The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1290 [1289] The story of the buried female farming 17 (5000)

Chapter 1290 [1289] The story of the buried female farming 17 (5000)

The ewe's milk is very abundant, and Guang San'er can't finish it by herself, so she will accumulate the excess milk, or supplement nutrition for Liu'er, or find ways to make cheese and yogurt, and make the best use of everything, but Nothing was wasted.

This child, Yu Sheng, is caring at first glance, and is not considered noisy. Apart from the troublesome feeding every day, she has never bothered about washing diapers. Liu Er really cares about this younger brother. He Xiangzi also tried his best not to cause trouble for her, so the two of them were very diligent.

But after she started raising the children, she couldn't go into the mountains, because Yusheng was too young to live without her care, so she taught the siblings to recognize herbs by means of a picture book, so that when Liu'er mowed the grass, she could She can bring back the ones that are useful. Xiangzi is now learning carpentry from Uncle Wei. The two of them go to the mountains to cut wood from time to time. The work is very hard, but they don’t come down often, so most of the family The time was spent by their sisters with Xiao Saner.

Liu'er was illiterate, so she taught her how to read and cook. Liu'er was very diligent, and she kept everything clean at home and outside, even the vegetable fields in front of and behind the house. Neat and neat, not a weed.

The so-called one autumn rain and one cold, after returning to the mountain, the next rain will come every now and then, sometimes for several days at a time, which brings great disadvantages to travel, even the diapers are forced to be put on the pot cover They are so hard to dry.

Fortunately, there are vegetables and food at home. Although meat is rarely eaten, at least there are milk and eggs to supplement nutrition occasionally.

Since the quail hatched, the egg laying rate has been greatly improved. Every day, each person can get at least one quail egg to eat, and the eggs are saved for occasional collective food improvement.

The donkey is occasionally borrowed by Uncle Wei to pull wood. Anyway, the donkey is idle, so it can't just eat and not exercise. Occasionally going up the mountain is also very good for its own exercise.

I won’t talk about it during the day, with Liu’er’s help, even if she doesn’t sleep well at night, she can still catch up on sleep during the day, and at night she brings the child to the space to raise, not only sleep more time, but even feeding the child is convenient Quite a lot, Liangtian's acquiescence made her very happy, and she was more attentive when working in the space.

"There are a lot of mosquitoes and flies this summer, and next spring I have to cut some bamboo to make curtains for every house."

After the plant ash water is left empty for a certain period of time, and the alkaline water of sufficient concentration is precipitated, the boiled oil and alkaline water are mixed and stirred until it becomes sticky. Mix it with dew, pour it into a mold, and dig out more than a dozen pieces of the most primitive soap.

After witnessing the birth of soap, Liu'er was shocked, and gradually understood that Bai He's words about going to the county town to do business in the future might not be just words, but that she really has the ability to turn decay into magic!
Because she not only made soap, but also used the tea bran bought from a tea merchant to make a dark shampoo. The shampoo has a very strong decontamination ability, and the moment it is applied to the hair, it will leave a lot of stains. Momo, it's just amazing!
The process of making tea bran shampoo soap is similar to that of soap. Many people may not know what tea bran is. In fact, it is tea seed cake. It is also called tea bran and tea dry. Cake is cake, but tea meal is the slag left after chemical refining of camellia seed oil pressed cake, not cake. The active ingredient of tea seed cake is saponin, which is also a plant-derived pesticide, used for washing Chemical, machine derusting, etc.

Of course, the ancient times were not as advanced as the later generations. The tea bran she bought was not as fine as the later generations, but a little rough.

Chili, ginger, black sesame, angelica and other more than ten kinds of traditional Chinese medicines are mixed and beaten into powder and boiled, then crushed plant ash is added, and the filtered water is added to the tea bran and mixed well. It can be used after standing in the mold for more than 20 days.

The shampoo produced in this way not only has strong decontamination ability, but also prevents hair loss, oily, itchy dandruff and many other effects, because she has added at least ten kinds of traditional Chinese medicine in it. If it is raised, if it is sold out, the price can be lowered. It is not too much to sell it for 500 yuan per catty just because of its own Chinese medicine ingredients.

The amount that Bai He and Liu Er make once is enough for at least half a year, because both of them have long hair, who doesn't love beauty?

When killing wild boars last time, she still kept the pig pancreas, which was the treasure she kept right away. After the success of plant ash soap and tea bran shampoo, she decided to make some pig pancreas soap in order to prevent dryness in winter .

Knock the pig's pancreas into mud, add the lye water that has been vacated by plant ash, and boil it. The refined alkali powder is mixed and then beaten, then kneaded into meatloaf, poured into a mold and dried in the shade, made of animal pancreas The effect of the produced pig pancreas soap is not much different from that of plant ash soap, but she usually washes with plant ash, because it is easier to make, but pig pancreas is more difficult to find, so she uses this soap to wash her face.

In summer, she didn't think there was anything wrong with the face, but as the weather gradually dried up, she tried to make a face cream.

The method is very simple, that is to use the core of the space orange, which must be fresh, and then remove the outer skin of each core, leaving only the seeds, and then pour it into a stone mortar, and after many times of grinding, it is made into very fine Creamy, long-term application on the face can achieve the effect of moisturizing and whitening.

I thought the finished color would be yellow, but I didn't expect it to be close to pure white, and it exudes a faint orange fragrance, which is very pleasant.

It may be because the orange core is rich in oil. When I first applied it, it felt like I was applying essential oil, but after I applied it, it was replaced by a very refreshing feeling. Although it is not as long-lasting as the skin care products of later generations, it can at least protect the skin. Of course, if she wants a better moisturizing effect, she needs to upgrade to plant aloe vera. Now she not only uses this, but also uses cucumber for moisturizing.

These are the initial skin care products, and they are not mature enough. She needs to experiment slowly before coming up with more magical effects.

The source of these prescriptions is also related to the traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions she has accumulated over many lifetimes, because she knows that she will use beauty and skin care in the future, so as long as she comes into contact with related books, she will memorize them carefully. Various attempts are being made now.

After Liu'er came to this hut in Qingcheng Mountain, she felt like a door to a new world had been opened to her, and she was receiving all kinds of new things every day.

But sister Bai He knows as much as the boundless sky. How lucky are the three of them to be able to live with her?
Although she has to go out to mow the grass every day, it is very hard, but it is nothing compared to the hard work of elder sister Bai taking care of her younger brother.

Moreover, she also needs to store winter food for these livestock and poultry. Half of the grass collected every day is fed, and the other half is dried and stored for their winter needs.

Although the firewood in their house is the scraps left over from the carpentry of Wei's family, she will carry two bundles of firewood up the mountain every day. Even if she lives on the mountain, if it is rainy, she will not be able to go out. Reserve more. Always be prepared.

Bai He is sympathetic to the child's hard work, and every day when she is not at home, she feeds the donkey some scraps of space, such as corn stalks, which she chops up with a guillotine and pours them into its stone mortar. This guy is very happy to eat, In addition to this, there are also eggplant roots, cauliflower leaves, tomato peas, cucumber vines, pumpkin vines, etc., as long as they are edible, she keeps them and chops them up, and pours them into the stone troughs of donkeys and rabbits. It can save a lot of labor for children.

She stays at home now, but she spends every day with her children, the stove as the center, and poultry and livestock as her spiritual food. Her life is really busy and comfortable.

After the sesame seeds in the backyard grow taller, she will pick off the leaves under the branches and leaves for preservation, which is also a good ingredient.

Sesame is full of treasures. Sesame stalks can be used as firewood after drying. Sesame leaves can be eaten as vegetables. Sesame can be used to extract oil and make sesame paste. It is a crop that cannot be separated from daily life despite its low yield. .

The radish, cabbage, greens, green onion, ginger, garlic, coriander and other varieties grown in the front yard grow very well because of the careful care of the people. In addition, the wild vegetables and wild mushrooms collected from the mountains every day, their family has never been short of vegetables. If you can't finish eating, dry it and save it for winter.

When Yu gave birth to the full moon, she had gained two catties. Although the catties were not much, at least the child was healthy under her careful care.

This month of hard work is not in vain.

With the help of Cui Xiang on the mountain, the work progress has also been greatly improved. Now most of the doors and windows in the village are ready.

The rewards paid to Uncle Wei, from vegetables, melons and fruits to food and eggs, and even peach gum and honey in the mountains, were all consciously converted into equivalent value and sent to Wei’s house, and Uncle Wei sent them to her in turn. Come on, what she gives back to everyone is to make more delicacies with limited ingredients.

The window paper I bought last time was not only pasted for my own home, but also for Wei’s house. With the protection of the window paper, the number of bugs in the house was obviously reduced. There is a thick layer of grass curtains on it. Although there is no light, it is at least warm.

Although the winter here is not very cold in her opinion, it is winter after all, and the temperature in the mountains is much lower than that in the mountains, so after autumn, every household starts to dry vegetables and prepare to store food for the winter.

Before August [-]th, she directed Cui Xiang to build an earthen oven in the yard, and made several earthen dishes with clay.

After that, I began to stockpile walnuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, and hazelnuts. Some of these were bought from the county, and some were self-produced by the space.

After these materials are fried, they are crushed, and sugar cubes are added to mash them. Oil, self-grinding rice noodles are mixed with water, and then balls are formed.

The pie skin is made of honey, oil, alkaline water, flour and kneaded into a smooth dough.

In her free time, she took a carving knife and carved some molds with patterns, which will come in handy for making mooncakes this time.

The pie crust is formed into a ball, filled with the filling, put into the mold and pressed out of the shape, then baked in the oven, baked for a few minutes, took it out, brushed the surface with a layer of egg wash, put it in and continued to bake, The mooncakes baked in this way are golden and beautiful, and they are super delicious.

"It's already August [-]th, why hasn't my kid come back? In half a month, the autumn harvest will be under the mountain, and he has been gone for more than a month in a blink of an eye, brat, and he hasn't sent a letter back." .”

August [-]th was originally a day for family reunion. Father Wei missed his son, especially when he saw Bai He's house was lively and lively every day, he was envious.

Although there is Cui Xiang at home now, but how can there be a son who is caring, especially the daughter-in-law here who he likes and raised a son for others, he is also anxious, and when he usually helps, he hugs the soft little girl Baby, what he was thinking in his heart was when would he be able to hug their Wei family's little grandson.

So, don't you worry about your son coming back quickly?

Because the materials for making moon cakes are very expensive, she was reluctant to send them down the mountain, and her family digested them all. However, she made four pots, and except for the one that was eaten on the night of August [-]th, there were three pots left to put in. Space, occasionally take it out to try something new, because this thing is tired of eating too much, so it is also a kind of enjoyment to take it out and cut it up, and share a small piece with each person.

After having an oven, she will also use goat milk, eggs, honey, and sucrose to make egg cakes for everyone, which is very convenient!
The double-skin milk, which is steamed from goat milk mixed with eggs, is also one of the delicious desserts that everyone named.

Even Uncle Wei said more than once: "This sheep in your family really didn't lose money, it's so worth it."

The food that the sheep ate was all carefully selected by Bai He, and Liu'er was not allowed to care about it, so she tried to feed it the good things produced by the space as much as possible, so that the milk produced was not very hot, but the milk was fragrant Full-bodied and well-recognized by everyone.

And Yu Sheng, the loyal goat milk, is also growing vigorously day by day under its care.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the small clothes Mother Cui originally prepared are a little thinner, so she uses the cotton in the space and the cloth she bought before to make thin cotton-padded clothes for the child, thick cotton-padded clothes, and small ones. I sewed up more diapers from leftover pieces of cloth, and the colder the weather, the less these diapers would be used, thanks to the large amount I saved before, as long as she wanted this cotton, she could grow it.

I sold eight taels of silver in the town before, and exchanged a lot of grain. When I arrived in the county, I earned 30 taels, a total of 38 taels of silver.

Later, she bought one tael of sheep, five taels of donkey carts, miscellaneous seeds, traditional Chinese medicine, cloth, salt, seasonings, suet, meat, etc., and spent another three taels of silver, so now she has about 29 taels of silver left, plus grain and The daily use is not small, and I may have to go to the city a year ago.

After the space is upgraded to level [-], you can grow black sesame, rapeseed, and olives, all of which can be squeezed for oil.

She doesn't have the environment and tools for oil production in the ancient way, so she saves more and brings it back to the town to hire someone to refine oil.

Although animal fat is delicious, it is not as convenient as vegetable oil. It takes at least half a year for a family in the mountains to feed a pig. A disaster has severely disrupted the industrial chain. When the vitality recovers, it will take the second half of next year. Yes, so before that, she still tried to get some vegetable oil.

Her family needs vegetable oil to make things. Only with oil can a steady stream of soap be made, and with soap, the industrial chain can flourish.

Baihe now occasionally sees patients at home. They are all from the family at the foot of the mountain. Those who can come by themselves come by themselves. It's not the child's headache, the old man's old disease, or some chronic diseases, which come from young and middle-aged people. Although there are few illnesses, some emergencies may disappear before she goes down the mountain.

For example, the head of the Zheng family at the foot of the mountain was working in the fields, and he would faint when he said that he would faint. When she ran over, there was no one there.

The initial diagnosis was cerebral infarction, which happened very quickly, and I was caught off guard.

For the medicines she has here, she will give them free treatment if they can be treated for free. For the medicines that are not available, let them figure out their own way.

In ancient times, pharmacies and medical clinics were separated. The pharmacy picked up medicine and read prescriptions, and the medical clinic wrote prescriptions for doctors. Although the behind-the-scenes operator may be one person, they are separated on the surface. Unlike later generations, hospitals can not only see patients, It can also cure diseases.

Baihe's reputation in this village, as more and more people favored her, gradually became famous in the nearby villages. Many people came over mountains and mountains just to get a prescription, because her Prescriptions can be exchanged for some agricultural products without paying.

Most of their families in the mountains don't have much money, and some of them have never been out of the mountains in their entire lives, so how could they earn that money.

Bai He also told them that next year, she will find a way to grow some local medicinal materials by herself, but those from other places have to go to the pharmacy to buy them, and she can't grow them here, unless her space mall has a medicine mall. More people can be saved.

I don't want to, as soon as this idea came up, I heard Liang Tian say in the space: "It's simple, after level [-], you can buy medicinal seeds."

Bai He's eyes lit up immediately: "Really? I can grow herbs now?"

"Well, but medicinal materials are relatively expensive, considering your current consumption capacity, you should hurry up and save!"

"I have been planting without wasting a minute. Ever since I took care of Yusheng, I have become the alarm clock of space."

The more frequently you enter and exit the space, the better you can grasp the maturity period of these plants, and naturally you won't waste a second.

Liang Tian also said that this kind of medicine is not only expensive when you buy it, but also matures in different seasons. Some grow in one season, some mature in three seasons, and there are four seasons and five seasons. The maturity period is also long, and maybe it can only be harvested in one day. One season, but relatively, the selling price is also high.

Baihe didn't care about it, as long as it can be planted, it's a good thing, no matter how long it takes to mature?
 Thanks to [L Qiu X] [Li Luo Shang] [Peace Sheng Yu] for rewarding novel coins, what a waste!
(End of this chapter)

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