The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1287 [1286] The story of the buried female farming 14 (5100)

Chapter 1287 [1286] The story of the buried female farming 14 (5100)

"Are you all right?"

Wearing a straw coir raincoat, Wei Ying also followed into the rain curtain. Looking at Bai He, who was covered in dirt and had mud on his face, he felt a little distressed about the hardships and hardships along the way.

He followed Baihe down the mountain, because when the villagers came to look for her, he happened to see her at the gate, and watched her staggering and climbing in the mud. In the end, after working so hard for a long time, she still hadn't been rescued. The doctor's parental heart, she must be uncomfortable, right?
Bai He walked in the rain holding an umbrella, and when she heard Wei Ying's voice, she just turned around slightly. The rain was loud, but her expression was very calm, because she had long been used to seeing life and death in the human world. If you are not rescued, you will definitely regret it, but you will not feel frustrated or uncomfortable, because everything has its own destiny.

"The one who really needs comfort is Pang Jing. I'm afraid that this child will live in the shadows all his life. I'm afraid that his whole family will blame him. People who die can't be brought back to life, and the living will always find ways to shirk it. Responsibility, even if it's not Pang Jing's responsibility, they will try their best to install him. You don't have to worry about me, just go to Pang Jing and enlighten him. Before his mother could react, Dad almost slapped him... ...,"

Bai He couldn't describe Pang Jing's expression just now. There seemed to be a lot of emotions in his eyes, but he couldn't explain the specific feelings. He just felt that the child's future path might not be easy.

Wei Ying pursed his lips, looked at Bai He and looked at him firmly: "Go, childhood is the most incurable, don't let him spend the rest of his life to heal this childhood, he is innocent, he. There is still one pregnant, as long as something happens, it is all his responsibility!"

Bai He doesn't want to think badly about people, but often in this situation, such people and things happen, Pang Jing's innocence is seen by outsiders, but in the eyes of their own family members, it is hard to escape the blame , Who told him to be an elder brother, not a younger brother?
Parents can't take care of their children well, and if an accident happens, they will try to find reasons for themselves, including grandparents. As long as there is an accident in the process of taking care of them, they will attract accusations from their family members, because the child is in your hands What happened, even if Pang Jing was only ten years old, he was still a child, but in the eyes of their own family, it was because he didn't take good care of his brother that he let his brother drown.

Bai He thought about this carefully, and when Wei Ying turned around to look for Pang Jing, he found that his father was in the rain, punching and kicking the innocent Pang Jing, and his forehead was congested with anger , Kicked Pound over with one kick.

"You bastard, you are still human, he is also your son, you can't just punch the other just because one died!"

"This is my Pang family's business, it's none of your business, get out!"

"Brother Wei, leave me alone. I am willing to let my father beat me. As long as he can feel better, I am willing to endure such pain."

"You bastard, are you willing? Why are you willing? If it weren't for you, would your brother die? Why don't you die? Why don't you die? Ang?"

"Pang Lao San? Pang Lao San, hurry up, your daughter-in-law fainted, your daughter-in-law fainted, what are you doing standing there, why don't you come back quickly!"

When Pang De heard that his pregnant daughter-in-law had fainted, he trembled with fright. He quickly got up from the ground and ran home, turning his head and staring at Pang Jing as he ran.

"You are not allowed to go home, you can go wherever you want, you are not welcome in my house!"

Pang Jing, who was completely hurt by his father's unfeeling words, had already stood up, but his legs went limp because of these words, and he collapsed in the muddy water.

Wei Ying looked at the innocent child, and there seemed to be a fire burning in his heart.

"Go, go home with brother, the Pang family won't keep you, my Wei family will keep you!"

Bai He didn't expect that he would be chased back before he got home. The Pang family's daughter-in-law was also miserable, and almost had a miscarriage. Fortunately, Mr. Wen passed in the end, because he had a silver needle in his hand, and she helped the pregnant woman with acupuncture. The condition is not so tense.

When she got home, it was almost dark, and she didn't have time to eat lunch. No one said anything about the situation in the Pang family, and she started to stew rice when she got home.

Because Weiying brought Pang Jing back home, he had to make an extra meal for one person. Stir-fried tofu with rape, stir-fried celery with pepper, fried pumpkin slices with garlic, and the last mushroom tofu soup. These dishes are fried well. , Wei Ying and his son came down at the same time, and asked about Pang Jing's mood, the two shook their heads.

"When the weather clears, I want to take a long trip and bring Pang Jing with me."

Bai He was puzzled: "What are you going to do? The Pang family can't take care of this child now. When you come back, you have to take Pang Jing away. What do you think they will think of you? Let you comfort the child, no Let you take him away, you have to give this family some time?"

Wei Ying looked down at Bai He with seriousness on his face: "The child decided to leave. Before he leaves, he will go to his family and make it clear. I just want to entrust him to my friend. As for what will happen in the future?" , has to rely on himself.”

Three days later, Wei Ying really took Pang Jing away, and she still got the consent of the Pang family members. Although she didn't ask carefully, she knew from a few words that Wei Ying was going to send Pang Jing to Fucheng to learn carpentry.

In addition to being able to cultivate the land, ancient men more or less learned a skill to supplement their families during slack.

Wei Ying will not be able to come back until autumn, because the road to Fucheng will take more than a month. If you are lucky, you can take advantage of the ox cart and donkey cart. If you are not lucky, you can only walk on two legs. , and I don't know what the situation is like when we get there. The town has been hit hard by the earthquake, let alone the more prosperous Fucheng?

Fortunately, the Wei family has no land, so there is no need for him to come back in a hurry to harvest the autumn, and Wei's father also said that Wei Ying himself needs to earn some money to come back, so she can leave him alone and take care of him, because Before Wei Ying left, he entrusted his father to Bai He.

Father Wei also built the gate of Bai He's house before Wei Ying left. The father and son installed it together. There are two layers of protection. Even if the doors and windows of the house are not installed, they still have a sense of security.

When the weather cleared, Baihe would burn the jars at home, transport the clay from the mountain up, and make earthen jars in the yard, and then add shellac after firing, which would greatly improve the airtightness.

She makes jars during the day and enters the space to make sugar at night. When the jars are burned enough to fill all the wine, she stops and starts making fine grape wines.

The most important thing in making grapes is the hoarfrost on the grapes itself, which is the most natural leavening agent, which is much better than distiller's yeast in some places.

Moreover, these homemade wines are not so troublesome. After all the grapes are mashed, layers of sugar and grapes are layered into the jar like this.

Before that, it is necessary to ensure that the grapes are all dry, and even the jars have been sterilized with white wine. The jars are all new, and no pickles have been pickled.

The jars should not be filled too full, and there is a cycle of seven days. During this period, the floating grape skins and pulp should be pressed down and stirred, and the utensils should not be wet.

After seven days, the grapes are poured out and filtered. As long as the juice is present, after another seven days, basically all the yeasts will sink to the bottom, and the juice on the surface will be translucent. At this time, the altar can be sealed and placed in a cool place for natural fermentation.

The jars she makes are filled with water at the top and sealed upside down. Because the juice is not transparent, it is impossible to judge whether the color inside is good or bad.

So she only kept two jars of twenty catties and put them in the cellar, and sealed the rest with soil and hoarded them in the corner of the cellar. There were ten jars in total, each of which weighed about twenty catties, except for two jars. It is for drinking now, and the others are going to be sealed up, and one jar will be disassembled every year. Of course, she will continue to make it every year, and the grapes will get older as the years go by.

The quails in her family hatched five young quails, and threw away two or three bad eggs. As for the egg, it hadn't been hatched yet.

On the contrary, her family's pheasant breeds one egg a day, and sometimes two eggs. She saves up these eggs and is reluctant to eat them.

The vegetables in the yard are sprouting and growing fast, because she fertilizes and waters them every day, regardless of the amount, at least the vegetable seedlings that have been carefully cared for by her grow strong.

When Wei Ying was away, Father Wei would make doors and windows at home, and when there was a shortage of wood, he would let the people in the village go up the mountain to cut it down, because he was the only carpenter in the village. Install windows and doors before winter begins.

Whoever's turn came to help, and the doors and windows of her house were all processed for her by Father Wei with their leftover wood.

Half a month after the door of her house was made, the doors and windows of each room have returned to their place one after another. Even the place where the rain leaked before was repaired by the villagers at the foot of the mountain, and the reward she paid was a piece she made sucrose.

The sucrose is extracted from sugar cane and beets together, boiled into syrup, and solidified in the mold to become sugar cubes. The taste of the two is more layered, and she thinks it is delicious anyway.

Sugar was even rarer than salt in ancient times, so when she gave candy, people were very surprised. Because it was precious, the labor they put in seemed insignificant.

In ancient times, the family used window paper to paste the windows. Baihe didn't have window paper, and after accumulating these days, she needed to go to the town again to buy some things for the house, so she went up the mountain to sue the old man Price, I prepared dry food and pickles for him for two days before leaving, and he only needs to cook some soup or stir-fry some dishes by himself.

Although the old man was a little bit reluctant, but seeing that the pickles she made tasted good, he waved her goodbye generously.

Recently, what she grows most in the space is sugar cane and sugar beets. Because of the need to make sugar, the points in the space are not very long.

The mountain road was bumpy, and it was really difficult to walk. Fortunately, she has been exercising recently. Compared with the feeling of walking for the first time, this time it was obviously a little easier.

The chickens, quails, and rabbits at home have all been taken care of by the old man, so when she didn't think about it, she would stop and stop when walking on the mountain road. Sometimes when she looked up and saw the herbs at the foot of the mountain, she would try her best to collect them. .

This is the second time for Bai He to come to the town. Compared to the last time when there were all disaster victims outside the city, now that it is almost autumn, there are basically no disaster victims here. Although there are still some beggars wandering around the corner of the city, But at least no victims have built a shed here to seek shelter.

After entering the city, I found that the houses in the town have also been repaired. Although there are some construction wastes and traces of repairs in some places, at least most of the shops have resumed normal business, but the people nearby who came to the town to sell vegetables are still missing. It can be seen how much loss the disaster has caused to the local people.

Even if there are vegetable sellers on the street, they are all green leafy vegetables with a short growth cycle, and it is difficult to find excellent or high-grade vegetables.

They do not rely on the sea here, and seafood and the like can rarely be transported here. Even if they are transported, they are dry goods or pickled products. Fresh seafood products will stink before they are transported. In this ancient transportation environment , don't even think about it.

The disaster caused considerable losses to the merchants in the town. The meat, eggs and vegetables in the restaurant could not keep up with the supply, and the summer grain harvest was cut off. Still coming to the restaurant?

Therefore, the whole town is really in depression visible to the naked eye.

She had no money, but she had candies, and they were of very good quality. One tael was sold at a high price of ten Wen. She had a total of fifty catties of candy here, and they sold for a total of 5000 Wen, which is five taels of silver.

Garlic, white radish, Chinese cabbage, Chinese cabbage, rapeseed, eggplant, peppers, red dates, leeks, peas, celery, cucumbers, pumpkins and other vegetables that she sees every day, she wandered around the town through door-to-door sales. If she insists on money, as long as she is willing to exchange it, she doesn't have to give money.

So she finally replaced these vegetables with [-] catties of brown rice, [-] catties of flour, [-] catties of millet and [-] catties of sesame seeds.

As the saying goes, what is rare is the most expensive. When no one else can grow vegetables or eat enough to sell in the town, her vegetables are juicy and fresh, and they are rare. How could no one want it?
Not only did she ask for it, but she also readily exchanged it with food. Although she didn't get a penny, at least the food was actually in her pocket.

She also used walnuts with jujubes, fried chestnuts, and fried soybeans in exchange for three liang of silver, because these dried fruits were very precious in the famine years. It was mainly because of her creativity that she wrapped walnuts and dates with sugar, and it was delicious and delicious when eaten in one bite. Sweet, these walnuts are a rarity, and only wealthy families can afford them, so she can sell them at a high price.

Eight taels of silver is enough for ordinary people, especially those in the mountains to spend half a year, so she is very satisfied with this harvest.

When it was getting dark, I went to the grocery store to buy window paper, and then went to the blacksmith's shop to find someone to make silver needles. It was reliable, and they could deliver the goods to her in three days, so she paid a tael of silver in advance as a deposit, and then rented a bullock cart to go to the county seat.

The county seat is forty or fifty miles away from the town, which doesn't sound too far away, but in terms of the traffic in ancient times, even bullock carts have to toss from dawn to dusk.

So they set off from the town early in the morning. This was also the first time she walked out of the mountains to Qingyuan County. What she saw along the way, the incomplete pictures brought about by the earthquake at that time, many roads were just dug through. Everywhere, people from the government and hired short-term laborers can be seen clearing roadblocks. Fortunately, the good fields have been planted with seedlings, and they will mature in two months.

She has already inquired, the weather here is not bad, at least two crops of rice can be planted a year, the coldest winter is just below zero, and it depends on the region, most of them can be maintained at ten degrees above zero, of course , the people here will not tell her the temperature, she judges it from their description of adding clothes.

According to the seasons of later generations, this time period is around mid-September, and the daytime is still very hot, but there is a temperature difference between morning and evening, so you can't take off your clothes randomly, or you will catch a cold if you are not careful.

She doesn't have such a high pursuit of what to wear, because this face looks a little eye-catching, she bought some fabrics in the town for [-] yuan, and cut out two sets of men's clothes and two pairs of shoes overnight. The soles were made by herself. They were cut out layer by layer with the rags that she bought home last time, smeared them with paste, pasted them on the wall to dry. These are the so-called mille-soled shoes.

The women's shoes are made of flowers, and the men's shoes are made of pure black or pure blue in dark colors, and she also deliberately made her face look gray, which immediately reduces the sense of presence.

When I arrived in Qingyuan County, it was dark, but for the sake of living, the ox cart master didn't stop, and left again with a whip. This time he charged her [-] Wen, which was not cheap but a one-way trip It's so expensive, if he rushes back now, it may be dawn, and this person can bear it, what about the cow?

"Uncle, it's so late, why are you going back, this man and the cow also need to rest,"

"I can't go back. The old and the young are all pointing at me. If I don't go back overnight, they will be anxious,"

"Before you came with me, didn't you report the letter to your family? Is this good? I will give you money, and you can go to a hotel. We will stay in the county for a day tomorrow, and we will go back early in the morning the day after tomorrow. Fifty Wen for a few days, is it enough?"

Anyway, she still has to look for a car later. Instead of finding someone she doesn't know well, she might as well find this uncle. They are already familiar with each other along the way.

The uncle was surprised when he heard this, and his eyes were full of doubts: "Are you really willing to take care of my food and lodging?"

"Fifty Wen should be enough to stay in the hotel and spend these two days. The food may not be very good, but this money should be enough to keep you full."

"Hey, that's enough, enough, fifty renminbi is enough, young man, this is what you said, then I will believe you once, stay here tonight, and we will go together the day after tomorrow."

Bai He nodded, and readily paid him thirty Wen.

"You take this money. Twenty Wen is the travel expenses this time. Ten Wen is enough for you to stay at the hotel tonight. These are the pancakes and pickles I made myself. You pay for them and ask Xiaoer for some boiled water. Let’s go live at my relative’s house. I’ll come to see you tomorrow morning, and I’ll book a restaurant for three meals for you. Don’t worry, since I’ve said that, I won’t break my promise. You can stay down tonight, okay? , there are two more apples here, you can use them as a cushion if you hold them."

(End of this chapter)

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