The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1291 [1290] The story of the buried female farming 18 (5000)

Chapter 1291 [1290] The story of the buried female farming 18 (5000)

The silver needle that was customized in the town before has been obtained on the return trip. The quality is acceptable. After all, it took a tael of silver to make it. The feel and quality are basically equal to its own value. This can be used first. , if you meet a good craftsman in the future, it will not be too late to make some more.

She also specially drew some tool knives needed for surgery, and planned to help Cui Xiang find out the price and make another set when Cui Xiang went to the city.

In the countryside, those who can make it to her to see a doctor are basically chronic diseases, emergencies or something, and they can't hold on even if they go over mountains and mountains.

Even for the villagers in this village, one drowned and the other had cerebral infarction, it was already too late for her to rush down the mountain, let alone people from other villages, it would be even more difficult.

As Baihe's patients became more and more, the food reserves in the family also increased, and the family became less cautious when eating.

In fact, Bai He has never treated anyone badly in terms of rations, but Liu'er and Xiangzi are used to thrift. They always feel that they are living under the fence, and want to eat less. After being discovered by Bai He, they are severely punished. After a call, maybe she said it sincerely enough, and they let go of the burden in their hearts.

Compared with his brothers and sisters who had to think more, Yu Sheng really lived a fairy-like life. He ate, slept and slept every day, and was served by a special person. The older sister, and the eldest brother and second sister, Uncle Wei, took turns hugging him, and life was beautiful.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect. Anyway, I feel that since feeding the milk sheep with pasture in space, Xiao Yusheng's weight has increased a lot faster than in the first month, and he is chubby and cute.

Taking a bath outside is afraid of freezing him, but wrapping it up in the space after taking a bath will be much better. The most important thing is that the space has a constant temperature, which provides a lot of convenience. Even if it is cold, changing diapers in the space does not worry that he will freeze .

As for taking care of the children, the whole family praised her for taking care of her well and properly.

Since she can't feel the smell of goat's milk, she also drinks a bowl every day. Sometimes she has too much milk and saves it up. In the afternoon, she makes double-skin milk, jujube cake, and milk cake for everyone. Since she has tasted her craft , Cui Xiang, who was thinking fast, wanted to open a pastry shop every minute.

"Didn't you learn carpentry from Uncle Wei, why do you still want to open a pastry shop? Do you really want to open it?"

Cui Xiang nodded to her very seriously, "Sister, I really want to open it, you cook so delicious, and there are so many tricks, it would be a pity if it only exists in our own home, and look at this home, The value of my existence is not great, or I will learn from you, and then go back to the county town to sell pastries? With money, won’t our family be able to open a pastry shop in the future? "

This Baihe really didn't think about the long-term, and she felt that now is not a good time to open a pastry shop. After all, she has just experienced such a big disaster, and everything is still in a state of waste, and people can't eat it now. If you are full, who will buy pastries?

"We'll talk about this matter next year. This year, you'll learn from me. When will you leave your teacher, and when will you bring it up? If you can't take it easy, you can go to a few other villages with a basket on your back to exchange for some practical things."

From village to village, you need to cross mountains and ridges. Donkey carts may not be able to reach all places. It is not easy to exchange things in your own village due to sympathy, but other villages can!

This proposal made Xiangzi's eyes shine, and Liu'er was eager to try it beside him: "Sister, can I learn too?"

Bai He smiled and scratched the tip of her nose: "Of course, as long as you want to learn, I won't teach you all. You two, before learning other things, let me learn literacy and arithmetic first. Fundamentally, if you don’t even understand how to calculate accounts, you can’t hire an accountant for yourself, right?”

Now she spends an hour every day teaching the two people literacy and arithmetic. Arithmetic does not require anything else. The nine-nine multiplication table is enough for them to use in the future. The key is writing and literacy. Writing is too expensive, so I made a sand table , it becomes tight after being drenched in water, and it is very convenient to use branches to paint on it.

When they have practiced their handwriting properly, she will find a way to buy some pens, ink, paper and inkstones for them to practice.

She doesn't require them to take the imperial examination. After all, the cost of cultivating a scholar in ancient times was too high and the period of time was too long. It can be seen that the two children have no talent in this area. It is better to learn some practical ones, which are enough for them to use in the county. That's it.

In addition to these, Bai He will also teach Xiao Liu some female reds. After teaching her, wouldn't she be lazy?

Yusheng grows up day by day, and there will be more places to make clothes in the future. To train Xiao Liuer is to train the best assistant. Everything is difficult at the beginning. Landing, this is also an opportunity for her, because a good embroidery worker is very valuable.

She used to be a queen and a princess, and she earned a lot of limelight with double-sided embroidery. Now that she came to ancient times, it just came in handy.

If she doesn't go to the city in the future, if the brothers and sisters can go to the city to increase income for the family, wouldn't it be okay?

It is said that the apprentices of the church starved to death of the master, so we have to see if they can learn all her skills from her.

Through this period of observation, she also saw that the two brothers and sisters were not ungrateful, and she also believed that they would repay her in the future. After all, it was not just the two of them, there was also a little one in her hands!

Therefore, raising people in ancient times was tantamount to investing. Having trained Liu'er well, and finding her a good husband's family in the future is also a credit.

Because the chick before was an only child, she was too lonely. She found out that there was a hen in the village, so she hurriedly took six wild eggs and sent them over to let the chickens help to hatch. The advantage was that their child had a cold , she was cured without asking for payment.

Generally, eggs hatch in 21 days, and quail eggs hatch in about half a month.

During the day, the chickens are kept at home and let them wander freely, while the others have to be kept in cages or kept in pigpens.

When the weather is bad, she will secretly feed them sweet potato vines. Sweet potato vines are a favorite food for rabbits, sheep, and donkeys. Even chickens and quails are always welcome. It’s a pity that the leaves on the sweet potato vines are eaten up. Finally, it cannot grow and reproduce outside, otherwise how much food would have to be saved?

She couldn't take them out and eat them directly, so she mashed them in the space and added water to control the starch, and then drained vermicelli, sweet potato vermicelli, and potato vermicelli.

If they ask, they say it's made from a mix of plants like kudzu root and taro, which are very starchy.

Relatively speaking, the flour yield of lotus root is much lower. Naturally, this lotus root powder is very precious. At most ten catties of lotus root can yield one catty of flour, so I can only keep it for myself.

It is November, and it is getting colder and colder. As soon as the busy farming season arrives, the people at the foot of the mountain are busy harvesting rice and other crops.

The sesame seeds in their family are also mature, and the sesame seeds cannot be harvested when they are fully ripe, because they are easy to burst and fall to the ground as soon as they crack, which is not worth the loss.

So when it is still slightly green, you have to harvest it and go home. Pull a large piece of cloth and spread it on the ground, dry the sesame on it, and beat it with a wooden stick after drying, and the sesame will be threshed, which is very convenient.

Sesame seeds have already contributed a lot of sesame leaves to this family during its growth stage. Now that they are harvested, she does not want to waste even a single leaf. It also doesn't feel astringent in the mouth.

The dried sesame stalks are piled up in the corner of the yard, which can be used as a good fuel for cooking. In this way, the life of sesame is completely over.

Of course, the ashes from the burning of sesame sticks can also continue to stand still for alkaline liquids to make cleaning products.

After the sesame seeds were harvested, they began to harvest the radishes and cabbages grown in the front yard.

Before that, she made two super large earthen tanks, which were coated with shellac inside and out.

After the cabbage matured, she pickled a whole vat of sauerkraut, and the remaining cabbage was either made into spicy cabbage or stored directly in the cellar.

The radishes are cut into shreds and dried in the sun, then pickled to make spicy dried radishes, and the fresh ones are buried at the root of the courtyard wall, and when eaten, they can be dug out to make various delicacies, such as radish balls, radish dumplings, radish soup and so on.

After the shallots she planted before grew up, she dug deep trenches and planted them at the base of the wall. Now they have grown into scallions. Before there is no frost, their growth will not be affected.

When cooking shallots, she also made spicy shallots and marinated them in a small jar.

The green vegetables in the yard are made into prunes.

Cowpeas and peppers are marinated into capers and pepper sauce, so as to store as much food as possible before winter comes.

The vegetables in the whole yard were not wasted at all, because the salt at home was almost used up for the pickled vegetables.

She can make sugar, but she can't make this salt, so she has to go to the town or county to buy it.

The salt I buy now is all large particles, that is, the legendary coarse salt, which is bitter and astringent. She usually re-filters it herself after buying it home. At that time, there is no need to be so troublesome, just coarse salt.

It happened that they made a lot of pastries these days, so she handed Yusheng to Liu Er and Uncle Wei, and she and Cui Xiang drove the donkey cart down the mountain into the city.

If you just rely on walking, you need to go from the dawn to the darkness to reach the nearest town, but with the donkey cart, the speed is much faster, at least they arrived at the town in the next afternoon, compared to the last time they entered the town , this time there have obviously been some changes, at least the previous construction waste has been cleaned up.

She needed to fry some oil, so she asked Xiangzi to drive a donkey cart to sell those pastries, which weighed about twenty or thirty catties. There was no weight, so she bought one for 150 Wen, and then asked Xiangzi to sell it along the street.

She took out the sun-dried rapeseed and sesame seeds in the space, went to an oil mill, and asked about the price. Ten catties would cost five cents for processing. The three of her items add up to about 150 catties, so the processing fee alone It costs 75 Wen. This price is really not cheap. After bargaining, the deal was finally settled for [-] Wen.

There is no machine processing in this era, it is purely handmade. She doesn't want to wait until tomorrow, and she is afraid that they will skimp on her ingredients, so she waits on the spot.

They are fried first, then crushed to make cakes, and then put into specific tanks, and then four or five shirtless men, in front of shirtless men, use a large piece of wood to hit them successively, relying on this force to squeeze out the oil , It is not easy to work purely with strength.

This work is also delicate work, from one or two o'clock in the afternoon, until it is dark before all the fried oil is fried.

The oil yield of rapeseed is 30.00%, and she prepared a total of one hundred catties, which is thirty catties of oil.

One catty of sesame seeds can produce four taels, and fifty catties equals twenty catties.

She also packed the pressed rapeseed cakes and sesame cakes, ready to take them home.

After paying, the oil was packed into two jars, and she paid three Wen to ask the shop assistant to deliver it to the door of the inn they had agreed upon.

It happened that Cui Xiang had already finished the donkey cart and was sitting in the lobby. They asked for a room on the first floor, and then moved the oil tank into it.

Cui Xiang said happily: "Sister, I sold it for two taels of silver."

Bai He turned around in surprise: "Ah, there are quite a few!"

"Yes, sister, I will use your method, cut into cubes and let them taste it for free. The girls who greet them are all those little ladies. Once they taste it, they will buy some more or less. One of the maids of a big family, breathed a sigh of relief. I bought a tael of silver and ordered some of various tastes. She said that there are many girls in their family, and if they taste delicious, they will come to me."

Seeing that he was happy, Bai He was also happy, "Let's go, let's go to eat, and buy some things tomorrow, then head back."

Cui Xiang sighed, "This hotel costs five yuan a night,"

Two beds, siblings don't share that much, and this room is the cheapest one, with only two beds, and the bedding doesn't look very clean.

Bai He hated it so much, she thought that when Cui Xiang fell asleep, she must sleep in the space.

Before dawn the next day, she quietly left the inn, and went to the street where the rich people lived, and displayed the fresh and juicy vegetables in the space one by one, such as cucumbers, celery, peppers, lotus roots, leeks, eggplants, There are a lot of peas, green vegetables, and garlic. When their housekeeper came out to buy vegetables, they saw the appearance of these vegetables and came over to ask the price. Although it was much more expensive than the vegetables on the market, the quality It is vaguely expensive, it’s November, how can there be so many different and fresh dishes!

These people earn rewards by making good meals, and the dishes that come down now are either radishes, cabbage, or spinach. In less than half an hour, all the hundred and ten catties of vegetables she prepared were sold out, earning almost five taels of silver, because even the roses and winter jasmine flowers she put out were bought. They are all in a half-open state. If they are opened, they will be more fragrant and more beautiful.

Afterwards, she saw that the time was still early, so she put some chestnuts, pomegranates, oranges, sugar cane, etc. in the basket to sell. At about eight or nine o'clock, she sold almost all of the stock, and then took it back to the inn. A big meat bun, two cents each, fragrant and oily.

She sold the fruits for ten taels of silver, because there were a lot of them, and some varieties were more expensive, so she asked for a higher price because of the dish.

With money, salt is nothing. Yesterday, she and Xiangzi each bought a catty of salt, thirty cents a catty. This price discouraged many poor people. No wonder she used so much salt to marinate food. The expressions of the family members are so weird.

The price in the Ming Dynasty was different from place to place. In some places, it was six or seven yuan a catty, and in some places it was fifty or sixty yuan. Relatively speaking, it was much cheaper than that in the Song Dynasty, mainly because the places where the Ming Dynasty produced salt were relatively cheap. Much, so the price of salt is much cheaper.

In the Song Dynasty, the price of [-] to [-] wen was simply unaffordable for ordinary people. Even if the official salt was the so-called cheap salt, not everyone could afford it.

Looking at the local area from the price of salt, you can know whether there are treasures such as salt mines and salt lakes.

Because salt is bought by a limited number of people and must be registered in the register, so when you come to buy it, you always bring your household registration certificate. In order to buy more salt, the siblings had to spend money to hire someone to help them buy it. The person gave three liters of money for benefits, and finally bought ten catties of salt, and spent 24 liters of benefits, and then brought the salt out of the town, which made Cui Xiang feel distressed, "I'm about to buy another catty, and I need so much salt to dry. What, can't you buy it next time?"

"I can only buy it once a month. Fortunately, our household registrations are not in the same place, otherwise we would not be able to buy two catties at all. The government has such strict control over salt. Let's prepare more and don't worry about it. Remember Today’s date, let’s buy it once a month later, store more, and it won’t be so hard to pickle food in summer.”

"But sister, the price of buying salt is almost as expensive as buying meat. I think it's not worthwhile for you to use such expensive salt to pickle vegetables!"

"Food pickled with salt is not good for the body, but in winter, food is scarce, and this is a good way to preserve it. When your table has more food than other people's, you don't think it's worth it. These words, especially in summer, we make some salted fish and bacon, and in winter, the taste is best fermented, and you will feel that it is worth spending more money."

When Cui Xiang heard this, he didn't say anything else, after all, this visit to the town was not in vain.

Before Bai He left, she went to Xiufang, picked up some work, paid a deposit, and planned to take it back for Liu Er to practice.

I bought some fabrics along the way and planned to make some more clothes for my family.

I also went to a grocery store to buy daily necessities and daily necessities.

The pharmacy didn't leave behind either, and bought more medicines that are often used one by one, in case someone came to see a doctor later, and she didn't have any medicine here.

After eating at noon, the siblings rushed back. On the way, she took out a small notebook to keep accounts, and at the same time calculated her property again.

Before she came to the town, she had 29 taels of silver left in her hand. This time they came to the town and they made a total of 17 taels, which together was 46 taels. After paying fees, buying salt benefits, fabrics, etc., she still has 40 taels of silver left.

(End of this chapter)

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