Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 17 017. Hair Care "Potion" Luna

Chapter 17 017. Hair Care "Potion" Luna
It was another ordinary day, and Scott, who had finished the day's course, pushed open the door of the dormitory.

"Good evening, Scott."

Eddie was alone in the bedroom, and he was carrying a huge backpack.

"Milton went to the classical music club, and Roger had another girl," Eddie told Scott.

"And you're going to swagger again," Scott said.

Eddie smiled at him ingratiatingly. "Don't expose me, Scott, I'm just trying to make some hard money."

Scott shook his head, "Of course I'm not going to dismantle you. But I want to remind you that I'm not the only one who can see that the Buffy brain booster you sold in the last school year is actually the feces of the fox. "

"Oh! Of course, many people have the ability to distinguish between true and false medicines." Eddie said enthusiastically, "but doing business also requires attention to strategy and selection of objects. The customers I choose are those who are empty-headed, in order to cope with A little wizard who fell ill and went to the doctor after an exam."

He took off the backpack on his back and opened it on the bed. He kept saying, "And your information is out of date. Bafe Brain Refresher is only a limited product during the exam season. What I brought this time is Brand new stuff!"

He took out a small glass bottle from his backpack, shook it in his hand, and said in a proud tone, "Special effect hair care potion, let your hair say goodbye to dryness and frizz!"

Scott reached out and took the bottle of "magic potion", opened it, smelled it, and said angrily, "I'm sure it's just a Muggle brand of ginger conditioner, because my mother is using it."

"How is it? I spent a lot of money this time. This is not the same level of product as fox poop. At least it's really useful." Eddie was a little proud.

"I think a lot of young Muggle-born wizards know this." Scott handed back the glass bottle. "If you get caught and beat up, I'm not going to save you, Eddie."

Eddie put the glass bottle back in his backpack, acting indifferently, "It doesn't matter, I said that when doing business, you have to choose people, this time I will sell the 'hair care potion' to those who have nothing to do with the Muggle world. A little witch who knows or doesn't usually care about cosmetics at all."

"what ever."

Scott shook his head and went to the bookshelf beside his bed to take down a copy of the Intermediate Transfiguration Guide.

"Did you know that since the glittering Professor Lockhart came to Hogwarts, some of the little witches who are now fascinated by him have awakened to their beauty consciousness, and they are especially keen on hair care."

Eddie's mouth wouldn't stop easily.

"Especially the little witches of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. But they can't afford the bird and snake egg yolk shampoo promoted by Professor Lockhart, although Professor Lockhart has repeatedly boasted about his shampoo Can 'lock in the shine'."

He put on his backpack again and patted his chest.

"It's up to me, Ravenclaw's underground businessman, Eddie Mitchell, to save their hair and beauty."

"Okay Eddie, please shut up, I think I have to go to Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration Club." Scott didn't want to listen to Eddie's business here.

"Oh well, do you need me to get you a few bottles?" Eddie looked up at Scott's little curly black hair. "They at least make your hair fragrant."

"I do not need it, thank you."

Scott categorically refused, and he walked straight to the outside of the bedroom with the books and wand, giving him a wary look at the same time.

"Don't try to advertise in my name! I don't want to be suddenly given some weird reputation."

"Okay okay." Eddie glanced at him regretfully and followed in his footsteps, "Wait for me, I'm going out too."

After walking out of the bedroom, Eddie still didn't stop his mouth.

"It's okay though, Milton has accepted my gift. And his smooth long hair is more convincing than your natural curly hair."

"I dare say Milton doesn't know what you want to do at all, he just happily accepted the gift from his friend!" Scott couldn't help but glanced at him contemptuously.

Eddie smiled shamelessly, "What does it matter, it's just mutual benefit."

Scott didn't bother to talk to him, just reminded him, "You better not sell these things in Ravenclaw, or I will not be optimistic about your next situation in the Academy."

"Of course, I'm not that stupid!" Eddie promised.

It's just that when the two passed the common room, he immediately ran to a little witch sitting alone by the window.

"Good evening, Luna!"

Eddie greeted warmly.

"Good evening, Eddie."

The little witch has dark golden brown hair, and her voice is erratic.She didn't look at Eddie when she spoke, but looked out the window motionless with a pair of strange glasses.

Luna Lovegood, also a Ravenclaw freshman this year.

This is a not-so-gregarious little witch, and even Scott has occasionally heard her call her a "crazy girl."

But Scott noticed her not just because she was a named character in "Original."

According to Eddie's latest information, Luna is the only little witch among the lower grades of Ravenclaw non-Muggle-born schoolgirls who has not yet mixed with Jasmin Travert.

Of course, it also exacerbated her isolation among those girls.

"Oh Luna, maybe I'll make you a little unhappy when I say that." Eddie pretended to say, "But I have to be objective, your hair is a little frizzy."

Luna turned her head when she heard the words, reached out and took off her glasses.


She reached out and stroked her hair, revealing carrot-shaped earrings.

"I feel fine."

Her eyes were slightly bulging and her eyebrows were thin, giving her an expression of surprise.

"But I think you can be better!"

Seeing that Eddie was about to sell his products to Luna, Scott walked over in a funny way and grabbed the shoulder strap of Eddie's backpack.


He gave Eddie a warning look and said to Luna, "Don't listen to him, Miss Lovegood."

"I know you, you're Scott Trollope. I love the painting you gave Professor Flitwick." Luna looked at Scott with a dazed look, "May I call you Scott? ?"

"Of course." Scott smiled. "By the way, Eddie likes to sell some harmless but useless gadgets. You better not trust anything he sells."

"Hey! Scott!!"

Eddie looked at Scott in disbelief, eyes full of accusation.

[Agree not to dismantle mine? ]

[What about not selling it in Ravenclaw? ]
Scott returned him a meaningful look.


At this moment, Luna suddenly laughed exaggeratedly.

"You guys are interesting," she said. "You can call me Luna, Scott."

"Okay, Luna. But we have to leave first, bye."

Scott shook the book in his hand.


Luna waved her hand, turned and put on those strange glasses again and looked out the window.

"Let's go."

Scott dragged Eddie, who was grieving, out of the common room.

(End of this chapter)

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