The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 833 [832] Superstar 6 (4000)

Chapter 833 [832] Superstar 6 (4000)

It takes a lot of hard work to make videos, pictures, and guides, but this is also a process for her to become familiar with and improve her abilities step by step. She doesn't think it is cumbersome, she just thinks that she can face a different life every day and learn , is particularly challenging.

Seven days are fleeting. Although the scenic spot has not been made into a guide, it is also very fulfilling to be able to visit all the more popular places in the capital.

It's not that she doesn't go into the scenic area. First of all, there are many people. Even if she goes in, all the people are photographed. This short man actually lowered her shooting angle a lot. Northern girls' perfect height ratio of 1.5 meters 1.6 is still far behind.

After school started, she became busier. She was extremely busy with writing, studying and editing. She also insisted on walking the dog in the morning and evening every day. The days passed quickly, and the money was like running water. In just one month, she spent two Thousands of 500 yuan, according to the speed of spending money, it is really a prodigal.

But it is not without good news. First of all, the number of Weibo fans has exceeded [-], and the number of comments on novels serialized at a certain point is also increasing day by day, only tens of thousands of words. Not to mention meeting the signing criteria, a new editor was accidentally added.

The original intention of the editor was that she had reached the signing standard and could be put on the shelves, but after she told the truth that she was only ten years old, the other party fell silent for several days.

A week later, the editor sent an affirmative reply: "I have already told the editor-in-chief about your situation and I can give you special care, but you must insist that this is your own original story, otherwise even if you are young, We will also sue you, and we will give you a separate contract at that time, if you agree, we will make it so, and then go through the signing process."

The corner of Huayan's lips on the computer's side hooked up, and she immediately replied 'yes', the other party was fast, and gave her a contract in three days, printed it out and read it carefully, there was no big problem, it was nothing more than worrying about her plagiarism , or being used by someone to evade responsibility, but writing is a win-win thing. She earns money and the other party can earn money. If she has a problem, they can just abandon it. How much trouble can she make?

The other party is too nervous. Of course, this kind of tension may be specially created for her, and she can understand.

She happily copied her ID card and mailed it. The bank card number she filled in was also the one left by her mother. 120 million was deposited for two years. She also put it aside, and simply saved it for a fixed period, leaving more than [-] yuan, which was enough for her to spend.

Now that she has another chance to earn extra money, Huayan is more confident about the future.

As long as she has the opportunity to earn money, she will save the 30 yuan per year and continue to buy houses. Anyway, she thinks it is always good to buy more before the purchase restriction in 2017. When she has saved enough capital, After going to university, she is qualified enough to help more people.

Now that she is young and can't do anything, it is the best time to save money, because she spends less and it is easier to save.

In 2010, a certain treasure has become very mature. Basically, as long as you can think of anything, you can buy it on it.

She is a student, and she doesn't need to buy expensive daily wear, and she doesn't want to spend money on it, so she can buy it online instead of going to a physical store.

For example, if you buy clothes and hair accessories online, you have to go to a specialty store to try on shoes. She is a girl and likes to wear them. The condition is that the monthly living expenses cannot exceed 2000 yuan.

In addition to my own expenses for food and clothing, the 2000 yuan is also the cost of going around, which is equivalent to 2000 yuan is the living expenses of two people.

Such an average is not an exaggeration. After all, it is the capital, and the consumption is much less than the 30 yuan a year awarded to her by the court.

And although she is a serious and rich second generation, she is an extremely self-reliant girl, which has strengthened many people.

Since she bought a bicycle, she has ridden it when she went out, because it can save more time. In the era when time is money, every hour saved can write a thousand words, and a thousand words cost five cents Subscriptions add up, and you can't let go of any opportunity to make money.

She was launched in mid-October, and the manuscript fee for the previous month was issued on November 10. Huayan, a fledgling little guy, actually received nearly 11 yuan in manuscript fees.

To be honest, she didn't feel it was real until the money arrived in the account. Although she didn't lack two thousand in her life, since she earned it by herself, the meaning was different, because there were people who traveled through various worlds. Hiding her memory, she felt that writing ancient prose would get twice the result with half the effort and be more real.

Even in the superficial era, she can write fluently without needing to look through the data. For her, this is definitely a magic weapon for cheating!
Huayan has already made up her mind that even if she relies on the film school in the future, she will become a big star with quality.

But now the innate conditions created by various advantages will be beyond the reach of others in a lifetime, so she must cherish every minute and every second now, and never waste it.

Since she started writing, Huayan has loved reading even more. She specially went to the library to get a library card, stipulating that she should read at least one book a week, and make detailed reading notes, and extract all the things she thinks are useful. In the future, only when you read book after book will you accumulate wealth.

She will also actively participate in various activities organized by the school. Although her life is not perfect, she can create perfection.

After all, compared with many families, there is 30 yuan in capital flow every year without doing anything, and there is no need to bear the heavy pressure of housing loans. She has never given up, and is still working hard to climb up. This is the underlying condition why she can live better than others.

Around November 11th, heating began in the north, and Huayan naturally wouldn't let herself be frozen, so she ran to pay the money very happily.

The property is in this community, and it is not troublesome to pay the property fee.

The property management in the community also knows the situation of her family, and my mother bought a parking space at the beginning. Now that the parking space is free, the property management will help to rent it out to offset her property and water and electricity costs. Huayan is also afraid of trouble. Happy to sign the contract with the property.

Originally, it was intended for Uncle Ning and Aunt Zhao. After all, they have two cars. Later, they knew that they bought two parking spaces and they would not be able to use them. Therefore, Huayan reached a consensus with the property management. The property management did not seem to take advantage of her. I will also settle the accounts with her, and if there is more, I will refund it to her and make up for the property fee. If there is less, I have not calculated it with her. This can be regarded as special care for her.

Hua Yan kept this in mind, thinking about what to repay others in the future.

The winter in Beijing is still quite cold. It is below zero outside and can reach 20 degrees indoors. The temperature is very comfortable, and it will be higher if it goes higher.

After half a year of observation, Zhao Yun and his wife also discovered that Huayan is a little girl who is very good at living, and their admiration for her is growing day by day.

If Huayan bought something delicious, or made something delicious, she would find a way to share it with Ning Hao.

The adults don't need anything, and if she gives it to the adults, they may not accept it, but giving it to the children can not only maintain the relationship, but also make the elders of the Ning family treat her differently. She is not a fool, she can Self-reliance.

Facts have proved that her sensibility has indeed made the Ning family's grandparents treat her a lot more pleasantly, and she is very popular every time they go to the Ning family.

When picking up and dropping off the children from school every day, they can still say hello to each other. The relationship is not far or close, which is very good.

It's that she has never been in touch with the Hua family. Since that time, although the Yan family came to see her twice, they were either turned away or ignored them. Over time, they stopped coming.

She knew what their plan was, how smart she was, but they didn't know, so it was not so easy to lie to her.

After Mr. Doudou stayed at their house for a few months, he finally became less of a couch potato. Whenever he was free, he would encourage her to go downstairs for a walk.

Her novel was updated from [-] words at the beginning, and updated according to the editor's recommendation after it was put on the shelves. In the second month after it was put on the shelves, it exceeded [-] and received rave reviews. Even the editor didn't expect such a strong stamina. The recommendation to her is even better. Once the recommendation is good, the number of updates will follow. But she doesn't have enough time, and she doesn't want to make more, so she told the editor not to give her such a good recommendation.

"As much as you can, don't consider my recommendation."

Look, the grades are good, even these rigid requirements can be waived, what a face!
So she can update four to five thousand words every day in a high-sounding manner, and if she is busy, she can update three thousand words. No one has come to her about this.

She doesn't like to hang out, no matter whether other authors are jealous of her or not, anyway, the time is arranged properly every day, and it is enough to complete the tasks step by step.

Huayan, who earned more than [-] a month in just the second month after it was launched, has more than [-] Weibo fans, retweets, and comments are also increasing day by day.

Whenever others praise her, she has to warn herself not to be proud, but to work harder.

In the blink of an eye, when the other children were entering the intense review stage, she was not only not nervous because of her adult thinking and self-disciplined learning attitude, but also transferred most of her time to other places.

Around January 2011, 1, the school had a winter vacation, and her grades in all subjects were 20 points, which was worthy of the name of the first in her age.

It's a pity that everyone has rewards from her parents. She is alone and has no one to show off. The only ones who congratulate her are the Ning family.

Uncle Ning’s hometown is in the Northeast. As soon as Ning Hao’s grandma was on vacation, he took her back to his hometown in the Northeast. He had asked her and wanted to take her back with him, but she lied to them that she had signed up for the winter camp. Aunt Zhao Yun did not suspect him, because The school did distribute leaflets for the winter camp, and she had money in hand, so she paid attention, so she believed it.

He said bluntly that Huayan would be ashamed to take her back together after the two of them were on vacation.But on the surface it should be done.

It is impossible for her to simply stay at home for more than a month. If it was normal, she would pat PG and leave, but now that she has a bag, she can't do as she pleases. Originally, she wanted to send it to the space. But for some reason, that guy Liangtian refused to agree with him, and even told her vaguely that it would be fine to leave it at home for a month, as it wouldn't starve to death.

Huayan naturally doesn't think deeply, but she really can't run around with this dog, not to mention not allowed in the car, not allowed in the hotel, even if it is allowed, it will be in the way, so she takes it for granted Entrusted to Aunt Zhao.

When people go to work, they come to feed it after get off work. If they go back to their hometown, they will take it with them. She told Doudou about this in advance. Naturally, it is impossible for this product to reply to her like a human being. So when the school is on holiday, she will buy it. Bought a plane ticket to Hengdian.

Why go to Hengdian?
Because she wants to experience life, she is not interested in group acting, the little money she earns and the little suffering she suffers are not enough for her to earn by writing words every day?
She mainly wants to see the make-up artist of the film crew, learn a little bit, and be an assistant for others. It is also possible to help without money, because she feels that since she wants to work in this line of work in the future, she needs to learn more, watch more and practice more. , Make-up is a subtle process that needs to accumulate experience. Since it is a holiday, this time should not be wasted.

But the imagination is beautiful, but in fact, no one wants her. In the eyes of others, she is still a child, but she has nothing else, but she is rich.

If you don't want to take me with you, then I'll spend money to learn from the head office, right?
She doesn't like fifth- and sixth-tier makeup artists, and the first-tier makeup artists are not short of her 500 yuan, so she looks for second- and third-tier makeup artists.

She wandered around the set for a few days, and spent 100 yuan to find someone to get her a certificate for group performances. She only thought it was the kind of adult who came with her children. With the certificate, she could go in, and then went to It is not hypocritical to ask who has good makeup skills.

Second- and third-tier makeup artists like this are for those who have lines. The first-line makeup artists are all used by the imperial court, and they can't get involved.

The four and five lines are all evolved for the group, and these can be figured out after just looking at them for a while.

Although Huayan is only ten years old, she has good eyesight, and is good at taking money to buy things and bribes. In the end, she actually bought a makeup artist.

They didn't mention the money. After all, she is a child. Who asked her for money, but she saw that she had a job and was smart, so she was willing to follow her. Don't underestimate the job of a makeup artist. It was also very tiring. Sometimes I couldn't stand up straight even when I was bent over, and I had to get up in the early morning.

The make-up artist she found was not bad. After carefully asking her about her time, she started a part-time job with her.

When people got up to put on makeup for the actors, she also came. People said that they were relatives, but she didn’t say that she was here to study, but when they needed something, she could always deliver it with quick eyes and hands. After feeling the benefits of bringing her, The more sincere, the two even exchanged phone calls.

However, Huayan didn't stay in a hotel, but lived in a space to save money. She usually eats boxed lunches with the crew, and also makes a few guest appearances as group performances when she has nothing to do. High energy and drive.

(End of this chapter)

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