The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 835 [834] Superstar 8 (4000)

Chapter 835 [834] Superstar 8 (4000)

So, she was targeted by traffickers?

Although she really wanted to see where these human traffickers lived, she was about to start school soon, and she had no time to spend with them, and this was not something she could do at her age.

So he smiled and looked at the middle-aged woman: "After talking so much, you just want to drag me away? Well, you say you know me, what is my name? Where do you live and who are your parents? Tell me clearly .”

"Why are you talking so much nonsense to her? I'm about to get off the bus, and her parents are waiting at the station. This little girl, it's hard to manage when she grows up."

A sudden male voice came in and grabbed her other arm, pulling her towards the hard seat.

Huayan saw the other party's sturdy appearance, and knew that she had encountered a problem, so she immediately yelled.

"Human traffickers, I don't know them, these two are human traffickers, come and save me,"

When she yelled, the faces of the two traffickers changed instantly. She clearly saw the two people winking, the kind that wanted to force her and drag her away.

Seeing the woman start to take things out of the bag, she became nervous all of a sudden, fearing that it might be sweat medicine or something, she calmly took out a fruit knife from the space, and stabbed the man's wrist with a knife. With a scream, she let go of her arm.

Huayan suddenly used a frightened and crying expression, holding a fruit knife, staring at the two of them warily, and shouted.

"Don't come here, I have warned you, I don't know you, I don't know you, please don't mistake your relatives here, okay?"

Because of their quarrel, the people around him saw the blood dripping and it was a little frightening, so they immediately surrounded him.

"Hey, you little girl is so ruthless, how did you stab someone?"

"That's right, even if you don't know someone, you can't stab someone?"

Huayan couldn't tell whether there were any accomplices of the two human traffickers among these people, so she reacted quickly to stop others from talking.

"They want to take me away, but they can't even call me my name. Can anyone kindly call the police for me, or call the police over here? I really don't know them, and they say they are my aunt and uncle. I How could my aunt be so ugly? Do you think we are a family? They force me, but if I don’t stab them, maybe I will be dragged away by them.”

"My seat is on the sleeper side. These two people are in the hard seat. How could they be a family? They probably don't even know where I will get off at. Believe me, they will know when they ask! Hurry up, help me I caught her, there must be sweat medicine in their bags, I just saw her dig something out of the bag, it was my fault that I stabbed them, I will pay for them to see a doctor in a while."

Huayan reacted quickly, and those two people did not react too slowly. Seeing the crowd, they knew that the situation was not good for them, so they wanted to push through the crowd and flee the scene.

As a result, this move just confirmed their guilty conscience.

"Look, they are guilty of being thieves, and they are about to run away. Hurry up and stop them, don't let them run away,"

"How many innocent children and women have been taken away by them, and how many lives are in the hands of these two people, but please don't let these two people go."

Huayan took out her camera, snapped a photo of the two people, and took out her mobile phone to dial 110. Everyone saw that Huayan, a child, had such a strong sense of self-protection, so they subconsciously listened to her Command, several big men blocked their way at the same time.

Huayan's phone was also connected here, and as soon as she told the situation on the train, within 10 minutes, the car's announcement came up and called the police to their car.

The man's face was extremely frightening, and he tried to escape by jumping out of the window several times, but failed to find a chance. Hua Yansheng had a mobile phone and a camera, and took control of the situation at the first time. It was also because she hated human traffickers deeply. Many people's children were lost, and she felt itchy with hatred.

In the end, the three of them were taken to a special carriage by the police. In the carriage, Huayan explained the cause and effect, and there were several witnesses. Towels, knives, and even ropes. Now, even if they wanted to deny it, they couldn't do it.

The marshal asked Huayan's name, where she was going, and who her parents were. The two of them couldn't answer a single word, so the answer was ready to come out?

The marshal then told the ins and outs of what happened just now through the radio, and reminded everyone.

"When facing this matter in the future, everyone should first listen to the opinions of the parties involved, and don't take it for granted to sympathize with one party first. Once you find that the confessions of the two parties are inconsistent, don't rush to judge for yourself, but call the police first. The term guilty conscience is used for them. The body is very suitable, and it also reminds the majority of women and children to shout loudly when they find human traffickers, do not drink water and food from strangers, and try not to drink or eat water and food after leaving the seat, because you do not know when you leave. , Have you ever been touched by anyone? Of course, the most important thing is not to be left alone, take care of your children, and keep a clear head at all times..."

The two traffickers were finally arrested. As for whether they could still pull out the carrots and bring out the mud, she didn't know, but it made her break out in a cold sweat.

But if the other party is more vicious, or forces her to the toilet, or uses sweating medicine or other things on her, then she will really be called out every day, and the earth will not work.

Worried about their accomplices in the car, Huayan didn't even dare to drink water, and stayed in the seat.

After the train arrived at the station, the police sent her to a taxi. This was what Huayan asked someone to do before, because a strong premonition told her that these people could not commit crimes alone, and there must be accomplices. She arrested two traffickers , Their accomplices will definitely not let her go, and the policeman was also amused by this little girl's anti-detection ability, and smiled without getting bored, and praised her.

Even though she was in a taxi, she was still not at ease. She checked the rear mirror from time to time, fearing that those people would deliberately retaliate against her.

She didn't dare to let the taxi take her directly back to her community, but found a supermarket to enter.

I found the toilet, changed my clothes, put on a hat, and left the mall in another outfit, and went home.

She never thought of it herself, it was right to do so.

Because someone really followed her to the door of the toilet, but the other party never expected that she was smart enough to change her clothes and shoes, and walk out of the shopping mall with a brand new look.

When they realized something was wrong, where else could they find her shadow?
"Damn it, this little girl is cunning enough, don't let us meet again next time, or she must be killed!"

Why couldn't those people recognize her?
When she went in, she was carrying a bag, and when she came out, she was wearing sportswear, a peaked cap and a wig, sneakers, and the bag was in the space, how could she recognize it?
Back at her long-lost home, Huayan didn't care about her exhaustion. She cleaned first, then took a shower, and then slumped on the sofa to look at the things left behind by Doudou.

"Doudou, are you really lost? Thanks to me, I even praised you for being smart. If you are sensible, hurry up and find it yourself!"

There are still four days left for school, and tomorrow she will take the piano grading test, which is why she came back in a hurry.

Fortunately, she didn't slack off practicing the piano these days, and she wasn't worried about the grade test at all.

Before the winter vacation, she had already handed over her materials to the teacher, and asked the teacher to help submit the application.

Because she was a little tired, and she was on a rush and cleaning, Huayan randomly made a bowl of noodles, and went back to the bedroom to sleep after she was full.

Before going to bed, he sent a text message to Zhao Yun, telling her about his return.

Zhao Yun was relieved when he received the news from Huayan, but he no longer regarded her as a normal child in his heart.

How can a child from an ordinary family be independent like this?

Although she is 11 years old, she is still precocious, making her wonder if her child's IQ is a problem.

Considering that she needed to rest just after she came back, Zhao Yun didn't bother her too much, but Hua Yan had already left by the time the next morning passed.

Only then did she know that she was taking the piano exam today, hung up the phone, and couldn't help but look at her husband.

Ning Zhiyuan is also a lawyer and is very famous in the industry. He looks elegant and comfortable, with gold eye sockets, he is very attractive, and of course, he is also very handsome.

Yan Yue was a well-known talented woman in Peking University back then, she was beautiful, not to mention, she was like a delicate flower in the Chinese Department.

Ning Zhiyuan pursued his roommate Zhao Yun because he failed to pursue Yan Yue.

It is true that this is also related to Zhao Yun being a school girl from the same department. Zhao Yun did not know that he had confessed to Yan Yue all these years, and Ning Zhiyuan was also very grateful to Yan Yue.

It's a pity that the Chinese Department of Flowers in the past ended up...

At the same time of regret, it was more of pity. Ning Zhiyuan didn't hesitate much when he learned that his wife was going to be the guardian of Yan Yue's daughter.

But since he got in touch with her daughter, Ning Zhiyuan knew that Yan Yue had too many regrets, and she had obviously made up for it with such an excellent daughter.

See, every time they are stimulated by Huayan, the father and son will not dare to show their enthusiasm.

"Ning Hao, take a look at you, you are only two years younger than others, but your sister Yan can already take the grade test by herself, you are afraid that you have to go to the south, east and northwest, how to sign up, how much to pay, which bus, subway, etc. I’m afraid you don’t even know? You know how to play like crazy during the winter vacation, and you haven’t even finished your homework, and you can’t finish your homework today, so let’s see how I deal with you!”

After finishing speaking, she stepped on her high heels and got out of the elevator, leaving the little pitiful girl holding Ning Zhiyuan's arm tightly.

"Dad, has my mother taken gunpowder? She was clearly smiling at me 10 minutes ago, but Sister Yan turned her into a tigress with just one phone call. I hate Sister Yan."

Ning Hao pouted unhappily, and Ning Zhiyuan sighed, not to mention that his daughter-in-law was angry, sometimes he would be annoyed if he secretly compared them.

Thinking of their two 985 masters in law, how did they give birth to such an uneasy thing?

"What right do you have to hate your sister Yan? Although she doesn't live with us, she is still a part of our family. You have to treat her as your own sister. Now she is independent and lives by herself, but if she needs her in the future When you stand up for him, then you are a mountain of swords and fire, and you have to go down to me. Boys should behave like boys. Progress? Girls are born to be protected by boys, why is your sister Yan so good, have you ever thought about why?"

Ning Hao still looked unhappy, and Ning Zhiyuan was not in a hurry, he took his hand and explained patiently as he walked.

"That's because your sister Yan has no relatives to rely on. Look at you. There are grandparents, grandparents, parents, and cousins ​​when you go back to your hometown. , you have so many relatives, they all treat you very well, don't they?"

Ning Hao seemed to understand but half understood: "Then..., Sister Yan, isn't there?"

Ning Zhiyuan didn't know how to explain the relationship between Huayan's family, so he could only nod.

"No, her parents passed away, and she is the only one left in the family."

What is the difference between the existence of some relatives and their absence?
No one even cares about the Chinese New Year, which is probably the saddest thing in life.

It's no wonder that girl would hide out, if it was him, he probably would do the same.

Only by hiding out can he not embarrass others. In fact, he can understand this child. The most important thing is that he doesn't want to destroy the harmony of their family.

The more this happened, the more regretful Zhao Yun and him felt.

"Sister Yan is really pitiful. She has no parents, not even grandparents. I, I don't hate her anymore. Can I play with her in the future?"

Ning Zhiyuan patted his head: "I'm afraid that you won't be able to keep up with your sister Yan, but you can go to your sister to do your homework after school. You should observe her closely. How is she different from the peers you have met? What's the difference, tell me when you come back, and I'll see if you really look for the gap between the two of you."


Huayan didn't know, she just made a phone call and went home with a little trouble.

It was not the first time to go to the exam. The memory of the original owner existed. Not only was she extremely familiar with the roads of the capital, but she was also half-hearted. She didn't even take the bus. She rode her 24 Giant bicycle and walked slowly to the exam room.

After successfully finishing the exam and saying goodbye to the piano teacher, she took the book to the library to return the book, borrowed two more, and then found a photo studio to copy all the photos she took earlier. After the day is washed out, it can be used as information. These are the results of her entire winter vacation. She needs to make a folder to make it easier to browse.

Afterwards, she went to the supermarket and vegetable market again, because she emptied the refrigerator before leaving, so she needs to replenish it when she comes back today.

Those who can't hold it are thrown into the space while others are not paying attention.

When I got home, I tidied up the kitchen and refrigerator, and then sorted and threw the sheets, quilts, and dirty clothes that were removed yesterday into the washing machine for cleaning.

After that, I washed some fruit, took a book, put on music, and nestled on the sofa to rest, but at this moment the door of their house suddenly rang——

(End of this chapter)

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