Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 128 128. Conditions that cannot be refused

Chapter 128 128. Conditions that cannot be refused

"The thing you were a part of, the diary that bewitched Ginny Weasley."

Ms. Gray said in a somewhat complicated tone.

"That diary contains a part of that person's soul."

"So Professor Dumbledore destroyed that diary?" Scott asked in surprise, "This happens to meet the conditions for sacrifice?"

"So to speak." Ms. Gray nodded.

Scott expressed his doubts, "This is wrong, because Milton heard the sound of the organ before the diary was obtained by Professor Dumbledore."

"At that time, Medea probably hadn't really woken up yet."

Regarding this, Ms. Gray was a little unhappy and said, "It's that guy Peeves!"

"He broke into the music room, and was captured by Medea's intentional arrangement. He awakened a small part of Medea's power." She explained.

Such a coincidence?
Scott felt a little headache.

Why didn't such a troublesome thing happen in the "original book"?

"At that time, Medea itself should still be asleep, but after the arrangement left behind was touched by Peeves, it is not surprising that the sound of music appeared."

Ms. Gray's complexion was a little ugly.

"Originally, there is only part of that person's soul in the diary, which is not enough to support Medea's full awakening, and even if she wakes up, she doesn't have enough power to control the oath."

She frowned.

"Who would have thought that it was Peeves who contributed part of his strength to this."

Scott asked, "Why did Peeves..."

"Why can Peeves' powers be used by her?"

Ravenclaw in the painting took up the conversation.

"The oath is run by the magic of the castle. Peeves is the troublemaker born in this castle, and it is also part of the magical power of the castle."

She said affirmatively, "I guess Medea sneaked into the music room and rearranged some things after we all died."

Is this what you call the "poorly gifted" Medea?

Scott is tempted to complain about this.

I see her playing very slippery!

At least he had no idea how Medea did those things.

She also has magical music magic!

"Continue to talk about the second condition of the oath. I used to think that the first condition would never be triggered."

Ravenclaw said.

"The second condition is - if the first condition of the oath is met, Medea will fully wake up with a small probability, and she can rely on the power of the castle to run the most core oath, and use it to trade everything fairly with others."

"As for the third condition, it is the condition for rescinding the oath—"

Ms Gray added.

"There are two ways to cancel the oath. Medea takes the initiative to cancel, or a Hogwarts student challenges her. After victory, she can be forced to cancel."

"Challenge?" Scott raised an eyebrow.

Ms. Gray nodded, "Yes, Medea must accept the challenge, but the content of the challenge is determined by her."

"Scott, are you willing to challenge her? She can't give the challenger an impossible task." Ravenclaw asked.

"I have two more questions."

Scott held up two fingers.

Ravenclaw looked at him, looking easy to speak, "You ask."

"The first question." Scott put down a finger, "What is Medea now? Her body doesn't look like a living thing, but she's not a ghost."

Ravenclaw replied: "She magically stored her soul in a puppet that was exactly like her own when she was young. She is different from a ghost, but she is not really alive."


Scott's eyes widened in shock.

He should have thought of it earlier!

The image of Medea... Now that I think about it, her cold white and delicate skin is like porcelain.

That is a real porcelain doll.

However, as long as he thought of Medea's old soul, Scott felt that he could no longer look directly at her flawless and beautiful appearance.

"I understand."

Then, he lowered his second finger.

"second question."

He looked at Ravenclaw in the painting.

"Since you think that the oath and Medea will not cause real harm to the students, why did you agree to lift it?"

"I still think so."

Ravenclaw said.

"A transaction based on a fair premise is not a bad thing. It is an opportunity for students. Of course, it is also a challenge."

"I actually agree with this."

Scott said seriously.

"Although I want to help my friend get back his musical talent, I still don't think this kind of trade is a bad thing, it's just a matter of personal choice."

Ravenclaw nodded with a smile.

"I'm not surprised you feel that way, son. It's not all bad. . . but there's a premise."

She changed the subject.

"You should have heard me say that the operation of the oath consumes the magic power of the castle."

"What do you mean?" Scott looked at her in surprise.

Ravenclaw smiled helplessly, "I didn't expect... the magic environment would change so much after a thousand years, and the magic power contained in Hogwarts Castle can no longer withstand too much continuous consumption."

Scott raised his eyebrows, "This matter... Principal Dumbledore doesn't seem to have taken any measures."

"He can't do anything, he can't ask a student to go there and take risks."

Ms Gray took up the conversation.

"Also, although mother said so, she is only considering the long-term. Even if the oath is not broken, the magic of the castle can still last for many years."

"I see." Scott nodded.

Lady Gray looked at him and asked, "So, would you like to challenge Medea, Scott."

"I want to think about it again."

Scott replied.

He said that considering is actually preparing to refuse.

Regardless of whether the challenge is a success or a failure, Scott himself will get nothing, and it will even completely defeat his previous idea of ​​seeking music magic in advance.

He felt that he had absolutely no reason to do such a thing.

Will the magic of Hogwarts Castle be squandered by the oath?
Sorry, this is not his home.

Although he still liked it here, he didn't like it that much.

"I want you to, Scott."

At this time, Ravenclaw suddenly said to him.

Scott looked at her in surprise.

"You should know that I'm not just a portrait now, but my time is running out."

Ravenclaw began to make conditions.

"After doing this, you only need to help Helena do one more thing, and I will give you access to Helena's study and this room."

Scott blinked, which, to be honest, had limited appeal to him.

A little less than Medea's musical magic.

But Ravenclaw said, "Helena's study is really not worth mentioning, but I think you will need this portrait."

"A portrait?" Scott asked.

Aren't you going to disappear?
"After I disappear, the portrait will become an ordinary magic portrait."

Ravenclaw smiled modestly.

"But she is not so ordinary, at least she has most of the magic knowledge that I was proficient in during my lifetime. If you meet my conditions, the portrait will become your full-time professor."

"I'm going to challenge Medea!" Scott immediately changed his words.

What Medea?

What musical magic?
what is that?
It can't compare to the conditions offered by Ravenclaw.

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(End of this chapter)

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