The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第1192章 【1191】80丑女逆袭18(5000+)

Chapter 1192 [1191] Eight Zero Ugly Girl Counterattack 18 (5000+)

After saying goodbye to Sima Rui, she found a relatively large savings bank and deposited the money in it. In the era when there was no ID card, she had to carry the household registration book with her.

The reason why the interest rate is so high in this era is that the deposit rate of residents at that time was generally not high, most of them held cash, the supply was small, the demand was large, and the natural interest rate was high.

Another part of the reason is that the inflation rate was high in 94-96, and money depreciated quickly. If the interest rate is not high, residents are more inclined to invest or consume, rather than waiting for money to depreciate.

The reason why inflation occurred during this period is that the real estate boom and the rapid expansion of domestic demand stimulated by it absorbed a large amount of domestic funds and resources, making the Chinese economy once again become dominated by domestic demand, thus triggering the 1994-1996 period. high-speed inflation.

The inflation that China experienced from 1993 to 1996 was a relatively typical demand-pull inflation since the reform and opening up.

According to research, in 1994 the inflation rate once reached 27%, including wages.

Perhaps a salary of [-] per month is considered high now, but after inflation, everything has risen, so your salary is not considered high, and it may not be enough to spend.

Parents lived near the train station, and they rented some low-rise bungalows. The market was so big. She took the address that her father had written to her before, and asked someone to ask. In order to surprise them, she bought it specially. I picked up a roast chicken and carried it.

The train station business district in this era is quite popular, people come and go, all rely on crowding, women carry big bags and small bags back and forth to buy goods, work in full swing, and there are noisy noises about prices, when they enter the market, those people Wholesalers are too lazy to take care of those who come to buy at retail.

She took a fancy to a few clothes and asked a few people, but they didn't pay much attention to her. She sighed, shook her head, and continued walking inside.

Those who buy clothes, gloves, hats, bedding, labor protection products, underwear, bags, etc., are not classified. Anyway, the market is chaotic, with shops next to each other, and everyone with a loud voice needs to eat throat lozenges.

She picked her ears, and finally saw her father who was helping the customer pack at the corner, writing the address on the woven bag with a pen in his hand, and her mother holding a calculator and the woman inside to calculate the accounts, she was not in a hurry to go in, When the people left and they went into the house to drink water, she appeared in such a grandiose manner. Dad saw her first, and all the water he drank sprayed out.

"My God, how did you come here? By yourself?" Dad deliberately looked behind and didn't see anyone else.

The mother who was squatting below to tally goods looked up and saw her eldest daughter. She stood up excitedly and fainted due to insufficient blood supply. It was thanks to her that she supported her in time.

"Don't get up in such a hurry, it's easy to get anemia, you too, have you eaten yet? You haven't had lunch yet, hurry up, I bought sesame seed cakes and skewers, and I also bought roast chicken, Dad, hurry up and wash up. "

Seeing her mother wearing blue overalls with a tired face, Wang Ting felt distressed: "Are you tired, Mom?"

"You girl, why did you come here without saying a word? Are you on vacation? Where's your sister!"

"I'm here to participate in the English competition. My sister is at home. Anyway, you will be on vacation in a few days, won't you? I'll walk with you, and I'll come here to help you. I'm here to help you. Cook you a warm meal."

Wang Ting's sensibility, since she passed through, her parents have felt it, and now listening to her daughter's words, they don't know what to say.

When Wang Pu brought in water from the outside, Wang Ting took the food and found a wooden plank to support it. The most classic way to eat sesame seed cakes with tofu skewers and kelp shreds. She bought a total of five, and her parents alone Two, one is enough for her, and it costs fifty cents each, which is very cheap.

Roast chicken costs eight yuan a piece, which is not too expensive, because the chicken is not too big, so it can be eaten in one meal.

It just so happened that there were not many guests at the moment, and when the two of them sat down to eat, they took the time to ask the girl.

"Are you here to participate in the English competition? Just yourself? Or with your teacher?"

"I went to City L to participate in the beginning of November, and I came to Z City to participate this month. The teacher has already gone back. Didn't I come to see you?"

Anyway, they don't know how difficult the English competition is, they just feel proud and don't ask other questions.

As for the bonus, she didn't plan to talk about it, and it wouldn't be too late to talk about it when she bought a house.

Parents have a good habit of saving money, so needless to say, she also knows that they will save their wages as a regular deposit. The accumulation over the years is at least 2 to [-] yuan.

After all, she and her younger sister don't spend a lot of money when they are at home. They also go out. Apart from eating, they just rent a house. It may have cost a lot in the past, but now that the second aunt pays all the bills, they can definitely save money for living.

"We're too busy these days, why don't you go to your aunt's?"

My aunt is in City Z. My uncle went to work at a sports university after leaving the army. My aunt works in a printing factory, and my two cousins ​​are still in school.

Wang Ting shook her head: "It's okay, you are busy with your work, I am here and I can help you cook a meal, I will go back to cook when the time comes, and the rest of the time will help you settle accounts, tally and so on, Make sure you don't mess up."

The daughter has already talked about this, what else can the two of them talk about, but seeing her happy look, they asked her.

"Won the prize in the English competition?"

Wang Ting nodded, "L city is the first prize, Z city belongs to the whole province, your daughter and I are still the first prize, how is it, did you not embarrass you?"

My mother burst into tears with excitement, "Good girl, promising, unlike your father when he was a child, your aunt and grandma asked him what is 1+4, your father stretched out his hand and answered 'a fool', ouch, I laughed so hard up,"

Dad blushed, and bumped Mom with his arm, "You can do it, how can I, a primary school student, compare with your high school student?"

But he still smiled and looked at his daughter, "My daughter is so competitive, no matter how hard and tired my parents are, it is worth it. Eat quickly, how can one be enough? The sauerkraut noodles made by a southerner in front are good, do you want to eat?"

Wang Ting shook her head, "Such a big biscuit is enough. It was originally for the two of you. Two of you, eat it. You have to greet people after eating."

That's why she wasn't polite to her. After dinner, her mother led her to the toilet. There is a fee for the toilet here, five cents a time, and there is also a charge for the boiling water room. It costs five cents to pick up a thermos bottle, and there is no charge for cold water.

There are also market management fees (sanitation fees) and other daily expenses, and booth fees are calculated separately.

Mother led her to turn around, everyone knew that her daughter was coming, there was no way, who made them look so alike!

Afterwards, when her parents were busy outside, she would press the calculator inside, settle the bills, pay the bills, and place orders in her spare time.

It wasn't until six o'clock in the afternoon that the family of three began to close the stall. The outside goods were brought in, and the inside goods were piled up. After that, the door panels were aligned with each other, and three locks were locked.

"I'm so busy every day, will I lose my goods?"

Mom nodded, "How can we not lose the goods? I lost a whole thing, but they were all taken away when I was busy. If you lock them like this, the market will pull down a big rolling door, and the outer gate will also be closed." There are patrols at night, after all, there are small warehouses behind every house, and if you pay such a high management fee, if you lose the goods again, they will be responsible."

It takes more than half an hour to walk from where my parents live to the booth, "We walk this way every day, and houses farther away are cheaper."

The place where the house is rented is equivalent to a large shanty town.

"There are all foreigners here, and almost all of them are people who set up stalls in the market. We rented two rooms in total, one for storing goods and one for living in. The store also opened two doors, one for guarding against theft, and one for living in." The place is about fifteen square meters, with a bed, a cabinet, and eating at the door, and bringing them in after finishing, and I still have to pay 100 yuan a month in rent for these two rooms!"

"However, the room where the goods are stacked is as big as [-] square meters. Otherwise, the price of this shabby place is really a loss."

Mom introduced her and led her into the place where she lived, while Dad took the key and went to check the goods in the other room as usual.

Although this shanty town is dilapidated, there are guards who will ask you when you come in and out. If you are familiar, you will not say anything, and if you are unfamiliar, you will ask a few more questions. You are like her, and people will ask you a few times. It's a child, so she thinks it's okay for security and so on.

One is [-] square meters, the other is [-] square meters. If you add up to [-] square meters, it’s okay, right?

After entering the house, it is really not big, there is only one small window, because it is on the first floor, it still smells a little damp, but fortunately, the faucet is connected in the house, so it is quite convenient to use water.

"There is a public toilet here. Everyone goes there when they go to the toilet. They burn briquettes at the door for cooking. There is a fixed time every day to collect garbage. There is one in the morning and one in the evening. It is six o'clock in the evening. We can't catch up, so we throw it out in the morning. Rubbish,"

"This is also for money, right?"

Mom pinched her nose: "Isn't it? In this city, everything costs money. We live here just for convenience. The market goes to work at eight o'clock every morning, and the two of us can go to the nearby morning market for a stroll and buy some food. Do it yourself in the morning and evening, and buy some at noon.”

"Then you have to eat on time,"

"I can't take care of it when I'm busy, so we usually eat a lot of breakfast."

"Do you still have the money your father gave you when he left?"

"Yes, my school waived my board and lodging money, so I saved my usual money, and bought meat and eggs on weekends to take home. My grandma is doing well now, and I probably brought delicious food back to subsidize me if I didn't come back. They are related, and my sister's face is full of food."

Then Wang Ting talked about a lot of family matters, including the two snowfalls, no one helped them clean the roof, and the grandma helped them dig corn.

After listening to the mother, she nodded, "You are right, you are both parents. Your grandparents are careful, and they are inevitably a little frugal after getting used to the hard life. This is understandable. Your uncle and aunt still have to take care of you." My own family, don’t deliberately feel that they are sorry for us, in fact, it’s me and your father who lost money to you, let’s think about it in another way, don’t worry too much.”

My mother is so kind, and so is my father. There are many things that I can ignore.

"Then what are you doing alone when my dad comes home?"

Mom smiled wryly, "Why would I lose the goods? If your father was here, I wouldn't lose them at all. It's okay, it's not easy."

"Mom, you and my dad lived here, not at all like they said, enjoying life in the city."

"Why, did someone say that we only cared about our own happiness and didn't take the two of you with us?"

Wang Ting nodded, "They are all those who can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour."

"Your dad and I are actually thinking about this issue. It's not a problem to keep you at home like this. Otherwise, in the fall, we will go to a nearby school to find someone, spend some money, and get you to go to school." ?”

"At that time, we can put a bed like a bunk bed in this room."

As soon as Dad came over, Mom discussed these things with Dad, but Wang Ting interrupted in time.

"Mom, no need, we can help you take care of your grandparents at home. Grandpa and grandma, don't say too much, I will go and see for you every now and then, and no one will say anything about you. My sister will go to junior high school next year, and we In a school, board and lodging are all in the school, there is nothing to do, it is very good at home, "

The most important thing is that they, who are used to being independent, are more comfortable not being under the nose of their parents.

Mom and Dad's place is really small, they are still daughters, and living in the same room with Dad is somewhat uncomfortable.

Dad saw that she didn't want to come here, so he didn't mention it again. In the evening, my mother fried bean sprouts, potatoes, radishes, and cabbage, four kinds of vegetables, and then baked more than ten sheets of steamed buns, wrapped in steamed buns and eaten. Sprinkle with chili oil, the taste is still the same as when I was a child, it is delicious.

After eating, her parents took her around the neighborhood, introduced the surrounding environment, and digested food by the way.

After returning home, I soaked my feet and washed them before going to bed.

This night, she slept inside, and her father slept outside, making up for the whole night.

When she woke up the next day, her parents had already gone shopping in the morning market, and the garbage at the door had already been emptied. Last night, she and her mother shared a quilt, and her father slept in a quilt by himself, which was quite warm.

On the stove outside, millet soup was simmering over a low heat, and red dates and sweet potatoes were also put in, making it sticky.

My mother also cut shredded radish and pickled some hot and sour shredded radish. This is when everything is ready before going out.

Look at the time, it's already seven o'clock in the morning.

She poured some hot water from the pot, took some cold water, washed her face, and then went into the space to brush her teeth.

After making the bed and tying up her hair, my parents came back at 7:20 and bought her an egg-filled pancake.

Fragrant, crispy, crunchy after one bite, very delicious.

I also bought steamed stuffed buns for two yuan, four meat ones for one yuan, and six vegetarian ones for one yuan.

Dad also carried a big pumpkin, which was one meter long, "This is a Hainan pumpkin, with sweet noodles and sweet noodles. It's delicious. You can try it later."

"It's so cold, it stands to reason that the stove should be lit in the house, but some time ago, two couples were poisoned by gas, and they almost couldn't be saved, so no matter how cold it was at night, everyone didn't dare to light the stove in the house. You see, our pipes are exhausted. Bought it back."

Wang Ting asked because she saw the pipe in the corner, "Carbon dioxide poisoning in winter is quite scary."

No wonder the stoves in every household are placed outside. "The coal balls were also placed outside before."

"Yeah, old lost, just piled up in the house, [-] cents a piece, [-] cents when it's cheap, [-] cents when it's expensive, depends on the market."

Wang Ting thought that in 2021, a piece would rise to two or three yuan a piece, and suddenly felt that prices were still cheap in this era, but the price would have to increase in two years.

Inflation, everything goes up, including the necessities of life such as briquettes.

After dinner, my parents will take a step ahead and let her rest at home, so she doesn't have to go over there to help, and they can cook whatever they want for lunch, they can eat whatever they want.

After she cleaned the bowl, she put briquettes on the stove and threw the burnt briquettes into the iron bucket next to her.

There are still four buns left from the morning, and they can be fried in the iron griddle at noon.

They seldom eat rice. Firstly, it takes time to steam it, and secondly, they have to stir-fry to eat rice, so they usually eat pasta.

She stayed and cleaned all the kitchen utensils, and cleaned the outside of the house carefully.

Afterwards, take out the Artemisia annua, wash it, mix some noodles, steam it in a pot, and put it in the space to keep warm.

Parents bought pork, tofu, and deep-fried the tofu in the morning. After the rice was steamed, put it in the space to keep warm, and then fried it with cabbage, tofu, vermicelli and meat.

My parents bought an insulated bucket with rice on the bottom, two layers of steamed vegetables in the middle, and a layer of large pot vegetables. The capacity of this bucket is too small, so she put two boxes in an aluminum lunch box, and put four fried vegetables in it. The steamed buns are filled with steamed vegetables, and the other lunch box is filled with spinach and egg soup.

Parents asked her to deliver food at one o'clock, because she was very busy at 12 o'clock, so she delivered it in time.

Sure enough, I was still busy when I went there, and when this wave of people was sent away, there would be no one there.

Seeing that she brought so much, I couldn't help being surprised: "How can we eat so much, have you finished?"

Wang Ting naturally came here after eating, "It's okay, this box is soup, open it and have a look?"

"Hey, did you steam white wormwood? Where did you get it?"

"My sister and I picked it at home. It was in the bag I carried yesterday. I forgot to take it out. No, I just remembered it today. I didn't mix it with garlic. It's not suitable for you to eat garlic at noon. The original flavor can be soaked." Eat it in vegetable soup."

Parents haven't eaten Artemisia baicalensis for a long time, and they are very excited to try it.

"It's still the same taste as before. It's delicious without putting anything in it. This big pot of dishes is not bad. Medium, medium. My daughter's cooking is getting better and better!"

Because it was so delicious, her parents insisted on finishing all the food and soup she brought over. They were very supportive, and her mother even said that this was the best meal she had ever eaten since she came to Z City, because it was made by her daughter. , her eyes were red when she was moved, her nose was sore, and she wanted to cry uncontrollably.

"Go back, we can get busy here,"

Her parents didn't need her to watch, so she obediently carried the bucket back to the rental house.

After tidying up the house, thinking of those beautiful clothes, I wanted to buy a set for each of my family members.

Although all the money has been saved, there are still two hundred yuan in hand!

(End of this chapter)

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