The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第1193章 【1192】80丑女逆袭19(5000+)

Chapter 1193 [1192] Eight Zero Ugly Girl Counterattack 19 (5000+)

In addition to Hong Kong and typhoon styles, the most popular clothing in the 90s also has European and American styles. You can see the popular denim series in this era by looking at high-end, high-end and low-end specialty stores, ordinary clothing stores, or simply street stalls on the street. It's still winter, but the store has already started to sell spring styles on a small scale.

High-waisted jeans, blue denim, denim overalls, denim vest, black leather jacket, plaid shirt...

The contrasting colors are beautiful, and people can't help but want to buy the spring clothes after seeing it, while the winter clothes look... um, hot eyes.

What she can't stand the most is wide shoulder pads and thick shoulder pads, but in this era, whether it's leather jackets (wool lining), loose suit shirts (both for men and women), woolen coats, etc., are all designed in this style, but she doesn't like them , the price is still high in this day and age, and her two hundred yuan is not enough to look at at all.

Down jackets became popular in the early 80s. Because the fabric grade and processing level were not high, the style was relatively monotonous, the down content was low, and the filling was large, so the appearance looked very bloated, so it was called bread jacket.

Nevertheless, the first generation of down clothing is generally welcomed by consumers for its lightness, softness and warmth.

It became more common after 2000, but in 1992 where she is now, it is still relatively bloated, and the price is high, and it costs [-] yuan to open your mouth. Of course, this is the retail price, and the wholesale price is cheaper.

Brands such as Xuezhongfei and Bosideng are all directly sold by specialty stores, and there is no counter-offering, all of which are sold at a fixed price, unless they do their own activities to dispose of old models.

It's not that the brand is relatively cheap, and the ones under 50 yuan are not down, but silk cotton.

What parents bought for her and her younger sister were silk cotton padded clothes. Although the price is far lower than that of down jackets, if you wear a cotton padded jacket inside and this kind of silk cotton clothes outside, it will still be quite warm. Well, it's just a simple swelling, and there is no frostbite.

So, she turned around and found that it was too difficult to buy big items with the money in her hand. In this day and age, most people can't afford to wear famous brands. , There are also shopping malls with high-end brands.

Even if it is a well-off family, it may only come to buy new clothes for a few days throughout the year.

Regardless of whether it is a down jacket or a leather jacket, it is considered a big expense for the family.

So after looking around, she just bought a pair of gloves for each of the four members of the family. Her and her sister's are half-cut gloves that can be worn when writing, while parents' gloves can be worn when working. Double ten dollars.

I also bought that kind of super thick thick socks, four pairs of ten yuan, four pairs per person, 40 yuan.

After buying these, Wang Ting went home directly, with more than 180 yuan left in her deposit. After shopping all afternoon, her feet hurt a little.

By the way, I forgot to buy boots. The black cotton shoes I bought on my feet are ugly and dirty. I want to buy a pair of black leather boots for her and my sister, but the shoes are not cheap. 40 yuan a pair!

When her mother came back in the evening, she took out the things she had bought. Her mother was touched at first, and then looked at her with some embarrassment.

"Do you think there are good-looking clothes all around? Did you fancy anything? You wait for two more days, we will close the stall after two days, and then parents will take you shopping. Our whole family will add new clothes this year, and wait until the end Go buy it, maybe it can be cheaper!"

When Wang Ting heard this, she hurriedly said, "Didn't Dad bring us two pieces when we went back last time? You see, this is what I'm wearing. The clothes in the market are good-looking, but they are too expensive."

"Those two are handled by others. One is only 20 yuan. We are afraid that you two will be cold in the early winter, so we took it back first. We must not wear those during the Chinese New Year. We have earned some money this year. You study well. Even the living expenses are saved to subsidize your grandparents and sisters. Mom is very happy, shouldn't you reward both of you?"

Parents are really action-oriented, and they really locked the door on the 25th of the twelfth lunar month, and they will not come back until the eighth day of the first lunar month.

The next two days are for purchasing supplies, because the three of them go back together this time, so they can bring more things.

The food was bought on the last day, and the clothes were bought the day before. Although I didn’t wear a down jacket, I also bought silk cotton clothes with a decent style. My father and mother also bought silk cotton. In their family’s situation, it took four cotton clothes I paid 300 yuan, and 200 yuan for four pairs of cotton shoes, which is 500 yuan. When I was about to buy something for my grandma, Wang Ting spoke.

"I don't need it at my grandma's place. I used the scholarship to find someone to make padded clothes for my grandma. The set is thick and thick. I said it was bought by my mother. I don't need to buy it for them when I go back next year. It's not cold."

As soon as the words came out, the parents were stunned. Obviously, they didn't expect Wang Ting to do such a thing secretly?
"You, you still bought it in my name? How much did you spend?"

"The processing fee for the two bodies, the fabric, etc., is 120 yuan,"

"So expensive?"

"But Mom, it's all made of pure cotton, but it's thick. You'll know when you go back and have a look."

Mom touched her head, "What should I do if Tingting is so sensible that my mother wants to cry?"

"Isn't this what I should do? My sister and I took grandma to take a bath! If we hadn't taken grandma there, I guess the uncles might not have thought of taking grandpa there. People change people's hearts, mom, I just don't want to Let others say that you are used to being shopkeepers, but in fact they may not be filial at home. Fortunately, grandma and grandma are not confused. They can feel who treats them well and who is not filial to them.”

Mom gave Dad a sideways look, didn't say anything, but took her to unpack the burden.

After packing up their clothes, they went to the morning market the next day and bought a lot of homemade sausages and marinated meat.

After returning home, I packed up the house, and then went to catch the train with big bags and small bags.

The trains of this era are much more crowded than later generations, especially during the Spring Festival travel season, it is even more overcrowded.

Although Dad bought the ticket early in the morning, he still had a seat, but it was too difficult to squeeze through the crowd and squeeze into his own seat.

The train ticket to go home is 7 yuan, and the car costs 15 yuan, which is more than twice as expensive, and the speed is faster than the car, and the safety is high.

So no matter how many people there are, parents think it is more cost-effective to take the train.

She didn't have a student ID card, so naturally she had a full ticket.

In this era of inbound security checks are still manual checks, but not everyone checks them. After all, in the era when there were no ID cards, the workload was too heavy, and they all looked at them with their eyes. Only when they felt something was wrong would they ask to open the package for inspection.

There are several floors up and down the waiting hall, and she climbed up and down, all of them were waiting halls, bustling with people, her scalp felt numb.

Parents each carried a bag, and carried two bags. She was the most relaxed. She carried the schoolbag she carried when she came here, and only carried the lightest bag in her hand. I lost it, and asked her from time to time.

"Look at the road, don't trip!"

It was supposed to be a ten o'clock train, but it turned out to be late when it arrived, and how long it would be uncertain. In this day and age, it seems commonplace to be late.

They didn't have a place to sit, so they piled up their luggage at the corner of the corresponding train and asked her to sit on it.

"Are you hungry? If you're hungry, there are biscuits and eggs in the bag. Let's make do with it first. Let's hurry up, we'll be home in a while."

"I'm not hungry, I eat a lot in the morning." Before returning home, all the eggs at home were boiled. The best choice, not to mention the hunger, and you don't have to go to the toilet frequently.

After all, to go to the toilet on the train, not only has to go through the sea of ​​people, but also wait, if you can’t hold it back, you can’t wait, then it’s really——

So before getting in the car, the family of three took turns going to the public restroom.

I don't know when the chaos at the train station started. Anyway, I can hear broadcasts about missing children and missing people on the radio every day.

And people who were trafficked in this era can often be heard in some programs of later generations. Southern Henan Province and Eastern Shandong Province are the hardest-hit areas.

At about eleven o'clock, the ticket check began. When I was in a hurry to find the carriage, my parents didn't forget to explain to her.

"For a while, just squeeze up. If you don't squeeze, you won't be able to get up at all. You can squeeze up with your strength. Don't be afraid of losing things,"

Then he secretly told her that they hid the money well and couldn't lose it.

In fact, Wang Ting's luggage contains very few things, and most of them are packed in the space. Even the parents' luggage has been checked by her, and the important ones are secretly embezzled into her own space. thief.

Regardless of long-distance or short-distance, you are hard to guard against thieves, especially when you get on the bus, they are even more rampant.

So she listened to her mother, not only squeezed hard, but also watched and listened.

After finally getting into the car they were in, they still had to squeeze into their seats, and when they encountered people occupying seats, they would politely ask for their seats.

Usually someone gave up, and the three of them happened to be in the same seat. This is the ticket that Dad had to wait in line for several nights. It was not easy. Even if it was only an hour and a half, he didn't want to stand.

But some people just refused to let them in. They looked exactly the same as those who occupied the seats in the later generations. They were also a family. The old man and the old lady brought their daughters. They looked very well-dressed, but they didn't expect their quality to be so low.

Wang Ting was annoyed by the faces of the family of three, but she was a child, and it was difficult for her to speak at this time, especially when they were discriminating against country people, which made Wang Ting feel ashamed.

This time is not like the later generations. You can take pictures anytime and anywhere, and you can put pressure on the conductor. Now they don’t take care of them at all. With so many people, can they manage it?

In particular, the family of three didn't get on the wrong bus, and they bought tickets without seats at all. Parents were never strong people, and that woman was very talkative.

"I don't care if you bought a seat or not? Who made you slow down? If we get a seat, it's ours!"

"My dad and mom have bad legs and can't stand up. I have to take care of them. Don't be so aggressive, can you?"

Wang Ting was a little speechless: "Auntie, you can run so fast with bad legs, it's amazing!"

"Who is the aunt of the rabbit girl? Who is your aunt? Am I that old?"

Wang Ting nodded seriously, "Auntie, I don't know if you are old or not, but you are thick-skinned and open-minded enough to take your seat for granted. There are not many of you. The seat you are sitting on is my father's. I bought it after queuing for several days. You come up and say that you can take it, but you still shamelessly scold us. Are you guilty and angry, so you use scolding to show your arrogance, which scares us. , I don’t dare to argue with you, a townsman, do I?”

Wang Ting couldn't hold back, and took out a fool camera model to the seat occupant. She picked it up at the train station. She was very excited at first, thinking that she had found a treasure, but it turned out to be a toy model. It's true, it should be that the camera seller dropped the model, and she picked it up, because there is an electronic shopping mall near the train station.

When the woman was about to say something, Wang Ting took out the camera, shook her head, and sneered.

"Do you want to be featured in the newspaper? I don't know if the train seat will become a hot topic in the news these days? Some relatives of my family work in the newspaper office. If you give her the photo, I don't know if there will be a reward for submitting the article. That's enough, we adults don't remember villains, this seat is given to your family of three, I have already photographed your ugly faces just now, parents, let's find a place to stand, don't get along with this kind of uneducated It's against the politeness of people to scold you!"

"Wait, who told you to go? Who told you, an ugly bastard, to shoot me? What right do you have to shoot me? Be careful, I'll sue you!"

"I'm ugly, but you're beautiful? Look at your big mouth, it's red like a sausage, and you're dressed like a city person, but this quality is a bit out of tune. I'm ugly, but I'm not on the train. You are beautiful, you are older than me, but you are really ugly when you grab a seat. My parents are kind and don’t care about you, but I am not afraid of you. Our teacher said, this is immoral and low-quality behavior, don't worry, even if the photo is given to the newspaper, the faces of your family of three will be blurred, but people who are familiar with you can still see it at a glance I recognized it!"

The woman obviously didn't expect that a little girl like her would be so quick-spoken, so she was stunned for a while and didn't say anything. When she realized it and saw the joking expressions of the people around her, she realized that she had been scolded.

"Who are you scolding, you little bastard? Come back to me, who let you go? Come back! Who are you scolding, you, tell me clearly!"

"You little bitch scolded you? As long as the state officials light the fire and don't allow the people to light the lamps? What did you scold us before? Hillbillies? Turtles? What kind of style are you scolding us? What kind of style are you now, looking at you at a young age It’s very gentle, how did you make things so cheap?”

Then she turned her head to look at the two silent old men, always watching as a bystander, letting her daughter shout.

Unlike her parents, one dragged her away, and the other persuaded her not to talk, what else did they say?
What's the big deal?

Yes, it's not a big deal, but she feels sorry for his father who has arranged for a ride in for a few days, just so that she can sit back when she goes home, unlike them who are exhausted every time they squeeze back, she feels sorry , that's why she cares about these things.

"These two... grandpa and aunt, your daughter grabs a seat and still stays here to scold people. You neither persuade nor follow suit. You are completely out of the way. Aren't you too indifferent? Are you a family? A family shouldn't Are you united against the enemy? Why are you so indifferent?"

The old man gave her a deep look, still expressionless, but he said something.

"She will naturally be punished if she encounters a tough guy. If she encounters a soft guy, if she has a seat, she will act like a fool."

The old man's words made Wang Ting a little speechless, "You are talking about our family of three, how useless?"

"Whether it's useful or not, you don't have a clue? Just because I'm still sitting here, you are quite useless."

Wang Ting raised her eyebrows, and suddenly felt that the old man was cute, but before she could say anything else, the shrew had already started to grab her camera, and Wang Ting's backhand broke her hand, the woman The screams like killing a pig resounded through the entire carriage.

Wang Ting quickly let go: "Oh, I'm sorry, I accidentally used too much force. You know, we have strong hands in the countryside, so don't hurt your delicate and slender hands. Let me see if it hurts." Does it hurt?"

Wang Ting suddenly wanted to grab the woman's hand domineeringly, causing her to back away in fright.

"Stop, devil are you? Really a child?"

Wang Ting shrugged noncommittally, "Why, do you still check your household registration?"

"Forget it, I'm convinced. Hey, old man and old lady, what are you still doing? Get up, I didn't win the battle!"

Before Wang Ting could react, she pulled the camera away and tried to pull the film inside, but——

"Fake? You actually took a fake camera?"

"Yeah, the toy I brought to my sister can't be given to you, but you said you would give it up, so why don't you please get up?"

"Actually, it's been like this earlier, so it wouldn't be such a deadlock, would it?"

The woman was so angry that her face was red and her neck was thick, and she snarled at the old man and old lady.

"What are you doing in a daze, get up? Didn't you see this ugly monster came over to pull you?"

"Hey girl, what should I do if I want to continue to sit? She is useless, and we both have to suffer with her. There is a support point under this buttocks, so my body won't be so tired. You let me stand up now. My heart is Resisting." Well, I still rely on it.

Wang Ting turned around dumbfounded, pulled her mother over to sit down, and then waved at the two old people indifferently.

"Take a step back each, the sea and the sky are bright, that's enough, you two elders sit down, where are you going?"

"Get off in City L,"

"Oh, we got off two stops earlier than you, then, since we each took a step back, don't say anything about anyone else!"

The old man and the old lady continued to maintain a blank expression, only their daughter stared at Wang Ting with a foul face.

"Okay, after cooperating for a long time, you kicked me out, right?"

Wang Ting glanced at her sideways, "Auntie, you got up by yourself, and you also offered to let her go. What does it have to do with me?"

"You..." The woman was so angry. Looking at her father and mother again, she took out food from her bag and handed it to the woman sitting in her seat. The woman didn't want it, and her daughter was shameless. received?received?
(End of this chapter)

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