The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1284 [1283] The story of the buried female farming 11 (5000)

Chapter 1284 [1283] The story of the buried female farming 11 (5000)

When Wei Ying left with the pot in hand, Bai He felt how weird the scene just now was, as if they were originally a family.

Without waiting for Wei Ying to come down again, she put cold dishes and steamed buns into a large basket, carried them out the door, and saw Wei Ying come down when she looked up.

"I'll do it, you can go home and eat, and I'll send it to you in the afternoon."

After saying this, Wei Ying turned around and left, Bai He went home and looked at the big beach of wild vegetables and herbs on the ground, and nodded in satisfaction.

"I can eat for a few more days!" With a wave of his hand, he entered the space, wanting to wait for the time to pick and choose.

Then she happily ran to the chicken coop to observe the family of quails, thinking in her heart, what method did Wei Ying use to catch them?

The pheasants have been here for two days, but there are no eggs. It is estimated that they have not adapted to the new environment.

She found vegetable leaves, chopped them up, mixed them with rice bran, and fed them to the two families respectively before washing her hands and going to eat.

I have to say that the wheat produced in this space is delicious. The steamed buns are big and elastic. The key point is that they have a strong aroma of wheat. If you taste them carefully, you can taste the sweetness of corn. It's not pure coarse grains, although there is a little wheat husk, but this does not affect the taste, but makes the coarseness of the rations, reducing the doubts on the mountain about her.

People in the mountains naturally grow wheat, and rice is planted in good areas, and wheat is planted in dry land reclaimed, but the harvest is very poor.

So it's not surprising that she can produce flour.

What Bai He didn't know was that when the father and son were eating shredded radish pickles, gnawing steamed buns, and drinking the rather delicious lotus root pork rib soup, apart from pertinently commenting on Miss Bai's craftsmanship, they were also very curious.

"Where did she get so many radishes? At the most difficult time, many children got her radishes, and they called her the little white radish lady in private!"

Wei Ying looked up at his father, "I bought it, where else can I get it? Didn't he go to town a few days ago? He also brought back a lot of things. You like to worry about it. Keep your mouth shut!"

"You idiot, take a look at those things in her house, did she carry them all at once?"

"But she did carry a big iron pot, as for this earthen pot...?"

Wei Ying hesitated for a moment, but couldn't say anything. She did carry the big iron pot, but no one saw what was in the willow basket!

Besides, he's a big man, so it's not easy to stare at other people's houses, but it seems that her daily necessities are almost purchased.

Bai He didn't know that she had already been suspected, but instead of being aware of this, she went to the place where the clay was produced at the foot of the mountain, scooped up a lot of loess with a shovel and returned home, then put the loess on the big stone at the door and kneaded it repeatedly. .

After kneading, she moved to a relatively flat place in the yard and began to beat the mud with a wooden hammer. This wooden hammer was found by herself and then polished with a wooden stick. It was very strong and would not fall off.

So when Wei Ying came down, he happened to see her beating mud, so he was very curious, "What are you doing?"

"I don't think there are enough pots, and I want to make a few more by myself."

Wei Ying was surprised: "You can also cook pot?"

Bai He nodded, "Yes, there's nothing wrong with it, it's just that it doesn't look good, the one you're holding in your hand, I bought it from the town, the mountain road so far away, I'm exhausted, So I would rather spend time and work to do it myself than to carry it back and forth. It’s too hard and I still lack a lot of things at home. I have to go there tomorrow when I’m free. "

Wei Ying felt strange, "Then what else would you do? You also made this wooden hammer?"

Bai He wiped her sweat with her sleeves with a smile, and pointed to her home: "I bought carpentry tools last time, so I made the small wooden basin and weaved the wicker basket, don't you think so?" There are many things in my house that I can't carry back at once? Let me tell you, I hired a bullock cart to take me to the steepest mountain road, dug a hole, and hid all the things I bought, and then I Slowly moving home like ants moving house, otherwise, how many days would it take me to set up this house, and I was afraid that people in the village would be jealous, so I went secretly at night."

After Wei Ying put the things in his hands on the stove on the right side of the door, he gave her a very appreciative glance.

"You are right. It should be like this. Our mountain is far away from the town. It is too inconvenient for you, a little lady, to hire a bullock cart to pull everything back and bury it. Slowly moving home is not what ordinary people can think of, if you need help in the future, just ask."

After Wei Ying left, Bai He breathed a sigh of relief. For some reason, she just felt that if she didn't say that, she would be seen through.

And when Wei Ying got home, he told his father about it. After hearing this, his father also felt that it was not easy.

"The more this little lady looks at me, the more difficult it is. At a young age, old man Wen can recognize her medical skills. She can do carpentry and earthen pots. She can also use the least labor-intensive and riskiest way to move the things she bought back home. I know how to guard against people, this thought is really deep enough, I think she must not be a child of ordinary people, if it is true that the children born and raised in the mountains are not smart enough, but think she is too good, son, this daughter-in-law cannot have , you can't beat others!"

Wei Ying's face was full of black lines, "You think too much, even if I have a crush on others, they may not have a crush on me."

Wei Ying's affirmative answer made Wei Cheng couldn't help but take another look at him: "Could it be that you have thoughts about her...?"

"I'm not sure yet. Let's look again. Excellent people will attract people wherever they go. Fair and fair ladies and gentlemen are good-looking, unmarried men and women are not married, and they are close to the water. Suitable for me? If there is a suitable one, I would have married a long time ago, why wait until 25?"

Wei Cheng pursed his lips, but didn't say anything else. Although he felt that the little lady had too many eyes and was unreal, her excellence was not comparable to that of the young ladies in these villages. The little lady with good conditions is under her nose, and the father and son still eat home-cooked meals every day. Get used to this thing, sometimes it is really scary!
After Wei Ying left, Bai He continued to beat the mud with a hammer. The mud was cement-colored. He folded it up and stepped on it with his feet. Then he used a small wooden hammer to beat the mud rake to the bottom of the pot with a suitable size. Take out the wicker pot bottom ring and inlay it on the bottom of the pot made by mud rakes, and then lift it up and turn it round and round to expand into the shape of the bottom of the pot. Turn it flexibly with your hands and spread it evenly until the bottom of the pot looks like It is the stomach for the vegetables, and it is considered to have a prototype.

This is a handicraft job, don't rush, don't be dry, you can polish the bottom of the pot you want, such as a frying pan, or an oval bottom.

Baihe did not smooth the bottom of the pot until it was dark, then turned the bottom upside down and put it on the pot table in the yard to dry. It will need to be dried in the sun tomorrow morning.

Making a pot made her sweat all over. Just when she was thinking about what to eat for dinner, Wei Ying came to her house with two buckets of water and asked, "Is there a water tank?"

She put all the water tanks in her house in the space, and didn't dare to put them outside. They were usually kept in wooden barrels, so when Wei Ying asked, she subconsciously shook her head.

"It's too heavy, so I didn't buy it, but I want to bake one myself with clay later. Is this the water for me? Did you bring it from the mountain?"

Wei Ying put down the shoulder pole, wiped the sweat from his forehead with a sweat towel, and then told her.

"We live on the mountain, so there is no need to look for water down the mountain. There is a spring in the mountain. I usually go up every half an hour, and the bucket is full. Look, the water is much clearer than the one down the mountain."

Dark skin, well-developed pectoral muscles unique to mountain people, coupled with this slightly cold face line, although serious, not as handsome as those male stars who rely on their faces for food in later generations, but their posture is as tall and straight as a pine tree He is as vigorous as the scorching sun, but he is a rare general. It is a pity that such a person lives in the mountains.

"Is there a mulberry tree growing next to the place you mentioned?"

Wei Ying shook his head: "There is no mulberry tree, just mountain spring water flowing from the cracks in the rocks. I also dug a hole underneath, drained it with bamboo, and made a spring. I will take you there someday."

Because I don't cook much anymore, I don't use much water. Now Baihe cooks with a lot of water, so Wei Ying plans to fetch water for her in the future. As for her saying that she will use clay to make a water tank, he is really curious: " Then when you make a water tank, remember to call me, I can help you, and learn by the way."

"What's so difficult about it? It's much easier to make a water tank than an earthen pot. You see, my earthen pot has already taken shape. When I finish it, if your family needs one, I'll make one for you too."

Wei Ying nodded, poured the water in the bucket into Baihe's two wooden buckets, poured the remaining half of the bucket into the big iron pot, and left with the bucket.

Just now Wei Ying said that he would not eat at night, maybe he was full at noon, so he did not eat at night, and it happened that Bai He also felt overwhelmed, so he ate a cucumber, which was regarded as a settlement for dinner.

Afterwards, I cut wood of about the same thickness on the mountainside, sharpened one end with a dagger, dug a ditch under the gate of the house, inserted these wooden sticks in, and reserved a place for two people to walk, and the rest of the family After three laps, a fence was firmly tied.

Then I made a simple fence gate with suitable wooden strips. These branches and wooden strips are relatively long and nearly two meters high, so after she wrapped them with rattan, it looked like that, and she expected There is a place for installing the gate. It will be safer to install the gate without removing these fences in the future.

In order to make this fence gate, she tossed and tossed until dark and continued to work, just worried that there would be another accident tonight. Fortunately, there was a moon at night, and she lit a fire next to it, so she couldn't see clearly at all. She tossed and tossed until midnight. When Kan fenced the gate and fixed the gate, she was so tired that her back hurt and she couldn't straighten up, but looking at the fence gate in front of her, she felt full of security, and all the sacrifices were worth it.

At the beginning, she built the wall with earth bricks just for safety. The trouble was that it was a bit troublesome, but for her, it was safe.

After all, there are a lot of snakes, insects, rats and ants in this mountain. She has to be on guard. She has already planted thorns and branches around the outer wall of the house, and watered the spiritual spring water of the space. No matter whether she can live or not, this is a must. The process, the thorns can prevent some people with bad intentions, and when the thorns grow up, they can also prevent wild animals, which is very safe. If they are not alive this year, then wait until the spring to move some seedlings.

Because she was tired all day, after washing in the space, she fell asleep straight away, sleeping very deeply.

Probably because he felt that there was a door, so he didn't wake up in the middle of the night. When he woke up again, it was already slightly bright outside.

She stretched her waist, first harvested the mature crops in the field, then washed up and left the space.

In the era when there was no toothpaste and toothbrush, she always used wicker dipped in salt to clean her teeth. Although it tasted weird, it was better than not brushing at all.

The world's first toothbrush was invented by Chinese Emperor Ming Xiaozong Zhu Youtang in 1498. The method was to insert short and hard bristles into a bone handle.

But the era she lives in now is Xuanzong, and Xuanzong is followed by Yingzong, Daizong, Xianzong, and Xiaozong after that, so there must be no toothpaste and toothbrush. After she tidies up the house, she will study how to make a toothbrush.

I went out of the space and checked the yard and the chicken coops. I was relieved to see that they were all good. I hurriedly chopped some food for them, mixed some corn husks, and went to the backyard to scrape some bugs and fed them to the chicken coops. Two families, one up and one down.

Just when she turned around to leave, she found a green egg in the corner. Oh, she was so happy at that time, while she was wary of the mother pheasant, she chased her away with branches, and finally stole the egg. , was about to take it away, and when she saw the brooding quail that was hatching, she rolled her eyes and put the egg under the quail. It didn't matter whether it could hatch or not, the important thing was that this chance should not be wasted.

If a chicken can be hatched, will it be able to strengthen their chicken family?
She soaked the beans before going to bed last night. After the beans opened, she carried them into the space to grind them into soy milk, then filtered out the bean dregs and boiled them.

At this time, the protein granules in soybeans were surrounded by water and kept moving, and they could not get together to form a 'colloid'.

Only with the help of brine can the bean protein aggregates be gathered together to form bean curd.

Put the bean curd on the permeable gauze to squeeze out the water, and then put the bag into the wooden mold and squeeze it for a while to form tofu.

Brine includes brine brine, gypsum brine and so on.

The last time she went to the town, she bought these two kinds of stew. She has a lot of experience in making tofu, and the proportion can be controlled very well. She soaked a total of five catties of beans.

She cooked about ten catties of tender tofu, six catties of old tofu, and about twenty bowls of tofu nao. She put half of the tofu nao in an earthen pot for the mountain to keep, and put the rest in a pot for space. drink a bowl.

Then marinate a large bowl of marinade with soybeans, peppers, and shallots soaked in celery, pour half of the bowl into the earthen pot, and keep the rest for yourself.

Finally, I took a few cucumbers and marinated them with garlic, vinegar, salt, and chili. Qian Weiying said that there were still some steamed buns yesterday, so I didn’t need to bring them any more.

It didn't take long for someone to come over. Seeing the tofu nao and tofu she had made, her expressionless face cracked again.

"You can also make tofu?"

Bai He smiled and said: "As for the art of eating, you can trust my ability, only I want to do it, there is nothing I can't do."

"Tofu nao, hot and sour appetizer, serve it now, it's just right, neither hot nor cold, is the leftover steamed bun from yesterday enough to eat this morning? If not, you can take some more."

Wei Ying shook his head, "Enough is enough."

"How do you get it right every day? Did you get stuck a little bit?"

Wei Ying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "We're on top of you, whether you cook or not, just watch the smoke in the yard, but you, this fence gate is really good. Don't say anything, come down and help."

"I made it temporarily, and it doesn't take much trouble. I don't need to bother you. Go up and eat it. Let's have tofu at noon."

"That's good, I haven't eaten tofu for a long time."

It has been more than two months since Dilong turned over, and it seems that summer is about to pass, and they have almost forgotten what tofu tastes like.

Wei Ying walked in front with a pot, and she followed behind with cold dishes. After sending the food up, she also ate the food quickly, and then put the formed tofu into the space to avoid qualitative changes due to the hot weather.

After eating pasta for a few days, she plans to eat rice at noon, which cannot be pure rice, so she arranges the peas, soybeans, and chestnuts and cleans them. Because the soybeans have not been dried, there is no need to soak them in water.

In ancient times, stone mill discs and stone mill sticks were used to crush and shell the dried grains.

Although the grinding disc she bought for shelling is not very clean, and even crushes the rice during the rolling process, but at least this manual shelling method is very clean and does not cause too much waste. Ten catties of rice are husked and then sorted. The ground rice is sifted out to make porridge, which is very fragrant and glutinous, and the whole rice is used for steaming.

After [-] catties of rice are shelled, [-] to [-] catties of rice are left, and then sorted, the whole rice weighs about [-] catties, and the crushed rice weighs [-] to [-] catties.

The rest is rice bran, and the rice bran will be kept to feed the chickens in the future without causing any waste.

Because we want to stir-fry at noon, we should choose firm tofu for tofu. She also plans to make a tofu and vegetable soup, which has to use soft tofu.

After tidying up the stove, she put the pot she made yesterday in the sun to dry, and then leveled the ground in the yard by herself. Thanks to the rain last night, the ground was moist and it was easier to germinate. The seeds of cabbage, radish, green vegetables, green onions, coriander, and spinach bought in the town were scattered in the field in the front yard, and then covered with soil, waiting for them to germinate.

The ground in the backyard has not yet been turned, but the ashes have been sprinkled. Taking advantage of the rain yesterday, she hurriedly turned the land in the backyard and leveled it. Because of the ash, the seeds cannot be sown immediately, and the fertilizer must be decomposed. Plant the seeds again, and she plans to plant some sesame seeds in the backyard.

(End of this chapter)

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