Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 18 018. Cedric's Advice

Chapter 18 018. Cedric's Advice

Scott and Eddie walked down Ravenclaw Tower together and then separated.

Eddie embarked on the sales road of underground merchants with great ambitions, and Scott took the book to the second floor of the main building of Hogwarts Castle.

Professor McGonagall's office is located next to the corridor on the second floor, so the Transfiguration Club she hosts is also arranged in a small classroom on the other side of the corridor.


Scott, who was walking in the hallway, heard someone calling his name, and when he turned around, he saw Cedric climbing up the stairs.

"Good evening, Cedric."

Scott stopped.

"good evening."

Cedric hurried over.

"I don't know if I can ask you for advice." His face seemed to be hesitant, "Since the first spell class after the school started, I have tried many times what you and Professor Flitwick said about perceiving magic, but unfortunately I have never been able to. what progress."

Perceived magic?

Scott gave him a surprised look.

Cedric smiled shyly at him, his face turning slightly red.

"Of course, it doesn't matter if it's inconvenient for you to say." As if afraid of embarrassing Scott, he hurriedly added another sentence.

"No inconvenience." Scott shook his head, "Can I ask how far you can do it now?"

"Of course." Cedric cheered, "I can only perceive other people's magic fluctuations at close range, especially when they are casting magic spells."

He frowned slightly, "But I can't tell the difference between different people's magic power."

Scott heard the words and thought for a while.He didn't know how to explain it to Cedric.Most of the reason for his own ability to perceive clarity is actually due to talent.

After thinking about it, he chose to tell Cedric the truth, "Sorry, Cedric. As for perceiving magic, I can't really tell you how to do it. It's not like a spell, there are no fixed spells and gestures. Because This perception is like our sight and hearing, and we can master it gradually and naturally from birth, just like following instinct."

"It's okay, Scott. It's probably because I haven't learned enough about magic."

Although Cedric was a little disappointed, he still did not forget to thank him, "Thank you for telling me this, it has some inspiration for me."

Seeing Cedric's sincere thanks, Scott couldn't help but sigh, this is really an honest kid, no wonder he was assigned to Hufflepuff by the Sorting Hat.

"Don't thank me, Cedric."

Scott inevitably felt a little embarrassed and decided to talk more.

"While I can't describe this ability clearly, I can tell you a few ways to enhance your perception that might help you."

"Really?" Cedric was overjoyed. "I don't know how to thank you, Scott!"

Scott smiled, "You're welcome, it's only possible, because I discovered this method by coincidence myself, but I'm not sure if it will work for you as well."

"It would be the greatest help if you could tell me the method you found." Cedric said gratefully.

"Well, that's actually what I discovered in my deep dive into Transfiguration," Scott said.

Cedric hurriedly listened to him attentively.

"You know, really clever Transfiguration isn't just about changing the look of the object, we're going to want to make the material of the object actually change after the first step."

Scott talks about how he discovered that method.

"So over the last school year, I collected a lot of different materials, different woods, different metals, or more complex objects, even some animals. I've been trying to sense them with magic."

"Is this the training method you're talking about?" Cedric understood what Scott meant.He's also a gifted wizard in Transfiguration, and he's done similar exercises.

"It really started this way."

Speaking of which, Scott couldn't help but complain.

"Speaking of this, I did a lot of futile efforts at first. I didn't understand at the time that magic and Muggle science are completely different."

"Later I figured out that the foundation of all magic lies in magic."

"I don't need to use my brain to remember what elements those different materials are made of, or to think about complicated questions like what molecules and atoms are."

In Cedric's bewildered eyes, Scott continued: "I just need to use my magic to remember that feeling. Different objects have different feelings in the perception of magic. Follow this when using Transfiguration. The memory of the feeling can successfully change their texture."

Here Cedric can understand, he nodded quickly.

Scott suddenly laughed a little and stopped.

He seemed to have forgotten just now. Cedric, who didn't understand science at all, couldn't understand this, and it was meaningless to talk to him.

When he first learned magic, his thinking had not been converted, so he habitually used scientific thinking to treat magic, and of course he retreated from the south to the north.

This is a bit like when he was learning English in his previous life, when he saw an English word, he always habitually translated it into Chinese in his mind first.

Leaving the past behind, Scott finally got to the point, "I'm sure you've done a similar exercise, but maybe you can start with the singlest material, like I did."

"For example, a piece of willow, a piece of fine iron, I have collected a lot of different materials. I have been holding them in my hands, touching them with magic power, and feeling the difference between them."

"Also, use Transfiguration to constantly try to change them, feel the difference between the material you deformed and the natural material, and then adjust it little by little."

"It was like this at the beginning, and then I just need to gradually increase the difficulty according to my own progress." Scott thought about it again and found that he had nothing to add, "Anyway, during this process, my perception of magic is natural. became clearer."

"Is that so?" Cedric looked at Scott with some admiration after hearing this, "It seems that you are indeed working harder than me, Scott."

"I did it out of interest." Scott didn't care. "However, the process can be very boring for people who are not interested."

"It doesn't matter, I'm also very interested." Cedric laughed, "It seems that I should start collecting different materials."

He thanked him earnestly again, "Anyway, thank you for telling me this, Scott."

"You're welcome, this doesn't necessarily work for you."

Scott tapped him on the shoulder.

"Don't blame me if you try it and it doesn't work."

"Of course not!" Cedric said seriously, "Even if it doesn't help with perception magic, it will at least help me improve my Transfiguration, right?"

indeed so.

Scott nodded.

"Two gentlemen."

At this moment, the door of the classroom next to the two was pushed open, and Professor McGonagall came out and stood at the door.

"I think our Transfiguration Club activities have already begun." She pursed her lips sternly, "I wonder why the two gentlemen that everyone has been waiting for are still standing at the door of the club and not coming in?"

(End of this chapter)

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