The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1275 [1274] The story of the buried female farming 2 (3000)

Chapter 1275 [1274] The story of the buried female farming 2 (3000)

After a lot of ups and downs, Tangyuan was also tired, so she went into the space and took a nap for safety.

I don't know how long it took, she rubbed her sleepy eyes and got up from the grass, only to find out in horror that all the gold, silver and jewels she stole from the ancient tomb were gone?

gone? ? ?
How could it be gone!
"Liangtian, Liangtian, come out for me. Where's my money? Where's my so much money?"

Tangyuan's expression was cracked, and he stood on the grass and rubbed his eyes again and again, but he still didn't see a gold ingot. The foreign gemstones from the sea are all treasures brought back from Zheng He's voyages to the West, so they are gone?

"You already have fields and water, and the storage around the space is only limited to fifteen square meters. Because your space has only been upgraded to level fifteen, there are fifteen square meters. In the future, your level will increase, and the number of square meters will increase accordingly. Increase. And these fifteen square meters can only store the ingredients you harvested, and the rest of the items will be stored in the locker of the space. The fee is charged per square meter, and one hundred gold coins are charged per square meter. The things you bring out of it account for It’s a full fifty square meters, so you need five thousand gold coins a day, can you afford it? If you can’t afford it, I advise you to turn it over to the country directly, maybe there will be surprises in the future?”

nonsense!Surprises in the future?What surprise?Wasn't he embezzled by this little thing?
However, the previous rent of [-] gold coins, "You are robbing, is it so expensive? If this day goes on, even selling those things may not be worth the rent!"

Liang Tian seemed very satisfied with her rhetoric: "A person who understands must understand things. Do you want to fight for yourself, or do you want to take a shortcut by borrowing these gold and silver treasures?"

Tangyuan frowned slightly, "These things have unknown origins and belong to the royal family. Once they are taken out, they may cause countless troubles."

"You're smart. If that's the case, how about we talk about a deal? I'll only charge you a rent of [-] gold coins for ten years of storage space for your things, and then promise you five things you want, how about it? "

Tangyuan raised her eyebrows: "Five things? Anything is fine?"

"Of course, anything is fine, as long as you can say it, I will give it to you as a reward for keeping your feet on the ground."

Tang Yuan was not worried that he would not be able to get along at all, so he readily agreed: "Okay, deal, this is what you said, don't go back on your word!"

After getting the answer she wanted, Liangtian stopped talking. Tangyuan looked back and saw that only the supplies she had hoarded in the past two years were left, which covered the fifteen square meters, such as grapes, loofahs, hazelnuts, sweet potatoes, oranges, peaches, sugarcane Bananas, watermelon, etc., fruits and vegetables are all in reserve, and it is precisely because of these supplementary nutrients that she can survive.

But... people have to live outside the space, it is impossible for her to live in the space for a lifetime, otherwise, wouldn't this life be a waste of time?

However, although she escaped from the ancient tomb, the court lady's attire she was wearing was too conspicuous, and she had to find a way to find two suitable clothes to wear.

It's raining heavily outside now, and she can't go out. Although she has grown a lot of cotton in the past two years, she doesn't have a loom. The cotton is stuck here, and there is no way to turn it into clothes.

The palace lady's clothes are lotus powder, and she used to have a headdress. After she tore it off, she simply tied up her hair with a hairpin. This hairpin belonged to the original owner himself. The only thing that can be brought out is the funeral.

Her court lady's clothes were not washed, mainly because the spring water in the space did not allow her to waste it, and she was already very nervous after eating and drinking every day. Where would there be extra water for her to bathe and wash clothes, so she hadn't bathed, brushed her teeth, and washed clothes for two or three years. , the smell on his body has long been covered by the smell of corpses in the ancient tomb, and his nose is not so sensitive. After he came out, he realized how disgusting he was.

Not to mention unkempt, dirty and smelly all over her body, the original lotus powder has now turned into black and unrecognizable clothes, she looks disgusted, and is thinking whether to take advantage of the rain to stand outside and wash it By herself, suddenly, she thought of an important thing.

"The earth dragon is tossing and tossing intermittently. There must be disasters everywhere now, so the ghost I look like now is not the look of a refugee? Who can tell if it's a palace maid's dress? It's dirty, smelly and dirty. It's black, and it can cover this protruding face, which is a good thing, so it can't be washed, and it must not be washed!"

The maids who can be selected into the palace have outstanding looks, and the maids selected to be buried with them are even more beautiful. She has used the funerary objects in the space to illuminate this face, and it is really beautiful, like a flower. At this age, going out is a disaster.

After the earthquake, the water level at the bottom of the valley where she was located continued to rise, forming a lake. One can only imagine what disasters could happen in other places.

Earthquakes and rains are not the most terrifying, but the plague that appears after the disaster is the most feared. This is not the first time she has experienced plague. Whether it is ancient or modern, she has experienced such infectious diseases. As a doctor, she must You can't just sit in the space and wait for the opportunity.

So she jumped into the lake, followed the momentum of the river with difficulty, grabbed the low branches, and climbed up to the bank little by little.

As soon as the rain stopped, she looked for palm leaves in the forest that could be used as rain-shielding materials, and then used vines to make the skeleton of the raincoat, and then wrapped the palm leaves layer by layer to fix them and store them in the space.

Later, I used the same method to make a parasol for myself. The material of the parasol is palm leaves and bamboo. The umbrella frame made of bamboo is really strong and durable, but it is too heavy.

When the weather is fine, she leans on crutches and carries a rattan basket. While looking for the way down the mountain, she cuts off the wild herbs that can be seen everywhere in the grass and forests, such as dandelion, plantain, honeysuckle, etc. The materials in the mountain are abundant. She will clean the wild vegetables, dry them on the big rocks, and put them in the space as soon as it gets dark.

In the mountains during the rainy season, washed out roads, trees struck by lightning, and various wild animals floating in the river can be seen everywhere.

The lake and river water are very dirty, with fallen leaves and silt in the yellow water, and the howling of wild animals can be heard from time to time. When she hides in the space at night, she can vaguely hear wild animals passing by outside the space.

She didn't know how big the mountain was. Anyway, she walked in the mountain for four or five days, but she didn't see any human beings. Instead, some small animals caught in the rain picked up a lot. She hadn't eaten meat for a long time. , I especially want to roast and eat it, but there are too many sequelae of modern wild animals. Even if I want to eat meat again, I know how to bear it. I dig a hole and bury these animals deep in the soil, so as not to breed bacteria and plague after heavy rain.

She eats fruit when she is thirsty, and eats roasted corn, roasted sweet potatoes, and potatoes when she is hungry. Although she does not have a pot to make pasta and rice, she is fortunate that there are foods such as sweet potatoes, corn, soybeans, bananas, and potatoes in the first fifteen levels of the space that can replenish energy.

The most indispensable thing in the mountains is firewood. Just find a dry place to dry some dry wood leaves when the sun comes out, and make a fire by drilling wood to cook the corn, sweet potatoes and potatoes. It took her half a day of effort and physical strength, so every time she lit a fire, she had to prepare to bake four or five days' worth of food.

And the dagger she used to cut the trees was picked from the gold and silver treasures in the ancient tomb. The quality of this dagger is high-quality, not to mention cutting iron like mud. It is also inlaid with rubies, and the exterior is made of pure gold, and the cold device inside is shining and reflective.

She cherishes this dagger very much, so she is very careful when using it, and it does provide a lot of convenience for her to go down the mountain.

The hard work paid off, she walked around the mountain for nine days before she found the way down the mountain, but because of this natural disaster, collapsed trees, houses, and even roads blocked by rocks can be seen everywhere.

She only saw villages and people in the mountains on the No. 15th day of the earthquake, but the scene in front of her was very tragic. People's houses collapsed and they huddled in temporary sheds, and the children cried. The sound of women sobbing, men smashing walls and sawing wood, there are many seriously injured patients, there is no People's Liberation Army here, and there is no help from the medical rescue team, all of which need to be dug with bare hands.

From their conversation, she knew that there was a village that was completely buried in the mudslide, and no one has been able to escape so far.

In ancient times without any large-scale excavation tools, people were desperate in the face of such disasters. They instinctively chose to save themselves. Only when they were saved would they have the energy to save others.

Tangyuan thought that since she came here and met her, she couldn’t ignore it. When these villagers had no food and drank rainwater and sewage from the river, she secretly sent radishes to the old, weak, sick and disabled. Relying on her own advantages of combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine, she followed the local doctor in the village to treat some wounded people. Unfortunately, their medicinal materials were seriously scarce. Even with the mountain herbs she had stored in the mountains in those days, it was still not enough.

Fortunately, the Tu Lang is very good, so I gave these men some physical specimens and asked them to look for them in the mountains.

The rain is getting weaker and weaker. It used to be continuous and rainy every day, but now it happens at least every three to five times. So even if these men go into the mountains, the danger is not as great as before. Tangyuan joined the doctor and helped him treat the wounded. The common people noticed this little girl who looks dirty but looks pretty.

The little girl was kind-hearted and gave them crunchy, sweet and delicious radishes and thirst-quenching cucumbers to satisfy their appetites during the sweltering rainy season.

The glutinous rice balls are also considered rigorous, and did not take out the sweet potatoes and potatoes. Although these things were introduced to China during the Wanli period, they were not something that ordinary people could eat, so she could not give them, and did not dare to give them. Ordinary radishes and cucumbers are presented to them.

 The second update is over, see you next month.

(End of this chapter)

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