The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1285 [1284] The story of the buried female farming 12 (5000)

Chapter 1285 [1284] The story of the buried female farming 12 (5000)

After tidying up the back yard, it's time to make lunch again.

Whether it is steamed rice or stewed rice, the method is different in different places. She doesn't like to soak the rice, take it out and steam it in the pot. She always feels that the rice loses a lot of the taste of the rice itself, so she uses a casserole. Put the rice in, add water, and steam slowly over low heat, which makes good use of the advantages of the small stove.

Then I peeled two large green-skinned eggplants, prepared some green and red peppers, cut half a pumpkin, rolled the tomatoes in boiling water, peeled them and chopped them into sauce.

After the preparations are done, it is almost time for the rice to mature. She immediately starts to fry the eggplant. When frying the eggplant, put some tomatoes and peppers in it, which will make this dish have a unique sweet, sour, spicy and salty taste. If you add tofu Stewed together, it is definitely the best dish to eat with rice.

She put two catties of tofu in, and there were plenty of ingredients. After frying, the rice over there was also cooked. She broke off the casserole and put it in a crock pot, added water to boil, and cooked the chopped vegetables, tomato sauce, and soft tofu together. After the water is boiled, the color becomes very beautiful, red, white and green are interlaced, sprinkled with a little salt, no seasoning is needed, it is a very delicious soup.

Before she could bring it up, Wei Ying came down again with the basket on his back, and this time he brought back four or five eggs of different sizes. As for the birds, no one could tell.

In addition to bird eggs, there are wild vegetables and Chinese medicine, and a red and green fruit?
"what is this?"

"The red ones are called wild sweet potatoes. This kind is divided into male and female. The male has no flesh in it, and there are worms. Only the female can eat it. Now there are many in the mountain. They look like figs, and they can bear fruit without blooming. Children You all like it, so I picked some for you, try it."

It's sweet potatoes, but it has nothing to do with sweet potatoes!

After careful inquiry, I found out that wild sweet potato is not sweet potato. It is also called ground loquat, ground fruit, and ground pomegranate. It is a kind of wild fruit hidden in the roots, and even some are hidden underground.

After seeing the red fruit, and then looking at the green fruit, she felt that this little thing looked familiar. After thinking about it carefully, it wasn't...

"Is this jelly fruit?"

The scientific name of this kind of wild fruit is Xueli, and it is named jelly fruit only because it is commonly used to make jelly among the people.

In some places, it is also called wooden steamed bun, ghost steamed bun, weighing fruit, climbing wall fruit, etc. according to its appearance characteristics.

Although jelly fruit cannot be eaten raw, it contains sesame-sized seeds with no pulp at all, but these seeds have great uses and have been one of the best ingredients for making jelly since ancient times.

The jelly seeds are rich in pectin. After drying, wrap them with gauze, put a bowl of well water, rub it vigorously, and then let it stand, the jelly is ready.

Add brown sugar, vinegar, or honey, raisins, etc., and the delicious and refreshing hand rub jelly is ready.

She had never seen red fruit before, but she had experienced this jelly fruit, which was just suitable for eating in this weather, so she happily picked it up and looked at it for a while.

"Where is this fruit? I want to get some more. It will be gone after this season. Store more, and I can make it directly when I want to eat it!"

"Then if you're okay next afternoon, I'll take you there."

Wei Ying was surprised that she knew jelly jelly, and when he heard that it was going to be delicious, he was naturally willing to do it.

"Eat tofu at noon?"

Wei Ying patted his forehead when he saw her lift the lid of the pot to show him the rice.

"Speaking of which, the rations for the two of us haven't been brought to you yet! I'm going to forget about it."

"It's okay. Last time I went to the town to buy a lot. It's enough for the time being. If it's not enough, I'll ask you for it."

"That won't work. I'll recite it for you in the afternoon. After all, we don't start fires now. Oh, yes, there is also oil. We have a lot of animal fat in storage. You need to use it for cooking and cooking, so don't save it, Orion family They don’t have to worry about oil to eat.”

There are peas and soybeans in the rice, and the yellow and green ones are filled with bright casserole rice. The moment the lid is lifted, the fragrant hot air rushes towards the face, making Wei Ying swallow subconsciously.

"This rice is really good. The rice you bought is really good. The rice we change ourselves is not so delicious!"

Bai He smiled: "I guess it's because you haven't eaten rice for a long time, I've already served a bowl, you father and son eat the rest!"

"Don't you girls like to eat crispy rice? Come on, I'll pick out the crispy rice for you, and you bring a plate first."

Eat crispy rice?
He didn't say that she had forgotten that the rice made in this casserole had crusts, so she nodded at him with bright eyes.

"Okay, okay, it just so happens that I haven't eaten crispy rice for a long time."

Bai He brought over a plate with a deep bottom, Wei Ying took out the rice, and poured it around the side of the pot with a wooden spatula, the rice cracker came off, then poured the rice back into the pot, and the rice cracker was put into the plate .

By the time Wei Ying finished all this, Bai He had already put the stewed eggplant and tofu stew into the earthen pot, and the two of them went up the mountain one after the other. Not long after, the long-legged Wei Ying came down to serve the soup pot, and waited. When Bai He came down, she had a basket on her back, and there was a lot of bacon in it, and the oil tank was rather heavy. Wei Ying said he would bring it down later.

In this way, their family has food, meat, vegetables, and oil, and they can be regarded as not worrying about food and drink.

The sour, sweet and spicy eggplant tofu stew conquered the stomachs of Wei Ying and his son as soon as it appeared on the stage, especially after pouring the soup into the rice, the taste is really memorable. There is sweetness in the sourness, and sweetness in the sweetness. The spicy taste of green and red peppers, and the soup after the combination of the three are really delicious and delicious.

The father and son, who have never tasted this kind of taste, did not speak during the whole process, but only paid attention to the food in their own bowls. When eating, their eyes were still looking at the dishes on the plate. 'What do you mean?

Most of the pot of rice was eaten quickly, and when I went to drink tofu and vegetable soup, I actually couldn't eat it anymore, but I wanted to drink some soup to moisten my throat when the rice was dry, and the refreshing tofu soup sat down on the bamboo. The chair didn't want to move for a long time.

But Weicheng said to his son very sincerely: "This little lady is really good at craftsmanship, son, you work hard and marry her home, and don't let her do anything in the future, just cook for us. Guaranteed three meals a day, even your mother's decades of craftsmanship, can't compare to her simple cooking! Why don't you say she came earlier, and we don't have to eat raw rice for so many years , What a waste of food, what a crime! What kind of life did you live in the past!"

The more Father Wei thought about it, the more he felt uncomfortable in his stomach. In comparison, the life he lived before was really not as good as that of a pig or a dog, but now it is a life of a human being!

At the same time, on Baihe's side, she was also in a good mood because of the delicious rice crust, but the whole rice crust was big, thick and crispy, so she didn't eat the bowl of rice and vegetables, and ate the burnt rice. After the crispy rice, he drank another bowl of soup. Even if he was full, he thought about going to the mountains with Wei Ying later, so he hurriedly cleaned up the house.

Added some water to the two families in the chicken coop, sprinkled some maggots, then sorted out a wicker basket, put on long trousers suitable for working, took off the skirt, and tied their hair in a neat bun.

After the father and two were full, Wei Ying stood up to wash the pots and dishes, put the pots and pans and the tools for going up the mountain in a basket, and carried them down the mountain, just as Baihe had also packed them up, the two of them closed the fence gate, together Go to the mountains one after the other.

"Brother Wei, where is the spring, take me to see it,"

Wei Ying felt that Wei Langjun was too intrusive, so he asked Bai He to call him by his first name, but Bai He felt that it was disrespectful, so he changed it to Big Brother Wei.

"Let's pass by in a while, I'll take you there to have a look,"

Wei Ying turned his head to see her blushing because of the hot weather, and quickly put the straw hat on his head on her head.

On a hot day, women have to wear long-sleeved trousers, or skirts that reach the ankles, but men can wear a sweatshirt with a thin long shirt and long trousers. Compared with breathability and comfort, I don’t know if it’s better than women’s How many times, and Wei Ying is used to walking on mountain roads, so he doesn't feel tired, but Bai He's body is relatively poor, and he hasn't had time to exercise, and he can hear her panting before walking a mile.

When Wei Ying knocked the hat on her head, Bai He was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled at him.

"Thank you, Brother Wei." The hat was just thrown over, and she could still smell him, which made her a little awkward, but at least it could protect her from the sun.

When she went to the town this time, she didn't think of buying a straw hat, let alone asking the people at the bottom of the mountain who could make it up. She didn't expect this man to be quite careful.

Bai He's heartfelt smile made Wei Ying unable to move his eyes away, because when she smiled, her eyes became crescent-shaped, and she seemed to be able to see the stars inside. The dimples at the corners of her mouth were cute and unique. To him, it was all pleasant. He rarely had the opportunity to touch the little lady so close, so his ears and face turned red uncontrollably, but he was too dark, no one could see it, and his cheeks were hot. But he himself could feel that when he was walking, even his heart was pounding, which made Wei Ying feel that he was worthless.

Bai He walked on the road before, it was all on her own groping, now following Wei Ying, only to find that there are so many ways to walk in the mountains, and it seems that people don't know how to do it, but in fact the surrounding trees, grass, whatever can do it Be a marker in their eyes.

Wei Ying also specifically pointed to the mark on the tree, "This is the mark I made after the road was washed away before. If you get lost in the woods, you can look for such marks on the nearby trees. If there are any , follow the marks to find it, and you won’t be wandering in circles in the woods.”

In addition, he also introduced her to many good things in the forest, but unexpectedly, he took her to find a large field of wild grapes before she could find jelly.

"When I came here a few days ago, it was still green and very sour. I didn't expect it to be red now. How about it? Are you interested? Go there first and try whether it's sweet or not!"

When Bai He saw the grapes, she ran over to them. Although these grapes were much smaller than the grapes grown at home, they were much more fruity, and they were very sweet when ripe. At least she tasted four or five of them, and they all felt very sweet.

Mountain grapes often grow on hillsides, valley forests or bushes in the wild, and because it is a vine, it basically climbs on other trees, so the large grapes in front of us are climbing on several tung trees. Under the tree, there are still many weeds around.

"There are a lot of wild grapes in the mountains, and as long as you find them, you will find a large area. Many children often climb to the trees to pick them, and they will come down when they are full."

Although the mountain grapes mature later than the planted grapes, it is a very good variety.

It has been artificially cultivated and cultivated in the last century, and it has been very successful. Now it has become the main raw material of wine, and it has been promoted in many places.

So after tasting the taste of the grapes and feeling good, Bai He didn't want to go any further.

"I can make wine!"

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the intention: "Wine? Do you still know how to make wine?"

Bai He nodded, "Of course, and the grapes are sweet enough and of good quality, maybe you can try it, it's just that there are so many grapes,"

"I'm looking for my father, and the two of us will carry it back for you. Just tell me how much you want?"

"Of course, the more the better. After all, this thing is seasonal. If you want to drink wine all winter, you have to work hard."

Now that she knows that the wild grapes in the mountain are ripe, Baihe plans to find an opportunity to go into the mountain to pick more. In this way, all the grapes in the space can be sold, and she can just eat the ones picked outside!
"You don't have to worry about that, I will take my father into the mountain tomorrow."

"It seems that uncle likes to drink quite a bit?"

"Before my mother left, he used to drink a lot. After my mother left, no one cared about him, but he still broke up. Don't say I don't understand. In fact, even he can't figure out why he can break up..."

Such a deep love between husband and wife, is the love that ordinary people yearn for, right?

"They must be very loving."

"No, they often quarrel and quarrel. My father never let my mother down. My mother would hold me and cry when she was wronged. I once had a younger sister who died of illness. My mother blamed herself for not being able to sleep. I Dad was afraid that if she was suffocated, she would seek abuse and let her vent her anger, but she still left us in the third year after my sister left."

Bai He felt very uncomfortable when she heard this. Although she has experienced so many things, and the shadow of her parents seems to be far away from her, but that kind of family relationship, as long as you calm down and recall it, you will be deeply involved in it. ,Inextricable.

Now that she is working so hard to live every life well, isn't she just hoping to return to the original world and find her parents?
The grapes in the wild are good, but there are many mosquitoes, flies and bees flying around on them, which looks quite annoying and unhygienic.

Why put paper bags on the grapes of later generations can not only prevent these bugs, but also prevent birds from pecking and gnawing.

The more sweet it is, the more small animals it can attract.

"Come on, I'll take you to pick jelly fruit first, that's easy to pick, I'll send you there and I'll come down to pick grapes."

Bai He thought the idea was good, so she didn't refuse.

Followed Wei Ying in the mountains and walked left and right for about half an hour before finding a large piece of jelly fruit. There is still a vent here. Although the wind blows through, it brings the heat of the sun, but it can be blown by the wind. I feel at ease.

Especially here you can see the village at the foot of the mountain, but you can’t see their home from this angle. The blue sky is white like cotton candy, the mountains are lined with green trees, and the smell of plants is everywhere. Bai He enjoys it very much. This feeling is as if I have integrated into nature.

"It's pretty safe here. There's a wooden whistle here. If you need something, blow it. I'll come over soon. Now you're picking grapes here. I'll go down the mountain to pick grapes. If you finish picking grapes here, you can row along with me." tree marks to find me."

After Wei Ying explained, he left with the willow basket on his back. Bai He looked at the fruits, took out the scissors and the small woven bamboo basket, and picked them while cutting.

After the basket is full, I pour it into the space. This healing collection method is really addictive. Before I know it, the sun has moved to the west.

She looked around at the jelly fruit that had been almost exhausted by her. She didn't dare to wait for Wei Ying to find it, so she put the willow basket in the space and walked along the trail for more than half an hour. Go up the willow basket and go down the mountain.

When she arrived at the place, she saw that many grapes had been picked, but Wei Ying was not there, so she presumably sent them down the mountain.

She quickly took out the scissors, found an angle that Wei Ying couldn't easily detect, took the scissors and snapped them up, and stored them in the space.

By the time Wei Ying came up from below, there were already a large number of grapes in the space, and it was roughly estimated that it would weigh over a hundred catties.

Seeing her, Wei Ying said, "Finished picking?"

"Well, I've been here to rest for a long time, you should also rest for a while?"

"It's not necessary. My father and I will finish the collection soon. If you are tired, you can go down first. If you can't carry it, I will carry it for you. Just put it here."

The wild grapes are densely hung on the tree, and I can’t tell whether there are many or not. After picking them up, they are piled up in the space, and when Wei Ying and the others carry them down the mountain, I feel that there are really many wild grapes. .

Father Wei was not as fast as his son. He didn't come up until Wei Ying had picked more than half of the box. Although he was much older than her, he didn't pant as badly when he climbed the mountain. When he saw Baihe, the first sentence The words turned out to be.

"Little lady, do you really know how to make wine? Don't lie to me, look at so many grapes, even if you transport them down the mountain, you won't be able to finish them all, right?"

"There are quite a lot of grapes in the mountains. I think we can collect them all and bring them home. If the wine is good, it can be shipped out and sold for some money in the future, right?"

Bai He is full of self-confidence, she can even tell the money to sell it, presumably she really knows how to do it?
The father and son did not suspect her, after all, her techniques were stored there. When they were still picking Baihe, they carried willow baskets and went down the mountain. If they wanted to make grapes, they had to make suitable jars. I have to go home to see how big it is, so I will find a place with more clay tomorrow and start doing it on the spot.

Wine-making jars are similar to jars for making pickles. They both need to be sealed, and if they are not sealed properly, they will be broken. Therefore, the firing of these earthen jars is also very particular.

(End of this chapter)

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