The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1276 [1275] The story of the buried female farming 3 (5000)

Chapter 1276 [1275] The story of the buried female farming 3 (5000)

When it comes to sweet potatoes, Chen Zhenlong has to be mentioned. If he hadn't brought the "Zhushu" rattan to his hometown Fujian at the age of 50, he would not have saved tens of thousands of people's food and clothing during the famine years. You know Before sweet potatoes were introduced into China, many people would die during the famine years in our country, resulting in a sharp drop in population. During the Wanli period, the first assistant Zhang Juzheng even made statistics. In just a few generations, the household registration dropped by nearly [-]%. What a terrible figure. what.

There are various aliases for sweet potatoes, and different regions have different names. People in Shandong call it sweet potato, people in Sichuan call it sweet potato, people in BJ call it sweet potato, people in Jiangxi call it sweet potato, and people in Fujian call it sweet potato...

As far as Tangyuan knows, crops such as corn, potatoes, pumpkins, and tomatoes are not native crops, but were imported by the ancients.

In the 21st year of Wanli, Chen Zhenlong, a native of Changle, Fujian Province, went to Luzon Island (now the Philippines) to do business. There, he discovered a local crop, Zhushu, and learned that it is not only delicious, but also has strong growth, drought resistance, High yield, high adaptability, can be eaten both raw and cooked. Thinking of disasters in my hometown and lack of food, I want to introduce it back to China.

However, there was a strict local law prohibiting taking out, so he began to learn how to grow red potatoes in Luzon, and then in May of the 21st year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, he cleverly twisted the potato vines into the cable to avoid the exit inspection. After sailing day and night back to Fuzhou, I tried planting in the Shamao Pond near the house.

In the year of the trial planting, there was a severe drought in central Fujian and poor harvests, so Chen Zhenlong asked his son to write to the governor of Fujian, suggesting to try to plant red potatoes to solve the food shortage.

After 4 months, Zhushu is harvested and can satisfy hunger.

So the governor ordered to notify all places to plant red potatoes, and finally the red potatoes were harvested, which effectively alleviated the famine in central Fujian.

Why didn't Tangyuan dare to take out such exotic varieties as sweet potatoes and potatoes?
The reason is that it is still in the Xuande period of Xuanzong Zhu Zhanji. The tomb she was in before is said to be the ninth son of Renzong Zhu Gaochi. He died young and died at the age of 30. His tomb was excavated around 2011. He was buried with his first wife three years after his death, so a stone tomb door was missing. Unexpectedly, after she crossed over, his tomb was damaged by an earthquake. , It's really a sin!
From the Xuande period to the Wanli period, there were still eight emperors missing in the middle, and the time was almost 200 years. So after she knew the country name here, how dare she take out sweet potatoes and potatoes? ?How will this lie be fulfilled in the future?This is all trouble.

It’s fine if it’s a fictional era, but this is still a dynasty that existed in history. As a time-traveling woman, she has already thought about it. made.

In this life, she plans to use the pseudonym Baihe to survive. As for the household registration issue, I believe it should not be a big problem to bring it up to the village chief or district chief after she saves the village.

This mountain is called Qinggang Mountain, which stretches for dozens of kilometers. There are seven or eight villages in the mountain. However, because of the earthquake, the loss is huge. One of the villages was submerged by mudslides, and no one survived. The place where she is now The village is called Shangrao Village, and the terrain is relatively high. Apart from the destruction of houses and some people being injured by falling rocks on the mountain, there were not too many casualties.

The team sent out to look for herbs has been gone for two days. The wounded and sick at the scene were moaning and groaning constantly because of the lack of herbal medicines, and the sanitary conditions were also very poor. In the face of life and death, some disinfection work made her even more uncomfortable. She couldn't help but want to growl, but she also knew that with such conditions now, clean gauze, disinfectant, and a special needle knife for each person, how is this possible?
The cloth strips used for bandages are all torn from their own clothes, sterilized with hot water, and then placed in the so-called clean stone mountain to expose to the sun, but there is no need to say how many germs they will be exposed to during this period.

The old doctor has saved many people. You can’t deny his medical skills just because of poor sanitation. He must also know that the disease should not be treated in this way, but now that the family is gone, where can we go to fix those poor people?It is a great blessing to be alive.

So even though Bai He couldn't stand Wen Langzhong's treatment method, under the current conditions, she could only turn a blind eye.

At this moment, a farmer ran over panting: "Where's Mr. Wen? Mr. Wen?"

"Hey, master, what's wrong with you? Why are you bleeding? Hurry up, let Mr. Wen show you."

A woman came out from the crowd, and when she saw her husband was bleeding, she was terrified, but was pulled aside by the man.

"It's not my blood, you are busy with yours, I'm looking for Mr. Wen, Mr. Wen, you come with me, Mr. Wei smashed his leg in order to save that child Xiaomang."

The woman was relieved when she heard that it was not a man's blood, but when the people around heard that the injured person was Wei Ying, all of them turned ugly.

Asking in a hurry——

"Mr. Wei Lang, are you alright?"

"Is Wei Lang-jun's leg serious?"

"Where is he now?"

The old doctor was changing the medicine for an old lady, when he heard that Wei Ying was injured, he hurriedly dragged the doctor out.

"I'm fine. It's okay to wait. Go and see that kid Wei Ying. If he hadn't reacted so quickly in this earthquake, my old lady wouldn't know if she would be able to escape!"

The old doctor knew how influential Wei Ying was in the villagers of Shangrao Village, so he hurried out, but when he heard that there were still five or six miles to go, his face turned pale: "Ma Liang, it's not that I won't follow you!" You go, it's my leg, it can't walk the mountain road, "

Wen Langzhong's leg was also injured when Dilong turned over this time. Now he is seeing the big guy with his sick leg.

The mountain road of five or six miles was impossible for him, even though Ma Liang said he would carry him on his back, but he still shook his head and refused.

"The current mountain road is not easy to walk. It is still dangerous to walk alone, not to mention walking with someone on your back. The degree of slipperiness is no good, it is too dangerous,"

Just when Mr. Wen was worried, Bai He came over: "Old Wen, why don't I go over and have a look?"

"Miss Bai? That's right, why did I forget you? Ma Liang, hurry up and let Miss Bai follow you. Don't look at her as a girl, but the movements of this hand are unambiguous at all, even somewhat In terms of respect, I am not as good as others, you quickly take Miss Bai there, first fix the injured part of Wei Langjun, and then carry him back, "

Ma Liang had also seen Bai He's healing ability, so he naturally wouldn't doubt his level, so he carried the medicine box handed over by Mr. Wen on his back, and turned to Bai He and said.

"Girl, then you have to keep up. Let's go quickly and try to get back before dark."

After dark, the animals in the mountain will appear, which is very dangerous, so this time is extremely challenging for people's foot strength.

Although the core of Baihe is filled with glutinous rice balls, her body and body are from the background of a court lady. Compared with girls in the mountains, her physical fitness is still far behind.

Especially these days, running back and forth to save people made her clearly aware of how poor the original owner's physical strength was, but it was a matter of human life, so she couldn't care less about it.

Following Ma Liang's pace, leaning on a strong wooden stick, stepping on the mud all the way down and up the mountain.

The original mountain road has been destroyed a long time ago, and today’s mountain road is also re-emerged. It is very slippery everywhere, and you may get lost if you are not careful, because the mountain torrents have buried small branches and weeds. It is possible to step on it and be slippery by the grass, or fall into the dirt hook. If there is no mountain person to guide the way, it will undoubtedly enter the maze.

Ma Liang is a hunter in Shangrao Village. Because of the land, the men in Shangrao Village rely on hunting, and the women rely on farming to support their families. The division of labor is different, but they are all for survival. Unfortunately, the food for this season has been washed away by mudslides. How to survive for half a year is still a big problem.

Shangrao Village is located at the waist of Qinggang Mountain. It is very difficult to go up and down the mountain, so the village is basically self-sufficient. If you encounter a serious illness and cannot get out of the mountain, you may die. Minor illnesses all depend on the local doctor in the mountain for treatment. Can you Longevity basically depends on God's will. After all, it takes at least twenty or thirty miles to walk out of the mountain. How difficult is it to walk on the mountain road?The real serious illness can't wait for treatment at all, and people will die.

This is also the real reason why the plague did not break out in ancient times.

The sparse population is one, and the second is the ancient transportation, which is even more backward than you imagined.

They are in the mountains, even if they don't live in the deep mountains and old forests, but at the foot of the mountains, or in the plains, they still have to travel a long way to see a doctor.

Unless you live in the city, you can find a doctor when you go out. Of course, in this case, most of the wealthy people gather.

People from the city and those who live in the courtyard are the real rich people. If a concentrated plague breaks out in the city, the consequences are actually similar to those of people in a village in the mountains, or they will die. , or be controlled, in principle, the possibility of control is not high, so the village or city is usually destroyed in order to save more lives.

Because men and women can't get married, she is an unmarried woman after all, so Ma Liang walked in front with the medicine box on her back, and pulled her up the mountain with the stick in her hand. They were urged by Ma Liang more than seven or eight times, and when they finally arrived at the place, Bai He was already so tired that his legs were trembling and weak.

Regardless of the mud smeared on her face, she ran panting to the man who was sitting by the stone with his eyes closed.

"Sorry, I am late,"

The man looked tall, mighty and majestic, his face had grown a lot of beards due to the hard work these days, and his expression was full of exhaustion. When he saw that the person who came was not Wen Lao, but her, there was nothing in his eyes. Bolan, in the face of her apology, he didn't say a word, but a [-] or [-]-year-old boy next to him saw her and was a little dissatisfied: "Why is it you, Mr. Wen, why didn't Mrs. Wen Come?"

Ma Liang couldn't help knocking him: "Do you understand? Old Wen's leg, can he climb mountains? Besides, what's wrong with Miss Bai, her medical skills are also good, come on, Miss Bai, don't listen to him Yes, the children are all ignorant, so why don't you show Mr. Wei the injury?"

Bai He nodded, and seeing traces of cloth bandages on her blood-stained right calf, she raised her head and glanced at Wei Ying.

"Are you still bleeding?"

Wei Ying didn't speak, and the young boy next to him, Xiaomang, said: "Of course, Brother Wei goes hunting all day long, and he is often injured. It's not like he broke his leg this time, so he won't just sit here and wait." That said, he never pays attention to those small scratches, he is a real man!"

As expected of the person rescued by Wei Ying, look at this rainbow fart, it almost blows the cowhide to the sky, but this Wei Ying is also interesting, she is so calm, she has been here for a long time, and she has nothing to do. See people say a word.

Bai He carefully untied the cloth on his leg, pressed lightly around the wound a few times, asked him how he felt, and after a while, disinfected the wound with wine again. During the disinfection, Wei Ying even frowns. I didn't move a bit, let alone make a sound. This is strong alcohol, so I can bear it.

This high-strength baijiu was brewed by the villagers themselves, and it was very precious, so she could only dip a little bit of it with a cloth to clean the wound, then sprinkle the medicine powder on it and then bandage it again, telling him while bandaging it.

"Your calf was split by a stone and fractured. I will fix it for you now. Because of the importance of this position, you may have to raise it for a while, otherwise the bone will grow crooked and it will affect you to a certain extent. In the future You must take care of it carefully, and remember to move around before the injury heals!"

After she explained this, she found a wooden plank to put under the legs, and fixed the two sides of the wood, and then wrapped it tightly with cloth strips.

After all this was done, it was almost dark, and several people worked together to carry him onto a stretcher. This stretcher was custom-made by the men in the village she taught. There are cloth strips to fix the body on the top, and vines to explain it below. It is still strong. It's just not very pretty.

There were five or six strong men at the scene. They lifted Wei Ying up with all their strength. Wei Ying seemed to be very uncomfortable, and he held on to the side of the stretcher tightly. He was silent and pursed his lips tightly. Worried about the strength of the stretcher, or awkward for these people to carry him, in short, his expression is a bit indescribable.

She subconsciously pressed his shoulders down: "Don't be nervous, just lie down like this, relax, when you get nervous, everyone will also get nervous, just lie flat on it, there is a rope on it to fix your body, you Don't worry about falling off yourself."

The man turned his head and glanced at her. She felt his displeasure and indifference at that glance. She pulled her lips in embarrassment, but she heard him say something in a hoarse and low voice.

"In your eyes, am I that useless?"

"No, I just feel that your body is very tense,"

Wei Ying glanced at her again, it seemed that if she didn't shut up, he would shut her up with negative emotions, which made Bai He feel baffled.

The doctor's parents are worried, doesn't he understand?Or do you think she underestimated him, so you feel upset?
Among these people, Wei Ying's height and weight are very dominant, so it is actually not easy to carry him up and down the mountain, not to mention that they also carry the herbs they have been digging these days!

Among them, she and the boy named Xiaomang were the weakest, so her responsibility was to carry the medicine box and a small bag of herbs, while Xiaomang's boy dragged two large bags of herbs.

She wanted to help, but Xiaomang said: "Miss Bai, you should take care of the medicine box in your hand, it is the fate of Mr. Wen. If you want to drop the medicine box, you will be in big trouble." , I’m fine, they’ll come to pick me up after they carry Big Brother Wei to the village, so leave me alone and just follow me.”

The two sacks of herbs are fresh, not dried. According to visual inspection, each bag weighs at least forty to fifty catties. This is their hard work for two days. No matter how heavy they are, they have to be dragged back. What they meant was that they were in a hurry to send Wei Ying off first, so they traveled very quickly.

"I can't catch up with them, so I might as well stop and go to help you, or I'll be scared by myself."

Bai He walked for a while to put the medicine box and small bag of medicinal materials on the ground, and then turned back to help Xiaomang drag the two big bags up. The dark young boy didn't appreciate it at first, but later she saw that she really wanted to help herself, and she really wanted to help her. I feel a little embarrassed that I came here after protecting the medicine box.

"Actually, I'm very strong. It's just that I have nothing to eat these days and I'm hungry. Otherwise, I can carry these two sacks with one shoulder and with the other hand. It's not a problem."

What Xiaomang said was the truth, and Baihe also knew that everyone's life is hard nowadays, so she took out a green radish from her bag and handed it to him.

"Eat this when you're hungry, it's crunchy and sweet."

"Yeah, this radish is so pretty, isn't it spicy?"

"Well, not spicy, sweet, crunchy and juicy."

The boy swallowed hard, but he didn't reach out to take it.

"No, you'd better keep it for yourself. My mother said, it's not easy for anyone now, and you are not from our village. Although you are lost, you are here, but you are a girl. Save some money." Food is not easy, if I eat your radish, my mother will definitely scold me for being worthless."

Every time Bai He gave something to others, it was done secretly, so no one knew how many radishes she had. I didn't expect this child to be so kind, warmer than the few old people she saved before, she was touched, Throwing the carrot directly into his arms.

"If you want to eat, you can eat it. It's not expensive. Eat it quickly. We can chase after them when you're full. It's getting dark. The forest is wet and slippery. It's too dangerous. Don't try it." Slip and fall again,"

Throwing down these words, Baihe went to drag the sack again, Xiaomang couldn't hold back when he saw this, but he didn't eat one, but broke off a small half, and gave the rest to her, biting Going down, the crisp and juicy taste instantly conquered Xiaomang.

"Oh my God, this radish is too delicious, right? Why haven't I eaten such a sweet and crunchy radish? We grow it at home. They are all spicy, and the taste is not good at all. They are not so juicy. You Where did you get it?"

(End of this chapter)

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