The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 834 [833] Superstar 7 (4000)

Chapter 834 [833] Superstar 7 (4000)

The work of a makeup artist and a stylist is not easy. Even if you finish your makeup, you still need to touch up your makeup afterward. Not to mention being on call 24 hours a day, you have to take charge of the crew anyway.

This kind of life is especially suitable for someone with golden fingers like her, who can enter the space to rest wherever no one is.

The production team also needs a young child like her, so they must be accompanied by an adult when they come to the production team at this point. Without a guardian, you can't get a group performance certificate, and if you can't get it, you won't be able to get salary and lunch.

But she is a child, and she is lightly guarded when entering and leaving the crew. She only treats it as someone's child, so she is not as strict as an adult.

Firstly, I didn't take pictures, and secondly, I didn't make trouble, so I got in touch with the makeup artist naturally. After a few days of contact, I asked them to take her to do a group verification.

"Sister, my house is near here. My parents have to go to work during the winter vacation. I'm bored at home, so I'll sneak over here to help you, okay? , if the wages are paid, I will pay my sister for lost wages, and I only need to take care of my meals every day."

Children also have 80, [-], or even [-] or [-] yuan in labor fees a day, and they also take care of three meals a day. Such a good thing, this child can count?

The make-up artist's surname is Zhou, and her name is Zhou Yao. Although she is not good-looking, she was born in the countryside and worked hard all the way for many years to get to her current position.

Among all the make-up artists, she has always been very low-key, let alone Huayan with good eyesight, no one chooses her, and she is chosen, and she likes this girl who is down-to-earth and kind-hearted.

Although Huayan said that, Zhou Yao didn't really take it to heart. A ten-year-old child is sensible, and he didn't cause trouble when he stayed by her side. It was very useful, but he didn't really want to take advantage of others.

"It's not easy to be a group performer. You came here secretly. Will your parents allow you to leave early and return late?"

Huayan immediately lowered her eyes desolately: "Hehe, they don't care about me. They spend all day busy with their own business outside. Give me the money and leave me alone at home. When I was in school, I , and the nanny takes care of me, now that the nanny is home, I am the only one left at home, I can cook and take care of myself, so they feel more at ease."

As Huayan said, her eyes were red, and she had an aggrieved expression that wanted to cry or not, ouch, Zhou Yao's heart ached so badly.

"Really? So they weren't home at all?"

"They are either going abroad or in other cities. I dare not go to other places. I have been here for many days, and I can see that my sister is the kindest. So sister, take me with you. I promise not to give you any trouble." Trouble, I am not short of money, but I am very interested in group performances. Of course, if I can learn from you, that would be the best. I don’t need money. I can give my sister the salary of group performances. Please don’t Drive me away, and beg my sister to get me a group performance certificate, so that I can at least have a place to eat lunch."

Zhou Yao pinched the center of her brows with some headaches, God, is this being cheated on?But this little girl is pretty, and her clothes are clean and neat. She really doesn't look like a liar. Besides, she has nothing to deceive her. People say that they give her salary, so what if she just takes care of her?

"Then where do you live?"

"Sister, don't worry about me. I live in my house. My house is very close to here. The crew also leave together when work is over. I won't give myself a chance to place orders. I grew up here, so I'm familiar with it. Don't put yourself in danger,"

Thanks to Huayan's acting skills, Zhou Yao agreed, and not only took her to apply for a group performance certificate, but also took her by her side when putting on makeup. Every time she put on one, she would turn her head and teach her the face shape of this person , What kind of makeup is suitable for the facial features.

Because whether it is the leading role or the group performance, the makeup is the same, so after learning makeup from Zhou Yao, Zhou Yao put on makeup for her, and she changed into clothes to be a group performance. She is the kind who has no lines, every day It is used as a background wall, and this day is enough.

The production team is very hard, but no matter how hard it is, it will give people time to rest. If they stay up late, she will go home secretly. Fortunately, children hardly play at night, unless they have lines. After all, she still remembers that she arrived at ten o'clock in the evening. It's time to transform before six o'clock in the morning.

Group performances are not needed every day, so there are so many crews in Hengdian, they are all wandering back and forth. She only shoots the scenes during the day. 50-80 yuan a day (made up), except for breakfast, lunch and dinner will be considered as appropriate.

So even in the daytime, she might relax. If the weather is bad, raining or something, she will have no work, but she doesn't care about these, she is here to learn how to make up, match clothes, and style actors.

When it is not convenient for her to take pictures, Liang Tian will ask Liang Tian to borrow her eyes and use the camera to take pictures of the shape she wants for future research.

If the production team is in a hurry, there will be no holidays for the Chinese New Year, at most the [-]th, [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd holidays, so even if it is the Chinese New Year, Hengdian is quite lively.

When Huayan is not busy, she will transfer these photos to the computer for archiving.

Of course, because the Internet is not common in this era, there are Internet cafes nearby. Before she came, she had saved manuscripts for half a month, so when she came here, she had to code words every day. She went to an Internet cafe every two or three days and uploaded the manuscript to Backstage, pre-release status, so that if you keep updating, you can get the perfect attendance award.

After these days of stability, her monthly income of 12 yuan is no longer a dream. In December, she even broke through 8000 yuan. Of course, the high tax is also scary. To have such an income at the age of ten, Huayan really woke up laughing from a dream.

This is also related to the popularity of online literature in the past few years. After 15 years, there are more and more rules and regulations, and pirated websites emerge in endlessly. It is very difficult to earn this amount.

So even if it is an online article, she still needs to seize the opportunity and try to make herself a great god in 10-15 years. If she is lucky enough to adapt the IP in the future, then she will really have nothing to worry about for the rest of her life.

In her opinion, even if she wants to be an actress in the future, she will have to become a sideline job. She can have many main jobs. For example, if she has the strength to do it, she can be a screenwriter.

Although she has a subconscious mind that has traveled through so many lives, there is no end to learning, and it is very necessary to maintain a motivated heart at all times.

When she stays in the crew, she must also be good at observation, whether it is makeup, clothing, or the surrounding environment, because these are very helpful for the description of costume dramas, so she took such a lot of trouble to take pictures to leave record marks , and even edited and marked carefully, just for the convenience of future reference.

As long as you write articles, you will find that life is full of materials. After all, art always comes from life, doesn’t it?

Huayan's side is full, but Uncle Dou, who she has forgotten at home, is not always happy. He has had enough of eating dog food every day.

Originally, she came here to cultivate her health and rest, but it turned out that the little girl was lucky, so she just left after patting PG?

Throwing it here, drinking water and eating dog food every day, is there any humanity?

G fart winter camp, who knows where this guy has gone, who hasn't come back from winter camp for the New Year?

Also, Huayan's guardian is discussing to take him back to his hometown, how can that work?I get motion sickness!

It seems that it is impossible for him not to leave.

So during the daytime of New Year's Eve, when Zhao Yun and his wife came to Huayan's house, they were confused when they saw the empty house, and hurriedly called her.

"Yanyan, Doudou disappeared. We checked the community surveillance and it ran out by itself."

Hua Yan knew that Zhao Yun and his wife were going to leave Beijing by car at night, so she hurriedly said without daring to delay their affairs.

"Uncle and aunt, you just go home, don't worry about it, I will go back soon, I wish you a happy new year in advance."

No matter how Zhao Yun and his wife invited each other, Huayan just didn't plan to go back with them. The couple had no choice, there were old people and children in their hometown, and they really couldn't take care of them, so they could only hang up the phone apologetically.

Huayan breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately thought of the dog Doudou, and couldn't help but sigh: "You are heartless, so you just left?"

It seems that after returning to Beijing, she will be alone again?
She has been in Hengdian for half a month, she has finished her homework for the winter vacation, and she is fine when she goes home. Since the dog she missed just left, she can work here for a full month with peace of mind.

At present, she is very familiar with Zhou Yao, and she knows everything about her problems in private, and she also knows about Zhou Yao's situation.

After graduating from a technical school, she was able to earn more than [-] yuan a month. This little girl is not easy. The most important thing is that she is not arrogant or impetuous, and she is calm.

Being able to get along in this circle also shows that she is smart and not stupid. After all, the circle of makeup artists is full of villains and frame-ups.

Where there are many women, there will be more disputes. This is an eternal truth.

"Sister, I'll come back when I'm on summer vacation. We usually keep in touch, and we will need your help in the future."

In one month, Huayan actually earned 300 yuan, all of which was credited to Zhou Yao's card, but Zhou Yao was only willing to accept 300 yuan, and the other 2000 yuan, no matter what she said, she would just accept it. She didn't accept it, and said that she is an adult, how can she steal the child's hard work?
Besides, she didn't do it for nothing this month, and she helped her a lot. Even if she was an apprentice, it was worth it, and she shouldn't be charged any more.

Huayan had been with her for a long time, but she just didn't want it. She had no choice but to accept it, but she was thinking about how to compensate her.

This month, what she has learned from Zhou Yao is something she has never been able to touch in her previous lifetimes. She can't learn it in vain, not to mention the teacher's ceremony, and she should take care of herself like this for others, and she shouldn't just feel at ease Received the 2000 yuan.

She has carefully observed Zhou Yao's makeup box. She is not the exclusive makeup artist for a certain celebrity, so when she does makeup for others, she uses the cosmetics that they bring. These are also personal belongings. Sometimes the extras are too busy, and she will carry her own suitcase to help.

If she is a star, she does not need her own box, but if she is a group performer, the crew will provide cosmetics, and there are not many opportunities for her to use it herself.

So she wanted to buy a cosmetic case, but it was not practical.

Instead of buying her a makeup case, why not buy her a set of cosmetics!
So before she left, she went to a department store in Hengdian to pick out a set of skin care products that were cost-effective and especially suitable for Zhou Yao's skin.

The full set is 980 yuan.

She didn't give it to her on the set, but waited for her to get off work, and specially waited for her at the place where she rented. People like them who have been stuck in the set all the year round have their own rental houses near Hengdian. Zhou Yao is her own Live in a one-bedroom, one-living room, which is very warmly furnished. She has followed her a few times, and she likes this young lady more and more.

At the age of 22, it's time for maintenance. She originally set her sights on 1680, but she was afraid that it would scare her sister off if it was too expensive.

They often deal with cosmetics, make-up and skin care products, and they are well aware of the price of each skin care product.

So when Huayan gave her skin care products, she expressed her powerlessness.

"You child, you spend too much money, me, how can I accept it?"

"Sister, I really regard you as my sister. You have taken care of me this month, and even cooked for me during the New Year. You are closer than my parents. What's more, I'm afraid I will come to trouble you during my winter and summer vacations." , It is also appropriate to give you a teacher apprenticeship gift, just accept it, we will keep in touch in the future, I have left the phone number, added QQ, and I will often report to you about my study situation."

What else could Zhou Yao do?He had no choice but to accept it, but he could see that Huayan might not be a child who was short of money.

Afterwards, the two sisters said their goodbyes. Huayan took the bus to the bus station, then took the bus to Yiwu Railway Station, and bought a sleeper to Beijing directly from Yiwu.

In fact, hard seats are also acceptable, but as a child, she was afraid of encountering bad people, so she spent some money and bought a sleeper berth.

Depart at 100:[-] p.m. the next day, and arrive at [-]:[-] p.m. the next day. The sleeper ticket is half price, and the student ticket is used, so it can be used during winter and summer vacations and various holidays. The rest of the time, student tickets are not sold, and they are all paid at full price, so More than [-] yuan to buy a sleeper, it is quite a deal.

Before getting in the car, she bought a bagful of food, plus Yiwu and Hengdian specialties with reserved space, and all kinds of snacks that she usually buys when shopping. There is no need to worry about eating along the way. The upper berth was the one, but she had counted everything, but she hadn't counted that she had been staring at her since she bought the ticket.

Even when she came out after using the toilet, he grabbed her and yelled as she walked.

"You child, I told you not to run around, why are you disobedient, hurry up and go with my aunt, we should get out of the car."

Huayan blinked, and looked at the middle-aged woman in disbelief: "You have identified the wrong person, I don't know you at all."

"Hey, you kid, why don't you know me? Didn't you just buy you new clothes? Did you beat me up all the way? When you get to your house, I'll let you buy whatever you want. I promise not to worry about what you buy. After spending a winter vacation at my house, I turned around and said that I don’t know me. Is that reasonable? Go, go quickly, if you don’t go there, your uncle will come looking for you!”

Hua Yan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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