The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1292 [1291] The story of the buried female farming 19 (5000)

Chapter 1292 [1291] The story of the buried female farming 19 (5000)

This 40 taels of silver does not sound like much, but it is actually enough for ordinary people down the mountain to live for seven or eight years without any problem.

Bai He is also very satisfied with her current life. She eats and drinks enough, is accompanied by others, and there are such small animals in the yard. Except for a little noise, she really wants to lie down and be content with the status quo.

Since the common people at the bottom of the mountain had a good harvest, people's faces were no longer clouded with worry. Even when they entered the town this time, they felt that there were a lot more people coming to sell things.

But it’s all fruits and vegetables, and it’s rare to see meat sellers, so she couldn’t buy meat. Fortunately, it was fried in oil. If she wanted to eat some fried food in the future, she would be free.

Unlike before, because of the scarcity of oil, I always have to think about it for a long time.

As for the refined oil residue cake, she was not willing to feed it to the livestock. Instead, she chopped it up and put some in it when eating noodles. Not to mention the aroma, she didn't even need to put the oil, but the taste was not very good.

Since she has sesame oil, she has to add a little bit to the cold salad every morning. The reason why she seldom buys condiments such as light soy sauce, soy sauce and balsamic vinegar is that the old people in the mountains can make them. They usually come to see a doctor Every now and then, I will bring some to her, so there is no shortage of these things at home.

After buying the salt home, she used the principle of distilled water to filter the salt to make it finer, and these salts are necessary for daily cooking and cold dishes. She only uses those coarse salts when pickling pickles .

As the saying goes, once raw and cooked twice, after having the experience of selling pastries for the first time, Xiangzi would spend a whole day making pastries as long as the goat milk accumulated to a certain level, and then the next day it would be dark He drove the donkey cart into the town to sell pastries, sometimes he came back the next day, and sometimes he came back in the middle of the night, depending on his luck when selling pastries.

Ever since he found this job to do, Xiangzi seldom went to the mountains to learn carpentry. In his free time, he spent almost all his free time tinkering in front of the stove. I can make some pies, add bean paste, date paste, and fruit puree, and the effect is quite good.

Basically, there are not many salty products, but more desserts, because she can produce sucrose, but not salt, and sugar is more expensive than salt in the market, so these desserts are only available to rich people. Affordable, ordinary people can't afford it at all.

Although the taste of the pastry will be much worse if it is sold the next day, Baihe has already taken as much space as possible to keep it fresh.

And every time Xiangzi came back from the city, the amount of the sale would be around one tael, like the last time when he sold two taels of silver at once, it was almost non-existent.

In December, her family had saved 12 taels of silver.

This is not only due to the desserts, but also her and Liu Er's embroidery remuneration. The little girl has learned embroidery from her, and she brought it back for her to practice for the first time. In a month, she has made great progress. Both silver and silver are her works, and what she has done is just a gift from some other embroidery workshops, but as a novice, it is not easy to achieve such an achievement.

In particular, Liu'er's down-to-earth willingness to learn, her lack of hair or dryness, and her ability to hold her breath, do have the potential to be an embroiderer.

Now San'er's small clothes are also entrusted to her to make, she only needs to move her mouth to guide it, but it saves a lot of worry.

After the cold weather, she used the time in the space to make a set of cotton clothes for everyone in the family, including the father and son of the Wei family on the mountain.

Although Wei Ying hasn't come back yet, she also took him into consideration, and used his old cotton-padded clothes to sew a new one. The new cotton-padded clothes are made of cotton, and the degree of warmth is extraordinary, not the catkins they used to. , Yang Xu, and kapok are comparable. As a hunter, Wei Ying is better. People have animal skins at home. With animal skins, winter is much easier, but ordinary people without animal skins, that is true. Difficult.

After all, cotton is so rare that not everyone can afford it.

The old cotton coats of Wei Ying and his son are covered with cotton, but judging from the oldness of the cotton, they should have been worn for many years. Think about it, one of them is a hunter and the other is a carpenter, and there are not so many burdens at home. This living condition is much better than that of ordinary people, and it is not uncommon for cotton to be affordable.

But the brothers and sisters of the Cui family who lived in the county were not so lucky. Because they grew up so old, it was the first time they wore cotton clothes, so they were very excited. Even the clothes were touched and touched, and they were very cherished.

Xiangzi still looked at her with tears in his eyes and said, "If it weren't for Sister, the three of us would not dare to think about what our life would be like now. This child's blessings cultivated in several lifetimes can be taken care of by you. From birth, They live better than the children of ordinary families, never lacking in clothes, even this padded jacket, there are four sets, if the people down the mountain know this, they will be jealous to death."

"It's an exaggeration. He only has four pairs of cotton trousers, but only two jackets. It's not winter, and the trousers are frequently peeing, so you may not be able to dry them. Don't be so exaggerated. You brothers and sisters usually work too much. You made a lot of money, don’t attribute it all to me, besides, you didn’t go to the county to buy this cotton for everyone?”

She didn't dare to publicize the cotton this time, but asked Xiangzi to buy it with money. It took a total of two taels of silver to get all the cotton needed for everyone. In order to save goat milk and eggs, everyone except San'er could After drinking milk, the rest of them haven't eaten eggs or milk for half a month.

In the end, the hard work paid off. The price of dim sum sold in the county town was much higher than that in the town, and it was much faster.

Although the journey is long, and it takes three days to go back and forth, at least they have a house in the county, and Xiangzi doesn't need to spend the money to live in the hotel. This time, he went back to his family's San'er to get a household registration. Once he has a household registration, he can buy salt in the future Buying some relatively scarce supplies can be counted as a share for the family.

When the neighbors saw Xiangzi's reborn appearance, they felt that the family was lucky, and they were with a reliable person, and they were sincerely happy for their siblings.

I also secretly rejoiced, thanks to the fact that the Cui family has no relatives. Although there is a distant relative, it is good to have no close relatives. Otherwise, his father killed his mother, and his mother killed his father. It is not so easy for the two relatives to let it go. And it is impossible for the three brothers and sisters to be with such a good family as Miss Bai.

After having the money, the home in the county seat was used as a temporary base. Baihe asked Xiangzi to spend money to renovate the home. The old rags and whatnot, give away what should be given away, throw away what should be thrown away, especially the stove The house was basically overthrown and rebuilt. All these were done to prepare for the opening of the store in the spring.

Xiangzi has decided to settle in the county after two months of sales and production experience.

In order to have enough agricultural products, he also plans to go to nearby villages to buy eggs and fresh milk, because he has no time to feed them, and this method is the simplest and most direct.

As for the flour needed to make pastries, it had to be bought. Since it was a business, the food stored at home was simply not enough.

In addition to flour, there is also oil, salt and sugar, all of which need to be bought. Although there is no need for a shop, the cost seems to have increased a lot.

"We used to go to the city every three to five times. All the ingredients were accumulated. In the future, if you go to the county town to make and sell them, you will have to buy all the ingredients you need. The cost will naturally increase, and the profit will not be as before. At this time You don't have to worry, just take your time, if you don't earn much, you just need to earn some, and if you accumulate less, you can make more?"

Bai He can also see that this Cui Xiang is a material for business, since he is willing to make troubles, let him make troubles by himself, anyway, according to the amount he sells every day, the sucrose in her space can't keep up, so it's better It's better to let him go out and mess around than to be exposed after a long time.

After all, she works very hard to make sugar in the space, okay?Especially the steps of pressing and boiling can cost her half life every time.

What they earn is all hard money. Instead of being so tired, it's better to let him buy them. These desserts are sold at a high price, so it's a big deal to earn less.

It was this donkey cart that was dragged into the city by Cui Xiang, and their family might not be able to take care of it. Fortunately, they also agreed to go back to the mountain every seven days.

At that time, if there is any need at home, I can take care of it.

The most important thing is that after the new year, she will open up wasteland. As one of the family's laborers, how could Bai He let Cui Xiang go?
March and April are just the time for employment, and it won't be too late to go to the city to fight after the medicine field is tossed out for her.

More than three months after Yu was born, Bai He kicked him in the chest and took him up the mountain. They had already found three or four places suitable for planting medicines. All the weeds were cleaned up, and farmyard manure and grass ash were sprinkled on the ground.

When Xiangzi was at home, he and his sister took shovels and shovels to trim these fields, and used some more practical branches to surround the fence.

The four pieces of land add up to about one mu of land, not much, but that’s how it is to open up wasteland in the mountains, and Baihe didn’t expect that these lands would produce much medicinal materials, it was just a formality, because Liangtian said that after the twentieth level Herbs can be planted, and in the future, she will grow fruits and vegetables in space less and less. As long as the food from the outside world can guarantee her daily life, she will plant all the space into herbs. With the right herbs, she will be able to The pills that are suitable for the symptoms are made and sold in the county town. Isn't this price better than the hard work of selling vegetables and fruits?

Just when Bai He thought that Qian Wei won might not be able to come back, who would have thought that Xiangzi would be able to drive him home on the way back from the city?
Xiangzi didn't know Wei Ying at first, but seeing that he and I were walking the same road, in the same direction, and even in the same village after careful questioning, I couldn't help asking more questions. The more I asked, the closer I got. My own neighbors, this is how they say they are peers.

Wei Ying didn't expect that he didn't go home for half a year, and this little lady brought him such a big surprise as soon as he got home. Two and a half children, and a baby who is only a few months old, if it weren't for the need to conceive in October , he would suspect that this little doll is her illegitimate child.

As soon as Wei Ying came back, before he even had time to speak to Bai He, he was chased and beaten by his father with a stick.

"Well, you have no conscience, you still know how to come back. After walking for half a year, are you so happy that you forget that you still have a father? Ah? Tell me, what have you been doing outside for half a year?"

Compared with half a year ago, Wei Ying not only lost a lot of weight, but also seems to be a lot darker, but his physical fitness is obviously much stronger. This kind of strength does not come from being fat, but from training. The well-developed chest muscles can be seen from the clothes. I haven't seen this man in half a year. Has he gone to military training?
Wei Ying's brows were full of helplessness, he could only look at Bai He for help, Bai He saw that he seemed to be in trouble, so he quickly pulled Wei Cheng back and whispered to him.

"Uncle, it's fine if he comes back. He's in his [-]s and [-]s, so you don't need to worry about it. It's fine if he comes back properly. For the rest, just let him tell you slowly? Why bother Let’s scold him in front of everyone, he still wants face!”

Wei Cheng glared at Wei Ying angrily, "You are an unfilial son, you are in your [-]s and [-]s, and you still haven't found a daughter-in-law for me, why, you plan to look for it when you are [-] or [-]?"

When Bai He heard this, she felt that she, an outsider, couldn't help her, so she took San'er from Liu'er and walked home.

"You father and son have something to talk about. It's getting late today, and it's too late to make a big meal. Let's do it tomorrow, and I will clean up the dust for you tomorrow."

It just so happened that Cui Xiang bought meat today, and Bai He planned to make dumplings tomorrow.

The biggest benefit of Cui Xiang's frequent trips to towns now is that he can buy some meat every now and then to improve his family's food.

When the father and son returned home, Wei Chengfang closed the door, grabbed Wei Ying's wrist, and looked at him solemnly.

"You sent that kid to the military camp? It's not like learning from a teacher, right?"

Wei Ying was seen through by his father, so he nodded his head with a rare good temper: "It's a military camp, but he is also learning from a teacher. He is in the kitchen, cooking and doing odd jobs. He is still young. Wait a few years and see his own wishes. Just now I I also went to Pang's house and sent him the silver that he had been issued for more than three months to his mother, and also said that he was working as a cook in the military camp. As for the future, I can't be sure."

"It's fine, what are you going back to do?" Weicheng was very angry, and even a little angry: "Have you forgotten how you were framed in the first place?"

"Father, why are you here again? This happened many years ago. Besides, didn't I get vindicated afterwards? Since I have been cleared, why should I worry about it?"

"You still said that you were so seriously injured that you almost died. Your mother died because of this illness. You forgot about it, but I didn't forget it. I can't hate it too much for the rest of my life. You Just send someone there, why wait so long?"

"Father, it's a long journey, how long does it take to go back and forth, and when I went, they were in the middle of employing people, so I helped out by the way, but I remember the Chinese New Year, so I came back before the year , look, I didn’t work, at least I earned 300 taels of silver for you!”

When Wei Ying took out the money and handed it to Weicheng Bank, the latter became even more upset.

"I think you have selfish intentions. You want to take this opportunity to go back and see your brothers, right? Otherwise, why would you send people to the military camp? Could it be that our Dingchang Mansion is so big that you can't find him?" A place to be an apprentice? I think you did it on purpose!"

Being punctured by his father, Wei Ying was a little embarrassed: "Would you believe me if I said that Pang Jing himself wanted to be a soldier?"

"I believe you, I believe you, don't fool me here, tell me, what do you think? Is it possible that you really want to continue to be delayed? You are 26, 26, and you will be 30 soon Look at those who are as old as you at the bottom of the mountain, the children are in their seventies and eighties, and yours, you don't even have a wife!"

Wei Ying's resolute face was full of helplessness: "Father, this matter has to be left to chance, there is no rush,"

"I saw that the white girl was very good. Although she brought home three oil bottles, fortunately, the two older ones were kind enough to know how to subsidize the family. It was also very good for my old man. Now I don't know Don't serve food, just go down to eat, with these relatives, you can avoid some embarrassment, since you are back, you should hurry up and marry me back home as soon as possible."

When Wei Ying was reminded by his father, he immediately thought of seeing a more feminine Bai He when he went home this time, especially when she was holding the child, she exuded a special maternal aura, taking care of the child in every possible way, An unmarried little girl's family, it is hard to imagine what she has gone through to be tempered by life so fit.

Although she can no longer find the witty and lively energy of an unmarried lady, it is replaced by a kind of smoke and fire of life. Even when I first saw her, her hair was still messy, and there was a child's milky smell on her body She is so good-tempered even after being peed on her skirt by a child. Naturally, she can't tell what beauty she feels like this, but it just makes Wei Ying feel that this is a woman who can really live life.

Her kindness seems to have been engraved in her bones. Only distant relatives can do this. Taking care of that child with all their heart, it is impossible for any unmarried family at the foot of the mountain to be able to do this. Therefore, he admires her very much. , naturally, will give her a high look because of this matter.

Such a kind and responsible girl's home is near me, if I miss it, I'm afraid I will regret it for the rest of my life, right?
During this period of time, Wei Ying also met many young ladies. If you don't compare them, you don't know. If you compare them, you will see how excellent this white girl is. In terms of cooking, no one can match her. What's more, at such a young age, his medical skills have reached the level that even Elder Wen praised him by name.

Therefore, the more the comparison, the more he can show his excellence. He is not a stone, how can he not be able to distinguish between good and bad?

Maybe the old man is right, this white girl is really a rare good wife candidate, if he misses it, not only will he regret it, but even his eyes will be blinded by jealousy.

This night, Wei Ying kept recalling in his mind the pictures of his former colleagues and his wife, and automatically made up some moves for chasing girls.

How did Bai He know that someone just came back and listed her as an attack target, and even set the ultimate goal of taking her within half a year? ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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