Chapter 297
"Did you also fall under the Imperius Curse?" Rimbaud asked Scott worriedly, "What are you going to do?"

Hearing Rimbaud's words of concern, Scott's mood became calmer.

He said to the increasingly humanized Raven: "First of all, the last time Medea cast a confusion spell on you. Secondly, the trick I got this time was not the Imperius Curse, but a more..."

He thought for a while before he came up with a more appropriate adjective, "more silent and imperceptible magic, and..."

He raised the letter paper in his hand, "There is still a smell on the letter paper, which means that this magic is only effective when combined with some kind of potion or herbal medicine."

Hearing what he said, Rimbaud just tilted his head, "It sounds terrible, but I don't understand it."

Seeing this, Scott smiled and felt a little more relaxed.

He took out his pocket watch and checked the time. It was half an hour before class in the afternoon.

"We are temporarily separated."

He opened the classroom window while talking to Rimbaud.

"Come and see me after the afternoon class is over."

"no problem."

Rimbaud flew out of the window.

Scott turned and dropped to one knee.

He tapped the wand in his hand and said the spell at the same time.

"Stop the curse."

The golden light spread around the center of the wand tip, dispelling Scott's original silence spell.

After doing this, Scott got up and left the empty classroom.

He came to the eighth floor as fast as he could and entered Helena's study.


In the study, the girl Helena in the painting looked at Scott who suddenly entered the door in surprise.

She asked curiously, "Why are you here? Today is not the weekend."

"Something happened to me," Scott said. "Please open the door for me, Helena, I need to see the Ravenclaw mentor."


Perhaps seeing Scott's serious expression, the girl Helena didn't complain this time, and directly opened the door for him.

After a hasty thank you, Scott walked into the inner room where the Ravenclaw portrait was.


Although a little anxious, Scott still did not forget to salute Ravenclaw in the painting.

The Ravenclaw in the painting looked up and looked at him with wise eyes.

"What happened, Scott?" she asked.

Scott quickly and succinctly explained the situation he encountered.

After listening to Scott's description, Ravenclaw did not comment on the behavior of Medea and Scott.

She doesn't seem to care much about Medea's disturbing actions or the subtle connection between Scott and Medea.

She just glanced at the letter paper in Scott's hand, and then gave the reason why Scott was recruited.

She started by saying, "You're not running Occlumency."

"Yes." Scott nodded, "I don't maintain Occlumency all the time."

"Maybe next time you receive some dangerous letters, you will remember to take precautions." Ravenclaw in the painting smiled, "The other party's method is very simple, you can try to wet the letter paper with water .”

Upon hearing this, Scott immediately waved his wand and used the water-making spell to create some water, which drenched the letter paper in his hand.

When the entire paper was wet, most of the handwriting on the paper became blurred, but some strokes were still clear as before.

"See anything?" Ravenclaw asked in the painting.

"This is……"

Scott had also discovered at this time that the strokes on the letter paper that were still clear after being wet formed a somewhat intermittent pattern.

No wonder he always felt that William's letter was scribbled, even messy.

"A simple rune circuit, the effect is similar to charm magic." Ravenclaw said softly, "These strokes should be written with ink made from a bewitching potion."

"So it is."

Scott smiled helplessly.

The existence of the confusion potion was to confuse his perception, so that he could not notice the magic power fluctuations when the rune circuit took effect when he read the letter.

The confusion potion is actually very small, because it doesn't need to confuse Scott for a long time, it only takes a moment for the rune circuit to take effect.

To put it bluntly, this method is actually not very complicated, but it is extremely easy to get tricked without knowing it.

Like the poisonous midges used in Scott's assassination.

After figuring out why he was recruited, Scott also breathed a sigh of relief.

This is not an unavoidable technique, and he just needs to be more careful afterwards, so he doesn't have to worry about being tricked again.

Suddenly, Scott sniffed.

It may be because of being wet with water, but Scott always felt that the herbal smell left on the letter paper was clearer.

"This smell...somewhat familiar..."

He felt like he had smelled it somewhere before.

Once again, he leaned close to the soaked letter paper and sniffed it carefully, and suddenly a flash of inspiration came to Scott's mind.

"Miss Graplan," he muttered softly, "it smells a bit like the sage that the teaching assistant smoked."

"It's not uncommon to see potions of confusion made with sage as the main ingredient."

At this time, Ravenclaw in the painting said.

"When you get close to breathing the smoke from burning sage, the effect is a non-addictive hallucinogen."

So there's no connection between those two things?
Scott had a question mark in his heart.

Perhaps he was being too sensitive, but Scott still felt that... maybe a crow should be sent to monitor Miss Graplan for a while.

Scott checked the time again. There were 10 minutes left before class.

So he respectfully thanked the Ravenclaw mentor and said goodbye.

"Go ahead, I hope you weigh that thing before you do anything."

The words of Ravenclaw's warning came from the painting.

"Is what you have to do more important than knowledge? If not, then it's not worth your time."

"I see, Master."

Scott saluted again, turned and left the room.

He hastily bid farewell to the girl Helena in the painting, and hurriedly left the Room of Requirement.

Running all the way, Scott finally arrived at the History of Magic classroom before the class started.

At this time, the only ghost professor at Hogwarts, Professor Binns, had already begun to roll his name slowly.

After the afternoon class, Rimbaud appeared in front of Scott again.

Since there were other students around, Raven wisely did not speak, and just quietly landed on Scott's shoulder.

"Why do you have another raven?"

Roger and Milton looked at Rimbaud curiously.

"Is this also what you conjured with Transfiguration?"

"Of course." Scott raised his hand and stroked Rimbaud's feathers, "I'm practicing..."

Rimbaud pecked his finger hard.

Obviously, in Rimbaud's memory, it is not a product of transfiguration, it is just a gifted genius raven.

"I'm working on making it more flexible," Scott said, still smiling.

Although Rimbaud pecked Scott angrily, he thoughtfully did not "expose" Scott's "lie".

At this time, Scott suddenly heard a call under his throat.

"Hey! Scott!"

Scott looked around, and saw Harry standing behind a pillar in a hallway and waving at him.

Scott suddenly remembered what he had hinted at to Harry the day before, when he had told Hermione that he would not be meeting William.

Presumably Harry came to him this time because he wanted to confirm with him the meeting with William on Saturday.

After understanding what was going on, Scott asked his roommates to go to the auditorium first, and walked in front of Harry alone.

He smiled and asked Harry, "Who are you hiding from, Harry."

"Oh, I don't want to be seen by Hermione." Harry scratched his head and said with some embarrassment.

He beckoned again and asked Scott to walk with him to the corner of the corridor.

Ron was shrinking his head and hiding there.

"Hermione has been a bit elusive since the beginning of this term," Harry complained softly. "Ron and I have encountered her several times in a short period of time."

Ron said a little unhappy: "I suspect that she has mastered the secret passage, but she didn't tell us!"

"I don't think so. Hermione always looks tired. She must have other secrets." Harry was more careful than Ron.

That, Scott understood, was only the reason Hermione used the Time-Turner.

He didn't want to listen to the two boys discussing their little friends' secrets here, so he asked directly, "What do you want me for?"

"Oh, right."

Harry, reminded, began to say what he had meant to say.

"I've told Hagrid about that, and Hagrid will go to the Three Broomsticks to meet William on Saturday, but I didn't tell Hagrid that we'd be there too."

"Are we going too?" Scott looked at him pretending to be puzzled.

"Isn't it?" Harry was a little dumbfounded, "It's obviously you..."

His eyes widened, "When you spoke to Hermione, you hinted at me with your eyes."

Ron also looked at Scott in surprise, "I saw it too."

Scott acted more surprised than Ron.

"Why do you think that?" he said in surprise. "I was just implying that Harry was helping out because I didn't want to hear Hermione stressing discipline."

Harry opened his mouth wide, "Oh... I thought... you were hinting at me, I thought you had a way of sneaking out."

"Of course I can't help it." Scott said with a smile, "Dumbledore said that Filch will guard the secret passage."

"Is that so..." Harry looked at Scott hesitantly.

"That's it." Scott said with certainty.

Harry and Ron wilted immediately.

The two boys looked disappointed at the moment, like two elementary school students who heard that the spring outing was cancelled.

"We can't help you with this matter even in the past. Let Hagrid handle it by himself. Don't worry, William is definitely a professional." Scott said.

He turned and walked towards the auditorium first.

"Now, it's time for us to have dinner."

Although the incident made it look like Scott had played a trick on Harry, Scott wasn't guilty.

He knew very well that Harry was also one of Voldemort's Horcruxes.

Now that Medea is looking for Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes, it's better for Harry not to appear in Medea's sight.

If Medea found some clues, Scott would not be sure what the lady would do.

 I sat in the car all day today, and it was too late when I started coding at night.Next chapter will be updated, but it may be later, probably after midnight, everyone will read it tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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