The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第1223章 【1222】80丑女逆袭49(5000)

Chapter 1223 [1222] Eighty Ugly Girl Counterattack 49 (5000)

Wang Ting got married in September 2008, and Wang Man gave birth to a boy on May 9, 2009, named Wang Xi, with a single name of "Xi", which was taken from "Xiaoya Luming: Shi Changdi": "Brothers both Xi , Harmony and Clarity".Xi: The meaning of harmony.

Although he said that it doesn't matter, it's fine to have a boy or a girl, but when he heard that it was a boy, Dad Wang was so excited that he shed tears.

That kind of weeping with joy, I am afraid that no one can understand.

Since then, Wang's parents and Wang's mother have separated, one in charge of the store and the other in charge of the children.

Wang Ting stopped flying for pregnancy preparations in June 2009. Gu Sizhe happened to be going to M country R for academic exchange. Wang Ting rolled her eyes and felt that the opportunity was rare, so she made a record with the base and went out with her husband. country.

When Gu Sizhe arrived in country M, while Gu Sizhe was busy visiting and studying, Wang Ting disguised herself and carried out "free shopping" in various weapon stores. The intuitive method to collect weapons and ammunition, although it caused losses for many merchants, was fully prepared for going to country R.

After more than half a month, the effect appeared. All the sacred toilets in the country of Wa were bombed by Wang Ting like a carpet.

Although there were brothers who set fire to it before, the fire came faster than the bombing. The key point is that they couldn't find anyone, and they didn't find any clues on the surveillance. Of.

The bombing of the sacred toilet has been on the hot search for a long time, and the whole country rejoices over it, but silently pays homage to this unknown hero.

My daughter-in-law disappeared for several days, and Gu Sizhe was so frightened that she thought she was kidnapped, so she almost went to the embassy to call the police. Fortunately, at a critical moment, her wife came back in disgrace.

"How did you make yourself like this? What did you do? Why do you smell like gunpowder!"

"I went to the god toilet to use the toilet, who knew it exploded, and I was almost photographed under the house, but luckily I ran fast!"

Gu Sizhe: "...."

Wang Ting's answer was specious, Gu Sizhe asked again, but she turned around and went into the bathroom to take a shower, and didn't mention the rest, and he was not allowed to ask more questions, and said that it was a matter of the country, and ordinary people should not ask.

Then Gu Sizhe used his imagination, and fell into deep thought when facing the bombed-up toilet...

After leaving the motherland for two months, Wang Ting stepped into our land again, not to mention how happy she is, especially she has accomplished such a beautiful event, although she can't share it with anyone, but she can walk in the streets and alleys. When everyone excitedly gave their thumbs up when they heard that the toilet of the Japanese god was bombed, she still felt that all this was done too straight!

What's even more ridiculous?

Those Japanese people living a good life, check the bomb fragments found in the ruins, huh?It was so strange that it was produced in the country of their immediate boss. Then they thought that some time ago, the large and small arms stores in country M were ransacked, but they couldn't find the news of who the thief was. Gradually, they also became curious about those weapons. How did you come here across the ocean? Could it be that the current thieves can fly with wings?
Wang Ting does not have invisibility, but she will survey the scene in advance, and will quietly wait until they are closed, and then shop freely after closing. Even if you have a camera, what you see is a black shadow, and you can’t see the face clearly. Especially this black shadow will disappear. Of course, for them, this is as worthy of study as aliens invading the earth, so these videos have not been released, so naturally they can't guess the identity of the thief?

Two months after returning to China, one day in August, she went to the hospital to be diagnosed with pregnancy, but when she saw three gestational sacs, she was a little unhappy?
triplets?Just tease her, how can she take care of the triplets?
Later, she changed to another hospital, and after further investigation, they were still triplets. When Wang Ting was speechless, Gu Sizhe was grinning from ear to ear, and ran out in a hurry to report the good news to his grandparents.

That night, Wang's father and mother happily cooked a large table of good dishes, but Wang Ting vomited several times because of her loss of appetite.

Seeing her daughter suffer so much, Wang's mother worried that if she had an operation to give birth in the future, her daughter's future would be ruined.

"Don't be crowed. Our daughter is in good health. Aren't there a lot of multiple births naturally? Why don't you just go for an operation? Next year is the Year of the Tiger, and the baby of the Year of the Tiger will be strong. You Stop embarrassing your daughter!"

Because Wang Ting was pregnant with triplets, the unit directly gave Wang Ting a holiday to rest at home, so as not to run around and threaten the health of the fetus. As a pregnant woman with multiple births, she received the attention of the two families. Gu Si Zhe also invited a confinement wife to take care of her three meals a day and daily life.

Cook for her every day, chat with her, and take her to the park and supermarket, in short, wherever she goes, she will accompany her wherever she goes.

Later, I felt that these days were boring, so I decided to live with my mother. The confinement wife can help take care of Wang Xi. My sister was weaned and went to work when the child was half a year old. Now the child is taken care of by Wang's mother. After Wang Ting took the confinement wife there, she helped Taking care of the children while cooking, of course, they don't treat others harshly, all three of them take care of the children alternately, and their parents come to pick them up at night, so they are busy during the day.

Mother Wang lived in a big house with four bedrooms and two living rooms. Wang Man and Zhang Heng lived in a two-bedroom and two living room house in the same community. Gu Sizhe would come over every day after get off work to buy a lot of delicious food. I drove back to my home when I fell asleep, and took Wang Ting back to my home on the rest day to reunite with my grandparents.

Originally, such a day was considered warm for Wang Ting, but who knew that Gu Sizhe's mother, Gu Meirong, would be kicked back to the country by her ex-husband?

What made Wang Ting even more chilling was that this woman had uremia and came to Gu Sizhe for a kidney transplant. The plot in the TV series happened in front of her. Wang Ting felt that it was more bloody than reality. Worried that her mood would affect the child, she simply asked Wang Ting to live in Tianxia City and not go home, and she could deal with it.

But the result of the final confrontation was that this woman shamelessly begged to the media, saying that her son didn’t care about her, and the whole family was against her, they wouldn’t give her food or drink, she was about to die, and no one came to see her , wanted to be hospitalized but had no money, and wanted a kidney transplant, but her son didn't cooperate with the examination. In short, it was all other people's fault, and no one felt sorry for her.

As soon as the ethics war was staged, Gu Meirong sent his own parents to the hospital in anger. The old man came back in time, but he also suffered from the sequelae of favoritism, but the old lady passed away just like that. After my aunt came back, she got into a fight with Gu Meirong in the corridor of the hospital. It was a real fight. As expected of an old lady from the Northeast, it was quite tough. Gu Meirong was so weak that he was riding on a skeleton. His face was bent left and right, and his nose was crooked Not to mention, the murder weapon was also broken, and he was sent directly to the operating room.

Wang Ting was by Gu Sizhe's side, and she felt more and more pitiful for him. What was even more bitter was that after her grandfather woke up, he knew he was paralyzed and his wife was gone (he heard the children talking), so he took advantage of Gu Sizhe's care at night very calmly. Sizhe dozed off, pulled out the ventilator, and left Gu Sizhe without saying a word.

Gu Sizhe couldn't bear such a big blow, so she passed out at that time. Aunts and cousins ​​were worried that her emotions would be affected, so they asked her parents to take her and the fainted Gu Sizhe home first, and she would deal with the two problems. The funeral of an old man, and a series of denunciations against Gu Meirong.

If Aunt Gu is calm-headed, doesn't Gu Meirong want to use the power of the media to kidnap Gu Sizhe?
Very good, she went directly to the media, and told about Gu Meirong making her parents angry, her son fainting from grief, and how she ruined a good marriage back then, how she left the country, and how she returned. He said everything without any emotion, and tore off Gu Meirong's last fig leaf.

At the funeral, Gu Sizhe's father, Wen Yang, appeared, and Gu Lihua (aunt) was not surprised by his appearance at all. After all, Wen Yang himself was not at fault, it was their unworthy younger sister who was at fault.

Wen Yang is a businessman who has money and power. He is rarely busy in China. If his family ugliness hadn't caused a stir on the Internet, he wouldn't have known that his ex-wife would be such a fool. Forget about pitying your eldest son.

I thought this child would be ruined by that woman, but I didn't expect that he not only got admitted to Peking University, but also became a doctor. He came, and brought his wife, a son and a daughter, to bow down to his former parents and kowtow three times.

Gu Lihua was moved to tears, and couldn't help saying, "Thank you, thank you for coming!"

Wen Yang's wife is a university teacher, well educated and reasonable, and his eldest son looks very similar to Gu Sizhe when he was a child.

Although Gu Sizhe was very uncomfortable with seeing his father again after many years, he still bowed respectfully to express his gratitude to them.

No matter how bad Gu Meirong was, at least the rest of the Gu family respected them. Papa Gu looked at his son with some pity, sighed after a long time, and patted him on the shoulder.

"You... have worked hard. Dad has not cared about you these years. Please forgive me, but you are married and your wife is pregnant. We are going to immigrate soon. I have three properties in my hand, one in Shanghai and two in BJ. It has already been transferred to your name. This is the last gift I will give you. It is right as compensation for your newlyweds and children. You must accept it. This is the relevant procedure (a small box). You have time to go Look, if not for yourself, think about your children."

Wen Yang turned his head and glanced at Wang Ting, his eyes were full of admiration.

"I know you, you are a great pilot, thank you for helping me take care of Sizhe, I wish you happiness!"

Papa Wen directly stuffed the small box into Wang Ting's arms, then pulled his family and walked out of the mourning hall with a face of relief.

Wang Ting looked at them, then at Gu Sizhe, just about to catch up, but was pulled back by him beside him.

"Accept it, this is what he owes me. I am his own son. He really didn't fulfill his father's duties and responsibilities. Although we treat money like dirt, BJ Shanghai's house can still be considered. "

Wang Ting almost failed because of his words, and wanted to tell him that the box was quite heavy, and it shouldn't be as simple as just owning real estate.

Sure enough, after the funeral was over, I found out that not only the real estate certificate, but also several sets of beautiful jewelry were in the exquisite box, all of which were very valuable at first glance.

What made them even more amazed was that the three properties, two villas, and one shop all have an area of ​​more than [-] square meters, and the annual rental income can reach tens of millions. She looked at Gu Sizhe in disbelief: " Your father is so rich and your mother divorced him?" Is your brain flooded?
Gu Sizhe shook his head dumbfoundingly: "When they divorced, my dad left the house and was still poor. Otherwise, you think it's just my mother's temperament that would abandon my dad? He also worked hard later, right?"

"These are all shops and real estate in prime locations. Many of them cannot be bought with money. Are you sure you know your father?"

Gu Sizhe thought about it for a while, but he really didn't know anything: "He sounds like he really has supernatural powers, and the transfer was successful without me personally?"

Wang Ting was speechless: "This is the point? The point is these properties, which cannot be bought with money. You guys always know where your father is from, right?"

Gu Sizhe still didn't know, but in the end, it was her aunt who told them that Wen Yang was from Shanghai, and that she was completely cheated by her when he married Gu Meirong. In short, they only knew that he was from Shanghai. No one knew about his family, so it should be Gu Meirong Missed [-] million, right?
"Here's for you, you just take it. Now that Zhezhe's grandparents are gone, the two of you will be the closest people in the future. No matter where you go in the future, you just need to live your life well."

After the first seven days of grandpa and grandma, Gu Lihua also left. As for Gu Meirong, she has long been drowned in the corners by the overwhelming scolding. As for whether she is really sick or just here to cheat money, they don't care anymore, as long as she doesn't show up in Gu Meirong In front of Si Zhe, they can pretend to be invisible.

However, no one thought that this lunatic rented a car and tried to run over Wang Ting to death. If Wang Ting hadn't hid in the space at a critical moment and escaped the catastrophe, he might have lost four lives.

That was the car accident that Wang Ting and Gu Sizhe encountered while walking at night. Taking advantage of the dim light on the road, Wang Ting hid in the space at the most dangerous moment. Si Zhe staggered and screamed hysterically, and stood up from the flower bed by the roadside.

"Are you okay?" When Gu Sizhe was searching for her like he was about to lose the whole world, she snorted, sat up straight from the flower bed slowly, and called him, she seemed to be all right when she saw her Also turned around in front of him, thinking he was dreaming.

"It's okay, I'm fine, don't worry, look, I'm fine? Your grandparents are protecting us, look, I'm fine."

When Gu Sizhe went crazy and rushed towards the car, trying to settle the score with that woman, he saw that she was already dying.

"I wanted to give you a back before I died, hehehehe, I didn't expect, this woman is quite fateful, don't worry, I will be a ghost, and I will not let you go, Gu Sizhe, you ungrateful dog thing, you will be punished, punished...,"

Gu Meirong vomited blood and died unwillingly, her face leaning on the steering wheel was bloody and bloody.

Gu Sizhe looked at her indifferently, turned around to embrace his woman, and left the scene without looking back.

As for whether this woman is dead or alive, he doesn't want to care about it, and he never wants to see her again for the rest of his life.

Wang Ting was sent to the hospital for various examinations. After confirming everything was correct, he found that his wife had fallen asleep in the hospital bed.

He looked at her sleeping face, covered his face and cried silently: "I only have you, only you."

Although he lost all his relatives, Wang Ting gave him three little lovers, all of whom were white, tender and lovely.

Although they are not the most beautiful babies, they are the most caring little padded jackets, and he gave them the most beautiful names.

The boss, Gu Fei (nickname Fei Fei, "The Deer Ming: What Cai Wei": "Now I come to think about it, rain and snow" Fei Fei: the appearance of snowflakes flying).

The second child is Gu Zhen (nick name Zhen Zhen, "Zhou Nan Tao Yao": "The peach is Yaoyao, its leaf Zhen Zhen". Zhen Zhen, lush appearance).

The youngest is Gu Yi (nickname Yiyi, "The Deer Ming: What Caiwei": "I am gone in the past, Yangliu Yiyi").

Wang Ting gave birth on April 2010, 4. After half a year of recuperation, she returned to work in November.

Her physical fitness is very good, and she delivered the baby smoothly throughout the whole process, without even having a lateral incision.

The three babies are also very healthy. After the birth, the parents found two nannies from their hometown.

It's just that Wang Ting and Gu Sizhe are not very responsible. They are busy with work, even if they have time to take care of their children, they come here in a hurry, and they can be called away at any time with a phone call. With Papa Wen's rent subsidy, they can afford a nanny and confinement wife, so that the parents will not be too tired. As long as they take vacations, they will be given vacations. The family match is very good.

They earn an income that is in line with their labor force, their children are well taken care of, and their parents can patrol the store without delay. It doesn't matter much, but they become the envy of everyone.

Especially Wang Ting, who has three children in her life and is still a cute girl, who can't be asked by many people.

In the hospital, who doesn't know that the three baby girls of Dr. Gu's family are not as beautiful as Dr. Gu's, but they have fierce breasts, and they have the posture of mothers and heroines at a young age.

Wang Ting is still beating her chest for missing the military parade, and the work there is constantly being arranged, and she even comforts her, it doesn't matter if you don't participate in the military parade, you are still the brightest star in other tasks.

Since Wang Ting resumed her busy work, she often did not enter the house for more than half a year. The children did not know her. Although there were photos and videos, whenever she came home and wanted to hug them, she was pushed away by resistance. He is so strong that he will cry when he returns home.

Gu Sizhe's heart ached: "Why don't we have another baby?" In exchange for it was Wang Ting's ruthless fist.

(End of this chapter)

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