The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1274 [1273] The story of the buried female farming 1 (3000)

Chapter 1274 [1273] The story of the buried female farming 1 (3000)

Tang Yuan'er didn't expect that she learned archeology in her last life, and she will use it in this life.

When I first woke up, the surroundings were pitch black, because my head was dizzy, I didn’t know where I was, and I could vaguely smell the pungent rancid smell.

Her body was limp and weak, her stomach was sore and uncomfortable, her chest was stuffy, and her breathing was extremely uncomfortable. She had no choice but to enter her own space, and only then through the clothes on her body did she learn the fact that she had traveled to ancient times.

Fortunately, I was lucky in this life, and I got a spiritual field. Having a spiritual field means having spring water and fields, and being able to grow food. She spent 200 million merit points to get it. I haven’t seen it in the Nth life, and I miss it. .

Because she was so hungry and the environment outside was so bad and smelly, her eyes were suffocated. When she entered the space, even the clothes on her body were smelly.

So when I breathe the aura with plenty of space, I feel that the whole person is alive.

Because the space has been upgraded to level seven, she has seven fields to plant at the beginning of the game. Of course, at the beginning, she has to eat radishes and cabbage. It is better than nothing. She can't wait to use the one hundred gold coins given by the initialization to buy it. The radish and cabbage seeds were planted in seven fields respectively, and they matured after waiting for eight hours.

After staying in the space for an hour, when the grass grew in the field and the function of the watering can appeared, she quickly drank enough water from the kettle, and then felt a little strength all over her body, but it lingered in her nose The smell made her feel that the environment she traveled through this time was a bit like... a cremation pit?

Otherwise, why would there be a smell of corpses?

Although she has never been a forensic doctor, after so many lives, she can still distinguish the smell of corpses.

However, after waiting for such a long time, the remaining memory of the original owner has not been transmitted. She has no choice but to go out of the space and survey her environment.

There is no light in this environment, at least there is a faint halo of dark white things around, and because of her sight, she still doesn't know what is shining.

Entering the external environment from a bright space, the difference in light caused her to stay in the dark, stuffy and smelly environment for a long time before she was horrified to find five corpses lying around her.

Immediately afterwards, she groped and saw the coffin parked in the center of the main tomb, which should be the owner of the tomb.

However, the light is too dim to find the epitaph, and the identity of the owner of the tomb is unknown.

Wait, tomb owner?God, she must be in the tomb now, right?So, she was the woman buried with her?
Then carefully examine the clothes of those dead people, and find that they are indeed exactly the same as the clothes on their own, all of them are court ladies?

Dressed up as a court lady, the entire tomb is full of gold, silver and jewels, but the tomb is not as big as she imagined. She should be in the main tomb now. Generally, the status of the owner of the tomb can be inferred from the size of the main tomb. Guessing from the environment she could touch at the scene, this should be a prince's tomb.

She was able to cross over alive, which means that the owner of the tomb chose to be buried with a living person instead of being buried with him after death.

The clothes on her body were still very bright. After she took them off and studied them carefully, she found that the dynasty she lived in should be around the Ming Dynasty. As for whether it existed in history, it is hard to say.

After all, I haven't read the epitaph, so everything is speculation.

There are so many good things in the tomb, it stands to reason that she should be tempted, but what she is thinking right now is how to escape, she will never be able to travel to this life, stay in the space forever, and then die of old age, right?Then what's the point of her wearing it?

So she received all the treasures that she could see into the space, and wanted to find tools that could be opened from the inside to the outside from these treasures. Otherwise, after waiting N years, the tomb would sink and be eroded by groundwater, or encounter tomb robbers. That will get you nothing.

Therefore, after her coquettish operation, except for the coffin and the corpse left at the scene in the main tomb, she received space for the rest of the funerary objects, as long as they were useful.

However, through inspection, it was found that these gold, silver, jewelry, jade and gemstones could not be used as tools to dig walls at all.

As we all know, when the ancients were buried, in order to prevent the tomb from being robbed by others, they generally guarded it strictly.

For example, the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, which has not yet been excavated in 2020, and the tomb of Wu Zetian in the Tang Dynasty. The entire mountain was hollowed out, and a dozen tomb-sealing stones weighing several tons were placed in the only accessible tomb passage, and molten iron was used to irrigate the middle. You can't get in at all unless you blast the outside with dynamite.

If you fry it outside, you can get in layer by layer, but if you fry it inside, it means that the house collapses, buried alive, and you can't get out.

In order to survive, she also used tools to knock on the wall. The existing tools, not to mention cutting open the stone wall, even if they scratched, they seemed to hit the stone with a pebble.

The archeology she studied was to use scientific instruments to conduct surveys before finding the best location to open the tomb door. Now she has no instruments and no tools. If it wasn't for the space, she would have suffocated to death in this airless tomb inside.

After eating a few radishes, she gained strength and tried every means to pry open the coffin stored in the main tomb, endured the stench inside, and took away the funerary objects. Now, the main tomb is completely useless.

Then she searched for a mechanism to enter the front room, only to realize that this tomb is not luxurious, it is I-shaped, divided into front room and back room, the back room is the so-called main tomb room, and the front room is piled with the tomb owner's favorite things during his lifetime. Of course, her "collection" is indispensable here. Unfortunately, there are so many good things. She has no time to look at them. She just wants to find the exit as soon as possible. I found the door, but how can a thin palace lady like her be able to pry the heavy stone door?

In this way, accompanied by these corpses, she switched back and forth between the space and the tomb, and came out to find the exit when she was full. , she heard the outside, that is, the sealing wall outside the door of the main tomb, there seemed to be the sound of digging? ? ?

Is it the tomb robbers?

Tangyuan rubbed her hands excitedly, and listened carefully at the door of the main tomb, and found that it was really the sound of people digging at work, but, is this tomb robber too rampant?How dare you start digging from the sealing wall outside the door of the main tomb?

Although she didn't remember how long she had been in the tomb, the corpses inside had already turned into bones, and the smell of the past had turned into a rotten smell. Even if it hadn't been two or three years, it would have been a year or two, right?

She waited and waited, and waited for a long, long time. It seemed that only one sealing wall had to be demolished for several days. Because there were several layers, which were strong and reliable, and the ancient craftsmanship could only be dug by hand, so she waited for at least three days. Days later, I felt that all the doors and walls had been demolished.

Then, she heard a clear voice that these people were about to tear down the door of the main tomb. Tang Yuan was staring intently in the dark environment, afraid that she might miss something.

However, before the door of the main tomb was opened, he suddenly felt the ground tremble, and heard people screaming in panic from outside. The ground was trembling. The crazy vibration made Tang Yuan realize that this might be The earth dragon turned over, and the door of the main tomb, which was half demolished, should have cracked due to the severe shock.

It's just that this little crack is useless to her at all. Fortunately, the earth is strong, and the crazy shock lasted for a whole day, until half of the door of the main tomb was shaken off the track and collapsed. She was excited to find that she actually She saw the half-collapsed passage in front of her, and as long as she walked out of this passage, she could get out.

Tangyuan was very excited. When she carefully climbed over the pile of rocks and came outside, seeing the long-lost starry night, she felt that her whole life was complete.

Because of the ground dragon turning over, the whole mountain was trembling. Although it was not continuous, but when there were falling rocks everywhere, where could anyone be found?
She is still wearing an obvious court lady's attire, so she must not dare to run around during the day, so she can only look for clothes at night.

On the way down the mountain, she saw many yamen servants in official clothes, as well as lost official boots and sabers, which should have been left or smashed to death during the escape, so to speak...

She suddenly turned her head to look at the tomb. Wasn't this a hole made by tomb robbers, or was it made by officials?Why should a good tomb be opened?Do you want the husband and wife to be buried together?

By the way, it was a joint burial. Apart from this reason, there is no other reason, but unfortunately, there is nothing in the tomb.

Just as Tang Yuan was about to escape from this place, she suddenly remembered that she had taken away all the contents, and only five bones were left. If they found one body missing, wouldn't they want to doubt the identity of the person who escaped?
After thinking about it, she was worried, and planned to go back and take away the remaining five bones and bury them. Unfortunately, when she went back, the entire tomb had been smashed and destroyed, and she couldn't get in.

She sighed, thinking to herself, even if they found that there was a missing body, so what?Although every court lady has a jade badge to prove her identity, how can a person who has been sealed for several years be alive?In addition to this natural disaster, I don't know how many ordinary people have been affected by the disaster. She can take advantage of this disaster to find a new identity for herself.

Thinking of this, Tangyuan gritted her teeth and ran up and down in the dark. During the run, she not only had to avoid rocks, but also stepped on the air, because this is a high mountain, who knows if she will fall into the abyss in the next second?
Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished telling herself in her mind, a huge boulder rolled towards her in the next second, and her body also began to roll down due to inertia. As a result, she felt a sense of weightlessness. In order not to be injured or stabbed by gravel and protruding branches during the fall, she stretched out her hand and instinctively caught a falling rock, and took advantage of the falling force of the falling rock to hide in the space...

About half an hour later, she came out of the space and looked up at the sky. The sky was already slightly bright, and there was a dense jungle under her feet, and the tremor was still faintly felt. It seemed that many people would die in this big earthquake!

 Today is Chapter 1, and there is another chapter in the afternoon. Thanks to all the readers and friends who sent monthly tickets and recommended tickets. Today is the last day of the end of the month. I plan to add an update to everyone and express my thanks.

(End of this chapter)

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