Chapter 276

"Among the cultivators in Ancheng, are there people infected with demons?"

When Jiang Ling heard the news, there was less than half an hour left before her own preliminary round.Originally, she was seriously preparing for the competition, but as soon as she learned about this, her mind was immediately drawn away.

The news came directly from the school.According to the information she has learned now, there is now a disease in Ancheng specifically targeting outside cultivators.It will cause the cultivator to have symptoms of madness.Moreover, many cases have now been discovered, and there is no regularity among groups of infected people...

Jiang Ling sorted out the information in her head.The more she analyzed, the more uneasy she felt.

No one is more sensitive than her to matters related to souls and demons.Originally, the cultural center incident in Ancheng during the winter vacation had already made people vigilant enough, but now there is another disaster related to the soul.

Moreover, this time it was aimed at outside practitioners.

Is it a natural disaster or a man-made disaster?

This time, will it have something to do with those secret cultivators... and those who master magic?
As the head of the intelligence department, she has long been used to fumbling around in various personnel affairs, so when she heard the news, she immediately smelled danger from it.

Naturally, she would not let this kind of thing go, she had to start the investigation immediately, and she had to do it herself.

But in this way, the time taken for the investigation will inevitably conflict with the current schedule of the Fairy Games.

The contradiction was before her eyes, but Jiang Ling didn't struggle with it for long.After only a few seconds of hesitation, she had already made clear her goal.

For her, the Fairy Games is certainly a very important game, but in the face of the clues that she has been chasing, it is not so necessary.

Moreover, as a contestant, if he continues to participate in the competition, he will inevitably attract attention from the society, which is not conducive to his private investigation.

After much deliberation, Jiang Ling came to a conclusion: If she wants to shift her focus to this matter, then the best way out for herself now is to directly withdraw from the next individual competition.

But the problem is that the Fairy Games is not an ordinary school event, and the whole country is watching.Once there is any change in the players, all kinds of media will take the opportunity to make a big fuss.Under such a premise, it is obviously inappropriate to retire directly, and she has no time now.

In this case, they can only deliberately lose the next game, thus "justifiably" withdrawing from the Fairy Games.

The sooner the better, and try to pretend as much as possible, don't let the outside world see the flaws and add unnecessary troubles.

Thinking of this, she felt a little more relieved—fortunately, the opponent in the first match right now is that Junior Han.

In the previous competitions, Han Jiangchen's performance in all aspects was very impressive, and he ranked quite high in the standings.If it was lost to him, it shouldn't be so surprising, right?
At that time, let him win more beautifully, and it can be regarded as giving him some assists in the next game.

The game is about to start, and there is no time to talk to him directly about it.Then when the time comes, just adapt to the situation and give him a chance anyway.

Jiang Ling sorted out her thoughts and packed her things.Just at this time, the referee in charge of watching the field came in to look for her.

"Student Jiang, you will play in the next game, go get ready."

"Okay." Jiang Ling got up and walked out after him.


Five minutes later, under the jumping torch, two figures slowly walked in from the north and south sides of the stadium and stood on the field.

Although both Han and Jiang had performed very well before, because they didn't like to show up in public very much, and because they showed very little personal background information, there was not much publicity for them, so it was natural. There are not many fanatics.Most of the people who came to see this match were passers-by who came to watch the foundation fight.

Because of this, there was only simple booing on the field at this time, and there were not many people calling their names.Han Jiang and Jiang just stood on opposite sides of the arena and looked at each other from a distance. Jiang Ling seemed to be thinking, but Han Jiangchen's face was a little gloomy.

——Winning the Fairy Games is the task given to him by Shangguan Yuning, but if the opponent is this person...
Seeing that the incense prepared by the representative was inserted into the cauldron, Han Jiangchen tightened his grip on the long sword in his hand, breathing out his spiritual power, and the blade of the sword glowed inch by inch.

"Game start."

The moment the broadcast sound came out, Jiang Ling's eyes flickered, she raised her hand suddenly, and five or six spells flew up from her body, spinning around her.Then she stepped a little, and the figure lifted into the air, singing in her mouth.

"The essence of fire virtue, the god of the five thunders...the six-day fire and thunder, I am the only one who is the most respected—as urgent as the law!"

The spell was cast, and the spells flying around her were ignited, like a few bolides jumping around her, illuminating the entire arena.

She stared at Han Jiangchen who was also posing with a sword over there, and raised her hand to take a photo, and the hanging meteors immediately fell, dragging out several rows of staggered flame tails in the air, and she saw streams of heat rushing towards Han Jiangchen!

"Wow! The opening is big!"

"So many spells in one breath?"

The hot wind was blowing, and the audience around them subconsciously turned their backs, as if they were afraid of being burned by the flames tens of meters away.

As they said, Jiang Ling used the distraction technique of soul cultivation from the very beginning, casting several spells at the same time.Each one is not a high-level technique, but several attacks are triggered at the same time, and the momentum has already made the audience amazed.

And on the field, facing the meteor shower, Han Jiangchen also waved his arms, and Yukong's flying sword split into several sword shadows. The stern and cold lights flew out with his movements, and hit the fire charms sprinkled by Jiang Ling in the sky one after another, igniting the burning The meteors split into scattered flames, and it seemed like a heavy rain of flames fell over the arena in an instant.

The two Jiang and Han spread out their bodies in this way, going up and down around the field.

Dozens of rounds had passed in the blink of an eye, and the audience was dazzled by the back and forth lights and shadows. They could no longer clearly see the swift movements of the two on the field, let alone talked about the details.

It's almost time.

Seeing that another spark was caught by Han Jiangchen in the air, Jiang Ling restrained her body in the air, and at the same time she cast the last spell, she jumped down from the air with it, like a bird entering the water, and the figure surrounded by spiritual power went straight to Han Jiangchen below. come!

Looking at this action, according to her previous habits, this is the precursor to launching the heart control spell.

If she could hit this one, she would control him, and then make him drop his weapon or walk out of the ring as a matter of course.In this way, she can win the game in the easiest way.

Han Jiangchen judged her purpose, and immediately made up his mind.

——Just take advantage of this trick and let her win without any damage.

This is the best result.

Thinking so, Han Jiangchen dissipated the spiritual power of the sea of ​​consciousness, completely removed the defense of the consciousness, faced Jiang Ling, looked straight into her eyes, and waited for the spiritual shock to come——

Then he saw Jiang Ling lowered her body, pia groaned, and fell in front of him.

Han Jiangchen:?

With the sword in his hand, he looked at Jiang Ling who was squatting on the ground with a dazed face: after she fell down, she turned her head to the side of the camera, raised her hand to her chest, and looked like she was suddenly seriously injured. hit expression.

"Hmm... This is such a strong sword energy..."

Han Jiangchen: "..."

He had clearly revealed his biggest flaw just now, leaving an obvious weakness that couldn't be more obvious, just waiting to be completely defeated by Jiang Ling, but now...

...preempted by her?

Han Jiangchen looked at Jiang Ling in front of him, and then at the spirit sword in his hand that had no spiritual power infused, for a moment he didn't know what expression to put on.

This really won't fix him.

In the commentary shot at this time, everyone saw this picture, and then there was silence in the banquet.

What is this doing?
Is this hit or not?

How did she get hit?It's not acting, is it?
Impossible, this is the Immortal Games, no matter how you pretend it's impossible to cheat at this time, right?

Since the field of vision was blocked by the flames just now, no one could see which blow she was hit, and they were a little confused for a while.

To put it bluntly, in the field of cultivating immortals, except for the insiders of Kunlun University, everyone is a layman.After all, the outside world is already considered to be the best for refining Qi, but what is happening in front of them is the battle between the foundation builders. They don't understand many details at all, and they just watch the excitement.

However, if the audience is fooled, they will be fooled. It would be too embarrassing for a professional commentator to stutter, and maybe even have their wages deducted because of it.That is, after half a second of hesitation, the experts in the live broadcast room quickly reacted, and then quickly picked up the microphone to remedy.

"What a fast sword! Just now the sword repairer made a quick blow and hit the opponent's vital point!" The commentator shouted with emotion, "This speed is difficult for cameras to capture! This student, really achieved the sword! Invisible!"

Driven by professionals, the audience in front of the screen understood it. There was a frenzy of "666" in the live broadcast room, and everyone fully understood the situation.

"The buddy with the sword is awesome!"

"I'll go! This trick is wonderful!"

"The shot is really vicious, can this woman still get up?"


However, Jiang Ling fell flat on the field and deliberately exposed her vitals in front of the opponent, which can be said to have opened up a loophole.There was no need for any skill at all, as long as Han Jiangchen made a slight move with his sword, he could directly break through her defense and win the preliminary round - according to her idea, it should have been like this.

She was panting hard there, trying hard to look like she was trying to stand up, and she was waiting for Han Jiangchen to come over quickly with a kick, and the game was over.

But she waited for a long time, panting so hard that she almost passed her breath, but she still hadn't waited for the expected attack. Finally, she couldn't help raising her eyes and saw Han Jiangchen standing there with a sword and pestle, motionless. .

After giving such a good opportunity, why doesn't this person make a move? !
Hit!Hurry up!
Wouldn't it be enough to make up the knife? !ah? ? ?
Jiang Ling was so anxious, she wished she could jump up and hit him, to wake him up.But seeing that it had been two or three breaths, she would have to give up if she pretended again, so she could only continue to beat down.

Damn, miscalculated.

Originally, I wanted him to win more excitingly, to fully show the audience the level of the No.1 freshman of Kunlun University, who knew that she would make such a moth for her.

If I had known this earlier, I just lay down on the ground just now and waited for the loss after the three breaths.

Jiang Ling secretly patted her forehead, but had no choice but to reach out and pull out the spirit sword behind her back, and then a carp jumped up, and the blade collided with Han Jiangchen.

He still doesn't want to change after being let down to this extent. He has no choice but to start from the field he is best at.

They all started to fight sword moves, this person will not still make a move, right?

Jiang Ling gritted her teeth and thought, the sword moves in her hand showed flaws one after another, completely exposing her vitals.But after more than a dozen rounds, she found out in despair - this guy really doesn't do anything!
From the first move, Han Jiangchen has always maintained an absolute defensive posture, and he does not attack with offense.The problem is, although it can be seen that he has been working very hard to suppress the spiritual power, but the defensive moves are too stable. With Jiang Ling's swordsmanship level, the sword moves have not been attacked for a long time, so there is no way to force him. He confronted himself.

More than ten rounds passed, there was a continuous sound of clanging and iron strikes, and the two swords met with joy, and they fought back and forth, feeling lonely.

Seeing that she has already matched more than 30 moves, Jiang Ling's mentality is almost unbearable. She began to seriously consider whether to use the mind control technique to order him to attack herself, but she was afraid that it would hurt his soul. Tangled up.

While he was struggling, he saw Han Jiangchen's wrist flipping over there, and the long sword that had been on guard all the time turned and swiped intently, finally stabbing towards her.

Finally got the hang of it?

Jiang Ling was overjoyed, and hurriedly took advantage of his move and slashed forward, waiting for him to seize the gap and break the situation with one move.But as soon as the blades of the two sides touched, she was taken aback again.

so light?
That sword looked menacing, but when you actually touched it, you would find that there was no strength at all on the sword.Don't talk about her, even if someone in another Qi refining period is here, I'm afraid she can be easily supported.

——This is to see that she can't break through his defense for a long time, and it's really hard to fight, so Han Jiangchen can't defend at all, and just stabs out with a sword, waiting for her to hit him, taking the opportunity to fly his hand What about the sword.

Got tricked by this guy!
The veins on Jiang Ling's forehead twitched, but she calmed down immediately.Taking advantage of the moment when the two swords collided, she pressed her arm, and with one hand, she pulled the sword's edge towards her.

What is she going to do again?
When Han Jiangchen saw this scene, his heart skipped a beat. Before he could react, Jiang Ling stood up, pointed her chest at the point of his sword, and then... ran towards his sword and ran over!


The audience outside gasped, and Han Jiangchen in the arena was also startled by her, and quickly withdrew the sword, but Jiang Ling's momentum did not diminish at all. He jumped up and bumped into his arm holding the sword!
One hit!

The commentary was suddenly silent for a moment, and the audience also covered their mouths: From their point of view, this was Jiang Ling's slash and Han Jiangchen's attack.From this angle, they couldn't see where the blade was. They could only see that Jiang Ling let go of her fingers, and the spirit sword in her palm fell to the ground weakly.



The sword blade landed with a crisp sound, Jiang Ling clutched her abdomen, slowly fell to the ground, bit the tip of her tongue secretly, coughed twice, and even coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood foam.

The blood dripped to the ground, bright red and dazzling!

"Fuck! He vomited blood!"

"Does this man have a grudge against this woman? Do you have such a heavy hand?"

"But one thing to say, this buddy is really strong! Two moves will kill the opponent!"

The spectators were full of emotions, expressing their true feelings about the game, and at the same time admiring the brilliant means of the winning side.

On the field, Han Jiangchen just stood there, looking at Jiang Ling who was "vomiting blood" in front of him, and he was dumbfounded.

Until many years later, when he recalled the few minutes of this match, he would still firmly believe that this was definitely one of the most memorable battles in his life, the kind that could be recorded in the history of his life.

But right now, he was just standing in a mess in the wind, until the whistle blew on the field, and the referee's voice came from the radio, announcing the final result.

"The time for three breaths is up. In this match, Han Jiangchen wins."

(End of this chapter)

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