The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1286 [1285] The story of the buried female farming 13 (5100)

Chapter 1286 [1285] The story of the buried female farming 13 (5100)

While the father and son were busy transporting grapes, Bai He first went down the mountain carrying jelly fruit on her back. The reason why she just got so many grapes is because the space can be upgraded to level [-] after harvesting tonight, level [-] There will be beets as the raw material for making white sugar. With the white sugar made from beets, why not make good fruit stuffing?

Last time she bought two ceramic jars weighing [-] to [-] catties, but they haven't been used yet, and now they can be used to make grape wine.

After the Wei family father and son came down, they saw the jars she was cleaning, "I also have two at home, can I move them down for you?"

"That's a good thing. I was worried that these wouldn't fit, so I planned to find a way to make two more. Then you can move them down for me and wash them together."

Four jars can hold [-] catties. After the grapes are picked, washed, and seeded, the remaining juice should be able to hold them.

If it can't fit, put it in the space first, anyway, they haven't weighed it, so I don't know how much it can memorize.

Although the wild grapes in the mountains are sweet enough and small enough, if no sugar is added during the brewing process, the taste will be poor.

Fortunately, she grows sugar cane, which can be used as rock sugar when the sucrose blocks are crushed, and the existing technology cannot refine white sugar or rock sugar, so she chooses to use sucrose blocks, and then go to the mountains to see if there are any wild ones. It is also a good choice to use honey instead of white sugar and rock sugar.

"Okay, you are also very tired, hurry up and rest for a while, and then leave it to me."

After the father and son left, the earthen pot that was drying yesterday also had to be operated in the next step, so she first received all the grapes in the space, washed the jar and put it in a sunny place to be vacant, and then went down the mountain to dig A basket of clay was carried up the mountain.

While no one was watching, she moved a lot of cement into the space. She wanted to take this opportunity to see if she could make another jar and try to hold a hundred catties of grape wine.

After the bottom of the pot is dried, it is necessary to scrape the bottom of the pot with a relatively rough wooden brush to make it smoother without pits and wrinkles. As a non-professional, her level is definitely not comparable to some inheritors of intangible cultural heritage. All she needs to do is to be eye-catching, as long as there are no major flaws. As for perfection, she can't make it.

After the bottom of the pot is scraped, it is time to drill the fire hole, and the position of the fire hole must be evenly distributed, that is, put the bottom of the pot upside down on the ground, use a pointed bamboo stick to turn around the bottom of the pot, and a piece of mud at the bottom of the pot will be pulled out. One, two, three, the shape can refer to honeycomb briquettes. After the fire hole is dug out, the bottom of the pot must be turned over for a second grinding, and then a circle is squeezed out with mud, which is used as the base of the fire tube, the base After it is done, turn it upside down to make the feet...

The whole clay pot is polished, ears are planted, patterns are engraved, and the whole pot is scraped flat and smooth on the turning circle. The thickness of the fire pipe is also very uniform, and the base is also installed very tightly. As far as it is concerned, it is still very good. You can refer to the Tengchong earthen pot for its appearance.

After all this is done, it will be dark, and the next step is to dry for a week, firing, modifying details, wiping shellac, both inside and outside, including the edge of the pot, and then drying, this is the real The clay pot is completely crafted.

The so-called lac is the purple natural resin secreted by lac insects after absorbing the sap of the host tree.

Also known as shellac, red gum, comfrey and so on.

It mainly contains lac resin, lac wax and lac pigment. After coloring, the clay pot will look more high-end and atmospheric, and the airtightness will be better.

She has seen lac worms on trees in the woods, and when she is free, she will scrape some back home, and it will be much more convenient to make such an earthen pot in the future.

The earthen pot she made is especially exciting for eating hot pot. The copper hot pot in the old capital is made according to the shape of the earthen pot. There is a chimney in the middle, and charcoal fire can be placed underneath, and the surrounding belly can be filled with ingredients for stewing. For this reason, she purposely made a bigger one. It looks good, but it’s okay. Anyway, it will be usable, right?

When she turns back and has trained her skills, maybe she can still sell them in the market?
After the earthen pot was ready, it was getting dark, because I worked in the afternoon, so I consumed a lot of energy. In the evening, she made a sliced ​​soup with leeks and noodles, and added tomatoes. When the tomatoes and leeks were integrated , that taste is fresh that the father and son have never experienced.

Wei Ying forgot to ask at noon, and only remembered to ask her after returning the pot: "How is the red soup made?"

"Oh, that is a kind of wild fruit I collected in the mountains. After mashed, it is a good ingredient. It is very precious. It is out of season now, but I have saved a small jar of sauce. It will arrive next year. It’s the season, I’ll take you to find it, isn’t it delicious?”

Wei Ying nodded, "The sweet and sour taste is very unique. I have never eaten this kind of taste when I grow up."

Push it away this year, wait until next year when he remembers it, and if he can’t remember it, she’ll fool it. If it’s not good, she’ll just dig out the space and bury it outside for him to find. Hahaha, she’s so smart. Anyway, the method is all thought up by people, maybe next year he will not care about these things!

I can't help but eat, she really loves the food made from tomatoes.

Sure enough, as soon as the sugar cane was harvested at night, she successfully advanced to the seventeenth level, which has beets, grapefruits and mushrooms.

Beets can also be used to make sugar. The juice of sugarcane is not easy to extract. She cuts the sugarcane and grinds it out with a millstone. It is very troublesome. The hardness of beetroot is not as high as that of sugarcane, so it may save more effort.

When she was in the beast world, she made a simple compressor out of bamboo, but the effect was mediocre, and sometimes it was not as good as squeezing it out with the strength of those beastmen, but in this life she has no other auxiliary functions. , so this sugar still needs her to squeeze the juice slowly.

I don't know how to combine the juice of beet and sugarcane, what will the taste be?You can try it later.

After sleeping, she sat in the space with a ponytail before dawn, and began to pick grapes, pulling off the stalks and bad fruits of the grapes, leaving only the intact ones and putting them in the wooden basin.

She was reluctant to throw away those bad fruits, because the sweet smell could attract flies to hatch on them, so she dumped them into the pigsty in the backyard at dawn, retting with the wet garbage, and there were enough insects , her chickens can lay many eggs.

Pour the selected grapes into a large basin, add flour to wash, do not add too much at a time, add it little by little, otherwise it will not turn.

Flour can absorb some dirt on the surface, but it cannot take away the hoarfrost on it that can promote fermentation. In short, it is a very useful cleaning product.

After washing the two large pots of grapes, put them in a bamboo basket to control the water, control the flour water for a while, and the powder water is clear, pour away the clear water on the surface, keep the sediment below, add vegetables, wheat bran and rice bran to stir, Just good chicken feed.

There is also a surprise waiting for her today, because she actually got two eggs. Look at the quail nest. After the two female quails embraced each other, there is no intention of multiplying eggs. She is not in a hurry, as long as they can hatch the egg, It is also a credit.

The two eggs she harvested today were stored in the space, and she was not willing to eat them, let alone give them to the Wei family and his son.

For breakfast, fried chili rings with garlic wrapped in flour, tofu mixed with shallots, sticky pumpkin rice porridge, and baked a dozen sheets of thick bread.

When Wei Ying came down, she had already eaten and was turning over the water-holding grapes, but she didn't notice that he had two rabbits in his hand.

The gray rabbit was big and fat, one male and one female by coincidence, she was very happy to see it.

"I heard that rabbits have a strong reproductive ability, so raise them!"

Wei Ying didn't seem surprised that she would say that, "I already knew you would make this plan, where should I put it?"

The gray rabbit is fluffy and cute. She casually pointed to the pigsty in the backyard. In the right corner of the pigsty, she raised maggots, which made people's eyes hurt, but it didn't affect the rabbits. There was a lot of grass in the mountain. Even in winter, her space is not short of sweet potato vines, so raising rabbits can make the family's farmyard more manure, which is more conducive to the growth of vegetable seedlings in the ground.

In her whole house, except for the smelly backyard, the front yard has no smell at all, because she often cleans up the chicken manure and quail manure in the front yard, and after cleaning, they pile them up in the pit in the backyard for septic. There is also a lot of wet garbage thrown in the septic tank. After the vegetable seedlings in the field grow up, a trench must be dug next to fertilize these things.

Wei Ying washed his hands, brought the breakfast up with Bai He's help, and the stars began to drop on the day before he went down the mountain.

"It's going to rain, hurry home and put away all the things that should be collected."

As long as there are dark clouds in the mountains, there will be one, especially when it is the summer rainy season, so she just put away the pots, grapes, and daily necessities outside when she returned home, and the heavy rain came, and the surrounding area was covered by rain. Layer after layer of water nests were stimulated by the power of the torrential rain.

"It's raining so hard, it makes me upset just looking at it."

Since the natural disaster, people will feel uneasy when they see such weather.

Fortunately, there is no wind. If there is rain and wind, it will be a disaster for the hut.

The walls of her house are high enough and the house is low enough to cover the wind invisibly. This is an advantage, but the disadvantage is that the overall ventilation effect is not very good.

When the rainstorm comes, I will worry about the rain leakage. After walking through each room, there are really two places where water started to drip, so I hurriedly found a basin to catch it, thinking that the weather will clear up, and I have to repair it. The adobe house is like this, and I keep repairing it. Only by supplementing can it be stronger.

After putting all the quilts in the space, she moved a stool and sat on the porch to start choosing vegetables. These wild vegetables were dug up and received in the space directly without cleaning them up.

At noon, she plans to use these wild vegetables to make a pot of vegetable nests, then dip them in garlic juice, and then make a vegetable tofu soup.

The three meals a day of the country people are very simple. Basically, they can do what they have. In the era of no disaster and no harm, eating enough and wearing warmth is the happiest thing.

Even though many people have never been out of the mountains in their entire lives and live an ordinary and simple life, many people are fascinated by such a life.

The earthy smell brought by the rainstorm is the most intoxicating, and Bai He especially likes to smell this smell, but the originally peaceful life was broken by the villagers who appeared in bamboo hats.

"Doctor Bai, Doctor Bai, come with me to have a look. My son was in a hurry to go home and fell into the river. He was not breathing when he got it up."

When Bai He heard it, it's okay?Hurry back to the house, actually in the space, took an umbrella, and ran down the mountain with people, the ground is still slippery in such a heavy rain, and the clothes are not thick, if it is not for worrying that it will wet the clothes in the rain The impact is not good, she may not even take an umbrella, just slipped and fell several times on the road, there is no way, the rain is too heavy, and there is mud flowing all the way down the mountain, in this case, it is better not to slip and fall Strange.

When I ran to Xiaojing's house, there were people standing in the yard, and there were cries of women and old people, and the child was running and jumping while being carried upside down by a middle-aged man.

"Put him down quickly." Knowing that the possibility of being rescued was unlikely because the delay was too long, she still wanted to try.

After the child was laid flat on the ground, she still performed emergency CPR and artificial respiration, which was extremely exhausting.

While doing it, she asked them: "How long has it been since the child was salvaged?"

Just going up the mountain will take one to two ten minutes, and it will take half an hour at the earliest when she comes back, half an hour. Whether the child can be rescued depends on God's will.

Although theoretically, there is a chance to be rescued within half an hour, but that is also a chance, and no one dares to make such a guarantee.

Sure enough, the woman cried and said that it had been half an hour.

Bai He's heart had sunk to the bottom, she was doing CPR while teaching the onlookers around her.

"The next time you encounter a child falling into the water, you must use this method after catching it, instead of sitting by the side and waiting. Of course, the reverse is also a method. It does have a certain effect on children who have just drowned and whose heartbeat and breathing have not stopped. The principle is to squeeze the abdomen and chest of the drowning child through the shoulders during running, thereby squeezing the water in the lungs and abdomen out."

"However, if the child's heartbeat and breathing have stopped and he needs to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation immediately, this is my method. Time waits for no one. Even if he presses his sternum and splits, he must continue to press it. In the future, if you encounter such a situation , the first thing to do is to help the drowning patient recover his heartbeat and breathing, rather than sending him to the hospital. Because time is life, if the process is delayed on the road, it will not be worth the candle. , the dirt in the nose, untie the neckline, keep the airway unobstructed, then hold the waist and abdomen, make their backs up, and pour water with their heads down; , with his head drooping, and pouring water with his hands flat on his back."

While doing it, Bai He explained carefully and earnestly. In fact, she didn't understand why she didn't take the child to find her, but called her over. How long did it take to go back and forth?
The squeezing process of cardiopulmonary resuscitation was even more difficult and tiring. Bai He couldn't bear it after 10 minutes. Just when she was thinking about finding someone to replace her, a familiar voice sounded.

"You rest for a while, I'll come, I have learned the method you just did."

Bai He looked up, if it wasn't Wei Ying, who else?
"Sister, I've learned it too. I can replace my Brother Wei in a while, so you can go to the side and rest for a while."

Bai He nodded towards Wei Ying, and after guiding him to the correct position, Bai He lay down again and prepared to give the child CPR. Wei Ying looked at it and said to Xiao Mang next to him: "What are you doing in a daze, you do it, "

Bai He froze for a moment, then remembered that this was a boy, and with so many people around watching, she hurriedly told Xiao Mang what to do.

In this way, they pressed for about four to ten minutes, and the child who thought there was no hope at first spit out a mouthful of water.

"Oh my God, I'm rescued, hurry up, keep pressing, keep pressing him."

Press it again, and the child spit out more sewage, but it was just water, and the child did not wake up.

Four to six minutes of lack of oxygen to the brain can cause brain damage, let alone more than an hour.

The child was not rescued in the end, and although the water that choked into his lungs was squeezed out, he still left after all.

When the child's parents knelt there and cried uncontrollably, Bai He also had a sad face.

The child was only six years old, and his elder brother was Xiaojing. She knew Xiaojing, and Xiaojing also looked at her now, and knelt down with a plop.

"Sister Bai, thank you, and Brother Wei, Xiaomang, I thank you all. Although my brother was not rescued, I know that you all did your best."

The three of them squeezed their chests interchangeably, they all saw it, especially the sweat on their foreheads, it couldn't be more real, the younger brother couldn't be saved, it was because they didn't know how to save themselves, as long as they could do it right away like Sister Bai , Will my brother be rescued?
"Father, mother, it's all my fault. It was raining and I ran home. I didn't notice my brother slipped into the river. It's all my fault. You can beat me and scold me, but please take care of yourself,"

Grandpa and grandma have already passed out, Xiaojing's sadness can be seen with the naked eye, Xiaojing's mother hugged her dead son and cried desperately, although father didn't mourn so much, but the look he looked at Xiaojing was a bit frightening, just as he stood up, When waving his palm at Xiaojing, Wei Ying, who had quick eyes and quick hands, stopped his wrist with heavy eyes.

"Brother Pang Pang, I can understand your feelings, but you can't blame Xiaojing for this matter. It was an accident. Xiaojing was still a child. He had already called for help immediately, he,"

After being pushed hard by Wei Ying, Pang Zheng woke up suddenly. When he looked at Xiaojing again, the horror in his eyes disappeared, replaced by guilt and mourning.

"I'm sorry kid, it's Daddy who was stunned. What you Big Brother Wei said is right. How can I blame you? This is an accident, this is an accident..."

While talking, he rushed into the rain curtain, watching this scene, everyone fell silent, Pang Jing was worried about his father, and wanted to chase after him, but was stopped by Wei Ying: "Your father is fine, just If you want to be quiet, please persuade your mother!"

Bai He also felt that if she stayed any longer, it would only increase the pressure, so she held up her umbrella and left Pang's house silently. Wei Ying saw it and hurriedly chased him out.

(End of this chapter)

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