Chapter 126 126. A Conversation with Ravenclaw
"fourth grade?"

Ravenclaw looked at Scott and commented: "For your age, you are an excellent kid."

"Thank you for your compliment."

Even Scott couldn't help feeling a little proud at the moment.

This is a compliment from the founder of the academy.

And judging from the admissions requirements of Ravenclaw School, the founder lady is undoubtedly a figure with an eye above the top.

"I should say sorry to you," Ravenclaw added. "The matter of Medea .

Scott was silent.

In this regard, he is not good at making comments.

Ravenclaw didn't need his comments either, she continued: "But I'm glad there is still this incident, because the outbreak of this incident made my daughter Helena have to muster up the courage to come to see me."


Ms. Gray bowed her head guiltily.

"Don't feel uneasy about it any more, Helena."

Ravenclaw looked at her lovingly.

"My beloved daughter, I have been waiting here for 1000 years to tell you that you can forgive yourself for the mistakes you made when you were young."


Ms. Gray raised her head, and her originally indifferent eyes seemed to have regained the agility of the young girl in the portrait.

"How lucky I am..."

She choked up and said.

Ravenclaw smiled softly, "Let's talk about Medea first."

When she turned her head to look at Scott, the expression on her face changed subtly again.

The kindness and tenderness on her face changed to kindness and gentleness.

But Scott couldn't ignore her eyes. The softness in her eyes was just an appearance, hidden under this appearance was a bottomless wisdom and keen insight.

Scott knew something was wrong the moment he met her eyes.

Before he even had time to use Occlumency to build up his defenses, he instantly felt as if he had been thoroughly seen by the founder lady.

"Don't be nervous, kid, I can't check your memory."

Ravenclaw to a horrified Scott.

"Your use of Occlumency is useless."

"The portrait you left behind is really not a simple portrait." Scott sighed helplessly.

He took a deep breath to calm his beating heart.

This time, it was really exciting.

"It's just a magic to check the essence of character, just like the effect of the sorting hat."

Ravenclaw smiled modestly.

"Sorry, as a professor, I need to confirm your character."

You really deserve to be our Eagle Progenitor.

Scott thought.

This kind of going its own way is really enough.

"I have to say, I admire a child like you." Ravenclaw said again, "I hope you will continue to walk firmly on your own path."


Scott was a little afraid to look up.

At this time, Ms. Gray on the side suddenly let out a crisp laugh.

Scott turned to look at her in surprise.

"'ve been tricked, Scott."

Ms Gray put her hand over her mouth and smiled.

"Mother can't use any magic now, it's just the deterrent effect caused by the rune circuit engraved on the portrait!"

"Of course, Helena told me about your situation." Ravenclaw also smiled.

She shook her head, "Don't you understand? The traces of your use of Occlumency are too obvious. You can see it in your eyes."


Scott was speechless.

Why do you two thousand-year-old mother and daughter bully me, a 14-year-old innocent boy?

"Let's talk about Medea."

Ravenclaw changed the subject.

"Although Salazar didn't ask us when he left, we all tacitly agreed to take care of Medea on his behalf."

Scott couldn't help asking: "So, Slytherin really left Hogwarts to protect the school?"

Ravenclaw nodded, "Of course, this is only one aspect, on the other hand..."

She hesitated for a moment, then continued: "His magic research can no longer be carried out in Hogwarts, it is always a school."

"So that's how it is." Ms. Gray said a little unhappy, "At that time, Medea made various demands on me because of this!"

"That kid..." Ravenclaw shook his head.

"Let me tell you!"

Ms. Gray wore an expression that could be called willful.

"I didn't want to say it."

Ravenclaw nodded.

"Speaking of which, Medea is just like me."

Ms. Gray to Scott.

"We all have parents who are too dazzling. Although our own talents are not bad, it is absolutely impossible to reach the height of our parents."

Ravenclaw in the portrait had a helpless expression, "I never stipulated that you must become a powerful wizard, Helena."

"I know, Mother." Ms. Gray turned to look at the portrait, "but I didn't understand that at the time."

She said to Scott again: "Let's talk about me first. At that time, I was jealous of my mother's wisdom, and I also longed to have my mother's wisdom and fame."

She began to expose her scars, "At that time, I foolishly thought that my mother's wisdom only came from her crown, so I chose to steal the crown and escaped from Hogwarts."

At this moment, Scott didn't know what expression to put on.

He wasn't confident acting in front of Ravenclaw.

Even if it's just a picture.

So he could only bow his head slightly as if listening.

Fortunately, no one seemed to care about his expression.

Ms. Gray continued: "Later, I caused my mother to die of a serious illness, and I was punished myself. I didn't regret it until I died... This made me a ghost after death."

"You shouldn't have taken my death on your shoulders, Helena," said Ravenclaw.

Ms Gray shook her head.

"Medea is different from me in that she longs for her father's approval."

She tells Scott about Medea.

"She thinks Slytherin named her Medea because she wanted her to be a powerful witch, like the princess of Colchis."

Scott thought to himself, Slytherin is also a maverick.

Judging from the experience of the original owner of this name, the meaning of this name is not good.

"She misunderstood."

At this time, Ravenclaw explained.

"Salazar named her Medea, not because she wanted her to become a powerful witch like Medea..."

Her expression was a little indescribable.

"This is Salazar's eccentric taste. He hopes that his daughter will be as strong as Medea, and even if she suffers harm in the future, she will be as strong and resolute as Medea in revenge."


Scott agreed with her assessment of Slytherin taste.

Medea's revenge even killed her own children.

Ms. Gray's expression was also a little complicated.

But she continued: "Anyway, Medea herself thinks so. She is not as talented as I am, and she never gets any praise from Slytherin. She is obsessed with it."

(End of this chapter)

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