The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1224 [1223] 80 ugly girls counterattack 50 (end)

Chapter 1224 [1223] Eighty Ugly Girl Counterattack 50 (End)

Since officially flying the plane in 03, as of the beginning of 2010, she has grown from a rookie in the team to a backbone veteran. She has flown 1000 hours safely. He is too good, and he is the best in the team in all aspects. He also went to his alma mater (Air Force Aviation University) to complete a master's degree in aviation control engineering.

Could this be her end?

No, in 2010, Wang Ting was selected as a female reserve astronaut in the new round of astronaut selection in my country.

Previously, as a female fighter pilot, she had successfully completed countless missions and combat flights. Her excellence was not only reflected in her professional flying ability, she also had a computer level that should not be underestimated, and a master's degree in aerospace control engineering. As a graduate student, as long as she was in the army, she had never seen her relax.

In her own words, since she has sacrificed her family, she must develop her career more broadly.

Therefore, she participated in and competed for the selection of astronauts. In her opinion, being able to fly into the sky is not a skill. If she can break out of the earth and go to outer space, that is the real excellence!

As long as she wants to do, there is nothing she can't do.

Otherwise, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared?

In 2012, because of her excellent flying skills and super psychological quality, after many selections, she was selected as the first female astronaut crew of the Shenzhou [-] spacecraft.


Because of the supreme honor she brought to the family, not only did her parents completely get rid of the curse of 'only having daughters', but she was also praised to the sky by her fellow villagers, relatives and friends, even Papa Wen who lives in country M , and also sincerely felt the meaning of the word honor, although Gu Sizhe was still very polite to him, but the daughter-in-law he recognized was still the pride he mentioned whenever he met.

And Tianxiacheng, their community, waived the property fees for two houses for their family. That is to say, from now on, they don’t need to pay property fees. Knowing that the sportswear store is opened by their family, the business is so good every day Parents don't want to open the door, and even the share with sports brands has changed from [-] to [-] to [-] points...

Her triplet daughters have the brightest heart wherever they go. Of course, some people say they are ugly, and they have all kinds of ugly words, but Wang Ting has long been invincible. As an astronaut, if she is defeated because of the bad words of those who are not as good as her, is she still qualified to grow up to today?

13 days after she entered the space, she and her comrades had a glorious phone call with the leader. At that moment, they were full of enthusiasm and felt that it was all worth it.

Three days later, Shenzhou [-] successfully landed in Inner Mongolia. Wang Ting successfully stepped out of the space capsule in the second place, completing this glorious mission, and her name was engraved in history forever. She will not be disliked because she is a girl, but thinks that this is the highest honor.

In July of the same year, through the unanimous decision of all levels of leadership, she and Comrade Wang Ting were awarded the honorary title of "Heroic Astronaut" and awarded the "Three-level Aerospace Meritorious Medal".

People who have even been to space, their vision and heart have long been beyond the reach of ordinary people.

However, the end of the mission does not mean that she can go home at any time and see her parents and family members at any time, and she still has to live in isolation.

As we all know, in the special environment of space, the astronaut's body will be irradiated by cosmic radiation that is more than a hundred times higher than that of the earth, and the possibility of body cancer is very high.

Moreover, in a weightless environment like space, the muscle movement of the body is greatly reduced, and the muscles cannot support the body as they do on the ground, which leads to bone loss, muscle atrophy, and decreased endurance for astronauts.

Therefore, for the health of the astronauts, they are generally isolated and observed for a period of time after returning to Earth.

This was known long before they entered the space capsule. Even so, the number of people who campaigned with dedication has never seen the tail. At this time, it is no longer a matter of death or death. Vision determines height and attitude. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to be famous in history. Excellent people care about the process they go through, not the result.

Just like those devotees of the older generation, they just don't want their descendants to experience the same process of being bullied and oppressed as they are, so they desperately block all dangers and dangers as guardians. catastrophe.

Of course, in addition to worrying about the health of astronauts, it is also very important to prevent astronauts from accidentally carrying bacteria or viruses from outer space back to Earth.We all know how vast and boundless space is, full of mysterious unknowns. Human beings have worked hard to explore for so long, but they still only understand the tip of the iceberg of the universe.

The theory of aliens in the universe is even more confusing.Even the moon, which is the closest to the earth, has always been suspected of being the base of alien life.Moreover, there are countless planets like the earth in the universe, so the possibility of life being born is very high.

If astronauts accidentally bring space bacteria or viruses back to Earth during their missions, in serious cases, it may even endanger the fate of mankind.Therefore, when astronauts return to Earth from space, they must be isolated and observed for a period of time to ensure that nothing happens.

Their isolation after returning to Earth from space is divided into three stages, medical isolation period, medical recuperation period and recovery recuperation period.

It is necessary to stay in a sealed environment, and the staff in the isolation area prohibit direct contact with them.

The medical isolation period, as the first isolation phase, takes about 14 days to complete.

At this time, they will re-adapt to the gravitational environment of the earth and restore their body functions.

The medical recuperation period is the second stage, which takes 20 to 30 days.

At this time, they will gradually increase their activity while continuing to recover.

After completing the recovery measures in the first two stages, the medical supervision and medical insurance department will also arrange for the astronauts to enter a recovery period of about three months to restore the astronauts' physiological parameters to the state before the flight.

Wang Ting's recovery speed is much faster than the other two, because even under such circumstances, she can enter the space and allow her body to recover from the gravity of the space, so she is in the best condition among the three.

Even when she was in outer space, she occasionally went into space to eat some earth-only food, including going to the bathroom.

Because they went into the sleep cabin when they slept, she could get a short rest in this case.

After living in isolation for half a year, it just happened to be 2014. Although I missed the Spring Festival, what a blessing it is to return to my mother's arms in the spring season!
In particular, her husband is also very clingy to her. Her strength sets him off even more "incompetent". When she returns home, she is regarded as a queen by her, even though he has obtained a doctorate degree through his own ability over the years. , and successfully promoted to a senior professional title (Chief Physician), becoming a well-known knife in surgery, but in front of his wife, he still has to obey.

At the beginning, those colleagues who laughed at him for marrying such an ugly monster, he never bothered to compete with them. How much he once disliked his wife's appearance, and now he envies Gu Sizhe so much. After all, not everyone can fly to the sky, An excellent daughter-in-law who flew through space and talked with big leaders.

When the daughter-in-law goes home, which leader in the provincial capital city didn't come over?Which of you has this ability?Even the real estate in their community has promoted their daughter-in-law to the sky, which has driven up the housing prices of the entire community.

Because of the hard work during this period, Wang Ting stayed at home with the child for half a year, and finally coaxed the child to recognize her and kiss her. She will devote herself to the aerospace and blue sky careers she loves.

Wang Ting is very satisfied with the current stage of happiness. Although they have not been to first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, they still live happily.

Relying on the rent of the property left by their father-in-law is enough for them to live and drink for the rest of their lives, not to mention that what the couple earn is not poor.

The younger sister and his wife were going to buy a house, but their mother said: "Why do we keep so many houses in our family? Why is it not enough for you to live in? Don't buy it. You two have a child, this house is not enough for you to live in?"

"Mom, that's what you earned. You bought the house. My husband and I have saved some money now, so we can buy a three-bedroom house with a loan."

"Forget it. Ang, we have so many houses. That's enough. Don't buy them. If you buy too many, your sister said that there will be no property tax in the future. We have four houses, no, five, and that one." Your sister told me that she didn’t want any of the front rooms, and that she would give them all to you in the future, and that what her father-in-law left for them would be enough to eat and drink for a lifetime.”

"But if she said that, I'm sure I can't do that. I'm your mother. I'm impartial. A bowl of water is level. The two-bedroom apartment, and the two small ones, are for you two. The four-bedroom house we live in now, and the facade room for your sister. These two sets are mainly paid by your sister, so they should be given to her. As for the money you two earn, if you save it, it’s not like you’ve been shouting for the past two years Two-child policy? When the conditions are right, you have another child. It is impossible for your sister to have another child in this life. You and Zhang Heng can consider having another child."

"There will be a lot of places to spend money in the future, and all of you are state-owned enterprises. With that salary, you can only guarantee that your retirement salary will be high in the future, but it can't be said to be very high now. What kind of house do you buy? Look at the current situation. How much has the price of the house increased? Is it enough to live in? Don’t buy it. The locations of our houses are all good, and they are all in double school districts. It is not a problem for the children to go to school in the future. As long as the family is healthy and healthy, then That's it."

After mother's persuasion, Wang Man gave up his plan to buy another house and really saved the money.

Wang Ting continued to use fighter jets in the second half of 2014. Usually, the base and the space agency run on both sides, wherever there is need.

In 2016, Wang Man responded to the call of the country, conceived a second child, and gave birth to a baby girl named Zhang Pengpeng, which is also a double word, Peng, which means flourishing, generous and energetic.

As of this year, the annual salary of the family members has reached 20+, including Wang's father and Wang's mother. They have opened the store for so many years. Sometimes the business is not good, but there are also times when the business is booming. After Baobao appeared, it operated both online and offline. At the end of 2013, the provincial agency was taken down by them. Although it was borrowed from the name of Baobao’s daughter, the share was [-]%. The annual sales of this store have reached top As many as a million.

The addition of several children may only be able to cover the profit of the old couple for a year.

Of course, Wang Ting still has her own hidden income. Although there are few contributions in these years, she still has an income of more than [-] yuan a year.

After getting rich, Wang Ting called on her parents to support poor students. After the children went to elementary school, the old couple started to operate a video account to do charity, and they had to go out of the province from time to time. In Wang Ting's words, they traveled while doing charity. While you are young, take a good look at the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

For this reason, Wang Ting also bought a caravan for the old couple, and hired a driver (assistant) and photographer to help them do public welfare.

Because Wang Ting devotes more time to the motherland, her sister and brother-in-law have to support the family, and they don't have more energy to do charity.

The couple themselves earn more than them, and they have the real estate left by their father-in-law. Donations are also a common thing, so once public welfare is done, it will be addictive.

If I have enough money to spend and I don’t have much to invest in, I will naturally do my best to help those in need.

But they don’t help those who are sick, especially those who raised money in various ways. Who knows who these people are, but help those who really need help after investigation. What kind of family is the target of the funding? Moreover, they only care about their children's education. What about the left-behind elderly in the village? They don't care about it, and they don't want to care about it, because some elderly people are poor by themselves, and they can only help. It can be helped for a while, but it cannot change the ending.

Reading is different. Once a child who can read is subsidized, it will benefit him for a lifetime, and the merit is immeasurable.

On October 2021, 10, the Shenzhou No.14 manned flight mission press conference was decided by the General Command to launch the Shenzhou No.13 manned spacecraft at 10:16 on October 0, BJ time, and the flight crew was female The member is still Comrade Wang Ting. This is her second flight to outer space. There seem to be more missions waiting for her ahead.

Although she is 41 years old this year, Wang Ting doesn't look old at all, but lives healthier, more positive, and more positive than young people.

Three daughters, one niece, and one nephew are all studying in key schools. Although she is without her company, she has become the best role model for the children. When the bell of the New Year rang, the three astronauts Through the live broadcast, I sent the best wishes to the people of the whole country...


"Ding"——Congratulations to the host for completing the task in this life, and getting [-] points of merit ([-] points system).

Summary of this mission:

Although the golden finger in this life only has the function of storage, but I can do my best to maximize my ability, struggle in the early stage, lead the whole family to do public welfare in the middle stage, and reach the pinnacle of life in the later stage, using what I have learned to contribute to mankind. She is a great woman , commendable!

She passed away without any signs even at the age of 50. It can be said that in her career, she did break herself into pieces and dedicate herself.

Praise for your excellence and style!

Below, see a list of your points.

Host Name: Tangyuan
Gender: Female (can be converted with the task)
Merit value: 150 points of this life bonus (unlimited) = 150/100 ([-] merit points will be promoted to one level)
Current space level: level six

Appearance value: Completed percentage value.

Force value: Completed percentage value.

IQ value: Completed percentage value.

Faith value: 500 million life bonus (500 points of admiration system) = 600 million/[-] million
The end of this world, so far, has gone through 80 lives, of which the punishment life is the third, in view of the high completion rate of the host task, I hereby inform you that there are still two more lives in the future, the two lives have been completed, and the task completion rate has reached [-]%, you can be reborn in the host world and complete the unfinished mission.

In addition, for all the services provided by this system in the mission world, the host world will require donations, that is, repayment.

When Tangyuan heard this, she immediately recalled it: "No, what does this mean? There is also a superposition to settle accounts?"

"This is what you owe me, so I'll add it up to settle the accounts, isn't it right? You completed the task with my help, and when it's your host life, I'm sure I'll get it back with interest!"

What Liang Tian said was natural, but Tang Yuan had a bad feeling: "Then you have to tell me in advance what you are going to do."

"Sorry, I can't tell you. The only thing I can promise you is that you can travel back to the time and space with your parents. I can't guarantee anything else. You can understand that the task coefficient is relatively difficult, unlike these world-traveling tasks. It's very vague, the system won't monitor you all the time, although there are many variables, it's not without a bottom line, the system is not unscrupulous, and won't let you violate morals, but..."

Before Liangtian finished speaking, the system disconnected. No matter how she contacted, there was no response. She guessed it might be because it talked too much and was muted.

Tang Yuan sat in the space frowning, with a sigh and annoyed expression on her face. After traveling through so many worlds, she was actually already irritable.

However, there are still two lives, two lives, Liang Tian said, the plot rhythm of fast time travel is relatively strong, suitable for living purely for missions, slow time travel is to learn skills, for example, in her life, she not only learned to fly a plane , or a female astronaut, supremely excellent.

Therefore, if you want to take advantage of the remaining two worlds to learn more skills, you can only choose to travel slowly.

The belief value in this life has reached 500 million, which is the highest in all her worlds. Liang Tian also said that these will be used as points for her rebirth as the host life. As for how to use it, it is still unknown. No wonder she will explain it to her Be sure to do your best.

This system is divided into fast time travel and slow time travel. There is no golden finger for fast time travel, and slow time travel is based on the belief value draw.

Next, the host is asked to choose the direction of the next life [A fast travel] [B slow travel]——

——The end of this story——

 The 19th short story will start tomorrow, telling the story of the history of farming at the foot of Changbai Mountain at the junction of China, Russia and South Korea in the Yanbian area.

  The 20th story has not yet decided on a theme, because there are too many restrictions, every time I think about a theme, I also want to be bald.When the 20 stories are over, Rebirth World will begin. It is estimated that Rebirth World will be completed within one million words, and the whole book will not exceed 500 million words. Try to end it by the end of this year.

  What I have been struggling with is whether to continue this article and write Reincarnation, or start a new one. If you have any good suggestions, please let me know in the comments section of the readers of the article. Thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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