The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第1191章 【1190】80丑女逆袭17(5000+)

Chapter 1191 [1190] Eight Zero Ugly Girl Counterattack 17 (5000+)

Looking at the past with small eyes, there are more men than women, and there are not many like her who come alone, most of them are accompanied by teachers and parents. The representative of City L is exactly the Sima Rui she knows, but she did not Seeing him, he was talking to the teacher who led the team last time.

After entering the venue, I found that there are two floors above and below the venue, and there is also a place where movies are played. Usually, stage plays are mainly performed, and movies are shown, or a large-scale comprehensive venue. For example, they are holding a meeting now.

The initial test covers many basics, such as writing, listening, writing ability and so on.

For her, it was much more difficult than the questions in L City, but compared to improvisation, these were nothing.

The exam lasted for 120 minutes. After the exam was over, the teachers announced on the spot that the results would be posted at the entrance of the venue at [-]:[-] p.m. Everyone can come and see for themselves. Those who take the re-examination tomorrow should not be late and prepare in advance.

Walking out of the venue easily, Wang Ting stopped by the vegetable market and saw frozen sea prawns and octopus.

Of course, the price is not cheap either. Shrimp are very large, 2.2 yuan per catty, and hairtail 2.5 yuan. Rare things are more expensive. What's more, the traffic is not developed in this era, so it is not easy to keep fresh to this level. Excited to buy ten catties, sea shrimp also weighed 25 yuan, a total of 50 yuan, but bought a lot, enough to eat for a while.

Later, when I went to the library to read, I bumped into Sima Rui again, this time he took the initiative to say hello.

"Wang Ting?" Sima Rui yelled when he saw Wang Ting standing opposite him when he was holding the book.

Wang Ting looked up and was also very surprised: "You also came to buy books? When I entered the account in the afternoon, I saw you standing with your teacher, and didn't bother to say hello,"

Sima Rui obviously noticed her too: "You came here by yourself? I didn't see you with your teacher."

Wang Ting nodded, "I thought I could do it myself. I have been to Z City twice, and I know how to ride the bus, so I didn't ask the teacher to come. Fortunately, everything is going well."

After the two chose their books, they went to the cashier while chatting. When they left the library, it was already dark.

"Where do you live? I'll see you off!"

Wang Ting shook her head, "No need, I'm staying at a relative's house, you can do your work,"

"Hey, don't go in a hurry, don't you want to see the results?" Wang Ting was taken aback, then remembered, looked at her watch, and went from here to the theater, the time was just right: "Look at my memory, I forgot to do it." It's clean, let's go and have a look together."

Although she is very confident, it is a provincial level competition, so she should not take it lightly.

"Are you a student of No. [-] Middle School in Y City?"

"Yes, from No. [-] Middle School."

"You are so good, why didn't you go to No. [-] Middle School?"

Wang Ting was embarrassed for a while, and said nonsense: "Isn't this our principal? My tuition, miscellaneous fees, board and lodging fees are waived, where can I find such good conditions, and besides, the No. [-] Middle School is not bad."

Sima Rui nodded, "My grandma's family is from City Y, so I know a little bit about it, you are great, you are young, but you can achieve something, have you put in a lot of effort?"

"It's okay, mainly my relative and sister are learning foreign languages. She just graduated and needed to practice teaching, so she asked our children to practice. Others didn't listen to it, but I listened to it. Later, she went to our village to teach , I learn from her every day. I have been studying for five or six years. I was an assistant when she was preparing lessons, and I watched her correcting her homework. , Everyone makes mistakes differently, but there are many mistakes. I will remember these types of questions. My sister said that I have language talent and is very caring for me. Married to another place, alas..."

After finishing speaking, he still looked regretful. (does it look like it?)
Only then did Sima Rui realize the reason for her good foundation, "Then your elder sister is really the one you were destined for."

"No, they still send me textbooks and tapes so that I can read and learn along with them. I have flipped through all the textbooks in junior high and high school, and I remember all the words."

"No wonder your word recognition is so high, it's all the result of hard work,"

Wang Ting smiled embarrassedly, Sima Rui didn't seem to care about her appearance, and spoke quite politely.

Unlike when she was in No. [-] Middle School, those boys felt weird when they talked to her, showing disgust everywhere.

As long as she thinks of being isolated by both boys and girls in physical education class, she feels helpless inside.

Why is the original owner so afraid of contacting boys? It is also because he was hurt a lot by bad words, which caused serious low self-esteem.

Fortunately, after so much experience, Tangyuan is full of self-confidence. Once this person is confident, he feels that his back can be straightened.

In the 12 years of study (primary, junior high and high school), in fact, learning is the main focus, especially for everyone who is in adolescence, how ugly can you be?It looks good and where can I see it?This is not the time to pack up, the real counterattack should be at the college stage.

So many ugly ducklings started to transform from college.

Wang Ting's biggest problem is that her forehead is protruding a little bit, her eyes are a little smaller, and her face is a little longer. Other than that, she has no major problems, and her height has grown to 1.6 meters. Of course, her face is small. Freckles also appear gradually with age.

This is hereditary, because my mother has freckles on her face, so it is not good-looking if it is not good-looking. It was given by my parents, so I have no right to dislike it.

If you don't look good, let's just look at your ability!
When you are strong, everyone has to look up to you, regardless of whether you are beautiful or ugly?
When they arrived at the entrance of the theatre, many people crowded there, Sima Rui said to her relying on his superiority.

"You wait here, I'll go and have a look,"

Within 5 minutes, someone ran over: "Let's go, we are both shortlisted, here, our teacher booked a hotel opposite, how about you?"

"Oh, then you go back, I have to take a bus, then..., see you tomorrow, hope everything goes well."

The corner of Sima Rui's lips twitched, "Then let me lend you a good word!"

The two of them didn't have any extra nonsense, and they left after saying hello. Wang Ting found a place where no one was around, and entered the space.

Clean the octopus, deep-fry it in oil, and make some noodles with purslane, and fry a vegetable cake with the oil in the bottom of the pan.

After enjoying dinner beautifully, I picked up the related books I bought today and read them. I didn't go to bed until about eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening.

After all, the space time is long, and she can't sleep for that long.

The next morning, snowflakes fell in the sky again, and it felt colder than yesterday. After [-] o'clock in the morning, she washed up and went out to have breakfast. The hot mutton soup was served with a pancake, and she was warmed up after eating. When they arrived at the venue, they saw Sima Rui who was queuing up to enter the arena again. He nodded and stood at the end of the line.

In yesterday's game, half of the people were wiped out at once. Of the remaining 100 people, it would be good if 50 people could stay today.

Compared with yesterday's quiet examination room, today a group of ten people set questions for each other. The difference from City L is that after the questions are finished, they are exchanged with other students, and then they draw lots. You can do whatever you catch, because the task is heavy, and there is no time at noon. rest until the end of the game.

Wang Ting asked her to compose an essay in English on the spot, titled "My Objections to the English Contest", haha, when she saw this title, she really wanted to cry, and she didn't know which one Talented people wrote it!
Fortunately, her ranking is relatively low, and she is in the middle of their group. Whether it is from 1 to 10 or from 10 to 1, she is still safe at most, but unexpectedly, she was only given 10 minutes. During the preparation time, the stage actually started in the middle.

At that time, I was thinking about cursing my mother. At this time, the test is not only the reaction ability, but also your language organization ability. If you are not good at Chinese, you may not be able to write the composition at this time, let alone retell it in English.

Regarding some modes of the English competition, there are actually many versions. She copied the model of the English competition for college students she had participated in before. Questions, quiz questions, essay correction questions and writing questions.

Then, according to these topics and types, some sorting and logical analysis were carried out, which is equivalent to her expressing some of the most practical problems in the simplest language, which is equivalent to participating in an English speech contest.

According to the questions drawn by everyone, the referee will announce the time on the spot, but she chose the most difficult one, so she gave 15 minutes to express it.

The whole English expression must ensure that every pronunciation, grammar is correct, and the logic is smooth. Even if gorgeous rhetoric is not required, there must be a logical point. Therefore, after Wang Ting finished her defense, her back felt sweaty, and her heart felt the same. Plop, plop, plop.

But she could see the admiration for her from the eyes of the judges, as well as the jealous and sighing expressions of the other contestants in the audience.

What is jealous is her ability, and what sighs is that they are obviously inferior to others.

It wasn't until the end of the competition that she realized that the question in her hand was given by Sima Rui, whom she knew.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't expect you to get this question. Did it embarrass you?"

Wang Ting couldn't help but stretched out her hand and gave him a thumbs up: "I also said which fairy is so capable. It turned out to be you. This question is interesting. Thanks to my luck, I got points. It's a little difficult, but It also gave me the opportunity to perform, and it can be regarded as mutual achievement, I should thank you."

Just now, everyone's scores came out on the spot. Wang Ting ranked first and Sima Rui ranked fifth, so the two of them met again in the final.

Although she didn't know what the exam was going to be tomorrow, she still encouraged each other to play. The feeling of meeting her opponent made her not care about whether she won the prize or not.

On the third day of the competition, the English debate competition, 1VS1, draws lots to select opponents, the topic is also drawn randomly, and scores are scored on the spot. Fifty people will be cut in half in this session.

In the morning debate, 25 people were eliminated. Unexpectedly, at the end, a mixed operation of addition, subtraction, and multiplication in the nine-year compulsory education suddenly appeared. Wang Ting deservedly won No.1. Sima Rui relied on his outstanding response Ability, became No.2.

This is all right, some of the remaining people are dissatisfied with the result of this competition, because the first [-] difficulties have been passed, who would have thought that the last stage of the finals would be so casual?

They refused to accept it, but Wang Ting felt that the question was a bit interesting. You have already tested all the previous tests, and the last one is to test your reaction ability. What's the problem?Besides, the exam is organized by other people, and you can ask whatever questions you want. Is it necessary to be so serious?
So, the teacher singled out those who were not convinced, and asked: "Okay, since you are not convinced, then you can designate opponents at will, and you can even ask questions at will, and you will assess them. If you come up, you will be convinced to lose. If the other party can’t answer, they will ask you questions. As long as you can’t answer, then the original result will be defaulted. Question?"

Those who had already won the rankings laughed. Although they were also unconvinced, there was nothing they could do. It was better than going out with the rankings and being told that they were not worthy of the name, so they chose to remain silent, which was a tacit consent to the proposal at the scene.

As No.1, Wang Ting received unkind attacks, and her opponents even insulted her.

"Since the referee said that you can come up with any questions, well, I will ask you to sing an English song now. If it sounds good, I won't pursue it. If it doesn't sound good, you can come up with the questions. As long as I can win, our rankings will be reversed. "

The other party may think that Wang Ting looks like a female student who is in a bad mood and only knows how to study hard. She may know domestic songs, but foreign songs, hehe, I'm afraid I have never heard of them.

Wang Ting didn't care about this person's psychology. She didn't expect the topic to be so simple, so she cleared her throat and sang "Nothing's gonna change my love for you" openly.

This is the theme song of the classic love movie "The Bridge of Madison County".

There are many sung versions of this song. The original singer was George Benson, a black jazz musician. Regrettably, he did not become popular when he sang it, but after many years, it became popular all over the world after being sung many times by other singers.

The slightly hoarse and sad voice touched everyone who listened attentively.

It is also Wang Ting who occasionally calms down and listens to the song. She is very familiar with this song. Even without the soundtrack, she can perfectly interpret it with a sweet voice. Not bad.

After it was over, even the judges and teachers applauded. It was the boy opposite who looked at him with contempt.

He even said brazenly: "You sing as soon as you sing, why are there so many facial expressions? Don't you know that you are ugly? It's really an eyesore to look like this, do you know? Even if you win, so what? It's not impossible to change you This face interprets the ugly?"

In an instant, the scene was silent, and everyone looked at the boy in disbelief, as if they were condemning his public insult.

However, the latter acted as if it should be taken for granted: "Did I say something wrong? She was already ugly!"

The judges and teachers took a deep look at him: "Stop talking nonsense, we'll just ask you, has she passed the test?"

The boy let out a reluctant 'hmm', and then the judge teacher announced that Wang Ting was still No.1, but he was originally No.9, but was disqualified by the teacher on the spot. Why', the teacher pushed down his glasses and said something unhurriedly.

"Didn't your teachers and parents teach you how to write the word 'respect'? It's a good thing to learn and be capable, but if you can't do the basics of being a human being, then all the honors you get are rubbish! You are in public Insulting your opponent, just based on this, can prove how much you can't afford to lose. You are three years older than your opponent, but the self-cultivation you have shown is not as good as that of a primary school student, and you are not directly kicked out , is already a respect for your personality!"

Facing the insult, how could Wang Ting just stand like this and not express?

So she walked up to this opponent and said something coldly.

"Outside of the gold and jade, there are many failures."

After the boy spelled it carefully, he still didn't quite understand what it meant. He looked at her with a very ugly expression.

"Are you scolding me? You must be scolding me, right?"

Sima Rui couldn't stand it anymore, "Do you think everyone is as unqualified as you? This sentence means a proverb in our Chinese, 'Golden jade is beyond the surface, but within it', haven't you heard of it?"

The boy was blushed and couldn't stay any longer. He bowed to the judges and left the stage in embarrassment.

When other people saw this, how could they question it?Especially Sima Rui's opponent, he had never even heard a proverb, but he could directly translate it, he said helplessly to the judges.

"I admire the vision of the teachers and decided to recognize this result."

"Teacher, I also agree, it's no match."

If there is one, there will be two, and if there is two, there will be three, but in the blink of an eye, everyone stopped clamoring about their dissatisfaction with the game.

Then the judges announced the top six, one first prize (8000 yuan), two second prizes (5000 yuan each), and three third prizes (1000 yuan each), because none of these prizes exceeded 1 yuan , so no tax is required.

Prizes were awarded on the spot, and there was also a special photo session. Of course, the entire three competitions were recorded and broadcast by TV stations.

As for whether the quarrel part will be edited or not, it's hard to say.

Nor did she care much.

I only know that my savings have reached 2 yuan, and the extra 240 yuan can be kept as pocket money.

Because the deposit interest rate in this era is high, the interest rate is 7.56 for a one-year fixed deposit, so she plans to deposit the 2 yuan into a one-and-a-half-year fixed deposit, because by July 93, the interest will reach 7 (one year). The annual one is even 10.98 yuan.

After one and a half years, she can get almost 2268 yuan in interest.

Interest rates are high in this era, and it is quite convenient to save a regular deposit without too much energy to speculate in stocks.

"Or you can go back with us, it's all in the same direction anyway."

Originally, Sima Rui wanted to comfort her a few words, but seeing that she was standing there as if nothing happened, he decided to make an appointment to go back together.

Sima Rui's family is from City L, and she is from City Y. They are on the same train, only two stops apart, so they can indeed go together.

But she thanked him for his kindness, because she still had to go to the train station to find her parents.

(End of this chapter)

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