From Shusen University

Chapter 277 The Spiritual Qi is Poisonous

Chapter 277 The Spiritual Qi is Poisonous
Just like the previous few games, a medical team composed of university students and outside professional teams rushed out from the field, carried a stretcher back and forth, ran all the way to the side of Jiang Ling who fell to the ground, and carried her onto the stretcher .

During the process of lying on the upper floor, Jiang Ling always looked like she was falling apart and seriously injured, humming in pain and loudly while being carried on the stretcher.

That made the doctors around me anxious, they carried her all the way to the field and sent her to the field, almost starting CPR immediately.

As a result, she had just walked out of the field of view and hadn't stepped into the door of the infirmary. Jiang Ling on the stretcher opened her eyes, bowed her waist and kicked her legs. Under the watchful eyes of several medical staff around, a carp stood upright The shelf bounced up.

"Hey! I'm healed! I'm suddenly healed!"

She smiled at the stunned medical staff, and in order to show that she was fine, she jumped up and down a couple of times before waving at them.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't expect a medical miracle to appear suddenly, causing trouble for you." She said, and bowed her head to a few people to admit her mistake, "There are many things here, you are busy and you are busy." , I won’t bother you for now.”

Jiang Ling finished speaking quickly, and regardless of the confused faces behind her, she jumped up and ran towards the exit of the gymnasium, as if fleeing from a famine.

After all, she had achieved her goal.From now on, the focus can be shifted to the investigation of the "Inner Demon Plague" in Ancheng.

So first of all, I have to go back to the school first, find the school to get the original information sent by the government, and then make future plans.

She cleared her mind in a few seconds, and ran out towards the gate.As a result, he was so desperate that he just ran into halfway when he bumped into Han Jiangchen who was coming from the other end.

The atmosphere suddenly froze, and the two looked at each other across the corridor, feeling slightly awkward for a moment.

"Oh, it's the junior!" Jiang Ling was quiet for a while, then grinned at him, "Wow! You were so ruthless just now, you are so powerful at the elementary level of foundation building, and you can't overwhelm the whole school in the future!"

"..." Han Jiangchen stared at her for a while, but he didn't hold back, "You don't want to win?"

"I think, who doesn't want to win?" Jiang Ling spread her hands, "But there is no way, no one told me that you are too good, I can't beat you."

Han Jiangchen: ...

"Okay, okay, in short, if you win, you win. Don't think too much, An Anxin, prepare for the next game. Maybe you can make it all the way to the final? I'll go first."

Seeing that Jiang Ling turned around in a hurry and was about to leave, Han Jiangchen took a breath and said slowly, "Is there something urgent about the society?"

"Huh?" Jiang Ling looked back at him in surprise, "Did you see it?"

She originally thought that she had covered it up quite well, but she didn't want this junior to watch him silently, but his heart was like a bright mirror.

"Well... you are also from the intelligence department, so it's okay to tell you." Jiang Ling scratched her head, "In the past two days, something happened in the city, and some practitioners collectively went crazy. The specific manifestation is..."

She briefly explained the situation.Seeing that there was no one around, he added his own conjecture at the end.

"... All in all, according to the current official feedback, they are investigating one by one. Now some people are suspecting that the reason for these cultivators' illnesses is that something went wrong in their practice - this conjecture is also reasonable, after all, they used to practice There are not a few people who go astray and heretics."

Jiang Ling said: "But now the outside world's exercises are handed over by the school. In this way, the position of the school will be more embarrassing. I think there is a reason why the department has not announced this matter to the public."

"Now is the period of the Fairy Games. If some interested people in the society seize the opportunity to attack the school at this time, it will cause very troublesome public opinion, and the cooperation between the official and the school will also be affected. In short, they They also hope that we can intervene and resolve this matter as soon as possible, which will benefit both parties."

She was analyzing here, and Han Jiangchen listened carefully, his face thoughtful.He didn't open his mouth until Jiang Ling finished speaking.

"If this is the case, I think it may not be the cultivation method, but something wrong with external factors."

"external factors?"

"People in the school have not had any problems, which proves that the exercises themselves are correct; if outsiders make mistakes in their own cultivation methods, then this phenomenon should appear gradually, rather than burst out in a concentrated manner over a period of time."

Han Jiangchen said: "Then, the problem is not with the practitioners themselves, but with the area where they cultivated—the external environment, which has changed during this period of time."

Jiang Ling was a little surprised when he heard it, and probably didn't expect him to talk so much all of a sudden.But with this reminder, she gradually thought of something.

"The exercises are correct, but the problem lies in the environment of the practice. But these people are not in the same place, the only thing in common in the environment is" Jiang Ling analyzed, her eyes gradually changed, "Could it be the aura they absorbed? Is there something wrong with the external aura?"

This conjecture was a bit scary, but it seemed that Han Jiangchen had the same idea, and the faces of both of them sank.

"It's a bit wrong." Jiang Ling frowned, "If there is really a problem with the aura outside, how can those of us who came to the Fairy Games be okay?"

"The abnormality of this spiritual energy may not be aimed at the body, but only at the heart demon." Han Jiangchen said, "In the school, those who can come here have already passed the heart demon tribulation."

Jiang Ling opened her eyes slightly, this time she was really surprised.Usually in the intelligence department, I didn't see how much participation this junior had.But now, because of his few words, everything can be connected.

But surprise is nothing but surprise, right now she still has to focus on the incident itself.Or it should be said that because of this conjecture, it is even more necessary to hurry up.

".I'll go tell them the news first." Jiang Ling's face became serious. "In this case, we have to take action quickly. It will take a lot of effort just to find the source of the toxin."

As she spoke, she turned around and was about to leave when Han Jiangchen spoke again.

"I'll go with you." He thought for a while and said, "If there is really a problem with the aura, maybe I can see it."

"Hey, yes, you are a special student." Jiang Ling was reminded by him, and turned her head, "Then what will you do in the next competition? You have advanced this time."

"The next match is three days later." Han Jiangchen looked at the timetable next to him, "Before then, there is still time."

"Oh, the first freshman is so confident?" Jiang Ling smiled, "There are powerful enemies behind, aren't you prepared?"

She made a joke, but that's all, she immediately shrugged and changed the subject: "Forget it, forget it, you are defeated by your subordinates, and you have no right to doubt your ability, you can come if you want. Pack up your things and let's go back to school first, I'll wait for you here."

Han Jiangchen responded, went back to the lounge to get his things, and the two sneaked out of the competition area together.

——Because it was just after a match, and it was such a "fierce" battle, both of them felt a little guilty about it.They had to sneak all the way, dodging those hound-like cameras and microphones like thieves, and carefully walked out of the field. Then they spread out and flew side by side, one after the other, across the sky over Ancheng City.

Half an hour later, Jiang and Han returned to the Yushan Campus of Kunlun University together.

Half of the summer vacation has passed, and a group of students who had stayed at the school left again, making the school seem very empty.

The two walked along the path to the office building, tapped three times on the trunk of the tall willow tree in front of the door, and watched the leaves disperse for a while, and then Liu Xiucai in green clothes appeared in front of them out of thin air.

"We are from the intelligence agency, come back to get a report on the Ancheng demon incident." Jiang Ling said.

"I already know." Liu Xiucai nodded, then turned to go inside the building, "Then, I'll take you to get it now."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and led the two of them into the building, all the way to Wei Ze's office.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw that "Wei Ze" was sitting at the table. Seeing the two people coming in, he stood up and handed them one of the documents on the table.

"This is something sent from the outside world." "Wei Ze" said, with a gentle yet charming smile, "I'm sorry for your trouble."

"Well, thank you teacher"

Looking at the familiar face, Jiang Ling took the document from him, feeling goosebumps for some reason.

There seems to be something wrong with Mr. Wei.

Both Han and Jiang felt something strange at the same time, but they both swallowed their questions back to their stomachs, put away the documents and went out.

As soon as they went out, the two looked at each other, and they both saw doubts in each other's eyes.

"That one just now." Jiang Ling frowned.

"That person is not Teacher Wei." Han Jiangchen said.

"Well, his spiritual power is very weak, not at the same level as the teacher's. It's probably similar to the paper figurines we use in class." Jiang Ling hesitated to speak, "But now even the office needs a clone. Take care? Teacher Wei, this is "

"Master Wei is currently in retreat."

The voice came from behind, and the two of them turned their heads suddenly, only to see Liu Xiucai standing behind them again at some point, staring at them seriously.

This employee can know all the affairs of the school, and the conversation between the two of them will naturally be included.

"Now the university is governed by people from the school. Since you have already noticed it, please don't spread it to the outside world." Liu Xiucai said, "This is the order left by Mr. Wei before the retreat, and it cannot be violated."

Hearing what Wei Ze meant, both Han and Jiang subconsciously nodded obediently, watching Liu Xiucai float away again as catkins, and looked at each other again, with unanimous doubts on their faces.

It was during the Fairy Games, and there was such a thing as a heart attack in the city, but Teacher Wei was retreating at this time?

Both of them noticed the abnormality, but with Wei Ze's order right now, they didn't dare to pursue it further, so they could only return their attention to the matter at hand.

Jiang Ling opened the documents in her hand, scanned them, and gradually frowned.

"As of now, there have been more than [-] cultivators who are suspected of going crazy in Ancheng, and their level is around the Qi refining stage. The distribution is irregular, there is no connection with each other, and there is no sign of similar infection or interaction."

Sure enough, as the student said, it is a toxin that has no effect on the body and is designed to induce demons.
Thinking of this, Jiang Ling immediately thought of something.

Speaking of which, isn't the "prison of demons" in the school essentially to induce demons and make practitioners fight against them?
Could it be the same thing?
When she thought of this, she immediately put away the document and shared this idea with Han Jiangchen, who also got his approval.

"In this case, two questions must be clarified now: first, what kind of external factors will induce demons? Second, have similar things happened in the past?"

Jiang Ling summed up the situation, and said to Han Jiangchen: "Well, now I will go to Fudi to find Teacher Shangguan, and ask about the heart demon prison that induces the heart demon. You go to the Book Pavilion first, and look for the school's books. There is no relevant record, we will meet here later.”

The plan was finalized, and the two immediately began to execute it separately.Han Jiangchen went to the Houde Book Pavilion, while Jiang Ling turned to the spiritual passageway behind the school, and flew into the unknown place in Yunshen.

It was the summer vacation, and the few students who stayed in school were also paying attention to the Fairy Games. It stands to reason that there should be no one in the blessed land.But as soon as Jiang Ling entered, she saw that the magic formula on one of the platforms was lighting up.

Demon Prison started?It's obviously a holiday, but there are still people who are going through the catastrophe of the heart demon at this time?
Jiang Ling looked forward with her head.At this time, in Yun Shen's unknown place, Shangguan Yu Ning, Hua Nian'an and Baili Yu were all there, flying in mid-air, all looking down.

And on the platform under their feet, a prison was activated separately. In it, a figure was struggling, looking quite painful, half kneeling on the ground, holding his chest and thighs with both hands, making hoarse growls from time to time .

Is someone going through the tribulation alone?
Just as Jiang Ling was about to step forward, she saw that the prison's spells dimmed, and the last trace of black smoke peeled off, and the struggling figure in it fell to the ground - upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Xie Tianyang.

Probably he hasn't woken up from the nightmare yet, he didn't seem to notice Jiang Ling's arrival, he just gasped on the spot, his face was full of fear like a young animal.While panting, he touched his right leg with trembling hands, as if to confirm its existence.

Is this kind of person also afraid?
He also has such a serious demon?

Usually in the student union, she had seen Xie Tianyang several times, so she was a little surprised to see this scene.But just when she was surprised, Shangguan Yuning's voice came from above.

"You suddenly came to the blessed land today, what's the matter?"

As soon as Jiang Ling raised her head, she saw that Shangguan Yuning, who was holding a sword, had stood on top of her head at some point, and asked in her usual tone.

"Teacher Shangguan, I have something to ask." Jiang Ling raised her head and replied, "About this demon prison, the way it induces demons"

Before he finished speaking, the surrounding air suddenly fluctuated, as if even the ground under his feet trembled slightly.Vaguely, it seemed that some monsters could be heard roaring.

It's the ghosts in the blessed land that are active!

(End of this chapter)

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