Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 127 127. The first condition of the oath is

Chapter 127 127. The first condition of the oath is
Is it all that stressful to be the descendant of a legendary wizard?
After listening to Ms. Gray's narration, Scott thought playfully.

I don't know if Hufflepuff and Gryffindor have direct descendants.

Ms. Gray said: "At that time, I just knew that Medea was often sad because she didn't get her father's praise, but I didn't know that she would do what she is now..."

She turned to look at the portrait of Ravenclaw.

"You know, mother, the purpose of her signing the oath with you."

She said firmly.

"I can't believe that you didn't see through her thoughts. You are only irrational when you face me."

"Of course I know her purpose." Ravenclaw said calmly, "But the conditions for the oath to work are too harsh. I thought she would not have the chance to fully wake up."

Scott stood aside, looking at them with confused eyes.

He wants to say...

Riddler get out of Hogwarts!
"Oh, sorry, Scott." Ms. Gray looked at Scott.

Noticing the look in his eyes, she seemed to come back to her senses.

"I should tell you clearly." She said apologetically.

"I really only got the gist of it," Scott said.

Although some things could be inferred from their conversation, Scott also wanted to hear the details.

It's okay to satisfy your gossip.

"That was before I made a mistake."

Ms Gray said.

"Slytherin's sudden departure without saying goodbye was a big blow to Medea. She knew that she had no chance to get the compliment she wanted."

She seemed to be lost in memory.

"She really thought that one day she would make Slytherins proud of her as a daughter."

Scott said: "I remember her saying...she asked you for help?"

"Yes, she's so proud."

Ms. Gray said with some regret.

"She wants to break the marriage contract her father made for her. She doesn't like that guy Gaunt. She wants to keep her Slytherin name."

Scott couldn't understand for a while, if he regretted the marriage, he would be fine if he didn't marry, and... Helena didn't seem to be able to help.

His expression was quite obvious, at least the two ladies could read his thoughts.

"The marriage contract of that era cannot be easily violated. It is a contract with magical effects."

Ms Gray explained.

"She wanted me to help her convince my mother to come forward and help her dissolve the marriage."

Scott looked at Ravenclaw again.

Ravenclaw smiled helplessly.

"The child of Medea once begged us, but it was a marriage contract that Salazar himself made for his own daughter."

She shook her head.

"Whether it's me, Helga, or Godric, we have no right to interfere in the marriage of two wizarding families."

"Why did Slytherin do that?" Scott didn't understand. "After all, he named his daughter Medea, didn't he?"

Although his taste is a bit weird, according to Ravenclaw's explanation, he still loves his daughter.

"Salazar only considered one thing. Medea will not suffer any grievances after marrying into the Gaunt family."

Ravenclaw sighed.

"He thinks Medea, who is of average talent, can live a peaceful life after marrying into the Gaunt family, but he doesn't know, that's not what Medea wants."

She looked at Ms Gray again.

"I made the same mistake as Salazar."

she said softly.

"We don't know what's going on in our hearts, we're busy with school, we don't always communicate with our children, but we all have the ego that we can control everything."

Ms Gray shook her head.

"In short, Medea's struggle has failed."

She continued to speak to Scott.

"After I escaped, she graduated from Hogwarts. Before she got married, she found her mother in private and signed the vow."

"That's when I realized how ambitious Medea is." Ravenclaw smiled, "She is worthy of being Salazar's daughter."

Hearing what she said, Scott became more and more curious about the content of the oath.

Ravenclaw said apologetically: "Unfortunately, I was sick in bed and sad because of Helena, so I didn't have much energy to help her."

"Why did she ask you to sign a contract?" Scott was also curious about this.

Hufflepuff and Gryffindor were there.

"Because Helga and Godric are more principled than me, they will not agree that there is anything in the castle that will harm the students, even if the chance of harm is pitifully small."

Ravenclaw said bluntly.

"But I'm different. Medea knows that only I will agree to her. And, only I don't think it's a kind of harm."

Scott nodded understandingly.

Ravenclaw, he understands.

Ravenclaw added: "I want Baron to help me secretly find Helena, but Medea is the only one who can stop him."

"Barrow?" Scott pretended not to know.

"Bloody Barrow." Ms. Gray said indifferently, "It's the ghost in Slytherin House now."

Ravenclaw nodded, "Baro is a student of Salazar, Medea can use her identity and Salazar's kindness to Barrow to stop him."

Scott gave Ms. Gray a surprised look.

It seems that she doesn't understand what is the connection between her and the bloody Baron.

"The matter between Barrow and me is not important." Ms. Gray said again indifferently.

"At that time, I had a premonition that my time was running out," Ravenclaw said. "I was eager to see Helena again before I died."

"So you agreed to Medea's request?"

Although Scott asked, he wasn't too surprised.

"Yes, I promised her, and helped hide it from Helga and Godric."

Ravenclaw said.

"After I have confirmed the content and conditions of the oath."

"So, what are the conditions of the oath?" Scott couldn't help asking.

Ravenclaw said: "The first condition of the oath is--Medea will return to Hogwarts in a special form after death, but she will fall into a deep sleep because of this, until her blood descendants sacrifice their soul power. Only then can she really wake up."

Soul power sacrifice?

Scott raised an eyebrow.

Could it be Voldemort's diary?

its not right!
he thought again.

He didn't know if the diary had been destroyed, and before the diary was obtained by Dumbledore, Milton and the others had heard the sound of the organ twice.

what is the problem?

He was suddenly a little frustrated——

Because he shouldn't know about the Horcrux, so he couldn't ask at the moment.

"Blood offspring?"

He could only ask questions, expecting an answer.

"Could it be Voldemort? But how could he sacrifice souls?"

At this time, Ms. Gray did not disappoint him and said: "I have already checked this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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