The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1225 [1224] Under Changbai Mountain 1 (5000)

Chapter 1225 [1224] Under Changbai Mountain 1 (5000)

Is marrying far away a big gamble?
It's a pity that the heroine Chu Qian didn't bet right in her previous life.

The family who married far away was poor and had many relatives, including three brothers.

And among the three sons, she is the daughter-in-law who is the one whose father does not love her mother.

I have been a left-behind woman for many years, and even my child has become a left-behind child. I help him take care of his family and parents. What happened?


Tang Yuan looked at her hands and couldn't help but sighed that she was unlucky.

"100 million, the faith value of 100 million is released, how can I get the storage function?"

No fields, no springs, just like the previous life.

The heroine is Chu Xi, from the province of G. When she graduated from a nine-year voluntary school and went to work in the south, she met Jin Jun, her husband of Korean ethnicity in Y City, J Province. The rural areas at the junction of the three countries of North Korea and Russia are still poor families with three sons.

But the children of this family are capable. The three sons are all daughters-in-law who abducted from other places without spending a penny. There are only a few rooms in the house, a large courtyard, and a lot of land, because there are few people here. There is a lot of land, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are landlords, but who are young people who farm land?

Before the epidemic, they all went abroad to work, because they were close to countries E and H, which was much more convenient than going to the south to work. After the epidemic, they had to go to the south to work as a last resort, so the young people here have long had passports Yes, I still have passports from all countries.

The hostess is beautiful and young, but she is a bit silly and honest. She has never seen anything in the world, and she was fooled back by saying a few words.

The poor and lowly couples are full of grief in all things, and they have suffered all the grievances and hardships of life for a lifetime.

She didn't even think about giving up this marriage even when her husband cheated on her. She really didn't know what to say about her.

When she was middle-aged, she became ill from overwork and was diagnosed with breast cancer. The man said that she had no money, which directly ruined her life and died with regret.

The time when the glutinous rice balls came through was when she was three months pregnant after marriage, and her husband planned to go out to work again.

What a beautiful time, actually pregnant?

Tang Yuan felt extremely unlucky, how could there be such a silly girl?

She is not bad looking, fair and clean, although she is only 1.6 meters tall, she is not considered short among the girls in Guizhou.

As a result, my eyes were a little lame, and I married such an uneducated, rich, and feudal family with many relatives and incompetent parents.

But then again, even if she doesn't marry him, she can't escape the fate of being used by her family in exchange for a high-value gift to marry her brother and brother.

This time she married herself without telling her family, because the man has no money, no bride price to give, even if it is only tens of thousands of dollars, he does not have it, so she is soft-hearted, and foolishly followed her to the winter cold dregs Great Northeast.

Compared with her hometown in Province G, this place doesn't necessarily have any advantages, and there are rich families, but the family she has a relationship with is poor.

She has a stupid mouth and doesn't know how to please her mother-in-law, and her sisters-in-law are good at calculating, Chu Qian is no match at all.

She can't go back to her hometown either, she just jumps from one fire pit to another fire pit when she goes back.

But... such a good time, to have a baby?
No, this is not the day she wants.

Fortunately, she was young and didn't even get a certificate. After all, the wedding was not held, and it was not considered a formal marriage.

The mother-in-law is an authentic Korean woman, and she usually speaks C Korean at home. The three daughters-in-law can't understand any of them, because they are all from other places and have no money to build a house. This winter, they have to squeeze together with their parents-in-law Zhang Kang slept on the bed, who told the men to go out to work to earn money!
The child is less than three months old, more than 40 days old, and as soon as he is diagnosed, the man is eager to go out to work, because he can't earn a lot of money in his hometown, and the long winter alone is enough for people in the Northeast to go to the south to work all winter. There is always work to do.

The heroine went to the South to work after graduating from junior high school, and was brought back by Jin Jun after working for a few years.

Haven't seen anything in the world at all.

It stands to reason that she can leave at any time without a marriage certificate, but City Y is a good place. Country E is at the intersection of North C and the Sea of ​​Japan is [-] kilometers away, which is South H. She will stay here for a long time. Can you still find a way to go to a foreign country to work and make money?
This is a life I have never experienced before, but I really want to try it.

Besides, coming here is not useless. At least my in-laws can speak Korean. Although she can speak H a little bit, it is not good enough, especially for normal conversations. She is not good at learning. Koreans use this language from North to South. , the difference is in the modal particles, which must be learned. She can speak E, and the communication is barrier-free. If you look at it this way, this family can take a look around.

The Northeast is vast and rich in resources. Although there are only a few Northeast-style bungalows in the family, each room is very large. There are kangs in the house. The reason why we sleep on a kang is to save firewood in winter. Sleep in each room.

When the three brothers were at home at the same time, they slept in the same room, and the parents-in-law went to sleep with the relatives next door (the children were all out to work and not at home), and gave them the place to make babies. It was embarrassing to say, but it happened to be like this.

The son brought back the daughter-in-law without spending a penny, and the old couple didn't want to be too guilty, so they planned to add a room in the yard after the sons left, making it four rooms, at least one room for each son, right?
In winter, it is cold to sleep on a kang, but in summer, it is not suitable to sleep together.

Chu Qian was the youngest of the three daughter-in-laws and the fastest pregnant, so her in-laws were very happy to learn that she was pregnant.

The other two daughter-in-laws were not pregnant, so they went out to work with their respective husbands, and if they became pregnant, they would come back to raise the baby.

Jin Jun (a top-notch horse, talented) is a few years older than her. He is 22 years old this year, and his three sons are all only one year apart, which shows that this mother-in-law gave birth to three sons in one go.

The eldest son is Jin Chi (进进, fast horse), 23 years old, and the youngest son is Jin Qian (高抱, Feiteng). He is 21 years old this year, and he is not very old.

As for why there is a horse in their names, it is said that when they were born, they all dreamed of horses and thought it had a good meaning in the five elements, so they named them that way.

Jin Jun treats her well now, so he left her 1000 yuan when he left, and when she came, she carried a broken bag and took a mobile phone that cost about 1000 yuan, and just sent herself to the Jin family. It can be said that apart from the [-] yuan, she didn't have a dime.

The Jin family only installed the Internet after their son and daughter-in-law got married, but the Internet is of no use, and without computers, many ways to make money will be restricted.

Among the several rooms in their house, the main room in the middle is a kang, and a sunken stove, pot table, and drainage pool are made. This room is the living room of the Han people. It is usually used for entertaining guests, eating, TV furniture, cupboards, and washing machines. There is a sliding door on it, which opens to the bedroom, which is also connected to the kang. The same is true for other houses. This is the only one with a stove. In summer, there are wooden boards on it, which can cover the position of the stove. Cook outside.

There is a thick layer of thermal insulation cotton on the outside of their house. It was designed when the house was built. The house is low and too high. It is cold in winter and the height is only a little more than two meters.

The yard is huge, as big as two basketball courts. It takes at least five or six minutes to walk from the gate to the inside of the house. If you make a detour to the firewood house, it will take 6 minutes anyway. How many vegetables do you usually have to grow to eat? It's over!

Moreover, nine out of ten households in this village are empty, and most of them went to the city to buy houses, leaving only poor families.

It only takes ten minutes to drive to Russia, but it takes more than an hour to get to their Y City Autonomous Prefecture, and half an hour to Hunchun City.

It is also very convenient to go to North C and South H, so before the epidemic, most young people went to work in Country H and Country E. No one went to work in North C, but the girls there came to work in our site, because of their economy Still stuck in our 80s.

In the same way, in the autonomous prefecture, people from E country and H country can be seen everywhere, as well as girls from North C, because girls have to earn their own money to earn a dowry in order to 'marry' a man. Their feudal and backward thinking is extremely terrifying.

If it weren't for the exotic atmosphere here that attracted her and gave her a lot of ideas, to be honest, she really wouldn't have stayed.

As for this child... She hasn't figured out how to solve it yet.

The status of Korean women has always been very low. It was only after Sinicization, under the influence of our Han people, and the indoctrination of equality between men and women, that they gradually improved. It is their tradition that men dominate outside and women dominate inside. They do nothing at home, of course , It will be different if you marry Han people, because the status of Han people is quite high among Koreans.

Of course, this is only for this situation in their family, and she has not yet learned about other places.

The mother-in-law wears Korean ethnic clothes at home, which was bestowed by Ming Dynasty. The culture of the North, South, and South are all brought by us. After all, even the country with a bigger fart in Japan was built by our people in the past, let alone better than Japan. They want to steal the country, but they don't have any self-knowledge and don't pay attention to the people of the country. They don't know that in our eyes, their status is not as good as our Koreans.

The clothes are good-looking, but they are not very practical. Although the mother-in-law made them all three, they can't do anything in skirts. On the contrary, they are used to this kind of dress, and they don't find it inconvenient.

The three daughters-in-law, one from Sichuan province, one from Guizhou province, and one from Yun province, can be regarded as occupying Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan. Poor is really poor, but it is also true that they are beautiful and tender.

Compared with Korean women who are good at singing and dancing, they are not bad. After all, these provinces are also places with many beautiful women.

The advantage of having a poor family is that I learned to cook from my mother since I was a child. This skill is much better than that of a spoiled girl.

The mother-in-law can't say that she is good to them, but she can only say that she is decent. After all, it is the time of the Chinese New Year, and the three daughter-in-laws are brought back at once. Although the sons do not work in the same place, the daughter-in-law brought back to the mother for a year. unhappy?

Moreover, the in-laws are not very old, they are only in their 40s, which is the time when they are young and capable.

But this winter, the family suddenly had three more daughters-in-law, and she was still somewhat uncomfortable.

There used to be only one woman in the family, but now there are four, and the old man is also embarrassed. Fortunately, they don't go out usually, they only come out when they eat, and they don't talk to their in-laws. There is nothing more to say.

My sister-in-law and sister-in-law went out with me. Now it is April and May in the Gregorian calendar. It is the time when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. So there is no one at home except for meals. Because there is a lot of land, large-scale planting machines are used. All the people in the village did it together. After all, those who are still farming are all from the generation of in-laws, or even those born in the 4s and 5s.

My father-in-law is from 6000, and my mother-in-law is from [-]. Both of them graduated from junior high school and have no great education. When farming is busy, my father-in-law goes to work in the autonomous prefecture. He earns [-] yuan a month. The family has a car A van, a gasoline-burning three-wheeled motorcycle, and an electric car are the means of transportation for their family. Because the Northeast has a vast land and abundant resources, it is really inconvenient not to have a car.

The mother-in-law has purely developed into a left-behind woman, who is the stove, the yard, and the field.

She is a hardworking woman, she keeps the house clean and tidy, and she speaks straightforwardly, which belongs to the straightforward type.

In the past, Chu Qian was a dull gourd, she didn't like to talk, and she was not warm to anyone. Naturally, her in-laws would not take the initiative to say anything to her, and her temperament was destined to be unpleasant.

But Tangyuan was eager to understand the unfamiliar environment, so she became her mother-in-law's follower. She followed her wherever she went, and asked if she didn't understand.

The mother-in-law was surprised by her change, but as long as she asked questions, she would answer them patiently. She felt that this mother-in-law could be dealt with.

The mother-in-law looks good, and the father-in-law is also very tall, so Jin Jun is 1.8 meters five, and her 1.6 meters looks a lot shorter than him.

Fortunately, she passed through a little bit, and Jin Jun had already left, so there was less embarrassment in getting along.

City Y, the easternmost place in China, is also the place where it gets dark the earliest in China. In winter, the sun sets at 03:30 in the afternoon, and it enters the night at [-] o'clock, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is particularly large.

So since she came here during the Chinese New Year, she has gotten used to them having two meals a day.

In summer, it is light at three o'clock in the morning and dark before seven o'clock in the evening.

Eating habits are almost exactly the same as South H and North C.

Their place is called Hunchun. They drink spring water from Changbai Mountain and breathe the freshest air. Although it is cold, the geographical environment here is really good.In summer, she can also go into the mountains to pick mountain products, which is what she is looking forward to.

So, when she saw her mother-in-law cooking, she came up with the idea of ​​continuing to make short videos.

Although she has gone through many lifetimes and has quite a lot of experience as an Internet celebrity, she doesn't need to go into this industry again in this life, but now she has no funds or a computer in her hand, so she can use this to make a temporary transition.

No one thinks there is a lot of money, and their place is still a place of treasure with an extremely special geographical location. If you don't make good use of it, wouldn't you be sorry for yourself?

Thinking of this, she suggested to her mother-in-law.

"Mom, you see, I'm at home now, and I don't have a source of income. I can't be idle like this all the time. I think it's very popular to shoot DY now. I think there are a lot of delicious food here in Y City, and you can do it well." Eat, I spend more time with you on the stove, in the ground, if you want, how about we make DY videos together?"

The post-[-] mother-in-law is still very trendy, at least she is no stranger to these electronic products. She likes to sing and dance, and she also has her own account. She has indeed seen various food bloggers and knows that what her daughter-in-law said is true, but ——

"I can cook, but I can't take pictures. As for how to say it, I don't know, do you know?"

"Don't worry, how to do, how to say, and how to shoot each video, I will do it for you. I will plan for you. You just do your own business and don't worry about other things!"

The mother-in-law's eyes lit up: "Hey, I think it's good, then you quickly apply for an account, you just say how to fix it, and I will do it."

Chu Qian quickly registered a new account [There is a family at the foot of Changbai Mountain] with her mobile phone number. When her mother-in-law saw this account, she immediately said.

"Not bad, this name is good, it feels very good!"

Then Chu Qian changed the address to H City, Autonomous Prefecture Y, and introduced [Province G marries Province J, and learns how to cook Korean cuisine with her mother-in-law, and will show you a different state of gourmet food.The treasure land at the junction of China, North Korea and Russia, come and follow me, and take you to experience the customs of the four countries (China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia). 】.

After doing all this, she immediately opened Pinxixi, a shopping mall for poor people, and bought all the equipment used for filming. Only then did she accidentally find that she still had 5000 yuan in her bank card, which was a real surprise.

Even this amount is not enough for her to buy a laptop computer. The price of computers has skyrocketed in the past few years. When she goes back to the state, she will see if she can get a desktop computer. She can get the computer back sooner. Pick up online articles and audio novels again, so that you can make money for yourself without leaving your home.

If such a life can be lived, the child can be born, after all, it is a life, especially the mother-in-law attaches great importance to it, and has expressed it more than once.

"Whether it's a boy or a girl, I like both. Girls are better. I've given birth to three sons, and I've longed to have a daughter. Unfortunately, I don't have that fate. If you can give birth to a girl, I'm more happy, so you don't have to." any pressure."

Chu Qian didn't expect her mother-in-law to say such a thing, which made her a little bit reluctant.

"We've been waiting for you for three months. Let's go to the hospital to set up a perinatal health care system and do regular birth checkups. Everyone likes this now. No matter how poor our family is, we can't save money. Ah Jun went out to make money so early, and he doesn't want to have children. There is no money at the time, as long as you and your husband work together, you will be able to live this life."

"Actually, your father and I are not lazy people. The reason why we made our lives poorer and poorer is because Ah Jun's grandparents were all seriously ill. His grandfather alone spent hundreds of thousands in the intensive care unit. What I owe The account has not been paid yet, and I have wronged you daughters-in-law. Fortunately, we are still young. The accounts of this generation will not be forced on you. When you have money in the future, you will buy a house and move out. We will divide the family logically. If you have no money, just make do with it, young people, it’s not bad to suffer more!"

 A new story begins, isn't this theme quite new?

  I am also looking up information while writing. If there are mistakes, I hope everyone can point them out.

  Thanks to the treasures who gave me rewards recently [Mother Xiao Xudong] twice, [Luo Bingjinglei], [Yue Chichi], [L Qiu X], [Painting Emperor], [ZJ], [嫒→Anoxia], [ Aiqing Pingshen], [Sakura Pink Dream], [I] and other readers rewarded my novel coins, because I don’t have many rewards, so I occasionally forget to thank you, if I forget, please forgive me, and bow to thank you all My love, what a da!
(End of this chapter)

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