Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 19 019. Today's Transfiguration Part 1 Conjecture

Chapter 19 019. A conjecture of today's Transfiguration

Professor McGonagall suddenly appeared, and Scott and Cedric reacted.The two of them stood at the door of the Transfiguration Club classroom and talked too much, causing them to forget the time.

"I'm sorry, Professor McGonagall."

Facing Professor McGonagall's slightly stern eyes, the two of them did not find any reason, but bowed their heads and obediently admitted their mistake.

For Scott and Cedric, two good students, Professor McGonagall didn't care too much, but gave them a warning glance and turned and walked into the classroom.

"Come in quickly, Mr. Trollope and Mr. Diggory."

Scott and Cedric hurried into the classroom and closed the door.

Afterwards, the two quickly found their seats and sat down under the different eyes of other students.

"It's strange, Cedric and Scott, you two good boys are also late." A girl sitting next to me said jokingly.

Angelina Johnson, a Gryffindor schoolgirl of their year, is also a Chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Scott whispered, "It was an accident, Angelina."

Angelina smiled, and when she wanted to say something else, Professor McGonagall, who was standing at the front of the classroom, immediately looked over, so she quickly closed her mouth.

"Our first topic today." Professor McGonagall held a magazine in his hand, "to read and discuss a paper published in the latest issue of Transfiguration Today."

The stern look on her face softened. "Even I was inspired by this paper."

Having said this, the stern look on her face has completely disappeared, and she can't help but show a proud smile.

"The author of this paper is one of Gryffindor's finest students ever, Bill Weasley."

Scott was a little surprised to hear that.

Bill Weasley?Scott remembered the Weasley twins mentioning that the eldest brother, after Hogwarts, was supposed to go to Gringotts in Egypt as a spell-breaker.

Wizards who can act as spell-breakers are generally the best at magic skills such as arithmetic, divination, magic spells, and ancient rune.Unexpectedly, it seems that Bill Weasley has studied Transfiguration even in his spare time.

He is indeed a powerful person who has obtained 12 certificates in the OWLs exam.

"Start reading now." Professor McGonagall put down the magazine. "Students who have read it before, you can read it carefully, or think about the content of your speech in the discussion later."

When the students heard the words, they immediately moved, or opened their magazines and notebooks, or stood up and took new magazines from the bookshelves by the classroom wall.

Scott, who was sitting beside the bookshelf, turned around and took down two copies of Transfiguration of the Day and handed one to Cedric.

"Thank you."

After Cedric took it, he couldn't wait to open it.

Scott also opened the magazine, "It seems that you haven't had time to read the latest issue of the magazine."

The "Transfiguration Today" magazine in the Transfiguration Club was applied by Professor McGonagall and ordered by the school.Also, the Hogwarts Library will order some.

Precisely because the club and library had the magazine, Scott didn't buy another copy at his own expense.This also causes him to often not read it in the first place.

"Yes, I've been busy with Quidditch training recently." Cedric quickly found the paper Professor McGonagall said through the magazine directory, and couldn't wait to read it carefully.

Scott also turned to that page and saw the title of the paper for the first time - "A conjecture, maybe we can make deformation more complicated."

Transfiguration Today is an academic publication focusing on the latest developments in the field of Transfiguration.The journal will publish both articles and papers by some of the more distinguished and knowledgeable scholars in the field.

Moreover, the magazine will also select the "Transfiguration Today" Most Promising Newcomer Award, awarded to Hogwarts students who are particularly good at Transfiguration.

Professor McGonagall had complained more than once at Transfiguration Club events that it had been several years since a student at Hogwarts had won the award.

And whenever she talked about this topic, she would give Scott a special look, which made Scott panic.

Although Scott showed a superior talent in the study of Transfiguration, he never published a paper in a journal.

Professor McGonagall also gave him advice, hoping that he could try to find a direction to write some papers and publish them in order to compete for the Most Promising Newcomer Award, but he was politely rejected by Scott.

Because it didn't match Scott's own thinking.

In the past three school years, Scott's learning content on Transfiguration has never been out of the content of the textbook.It's just that in these contents, he has learned a lot more than the average student.

Many students study magic just to pursue the state of being able to do it.If a spell can be successfully cast, it seems to them that it has been learned.

But Scott doesn't think so.

He not only requires himself to be able to do it, but also has to do it well, and has even been striving for better.

In Scott's view, this is the part of laying the foundation, and he has to lay a solid foundation.And these basic knowledge cannot support him to write papers that can be published or even awarded.

If it is to publish an award-winning paper, Scott must study some novel and eye-catching topics, and he is unwilling to break his own learning plan for a journal's newcomer award.

In his view, he is taking a path of accumulation, and now he is still in the "accumulation" stage.

The Transfiguration Club classroom was silent except for the rustling of pages turning and quills swiping across parchment.

Scott couldn't hear any sound at this time, and his eyes were firmly attracted by the paper in front of him.As he read carefully, his eyes became brighter and his heart became more and more excited.

He was greatly inspired by the paper, and some of his views coincided with some of his previously untested assumptions.

After reading the paper, Scott gradually calmed down and looked again at the title of the paper-"A conjecture, maybe we can make deformation more complicated".

Scott, who has read the paper, understands that the author of the paper, Bill Weasley, really just expounded a conjecture in this paper.

Although the author provides some evidence for this conjecture based on his own experience in Egypt.But these evidences are not 100% convincing.

So this is really just a guess.

Even the editor-in-chief of Transfiguration Today only commented that "this conjecture is interesting enough" at the end of the paper.It can be seen from his words that he is not optimistic that this conjecture can be realized.

But Scott has no reason to think that this conjecture has great realization value, and it is not impossible to realize it.

He wants to continue to study along this conjecture.

(End of this chapter)

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