with the lawsuit now, so we have to help him !"

"Of course, of course I'd like to help him," Harry said hastily.

Ron nodded, scowling too.

"That's about the same!" Hermione snorted, shook her head, and walked quickly to the front.

Harry turned his head to look at Scott and Luna with a bitter face, "Scott, do you have any good ideas?"

Scott glanced at him.

This kid, don't be too obvious about pulling people into the water.

Ron also said, "By the way, Scott, even Fred and George praised your intelligence, so you must be able to do it?"

He looked at Scott with hopeful eyes, as if pinning his hope of escaping the task of reading the book on this Ravenclaw.

"Oh you guys are so funny!"

Luna watched this scene, and suddenly laughed nervously.

Both Harry and Ron looked at her in bewilderment, and even Hermione, who was walking in front, turned her head with surprise on her face.

Luna laughed alone for a while before stopping.

Then, she said to Harry and the others in an erratic tone, "Oh, don't worry, Hagrid will be fine."

The expressions of the three Gryffindors present were somewhat indescribable. It seemed that they all thought that Luna was a little crazy.

"Sorry, I don't know much about dealing with lawsuits."

At this point, Scott began answering Harry and Ron's questions.

When the two heard Scott's words, they showed painful expressions again.

"But I can write and ask William," Scott added.

"William?" Hermione turned around again, "Who is that?"

Scott said: "William is a Ravenclaw who graduated last school year. He is very interested in law and his goal is to become a famous barrister. If he is willing to help, Hagrid will be a lot easier."

"Great!" Harry and Ron immediately beamed.

Scott added: "Beforehand, I don't know whether William is willing to act as Hagrid's defense lawyer. Of course, if he is willing, he needs to be paid."

"It's okay, I can pay him!" Harry said richly.

"Then it's decided." Scott smiled and said goodbye to them, "I will inform you of any news."

In fact, William has already left the wizarding world and decided to go to Muggle University. Scott is of course not sure whether he will be willing to help.

But the purpose of Scott's mention of William is not for this, he just wants to use this incident to keep in touch with William.

After all, William was also one of the students who had accepted Medea's contract deal.

What exactly he traded no one knows.

Scott couldn't tell either—

He thought about whether William really went back to the Muggle world to take the college entrance examination, or...has he also become a member of Medea's bewitching?

Not without this possibility.

It is very difficult for a wizard to bid farewell to magic and return to Muggle society. It is very difficult to live as a Muggle, even if the wizard is from a Muggle family.

When he said goodbye to William, Scott didn't probe too much, and even sent his blessing, wishing him to be the leading barrister in London.

But after thinking about it, Scott felt something was wrong.

Maybe it was because he judged others by himself, he always felt that William left too simply.

Scott himself could never be that free and easy.

In his mind, even if he didn't have such a talent for magic, he would never give up magic.

Just look at that kid Jacob. Although that kid has mediocre talent, he seizes every opportunity to improve himself, even at the risk of risking himself.

During this period, Scott urgently needed information about Medea, but there was no good way.

For some reasons, he didn't want to contact Medea directly, and he couldn't send crows to listen to the information, so he could only find breakthroughs from other aspects.

Just as Hagrid was facing a lawsuit, Scott wanted to use this opportunity to get back in touch with William to see if he could gain anything.

Of course, if he guessed wrong and William was really just working hard for the college entrance examination, then he had nothing to lose.

He did what he thought, and after the class ended this afternoon, Scott came to the school's owl shed with the written letter.

With some food, he hired a sprightly public owl to deliver his mail.

After the owl flew away, Scott summoned several crows to follow the owl.

"I hope William didn't use a spell to block the search of you postmen." Scott said, and distributed the remaining food to other owls.

When a wizard does not want to be found, of course there are ways to block all contact with the outside world, including the owls who deliver the letter.

Looking up to see the crow disappear into the sky, Scott turned and left the owl shack to attend the evening Transfiguration Club as usual.

The members in the club are all students with relatively strong transfiguration talents, which leads to the general learning progress of the members is faster than the usual transfiguration class.

For example, Scott and his group of fifth-grade students have already begun to formally contact part of the content of human body deformation in the Transfiguration Club.

Body deformation is an important branch of Transfiguration, and of course, the most dangerous.

The ultimate magic of this branch is the Animagus, who can fully transform into an animal.

Normally, knowledge of human transfiguration is not included in the normal Wizarding Rank exams.

In other words, generally only students in sixth grade who choose to continue their studies in transfiguration will be exposed to human body deformation.

But in the club, Professor McGonagall has tacitly accepted that these fifth-grade club members are all students who will choose to continue their studies of transfiguration in the sixth grade.

Therefore, she intends to explain part of the knowledge of human body deformation to them from this school year.

Scott also chose to formally learn the knowledge of human body deformation from this school year, in preparation for completing the extremely difficult magic of Animagus.

He expects to spend a year getting ready, trying to complete the metamorphosis during his sixth grade year.

Professor McGonagall applauded his cautious approach.

"Transfiguration is an extremely dangerous magic!"

She emphasized to the students more than once.

"If you don't want to send yourself to the hospital, please remember to try it under my supervision, even if you are just going to make one of your ears bigger!"

As a cautious guy by nature, Scott certainly took her warning to heart and never put himself in danger.

But not so for others.

For example, Angelina, the Chaser of Gryffindor and Fred's love interest, had an accident in a private attempt to make her palm bigger and was sent to the school hospital.

"Maybe my hands are bigger, maybe I can catch the Quaffle better in the game." Angelina said afterward.

In this regard, Scott just wants to say that Quidditch is harmful.

Scott received a reply from William the next morning.

William said in the letter that although he is now studying in a middle school and preparing for college entrance examination, he is still willing to participate in the case Scott said and serve as Haiger's defense attorney.

[… I did not expect to receive such a letter.

But I must admit that I was a little emotional after reading the letter.

In the Muggle world, I'm far from being a barrister, but in the wizarding world, I'm a Ravenclaw graduate!

I think this will be a very meaningful experience, maybe a successful defense can better represent my farewell to the wizarding world, at least cooler than the graduation dinner.

Anyway, thank you, Scott...]
Scott stood up and walked to the Gryffindor table, showing the letter to Harry and the others.

"Oh! He agreed!" Harry was delighted.

"He made an appointment to meet you at the Three Broomsticks this Saturday?" Hermione who read the letter quickly looked up and said to Scott, "But our Hogsmeade village has been cancelled!"

"I'll leave it to Hagrid to meet and talk with the lawyer." Scott said to Hermione, "I'm just in charge of delivering the message."

He winked at Harry as he spoke.

Of course Scott would choose to sneak out, this is a chance to observe William up close.

Except... at least he had to be safe before sneaking out.

Harry understood immediately.

"Yeah, let's tell Hagrid the good news quickly!" he said to Hermione with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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