From Shusen University

Chapter 275 Say Goodbye Don't Cry Anymore

Chapter 275 Say Goodbye Don't Cry Anymore

The voice was spread on the field through the radio, and the silence of the audience was delayed for a moment, and then thunderous applause broke out from the seats.

Wonderful.This is the evaluation of the game by the vast majority of viewers.Originally, the two sides in the battle were just two Qi-refining practitioners and two girls. Many people had no hope for this, but the facts proved that the students of Kunlun University can always exceed their expectations.

"Is this the girl from Kunlun University?"

"The girl who swings the sledgehammer and swings her fist, I love it."

"Don't say anything else, just two words awesome! Brother was shocked!"

"Chu's stock market is about to explode today. With such a spokesperson, this company can switch to selling hardware equipment for cultivating immortals. With the 'Kunlun Student Special Hammer', it will make a lot of money!"

"I want to submit a resume to the Chu family this year, can I meet this young lady in person?"

The barrage in the live broadcast room was frenzied, and the audience expressed their amazement without hesitation.And in that scene, at the moment when the result was announced, Chu Yunyi who was standing suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, holding the hammer in his hand, tears kept falling down.

It's so annoying, I've already promised not to cry anymore.

Seeing the cameras around her gathering towards her, she quickly wiped her face and wiped away the tears she shed.Amidst the applause, the medical staff began to enter the field from both sides, divided into two groups, one team came to help her, and the other team rushed to Fang Yi, who tried his best to support her up, the two were kicked off the field from two directions, and re-emerged. And into the backcourt for treatment.

As soon as Chu Yunyi entered the corridor, several figures followed him: they were all members of the Chu Corporation Propaganda Department.At this moment, the way they looked at her had completely changed.

That is by no means a compliment to the eldest lady, but a respect to the future leader.

A figure emerged from the crowd, it was Chairman Chu.Immediately after the game, he got off the stage and ran to the backstage regardless of his image. The moment he saw Chu Yunyi, there seemed to be some special emotions in his eyes.

"Yunyi, you."

He hesitated to speak.In such a scene, the chairman who has been in the market for a long time is actually a little speechless.He looked at the bruised and bruised victor in front of him, and couldn't find any suitable words for a while, but one thing was certain.

His daughter was already starting to slip out of his grasp.

In the end, he still didn't say anything, just sat by the side, watching a group of medical staff rush forward to bandage and treat Chu Yunyi.Under the action of the elixir prepared in advance, the injuries on her body will soon be no problem.

However, there is one thing that cannot be ruled by law - hair.

Originally, her hair was shawl, but during the competition, the fire talisman directly ignited her hair and clothes together, most of the ends of her hair were burned off, and the edges were long and short, as if they had been chewed by a dog.

"We can treat the injury, but this..." The medical staff looked embarrassed, "We can't take care of this."

"It's okay." Chu Yunyi shook his head, "If you can't control it, just cut it off."

These words immediately caused a small commotion in the surrounding area, both the staff of the Chu family and the medical staff couldn't help showing surprise, and the chairman Chu couldn't help shouting: "Yun Yi!"

"It's my own idea, Dad."

Chu Yunyi looked into his father's eyes and smiled: "I wanted to do this myself. For cultivators, this is nothing."

A word was choked back, and the people around looked at each other, but in the end they could only do what she said.One of the leading medical staff took out the scissors, and after a few seconds, the long, smooth hair was cut off, leaving a length just past the back of the head.

Chu Yunyi twirled the ends of her hair, and less than half of the hair she was so proud of was left.The propagandists around her were full of regret, but she herself was full of indifference.

"You should take a good rest these few days." Chairman Chu looked at such a daughter, and finally returned to the role of a father, "There are still competitions, but the meaning is not that great anymore, just do your best. Dad doesn't want you to be like this again."

Chu Yunyi agreed, and glanced out of the corner of his eye, but suddenly saw something: it was Fang Yi's figure.At this time, she seemed to have just finished her treatment, and she was staggering out of the backcourt gate, her leaving back was a little lonely.

"This time you have won honor for the company. We will definitely not be short of people in the next quarter. Everyone will be proud of you. So, next."

Chairman Chu was still talking, educating his daughter as usual.But before he finished speaking, Chu Yunyi suddenly stood up in front of him, his eyes followed the direction where Fang Yi left just now, and seemed to be thinking about something.

"Let's talk about those things later, Dad." After a long while, she suddenly said, "Now, I still have something to do."

After she finished speaking, she blocked the members of the Chu Enterprise around her with one hand and walked straight forward.Under the surprised eyes of everyone, she also quickly walked out of the back door and ran towards the figure outside the arena.

Chu Yunyi walked out of the arena, facing the empty sports square and green belt.

At this time, the competition in the arena was still going on, and there were no people outside. In addition, the traffic flow was restricted during the Fair, so the surrounding area seemed very quiet, and the back door was even more empty.

In front of a bench by the roadside, she saw Fang Yi standing there.However, at this moment, beside her were two children, a boy and a girl.

The two children looked to be only about ten years old, and they were both wearing plain shirts, as if they were elementary school students.From this distance, she heard them calling Fang Yi "sister".

I heard her say before that because she was admitted to Kunlun University and her family received a government subsidy, her younger siblings were able to leave Xiaotong and follow her to Ancheng to study in middle school. It seems that this is it.

Chu Yunyi looked at the two children from a distance: the girl was holding the promotional flag of the Fairy Games in her hand, and the boy had the coat of arms of Yin and Yang on his face. It was obvious that they had just emerged from the auditorium. Walking down, Fang Yi, who was waiting outside to finish, came.

The Immortal Games was held, and they got the tickets, so they naturally wanted to take this rare opportunity to cheer on their sister and see the world of immortal cultivators.However, at this moment, the two children looked at Fang Yi with disappointment and frustration on their faces.

Obviously, they had just finished watching the match between Fang Yi and Chu Yunyi, and were hit by their sister's failure.

"Sister, you..." The timid little girl hung the small flag in her hand, looked at Fang Yi with her mouth flattened and said, "It turns out that my sister will lose to others..."

Fang Yi took her hand, but turned his eyes away and didn't dare to look them in the eye. His already thin body seemed even thinner now.

Faced with this sudden blow, the little girl looked quite depressed, and the boy next to her was also very disappointed.But amidst his disappointment, there was still a bit of disbelief.

"Sister, is that Chu Yunyi really that powerful?" He said, "The Kunlun University where you are... Are there many people like this?"

"...Well, yes." Fang Yi was silent for a moment, stroking his head, "There are many powerful people in the university, and she is one of them."

The little boy lowered his head at what she said and looked at the ground, as if he still couldn't accept this fact.At this moment, the little girl next to her suddenly exclaimed, "Ah, it's you!"

The three of them looked at where she was pointing at, and they happened to see Chu Yunyi walking forward.I don't know if it's because she just cut her hair or for some other reason. The three of them all looked surprised when they saw her. After a long time, Fang Yi was the first to react.

"How did you come..."

Before she could finish speaking, the little boy next to her yelled, "You, you are the one who beat my sister just now!"

Chu Yunyi stood still in front of them, looked at the three people in front of him, did not answer, just looked at the scene in front of him, thought for a moment, and then smiled at them.

"Can I talk to your sister for a while?"

The two children looked at her in surprise, as if they didn't understand why.Fang Yi also looked very surprised, but when she heard her say that, she waved away the two children, leaving only the two of them on the field.

After looking at each other for a long time, she said jerkyly, "Why do you still come to me?"

"Does there have to be a reason?" Chu Yunyi asked back, "It's just that I wanted to do this, so I did it. Is there any problem?"

One sentence hit a straight ball, but Fang Yi was a little at a loss.After more than ten seconds of silence, she sighed helplessly.

"I lost to you. You are the stronger one this time. There is nothing to say about it, and you don't need to comfort me."

"It's just..." She said this, but her eyes dropped a little, "I don't know, if I lose this individual competition, can I get a better internship later..."

This is her real scruples.She came to participate in the Fairy Games, and she came here to prove herself to the society.In her opinion, winning or losing a game is her resume, but now that the resume is closed, she has already lost.

Seeing the despondency in her eyes, Chu Yunyi thought for a moment, then suddenly chuckled again.

"Then, if Mrs. Chu wants to find you, are you willing to accept it?"

Fang Yi suddenly raised his head and looked at the smiling Chu Yunyi with surprise on his face.

"To be honest, the Chu family is very short of people, especially cultivators with spiritual power," Chu Yunyi said, "If at this least this summer vacation, we can get an intern from Kunlun University, or A strong intern is a timely help."

"...Is this an olive branch thrown by you as the leader of the company?" Fang Yi pondered for a few seconds, "If so, thank you for your kindness. If you lose, you lose, and you don't owe me anything."

"No, this is my personal request." Chu Yunyi shook his head, "Now I have a problem at home, and I can't solve it myself, so I can only ask the school and my classmates for help—if you are willing to help me with this If you are busy, then I am grateful."

As she spoke, she stretched out a hand towards Fang Yi.The latter looked at her for a long time, and finally stretched out his own hand, and then both of them held her.

"Okay." Fang Yi said, "I'll help you."

"Thank you." Chu Yunyi tightly shook that hand twice, looked her in the eyes and said, "It was a great help."

"It's nothing, it's just a win-win situation." Fang Yi said, "However, I'm a little curious about what you said just now... With the size of Chu's enterprise, there is actually a shortage of manpower? Even if there are not many practitioners in society now, I think If you look for it, you can always find it, right?"

"This problem only appeared recently." Chu Yunyi thought for a moment, "It seems that there is a disease targeting immortal cultivators in Ancheng City, and many people have fallen for it."

"Illness?" Fang Yi raised his eyebrows, "If it's a disease for cultivators, why are we all right?"

"I don't know the details, and there are not many rumors about it outside." Chu Yunyi thought for a while, "But... maybe the school will know the situation?"

At this time they do not know.As early as a few days ago, the matter about the pollution of the heart demon had already spread to Kunlun University, and it was accepted by Liu Xiucai, who is now in charge of school affairs.

After that, the second person to know was Jiang Ling, the head of the school's intelligence department and also the contestant in the next competition.

(End of this chapter)

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