The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 836 [835] Superstar 9 (4000)

Chapter 836 [835] Superstar 9 (4000)

It sounded like something was scratching.

Huayan shuddered, and ran over to open the door.

A familiar but dirty shadow rushed towards her.

"Doudou? Oh my god, you actually touched it back?"

The joy of reunion immediately dissipated when he saw its muddy appearance.

"Wait, don't come in. I just cleaned the floor and mopped it. You just stand here. You won't let me wash it for you anyway. Then I'll send it to the pet store for you to wash it for you." Headquarters, right?"

Doudou was so hungry that he went up and took the apple in her hand and ate it. Although he didn't like to eat other people's leftovers, but for the sake of the little girl's kindness to him, he could choose to ignore it .

Seeing this, Huayan hurriedly changed into a suit of clothes, took the rope and the key, and led it downstairs as soon as it finished eating.

To be honest, she didn't have any hope, but she didn't expect this thing to come back by itself. Surprised and happy, she tilted her head and couldn't stop looking at it.

Uncle Dou would throw her a displeased look from time to time, and the beautiful face in that look was quite speechless.

"What? You dragged me back? I didn't take you before, so I couldn't take you. You couldn't get on the plane or the train with me. I didn't have anything to do, so I entrusted you to I, Aunt Zhao? You are so lucky, you actually ran away from home and put yourself in such a mess, where have you been for the past half month? Looking at you like this, you don’t seem to be thin, except that you are a little dirty. "

Nonsense, can I starve myself to death without you?

Although he blamed the dead girl for leaving without saying goodbye, but looking at her like that, he was really worried about him, and Master Dou reluctantly forgave her.

When he arrived at the pet store, the dead girl chose a female beautician for him, so what would happen?
Even your little girl is not allowed to touch her, let alone other women!

It's a pity that neither the pet store nor his winking girl understood what he meant.

In the end, he had no choice but to grab a male employee's pant leg and push him into the beauty room.

In the end, they suddenly realized, and then they all turned to look at the little girl and praised her.

"Your dog is so smart, he actually knows the difference between men and women?"

The corner of Huayan's mouth twitched vigorously, sir, is there a difference between men and women?

Are you saying that these people are the same as Doudou?

Will you speak?Can we still have a good chat?
After taking a bath and combing the uncle's hair, it started to rain outside, and the clerk lent them an umbrella, and she walked into the rain screen with the umbrella in her arms.

"You are really burning money. Just one hundred and ten yuan. If I didn't make some money writing novels, I really can't afford to support you!"

The second uncle, who was squinting and enjoying, raised his eyelids lazily when he heard this, money?

Hey, that kind of vulgar thing is hard to earn?

Huayan didn't notice its expression, otherwise she must have despised it extremely.

Nonsense, if money is easy to make, why are there so many people running back and forth?

Also said that money is vulgar?If money is vulgar, then there are no so-called vulgar things in this world, because without money, it is difficult for you to even eat.

When she got home, Huayan got the balcony mats and all kinds of things to lay out and put them away. She thought about throwing them away, so she put them away, but she didn't expect this thing to come back by itself.

Thinking of this, she stroked its hair curiously again, and lowered her head to ask.

"Where have you been wandering for more than half a month? You are so cute, but you haven't been caught by anyone? What a life!"

Who said no one was caught?Lord, anyone can catch him?

A fool's dream.

Uncle Dou ignored her, walked straight to the refrigerator, barked twice towards the refrigerator, Huayan's mouth twitched: "Hungry?"

"Woof~" Nonsense, let me take a shower right after I got back, now that I'm clean, shouldn't you express it?

If it weren't for being so hungry, I wouldn't bother to eat your half (apple)!
What else can Huayan say?
Already alone, Uncle Dou is willing to condescend to accompany her, shouldn't she be grateful?

She curled her lips, turned into a cook and entered the kitchen, took out pork belly from the refrigerator, diced, peeled and diced potatoes, took out a casserole, prepared beer, and made braised pork.

After steaming the rice, I took out the lettuce and broccoli from the refrigerator, put it in hot water and scalded it slightly, and then placed it on a plate.

The braised pork is stewed very well, fat but not greasy, but she likes to cook meat and vegetables.

This guy obviously doesn't like vegetarian food, so he didn't prepare it, and it was placed in front of him with braised pork and rice.

She ate the braised pork and broccoli. Even if she didn't put anything in the vegetarian dish, it was delicious.

I have to say that Uncle Dou eats an astonishingly large amount of food. I thought there would definitely be leftovers from this meal, but I didn't expect that it would not be enough to eat one plate, so I rounded up the rest.

Although it is good to have no leftovers, it also means that this guy eats a lot of food.

Well, it still hurt her in the end.

It was raining outside, and she couldn't go anywhere. When Huayan cleaned up and came out of the kitchen, a certain guy had already fallen asleep on the sofa with his head tilted.

She sighed, took the mop and mopped the room again, then entered the room and turned on the computer to type.

Probably because of the abundance of time, she now keeps manuscripts saved for more than six days, and writes manuscripts seriously every day, for fear that something will delay her full attendance. Full attendance is several hundred a month, how about a few hundred dollars? Is it not enough for her to buy vegetables and fruits?

After finishing today's manuscript, it was already seven or eight o'clock in the evening. Hearing the pattering sound outside, she came out to pour a cup of coffee.

I collapsed on the sofa and felt that my back was sore today, so I spread a mat and did some stretching yoga moves.

At nine o'clock, take a bath on time and enter the space to practice the piano. One hour of practice time is unshakable.

After taking shape, she went to practice the "Cat Code". Every day, she was exhausted for herself, but with such an arrangement of time, she became more like a student.

She also discovered that the more self-disciplined she is, the better she will be, and she has a special sense of accomplishment when she completes the planned things step by step every day.

Just like the coding life after earning money, if one day you don’t code, you will feel like something is missing and feel restless.

It may also be because she has a lot of life experience, and she has seen a lot of people and things, so she has not seen the phenomenon of Cavin since she wrote the article.

She never stays up late, does not procrastinate, and sends updates on time every day, which has become a part of her life.

As others have said, what happened to writing novels?That also requires talent, right?

It rained heavily for another two days, and she stayed at home these two days without going anywhere, brushing her schoolbag, washing the tablecloth, finishing her homework, eating, doing yoga, reading, playing the piano, and cleaning. Sanitation, Mr. Luludou, the daytime has just passed by like this.

On the day when school officially started, the sky was still gloomy. Hua Yanlei woke up at [-]:[-], went for a walk, ate breakfast, bought vegetables and meat, and rode to school at [-]:[-]. The second semester of fifth grade started like this.

On the day of the opening ceremony, I found out that a composition I wrote last semester was taken by the teacher to participate in the competition. As a result, I was lucky and won the first prize.

The school gave her a certificate, a set of famous books suitable for primary school students, a total of ten books, and a schoolbag filled with various school supplies. Such a gift is really good, and the three good students deserve it.

Because it is the prize of the city's elementary school students' composition competition, it is quite important, but she feels that she is suspected of cheating. After all, she is not a real elementary school student. If she knows that she is participating in the competition, she will definitely stop it. Other kids are not fair.

But on the other hand, which of the children's compositions has not been revised by the teacher?
So let's not be serious about this matter, just make do with it.

After having a bicycle, she will prepare umbrellas and raincoats in the space, so that if there is an emergency, she will not cause trouble to others.

Before school started, she went out to have a meal with the Ning family. Ning Hao also asked for her class schedule, saying that when she was not in class, she would come to her house to study together. Huayan readily accepted.

But basically there is no homework on the first day of school, and even if there is, she has finished it at school.

On Monday, she had to go to piano lessons. There were lessons during the winter vacation, but she took a vacation and went to Hengdian to earn 1000 yuan to go home. In the future, she will only take the usual lessons, and all the lessons during the winter and summer vacations will be turned down, so as not to affect her to learn other things. Yes, one-on-one, and it will not affect others.

When I got home at night, it was after seven o'clock. After being locked up for a whole day, Doudou seemed very unhappy and barked at her a few times.

Huayan went to clean up its urinal, washed her hands and changed into home clothes before going into the kitchen to cook.

Because there is no meat, but she doesn't like fish, she made steamed shrimp at night, mixed with enoki mushrooms, and steamed some rice.

Flammulina velutipes is served with green and red chopped pepper sauce. The cold salad tastes very good and goes well with rice. The shrimp is also extremely delicious when dipped in light soy sauce.

These prawns are very big. She went to the supermarket to pick them out one by one. They belonged to freshwater prawns. She wanted to buy Pipi prawns, but unfortunately they were sold out.

DouDou eats prawns and rice together, feasting on them, even eating the shells of the prawns, which is extraordinarily enjoyable, and there is no waste at all.

She couldn't do it anymore, she slowly peeled off the heads and shells of the shrimp, and only ate the shells of the shrimp, who would have thought that Doudou would also eat the shells she peeled off.

It was only then that Huayan realized its advantages: "Doudou, you are really good, you didn't waste anything, and I will reward you with steak tomorrow."

Uncle Dou licked the soup from the corner of his mouth, and ignored her. He would not tell her that it was because she had prepared too little food, so he ate these leftovers. He thought he spent a lot of money, so he came here This meal at night is also extra restraint, after all, it is not easy for a child to raise it.

How would it feel if he knew that the little girl he thought had no money to support him was actually earning a net [-] to [-] a month?
May 5rd, the last day of the May Day holiday, is the anniversary of the death of her mother, Yan Yue.

Who would have thought that the father who told them he was going on a business trip but showed up in the jewelry store would bring his Q man to buy jewelry?
Yan Yue originally wanted to choose a jade for her as a birthday present, because May 5th is Hua Yan's birthday, but the reality is such a coincidence.

The mother and daughter hid aside and watched them flirting and cursing for a long time. The father sold 10,000+ jewelry, but after so many years of marriage, he never gave his mother any gifts, especially when Xiao S asked the clerk: "We buy I have loved you so much, shouldn't I give you a gift?"

Turning around, he looked at his father with a smile: "Aren't you going to give your family a small gift? Since you didn't prepare it, then I will prepare it for you. Don't look at the gift as free, but it's affordable, and it fits her very well!"

It was this sentence that deeply stimulated Yan Yue. Regardless of Hua Yan's obstruction, she rushed out, and the result——

With a deep sigh, Hua Yan was brought back to reality. To be honest, she never wanted to see that scumbag again in her life.

Naturally, he would not tell him that although the son he was looking forward to was born, it was a pity that he was not of his kind, so let them kill each other!

Her beautiful face will go her own way in the future, so that they can't afford it!

Unavoidably bumping into the Yan family, she rode to the cemetery at six o'clock in the morning, bought a bouquet of her mother's favorite lilies, reported her results for the year in front of her grave, and told her that she would live well Very good, use practical actions to slap everyone who has hurt their mother and daughter in the face.

When she left the cemetery at nine o'clock, she didn't see the Yan family. She looked up at the sky and sighed heavily.

When people are alive, they only know how to use them. Now that they are dead, how can they care so much?As for the Hua family, it is absolutely impossible to come.

During the Ching Ming Festival in early April, Huayan had already visited Yan Yue with the Ning family. At that time, she held a bouquet of chrysanthemums. Although she had a lot to say, because the Ning family was present, she just kowtowed three times. just left.

Although today is the anniversary of her mother's death, there is no need for the Ning family to come with her. As for whether the Yan family will come or not, she doesn't care.

Because the mother cared about from the beginning to the end, and she was probably the only one.

It's ridiculous to say that although this cemetery was bought by the Yan family, the money they bought for the cemetery was paid for by their mother's life.

Because they signed the understanding agreement, and because of the understanding agreement, that scumbag was sentenced to a mere six years.

Although there were two consecutive holidays in April and May, Huayan did not go out to play, as usual, but there were more steps to go to the library.

The more she writes, the more she finds that she needs to absorb all kinds of knowledge. Now that her mother's room has been tidied up, the bed is placed in the space, and part of the vacated space is converted into a cloakroom, and the other part is placed for two big bookshelf.

She will not buy books that she can see in the library, but as long as she thinks they are valuable for collection, she will buy them home. After reading them, she will make notes and put them on the bookshelf, so that she can read them at any time and consolidate her memory.

Because the house is a large two-bedroom and two-living room, and the mother's room is the master bedroom with a balcony, there is still a lot of room for renovation.

Her own room is basically saturated with study desks, computers, bookshelves, and a small sofa, and the wardrobe is still a custom-made one.

"A house of eighty square meters, looking at it this way, it's not empty at all, and there's even a bit of a posture that's not enough for her to toss about?"

(End of this chapter)

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